番仔鹽(黃氏四合院古厝) - Kaohsiung City

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Contact 番仔鹽(黃氏四合院古厝)

地址 :

845, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Neimen District, 18號番仔鹽(黃氏四合院古厝)

城市 : Neimen District

845, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Neimen District, 18號番仔鹽(黃氏四合院古厝)
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閩式建築四合院,以曼陀羅彩繪藝術聞名! #內東村 前言: 前言:   本村位於觀亭西方,西隔烏山頭與台南縣龍崎鄉相鄰,南隔二層行溪與瑞山村相鄰,北與中埔村相鄰,日據時代為中埔庄二保,台灣光復後(民國三十九年)更改為內東村。全村面積51、000平方公里,轄分十四鄰。人口男603人,女508人,合計1、111人。 轄內莊名源由及位置簡介: 番仔鹽: 位於內東村的正中央,在明鄭成功來台之前就有荷蘭人在此經商做販鹽的生意,先民見荷蘭人紅頭髮,而稱紅毛番,也叫「番仔」,番仔賣鹽就叫番仔鹽,所以番仔鹽就因此得名。 柿子園: 位於內東村中心,與番仔鹽隔一小溝而相對,在清初先民來台時,一片皆是柿子林,因而稱為柿子園。清道光十五年,居於此地的黃玉華先民考取貢生,在其住屋前高豎旗幟於高空飄揚,遠在幾里外即可瞻仰其旗,於是被稱為旗官厝或旗官腳。又因貢生所建的府第雄偉也叫為黃厝。因而柿子園、旗官腳,黃厝同時並稱。 花林: 位於內東村東南隅,虎頭山的南方,番仔鹽的東南方,在清初時先民來此時,一片都是梅花林,初時叫蝦梅林,後來稱為花林。 虎頭山: 位於內東村的東隅,隔小烏山與中埔村相鄰,花林的北方。其地勢雄偉如虎頭狀,也有人稱為虎穴,與東埔村的龍潭相提並論。虎頭山三面環水,真是山明水秀,以堪輿之論,虎頭山之地是建墳墓的佳地,現在設為內門鄉第七公墓之墓地。虎頭山是清時先民視其地形如虎頭而定名的。 大份田: 位於內東村的東隅,虎頭山與小烏山中間的凹地,是一片良田,於日據時代清丈土地時所命名,稱為大份田。 公山仔: 位於內東村南方。此地為山丘,早期是荷蘭入與我先民共居的地方,因而叫為公山仔。 茄苳崙: 位於內東村東北隅山丘,番仔鹽的北方,其得名是清初先 民來台時,山崙上長滿茄苳樹,因而得名茄苳崙。 茄苳仔: 位於內東村的西北隅,於石堀的北方,其地名是因清先民視其地有高入雲霄的茄苳樹,而定名為茄苳仔。 石堀: 位於內東村的西北方,在茄苳的南方,茄苳崙西方的山凹地方,其地形如一瓢,因此清時先民叫石堀。 烏山頭: 位於內東村的西方,石堀的西南方。烏山縱臥內門的西邊,與台南縣為界,南起烏山頭,北綿延至中央山脈,在觀亭、內門,木柵西看這條山脈終年是黑的,因而清時先民稱這一山脈為烏山,烏山的南端起頭就叫烏山頭。在日據時代在此劃定台南州與高雄州的界線,並在此釘下界樁,因而叫州界。所以州界,烏山頭之名同時並用。站在烏山頭,東可俯覽整個內門盆地,西可瞭望龍崎山地,嘉南平原,若晴朗天氣可這望至海,烏山頭的青山綠竹,景色宜人,是郊遊的好去處。 尪仔上天: 位於內東村的西南隅山地,其山地高尖矗立,在谷底瞻仰矗立的山尖,高入雲霄,似是美麗的泥人飛上天。此地景色可媲美月世界,但是缺少開發,交通不便。尪仔上天是清先民所命名的,當時是叫蓊仔上天。 鹹水埔: 位於內東村的西南隅,於尪仔上天的西南方,與瑞山村的長潭相鄰,其地形四周皆是山地,谷底一塊小平地,平地中有泉水帶鹽味,因此清時先民即稱為鹹水埔。 王厝: 位於內東村的中央,西門國小的西方,清時王姓先民在此定居,其子孫繁多,宅第廣闊,因而被稱為厝。
The Fujian-style architectural courtyard is famous for its mandala painting art! # 内 东村 Foreword: Foreword: Xiben Village is located in the west of Guanting, west of Wushantou is adjacent to Longqi Township of Tainan County, south of Xingxi is adjacent to Ruishan Village, and north is of Zhongpu Village. After Taiwan's recovery (39th year of the Republic of China), it was changed to Neidong Village. The village covers an area of ​​51,000 square kilometers and is divided into fourteen neighbors. The population is 603 males and 508 females, totaling 1,111. Brief introduction to the origin and location of the village name within the jurisdiction: Fanzi Salt: Located in the middle of Neidong Village, before the Ming and Zheng Chenggong came to Taiwan, there were Dutch people doing business in salt trading here. The first people saw the red hair of the Dutch. Salt is called Fanzi Salt, so Fanzi Salt got its name. Persimmon Garden: It is located in the center of Neidong Village, opposite to Panzi Salt, a small ditch. When the ancestors came to Taiwan in the early Qing Dynasty, they were all persimmon forests, hence the name Persimmon Garden. In the fifteen years of Qing Daoguang, the ancestors of Huang Yuhua who lived here took the tribute, and in front of his house, a banner flew high in the sky, and his flag can be viewed from a few miles away, so he was called the flag official's foot or flag official's foot. The majesty built by Gongsheng is also called Huangpi. Therefore, the persimmon garden and the flag official's feet, Huang Yan also said at the same time. Hualin: It is located in the southeast corner of Neidong Village, south of Hutou Mountain, and southeast of Panzi Salt. When the ancestors came in the early Qing Dynasty, a piece of plum forest was called shrimp plum forest, and it was later called flower forest. Hutou Mountain: It is located in the east of Neidong Village. It is adjacent to Zhongpu Village across Xiaowu Mountain and north of Hualin. Its majestic terrain is like a tiger's head, and it is also known as a tiger's hole. Hutou Mountain is surrounded by water on three sides. It is a beautiful landscape. According to public opinion, the land of Hutou Mountain is a good place to build a tomb. Hutou Mountain was named by the ancestors during the Qing Dynasty when it looked like a tiger's head. Oita: Located in the east of Neidong Village, the depression between Hutou Mountain and Xiaowu Mountain is a good field. It was named when the land was cleared in the Japanese era, and it is called Dafentian. Gongshan Tsai: Located in the south of Neidong Village. This place is a hill. In the early days, the Netherlands lived with my ancestors, so it was called Gongshanzi. Solanum: It is located in the hills northeast of Neidong Village and north of Fanzi Salt. It was named after the ancestors of the Qing Dynasty came to Taiwan. Eggplant It is located in the northwestern part of Neidong Village and north of Shijie. Its place name is named as the eggplant seed because the ancestors of the Qing Dynasty regarded it as having a high-flying eggplant tree. Shi Yan: It is located in the northwest of Neidong Village, in the south of Qiaolang, and in the western valley of Qiaolang, its topography is like a scoop, so the ancestors of the Qing dynasty were called Shiji. Wushantou: Located in the west of Neidong Village, southwest of Shijie. Wushan lies on the west side of the inner gate and borders Tainan County. It starts from Wushan head in the south and stretches to the central mountain range in the north. The mountains are black all year round in Guanting, Neimen, and Muzha. A mountain range is Wushan, and the southern end of Wushan is called Wushantou. During the Japanese occupation era, the boundary between Tainan and Kaohsiung was demarcated here, and the boundary pillar was nailed here, so it was called the state boundary. Therefore, the state border and the name of Wushantou are used simultaneously. Standing at Wushantou, you can overlook the entire Neimen Basin in the east, and you can look at Longqi Mountain in the west and the Jianan Plain. If the weather is fine, you can see the sea. Taipa God: It is located in the southwestern mountainous area of ​​Neidong Village. The mountainous area stands high and stands on the bottom of the valley. It rises into the sky like a beautiful clay figure. The scenery here is comparable to the moon world, but the lack of development and inconvenient transportation. Taipa Heaven was named by the Qing ancestors. At that time, it was called Taipa Heaven. Xianshuipu: It is located in the southwestern part of Neidong Village, southwest of Taipa in the sky, and adjacent to the Changtan of Ruishan Village. The terrain is surrounded by mountains, a small flat land at the bottom of the valley, and the flat land has the smell of spring water. Called Xianshuipu. Wang Yan: It is located in the center of Neidong Village, the West Elementary School. In the Qing Dynasty, the ancestors of the surnamed King settled here. It has a large number of descendants and a large house, so it is called a puppet.

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