九龍宮(高雄。內門。內東) - Kaohsiung City

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845, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Neimen District, 九龍宮(高雄。內門。內東)

城市 : Neimen District

845, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Neimen District, 九龍宮(高雄。內門。內東)
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侍奉張公聖君(法主公)的道教廟宇 九龍宮 宗教:道教 主祀神祇:法主公 地址:高雄市內門區內東里柿子園14號 電話:(07)6672334 維基百科介紹 法主真君,全稱為都天蕩魔監雷御史張聖法主真君、降魔救劫天尊,封嘉惠大化普濟真人,簡稱為法主聖君、都天聖君等,俗稱法主公,客家人稱法師公、張法主、張聖君、張聖者。佛教化的道教閭山派所祭祀的神祇,亦有人將祂歸類於道教正一派,有雷神的神格,以善於各種咒語、法術而成為道士的守護神。法主公信仰,流行於福建福州、泉州、漳州,廣東潮州、梅州等地,此信仰尤其流行於泉州安溪族群聚集處,17世紀後,渡臺的安溪茶商,將法主真君香火帶入臺北,法主真君信仰,遂成為流行的臺灣民間信仰之一。由於臺北地區安溪人甚眾,全臺以大臺北地區最為盛行,其中以臺北法主公廟最為著名,高雄市美濃區則是客家族群信奉法主真君的主要地域。馬來西亞泉州永春裔華人也奉爲鄉土神,其移民聚會所永春會館也作祭祀場。法主真君的造像常為手或頸繞蟒蛇(象徵「順」)、另一手持寶劍(「劍」又稱為「鋒」,諧音「風」),故也為旅途之神。整體來說,法主真君的法相,離不開三個要素,蛇、劍、手印。有的金身同時會具備這三個要素,有的只會有兩個。 張慈觀,名自觀,一名祥,字其清,一字克勤,道號慈觀,法號圓覺。人稱張真人、張聖者。福建永泰縣道士(一說為閩清,1024年-1069年),亦僧亦道,相傳在世有神通,能除妖伏魔。清高宗乾隆年間所著的《德化縣誌》載:「煉性於蕉溪山石鼓岩,見石牛山夜火晶熒,知有魈魅,因往其處。魅方於人家迎婦,輿徒甚盛。觀出掌,令人從指縫窺之,魅悉現形」。據考証真人為北宋時人,在南宋時得到封號「嘉惠大化普濟真人」,而非生於南宋時代,北宋間何薳的《春渚紀聞》、方勺《泊宅編》均有張真人的故事記載。 民間相傳,張真人曾經在結義弟兄輔助之下,躍入九龍潭石牛洞的潭水之內,以劍刺殺為患福建永春已久的蛇精,故許多廟宇的法主公塑像,是一手持劍,一手握蛇。張真人神通頗為出名,也因為去除蛇妖的功績,被視為降妖伏魔的大神,羽化後被奉為當地神明,因為張真人以神通、法術著稱,因此被尊為「法主公」。據說,宋朝封贈為「嘉惠大化普濟真人」;明武宗亦曾敕賜張慈觀為「張聖法主真君」,是為法主公 法主真君小法神咒 拜請法天張聖者,身居福郡延泉汀。赤腳修行行正法,兜蛇妙相顯威靈。金沙橋上翻光斗,青龍潭裏早修行。腳踏火輪驅邪穢,手持寶劍斬妖精。行雲致雨霑世界,書符出相渡凡塵。護國救民端妙相,代天行化現真身。四十五年閻浮世,遊行國土救生民。辰月卯日飛身化,化身應現在壇前。左右伽羅五官將,前後駕馬二威兵。三界祖師盧太宰,三壇祖師江舍人。更有蕭劉連聖者,去瘟治病歷苦辛。法門弟子專拜請,張公法主降臨來。神兵火急如律令。 依照各道壇傳承,文字略有出入,大同小異。 法主真君頌 修心閭岳,度人之法主,飛身天庭,監雷為按臣。緣仙食桃而得道,指蛙克蝗以助民。驅生羊則成黑石;活熟魚以為紅鱗。苦民所苦,騰空施雨而解旱;法天之法,叱雷震壇以度人。法鎮浯鄉,真靈在鐵尺其上;謀冠泉郡,大智於瓦堂之鄰。救新娘,讓故友;伏邪道,送瘟神。廣興師教,牒遣南國眾將,大轉法輪,符召東海群真;動鞭而千鬼伏,搖鈴則萬祟馴。 燮理陰陽,靈光普現於上界;監察善惡,神雷廣鳴乎下塵。一心奉請都天蕩魔監雷御史,嘉惠大化真人。 恭請張聖法主真君、弟子某等稽首再拜。 法主真君寶誥 身居閭岳,掌理雷部之師。修道龍潭,授為法中之主。若文若武,統率南疆諸法將,或風或火,令遣下界眾神兵。鞭動山崩鬼魅哭,鈴搖海倒邪祟驚。遇妖即驅,降魔立滅。循善惡以愆尤,察陰陽之功過。威震六合,救度四方。雷電齊鳴度百苦,靈光普濟護羣生。大悲大願,大聖大慈。三十三天監雷法主張聖真君,降魔救劫天尊。
A Taoist Temple Serving Zhang Gong Shengjun Kowloon Palace Religion: Taoism The main deity is worshiped by the god Address: No. 14 Dongli Persimmon Garden, Neimen District, Kaohsiung City Phone: (07) 6672334 Introduction to Wikipedia The true master of the lord, all called Du Tiandang Demon Lei Yushi Zhang Sheng, the true master of lord Dharma, the surviving demon to save the lord, Fengjiahui Dahua Puji real people, referred to as the master of the lord, dutian sheng, etc., commonly known as the master of the law The Hakkas called the Master Gong, Zhang Fazhu, Zhang Shengjun, and Zhang Shengzhe. The deities sacrificed by the Buddhist Taoist Laoshan School are also classified by the Taoist Orthodoxy with the goddess of thunder and become good patron saints with various spells and spells. The faith of the lord of the law is popular in Fuzhou, Quanzhou, Zhangzhou, Fujian, Chaozhou, Meizhou, Guangdong and other places. This belief is particularly popular in the gathering place of the Anxi ethnic group in Quanzhou. After the 17th century, the Anxi tea merchant at the ferry brought the incense of the true master of the lord In Taipei, the Faith of the True Lord of Faith has become one of the popular folk beliefs in Taiwan. Due to the large number of Anxi people in Taipei, Taiwan is the most popular area in Taiwan. Among them, Taipei ’s Dharma Temple is the most famous. Kaohsiung ’s Minong District is the main area where the Hakkas believe in the true ruler of the Dharma. Yongchun Chinese of Quanzhou, Malaysia are also regarded as local gods, and their immigration meeting place, Yongchun Hall, is also used as a sacrifice place. Fazhu Zhenjun's statue is often a hand or neck python (symbol "Shun"), and another hand-held sword ("Sword" also known as "Feng", homophonic "Wind"), so it is also the god of travel. On the whole, the true image of the true master of the Dharma is inseparable from three elements: snake, sword, and fingerprints. Some gold bodies will have these three elements at the same time, and some will only have two. Zhang Ciguan, his own name, one auspicious, the word is clear, the word is Qin, the Taoism is Ciguan, the law is Yuanjue. They are called Zhang Zhenren and Zhang Shengzhe. Taoist priests in Yongtai County, Fujian (one is called Minqing, 1024-1069), also a monk and a Taoist, according to legend, there are magical powers in the world, which can remove demons and demons. "Dehua County Chronicle" written by Emperor Gao Zong of the Qing Dynasty contains: "The refining nature is in Shiguyan, a mountain in Jiaoxi, seeing the night fire of Shiniu Mountain, and it is known that there is charm, because it is where it is. The charm is welcomed by others. The apprentice is very prosperous. When you look at the palm, you can see it from your fingers, and you can see the charm. " According to research, the real person was a person from the Northern Song Dynasty, and he was given the title "Jiahui Dahua Puji Real Person" during the Southern Song Dynasty, instead of being born in the Southern Song Dynasty. There is a story of Zhang Zhenren. According to folk legend, Zhang Zhenren once jumped into the water of Shiniudong, Jiulongtan, with the help of Brother Jieyi, and used a sword to assassinate the snake spirit that has been suffering from Yongchun, Fujian for a long time. Therefore, the statues of the lords of many temples are holding swords. , Holding the snake in one hand. Zhang Zhenren's magical power is quite famous, and because of the achievements of removing the snake demon, he is regarded as a great god who lowers the demon and the demon. After being feathered, he is regarded as a local deity. . It is said that the Song Dynasty conferred the title of "Jinghui Dahua Puji Real People"; Ming Wuzong also gave Zhang Ciguan the "Zhang Shengfa Lord" and was the principal Dharma True Monarch Magic Let's call on Fatian Zhang Sheng, who lives in Yanquan Ting, Fuzhou. Practicing the Fa-rectification barefoot, the wonderful appearance of the snake is awesome. The golden sand bridge turned over, and Qinglongtanli practiced early. Step on the firewheel to drive away evil, and hold a sword to cut the fairies. Traveling clouds cause the rain to touch the world, and the book symbol is to cross the earth. Protecting the country and saving the people, the wonderful appearance, the real world manifestation. Forty-five years Yan Fushi, parade the land to save people. Chen Yue flew into an incarnation the next day, and the incarnation should appear in front of the altar. The five generals of the left and right Garo, two soldiers driving forward and backward. Lu Taizai, the ancestor of the Three Realms, and Jiang She, the ancestor of the three altars. There is also Xiao Liu Liansheng who went to the plague to cure his illness. The disciples of Famen specially invited him, and Lord Zhang Gong came. Divine soldiers are anxious as the law. According to the traditions of the Taoist altars, the text is slightly different, with little difference. Ode to the True Lord Cultivate Xinyue, the master of saving people, flying into the heavens, and supervising Lei as an official. Yuanxian eat peaches and get Tao, referring to frogs locusts to help the people. The driving sheep becomes blackstone; live cooked fish think red scales. The suffering of the bitter people, the drought is emptied and the drought is solved; The town of Fazhen is home to the true spirit on the iron ruler; to seek Guanquan County, Dazhi is adjacent to Watang. Save the bride and let the old friend; Guangxing teachers and teachers sent the generals of the Southern Kingdoms and turned the Falun, calling the East China Sea group true; Regarding yin and yang, the aura of light appears in the upper realm; monitoring the good and evil, the god Lei Guangming is almost in the dust. I wholeheartedly invite Du Tiandang, the demon monitor Lei Yushi, to benefit Dahua. Congratulations to Zhang Shengfa, Lord Zhu, and his disciples. Lord Maharaja Living in Yueyue, the teacher in charge of Lei Bu. Cultivate Taoism in Longtan and be awarded as the master of law. Ruowen Ruowu, the commander generals of the southern Xinjiang, or the wind or fire, ordered to send soldiers from the underworld. Whip landslide ghosts to cry, Bell shakes the sea and is frightened. Encounter a monster and drive away. Follow good and evil to Chiyou, check the yin and yang's achievements. Megatron Liuhe, save the Quartet. The thunder and lightning screamed with all their hardships, and the aura of light saved the multitude. Great sorrow and great wish, great saint and great kindness. Thirty-three day warlord Lei Fa advocates the Holy Emperor, surrendering the demon to rescue and rob the Celestial Master.

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