涵洞瀑布 - Kaohsiung City

4.5/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 涵洞瀑布

地址 :

851, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Maolin District, Unnamed Road涵洞瀑布

城市 : Maolin District

851, Taiwan, Kaohsiung City, Maolin District, Unnamed Road涵洞瀑布
海罐頭 on Google

停車場滿滿雜草,廁所荒廢,但瀑布環境相當優質。 2020-10-02 水清不深,四周也有規劃排水管,可洗手使用,很棒的景點。 好環境大家要一起維護,帶走更多垃圾!
The parking lot is full of weeds and the toilets are deserted, but the waterfall environment is quite good. 2020-10-02 The water is not deep, and there are planned drainage pipes around, which can be used for hand washing. It is a great attraction. We must maintain a good environment together and take away more rubbish!
郭展佑 on Google

Although small, but the water is not deep and very clear, suitable for big and small friends to cool off the heat???
Charlotte L on Google

111/5/28 到訪 前幾天一直下大雨,水量豐沛,容易抵達? 水池邊緣淺淺的,中間可以游泳~
111/5/28 Visit It has been raining heavily a few days ago, and the water is abundant and easy to reach? The edge of the pool is shallow, and you can swim in the middle~
Ruby Wang on Google

地圖導航正確! 是個適合親子的小景點, 好停車,沒有水廁, 清幽怡人:)
The map navigation is correct! It is a small attraction suitable for families. Good parking, no water closet, Peaceful and pleasant :)
七陶小張 on Google

非常好抵達車子直接到 水潭很適合玩水
Very good arrived the car goes directly to The pool is great for playing in the water
炒歸美 on Google

Almost half of the parking lot was flooded with earth and rocks! The toilet is destroyed! The water is clear and cold!
曾俊傑 on Google

I can do this all day!
Lakwatserong iLonggo on Google


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