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85度C。咖啡。蛋糕。烘焙專賣店 - 85cafe.com

精實十五年,85°C 以「咖啡、蛋糕與烘培」經典組合,深耕全台都會商圈與鄉間小鎮。堅持「物超所值」的初衷,分享精緻蛋糕與美味烘培,搭配健康食尚飲品。展臂迎接新食紀,遇見85°C 「Daily Cafe」,由手中的咖啡、麵包與蛋糕,為您傳遞溫暖,共享人生真味

Contact 85度C咖啡蛋糕飲料麵包-大里草湖店

地址 :

412, Taiwan, Taichung City, Dali District, Section 1, Zhongxing Rd, 105號85度C咖啡蛋糕飲料麵包-大里草湖店

電話 : 📞 +88998
網站 : http://www.85cafe.com/
城市 : Zhōngxìng Rd
Description : Bakery/cafe chain with roots in Taiwan, offering coffee & tea plus international desserts & breads.

412, Taiwan, Taichung City, Dali District, Section 1, Zhongxing Rd, 105號85度C咖啡蛋糕飲料麵包-大里草湖店
Iori Kyo on Google

You can trouble your store not to reduce costs and even save fructose because of preferential activities. Buy two cups of iced latte full sugar, and one cup becomes sugar-free. Don't say because you are too busy to forget, there are no customers at the time of purchase!
胡綠綠 on Google

態度不好。?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️ 買飲料還要受氣 不會再去了。?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️
Bad attitude. ?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️ Buy a drink and get angry Will not go again. ?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️
吳小萍 on Google

珍奶味道非常的淡~ 在等的時候就發現有加熱水⋯ 但跟其他85連鎖的也差太多了~ 不推
Jane's milk tastes very weak~ When I waited, I found that there was heated water... But it is too far from other 85 chains~ Don't push
靳希 on Google

It’s also a chain store. Why are the attitudes of your shop assistants so bad? We bought 100 cups at a time. We went to collect coffee every day. Every day, we had a stinky face. Then you should say that you are all newcomers. Don't you know how to say thank you or ashamed? And coffee is getting weaker and weaker. I bought 100 cups and 50 cups are ice cubes. If I don’t improve it well in the future, I won’t go to your home for consumption after receiving 100 cups.
on Google

1/26號下午5:30來本店消費 結果現場一堆客人 店員竟然只有一個 看店員一個人忙來忙去很辛苦欸 是不是應該多排一點人力? 已經好幾次都這樣了 早上都沒這些問題 就下午有 我可以等 但不代表所有客人都願意這樣等 真的需要改進一下
I came to our store at 5:30 pm on the 1/26th, but there was only one clerk in the crowd of customers. It was very hard to see the clerk busy and busy. Shouldn't there be more manpower? It's been like this several times. I don't have these problems in the morning, but in the afternoon. I can wait, but it doesn't mean that all customers are willing to wait like this. It really needs to be improved.
Kin Liu on Google

今天下午久違的來消費咖啡,店裡只有一位男店員,當下有點小忙,他也耐心的幫每個人點餐,輪到我時態度良好,也叫我耐心等候,看了一下google評價,不忙的時候也跟店員稍微聊天了解一下昨天的事情 店員表示,他態度良好,也沒有翻白眼,只是可能當下看錯錢,客人也沒有再追究,反而用這種偏激的言論來批評店家,真的也蠻糟糕的呢! 我想,自由心證吧!如果今天他自己不追究,然後來罵店家,那雙方也都有錯,不是只有誰的問題 但櫃台弟弟人真的很好喔~大家多多來消費,我相信大家都可以感受到他的熱情跟態度 以後一定會常常來光顧的?
This afternoon, I have not come to consume coffee for a long time. There is only one male clerk in the shop. He is a little busy at the moment. He also patiently helps everyone order food. When it’s my turn, he has a good attitude. He also asked me to wait patiently. I checked the Google reviews. When not busy, chat with the clerk to learn about yesterday’s events The clerk said that he had a good attitude and did not roll his eyes. It's just that he might have misread the money at the moment, and the customer did not pursue it anymore. Instead, he criticized the store with such extreme remarks, which is really bad! I think, feel free to prove it! If he doesn’t pursue it himself, and then he comes to scold the store, then both sides are at fault, not just who’s the problem But the younger brother at the counter is really nice~ Everyone spends more time, I believe everyone can feel his enthusiasm and attitude I will definitely come here often in the future?
秦秦ㄦ on Google

買一杯海鹽綠茶,實在有夠難喝,點半糖完全沒有味道!上面的奶蓋也完全沒味道 店家處理方式也有夠爛…
Buying a cup of sea salt green tea is really unpleasant, and there is no taste at all when you order half of the sugar! The milk cap on top is also completely tasteless. The way the store handles it is also bad enough...
妍臻同學 on Google

點food panda 外送,出餐速度超級慢,早上八點38分訂餐,飲料在八點52分才做,蛋糕也不是現做的裝一裝就好了吧?系統原本告知九點以前送到家,結果九點出頭才送來,外送員還從別的地方趕來大里,還比出餐速度快,又不是點很多東西,也只有點兩杯飲料跟兩個蛋糕,一大早其中一個蛋糕就缺貨被取消,這樣剩三個還能用這麼久?蛋糕也沒有很冰,感覺放在常溫下一陣子了,飲料只點一杯海鹽青跟桂圓紅棗茶應該不需要用這麼久吧…如果是這樣的出餐速度加上常常退單那根本沒必要接單!
Order food panda for delivery, the delivery speed is super slow, ordering at 8:38 in the morning, the drinks are only made at 8:52, and the cakes are not ready to pack, right? The system originally told it to be delivered to the house before nine o'clock, but it was delivered at early nine o'clock. The delivery man also came to Dali from other places. It was faster than the meal, and it was not a lot of things, only two drinks and two drinks. A cake, one of the cakes was out of stock early in the morning and was cancelled, so the remaining three can be used for so long? The cake is not very icy either. It feels like it has been kept at room temperature for a while. As a drink, it should not take so long to order a cup of sea salt green tea and longan red date tea. one!

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