85°C Bakery Cafe - Taiping District

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85度C。咖啡。蛋糕。烘焙專賣店 - 85cafe.com

精實十五年,85°C 以「咖啡、蛋糕與烘培」經典組合,深耕全台都會商圈與鄉間小鎮。堅持「物超所值」的初衷,分享精緻蛋糕與美味烘培,搭配健康食尚飲品。展臂迎接新食紀,遇見85°C 「Daily Cafe」,由手中的咖啡、麵包與蛋糕,為您傳遞溫暖,共享人生真味

Contact 85°C Bakery Cafe

地址 :

No. 527號, Taiping Rd, Taiping District, Taichung City, Taiwan 411

電話 : 📞 +8878
網站 : http://www.85cafe.com/
城市 : Taichung City
Description : Bakery/cafe chain with roots in Taiwan, offering coffee & tea plus international desserts & breads.

No. 527號, Taiping Rd, Taiping District, Taichung City, Taiwan 411
Dio on Google

11月17日 早上 人都已經站在櫃檯前面了 沒人來招呼 3個店員都在聊天摸魚 聊天內容還在取笑客人 然後外送人員來報單號 理都不理 當作沒聽到 哀... 這種素質?
November 17th morning Everyone is already standing in front of the counter, no one comes to say hello 3 shop assistants are chatting and fishing The chat content is still making fun of guests Then the delivery staff came to the order number and ignored it, as if they didn’t hear it. Sad... This quality?
黃文杰 on Google

裡面店員其中一個身材比較胖的是被倒會嗎? 態度在差什麼的 真夠不屑
Is one of the clerk who is fatter than being knocked down? What's bad attitude, really disdainful
CH S on Google

The business hours are not listed at 6.45. I want to have a cup of American food one morning, but I waited for 10 minutes and didn't open for business.
Xiang on Google

11/28 晚上九點左右,我站櫃台許久,店員在聊天,沒人招呼,女店員還讓別人插隊點單...輪到我點單的時候態度很差,使我體驗極度不佳,以後不會在光顧。 其他間85度C都沒這問題。。。
11/28 At around nine o'clock in the evening, I stood at the counter for a long time, the clerk was chatting, no one was greeted, and the female clerk asked others to jump in the line to order... When it was my turn to order, the attitude was very poor, which made my experience extremely poor. Will not patronize in the future. There is no such problem in other 85 degrees C. . .
柔柔 on Google

早上去消費,拿了蛋糕兌換卷換了一杯飲料又多買一杯飲料,店員告知 他們店蛋糕卷只能換蛋糕(老實說有多少店家能保證蛋糕新鮮) 奇怪 有的店可以補差價換別的飲品,有的就不行換很堅持換上面東西 明明就是同一個總公司,兌換卷兌換方式那麼多店家制度不同 ,這樣麻煩的兌換 以後根本就不會想要在購買85的電子卷了!
I went to consume in the morning, exchanged cake rolls for a drink and bought an extra drink. The clerk told them that the cake rolls can only be exchanged for cakes (to be honest, how many stores can guarantee the freshness of the cakes) It’s weird that some shops can make up the price difference for other drinks, and some can’t change it and insist on changing the above items. Obviously it is the same head office. There are so many different store systems for the redemption voucher exchange system, so that the troublesome redemption will never want to buy 85 electronic voucher in the future!
yabe yo on Google

The two recent green teas are the same as water, without a drop of tea taste. I remember that what I ordered was not ice water with milk foam.
陳家棋 on Google

哥哥妹妹的造型蛋糕都是在這裡買,很可愛蛋糕也好吃不會太乾。機器人大推,佩佩豬也很立體可愛???? 11/29妹妹生日,昨天要拿蛋糕,得知店員說忘了送單,導致沒有蛋糕?,是他們的疏失,願意讓我們現場挑一個蛋糕,打85折還送2杯飲料,雖然一開始沒有妹妹的蛋糕不是很開心,但是很佩服店員的服務態度和願意使用折扣商品還有免費送兩杯大杯飲料,讓我對這個1900上班的員工真的很滿意❤,至少他們有安撫到客人的情緒,事情處理的也很妥當。??? ps.蜂蜜檸檬乳酪蛋糕超好吃,不會太甜也不會太膩。??上面兩隻蜜蜂就哥哥妹妹一人一隻也不會吵架。哈哈~
The cakes made by my brothers and sisters are all bought here. They are cute and delicious without being too dry. The robot is pushing, Pepe Pig is also very three-dimensional and cute???? For my sister’s birthday on 11/29, I wanted to get a cake yesterday. I learned that the clerk said that he had forgotten to deliver the order and there was no cake. It was their negligence. They were willing to let us pick a cake on the spot and give us 2 drinks at a 15% discount. The cake without a sister is not very happy, but I admire the clerk’s service attitude and willingness to use discounted goods and two large drinks for free. I am really satisfied with this employee who went to work in 1900. At least they can comfort the guests. The emotions, things are handled properly. ??? ps. The honey lemon cheesecake is super delicious, not too sweet or too greasy. ?? The two bees on the top will not quarrel with one brother and sister. Haha~
800 74 on Google

預定母親節蛋糕結果被其他沒有預定的"現場客人"拿走,我提早訂到底有什麼意義?電話回覆也沒有很流暢回答我的疑問!給錯的店員居然叫他回家反省??我有聽錯嗎還是現在是在教小學生,看是要扣薪還是其他懲處也都沒有,店長還問我說那你有受到什麼影響嗎?這還要問嗎= = 總之這次消費非常不愉快
What's the point of ordering a cake for Mother's Day when it was taken by other "live guests" who didn't book it? The phone call didn't answer my questions smoothly either! The wrong clerk actually told him to go home and reflect? ? Did I hear it wrong, or is it still teaching elementary school students, whether there is a salary deduction or no other punishment, the store manager also asked me to say, have you been affected in any way? Do you still have to ask = = In short, this consumption is very unpleasant

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