弎代鹽水雞 • 86 Donuts現烤甜甜圈-新竹總店(店休會公佈於臉書粉專) - North District

4.9/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 弎代鹽水雞 • 86 Donuts現烤甜甜圈-新竹總店(店休會公佈於臉書粉專)

地址 :

300, Taiwan, Hsinchu City, North District, Shilin Second St, 86號弎代鹽水雞 • 86 Donuts現烤甜甜圈-新竹總店(店休會公佈於臉書粉專)

電話 : 📞 +889888
網站 : https://m.facebook.com/pages/category/Local-Service/%25E4%25B8%2589%25E4%25BB%25A3%25E9%25B9%25BD%25E6%25B0%25B4%25E9%259B%259E-86-Donuts-%25E6%2596%25B0%25E7%25AB%25B9%25E6%2597%2597%25E8%2589%25A6%25E5%25BA%2597-106336314488057/
城市 : Shilin Second St

300, Taiwan, Hsinchu City, North District, Shilin Second St, 86號弎代鹽水雞 • 86 Donuts現烤甜甜圈-新竹總店(店休會公佈於臉書粉專)
Thom Chen on Google

健康餐的好選擇!食材新鮮吃得出用心,調味講究,吃得健康也顧得到好味道!店面舒適,是大家的好鄰居! 大大推薦好店。
Good choice for a healthy meal! The ingredients are fresh and carefully eaten, seasoning is exquisite, and you can eat healthy and taste good! The store is comfortable and a good neighbor for everyone! Great store recommended.
沈宜婷 on Google

在熊貓訂購外帶去取餐時,前往的路上還很懷疑,怎麼會隱身在巷弄的鹹水雞,而且跟其他鹹水雞不同的是店面很清新明亮乾淨,店內有桌椅能用餐,老闆還很親切,停車又方便! 我購買的是雞胸肉及四樣菜,菜單能挑選你要的口味及料理方式,重點是好吃!
When I ordered a takeout to pick up a meal at Panda, I wondered how it would hide the saltwater chicken in the alley. What is different from other saltwater chickens is that the store is very fresh, bright and clean. There are tables and chairs for dining. The owner also Very kind and convenient for parking! I bought chicken breast and four dishes. The menu can choose the taste and cooking method you want. The focus is on delicious!
S Oxum on Google

二訪心得:每次都是開門訪客,老闆應該是覺得為何一開門就來心累吧?,點菜內容有些許不同,但也無礙,只是當下回應讓感受相對受影響了,整體還是很棒,一樣祝福初創的老闆生意興隆?? 初訪心得:包裝方便且環境衛生,甜甜圈很刷嘴 小朋友們超愛,鹽水雞食材乾淨新鮮, 唯有調味過淡,胡椒粉過多導致口感都是粉?
Second visit experience: Every time it is a visitor who opens the door, the boss should think why the heart is tired as soon as the door is opened ?, the content of the order is slightly different, but it does not matter, but the immediate response makes the feeling relatively affected, and the whole is still very Great, bless the start-up boss to have a prosperous business?? First visit experience: The packaging is convenient and the environment is hygienic, and the donuts are very brushy The kids love it, the brine chicken ingredients are clean and fresh, Only the seasoning is too light, and too much pepper causes the taste to be powdery?
HC YA on Google

(Translated by Google) Say sorry to the boss When I first got it for delivery, I thought that the chicken gizzard was separate from the brine chicken, and I mistakenly thought it was not given to the chicken gizzard >< 好吃,選不辣但胡椒粉部分有點辣
曾柏文 on Google

I don’t want to eat dinner tonight. Come and try some other flavors of brine chicken. The store is lively and young. Unlike ordinary brine chicken stores, the brine chicken is spicy with spicy flavor. Of course, it’s medium spicy! ! The taste suits my appetite very well. The most peculiar thing is that you can also choose fruit, which is quite special! Next time, choose a little fruit and add saltwater chicken. Donuts are also sold in the store. Of course I would like to eat it if I am addicted to desserts!
洪玉潔 on Google

Business is good, go after 7pm and some items are sold out. Originally ordered half chicken, but the boss said leftover chicken breasts, unexpectedly delicious! Not woody and very flavorful. Fresh ingredients, great seasoning.
李昌驊 on Google

初訪看著菜單,有點暈不知所措,老闆很熱心的依據人數,做了最佳的組合建議。 回到家好像蝗蟲過境一下就吃完了,只能埋怨老闆,這麼好吃怎麼不多抓一點份量啦?! 這口味一絕,尤其辣椒我們家人都很愛,老闆也很大方送了一些東西(我不敢說怕老闆虧本)? 給五顆星一點都不為過!我自己再另外補5顆⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Dream Yeh on Google

今天二訪後給予更高的評價,個人認為這家鹽水雞店值得六星評價!首先便宜好吃已經是基本,老闆熱情好客。味道鮮美好吃,第一次來訪時有送蘿蔔、第二次有送馬鈴薯。老闆豪氣大方,而且或許因為老闆曾擔任過導遊,因此搭話起來特別起勁。 老闆令人映象深刻之處就在跟他聊鹽水雞,居然反而會介紹起新竹鹽水雞各家特色,不怕被搶生意,要知道這家店最大弱點就在地點偏遠,基本不會在上班放學路徑上,若沒有足夠信心,很可能我一訪後就不會再訪。但這家店的美味與便宜讓我覺得可以常來。 雞肉方面,味道美味滿分,雞胸肉肉質軟嫩多汁不乾柴,雞腿肉鮮嫩多汁,搭配雞皮香Q彈牙,口感十足。最重要的點是他去骨去得很完全,讓人吃得很過癮。 調味方面,他們的辣味是屬於四川麻辣,老闆有說在大陸學的炒辣技巧,這使得他們調味不會死鹹而口味單一。椒麻的味道搭配鮮嫩多汁的雞肉真得是絕配~不習慣吃辣的建議從原味點起,但若習慣吃辣就會吃得非常起勁,油香、蒜香、椒麻香搭配起來非常迷人。 其他雞肉部位個人推薦生腸、雞皮,吃起來口感層次多、有嚼勁,生腸有種粉的感覺,搭配調味汁來吃特別美味。雞皮有一種煙燻感覺,吃起來也是香脆又增添風味。 蔬菜部分,個人是建議點蘿蔔、青花椰菜。花椰菜吃起來脆綠而甜,為整個濃郁的味道帶來一個清淡風味。蘿蔔給人感覺就是軟而有蔬菜甜。為整體偏脆的口感增添另一種氣氛。 套餐組合,幾乎都有搭配免費可樂,或許是老闆怕口味太重讓大家可以搭配飲料來喝,但這是個人選擇。我是沒有買套餐,一方面是不必一定要搭配可樂、另一方面老闆幾乎都會送東西,非常划算。 最後該店還有賣甜甜圈,若覺得單吃鹽水雞不飽,餐後來個甜甜圈飽足一下也是不錯的。 幾乎除了地點略偏遠沒任何問題,但也因為地點偏遠,停車方便、來店的幾乎都外送員、以及熟知他們味道的老饕客。且也正是地點偏僻使得所有食材都更加便宜!推薦喜歡鹽水雞的都來嘗試!
I gave a higher evaluation after the second visit today. I personally think this salted chicken restaurant deserves a six-star evaluation! First of all, cheap and delicious food is basic, and the owner is hospitable. It was delicious and delicious, with carrots on the first visit and potatoes on the second. The boss is arrogant and generous, and perhaps because the boss has served as a tour guide, he speaks very enthusiastically. The most impressive thing about the owner is to talk to him about brine chicken, but he will actually introduce the characteristics of Hsinchu brine chicken. You are not afraid of being robbed of business. You must know that the biggest weakness of this store is its remote location, and it basically doesn’t work. If I don’t have enough confidence on the way out of school, it is very likely that I will not visit again after the visit. But the deliciousness and cheapness of this store makes me feel like I can come often. As for the chicken, the taste is full. The chicken breast is soft and juicy, and the chicken thigh is tender and juicy. It is full of flavor with the fragrant chicken skin. The most important point is that he removes the bones completely and makes people enjoyable. In terms of seasoning, their spiciness is Sichuan spicy, and the boss said that they learned the frying skills in the mainland, which makes their seasoning not too salty and single in taste. The taste of pepper and sesame is a perfect match with the tender and juicy chicken. If you are not used to spicy food, it is recommended to start with the original flavor, but if you are used to spicy food, you will eat it very vigorously. The combination of oil, garlic, and pepper sesame fragrance is very charming. I personally recommend raw intestines and chicken skin for other chicken parts. They have a layered texture and chewy texture. Raw intestines have a powdery feel. They are especially delicious when eaten with sauces. The chicken skin has a smoky feel, and it tastes crispy and adds flavor. For the vegetable part, I personally recommend some radish and broccoli. Cauliflower tastes crisp green and sweet, bringing a light flavor to the whole rich flavor. Turnips feel soft and sweet with vegetables. Add another atmosphere to the overall crispy taste. Almost all set meals are accompanied by free Coke. Perhaps the boss is afraid that the taste is too heavy for everyone to drink with a drink, but this is a personal choice. I didn't buy a set meal. On the one hand, I don't have to match it with Coke. On the other hand, the boss almost always gives something away, which is very cost-effective. Finally, the store also sells doughnuts. If you feel that salted chicken alone is not enough, it is good to have a doughnut after the meal. There is almost no problem except for the remote location, but also because of the remote location, convenient parking, almost all delivery staff who come to the store, and old gluttons who know their taste. And it is the remote location that makes all the ingredients cheaper! It is recommended for anyone who likes brine chicken to try it!

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