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Contact 鎖港海蝕洞

地址 :

880, Taiwan, Penghu County, Magong City, 鎖港里鎖港海蝕洞

城市 : Magong City

880, Taiwan, Penghu County, Magong City, 鎖港里鎖港海蝕洞
顏文彬 on Google

照片是礁頭 海蝕洞只佔一小地方 颱風時海蝕洞的浪很大 非常危險的 所以當地立了一塊碑鎮煞
The photo is Jiaotou The sea cave only occupies a small area The waves in the sea cave during the typhoon are very big Very dangerous So there was a monument to Zhensha
陳金生 on Google

Excellent scenery and fishing location
Yu-Ping Su on Google

來的時候都是當地釣客來? 有時來不是觀光景點看看走走也不錯 還有這裡有好多隻流浪狗⋯ 如果可以的話可以給他們水和食物?
When they came, they were all local fishermen. Sometimes it’s not good to take a look at sightseeing spots. There are also a lot of stray dogs here. Give them water and food if you can
Chao Lin Yang on Google

Fishing ? is also a scenic spot, and the scenery is ordinary!
Mor on Google

超適合濳水海釣,水深落差大 快來感受大自然的威嚴
Super suitable for sea fishing in Yishui, with large water depth and drop Come and feel the majesty of nature
Tzu hsin Yu on Google

就是個海邊 是海蝕平台 很大~~ 很熱~~~ 有一個神秘的防空洞但裡面都是水不敢進去
Just a seaside Is a sea eclipse platform Very big~~ Very hot~~~ There is a mysterious air-raid shelter but it is full of water and dare not go in
陳炎能 on Google

使用谷歌地圖導航,抵達目的地時,可以看到一片水泥空地,剛好可以停車,這裡有一條小徑下去,不過,這樣,你將看不到海蝕洞,你看到的將是一大片的海蝕平台與各式奇形怪狀的岩石,還有一些釣客在釣魚,海岸、海灣岩壁非常壯觀,時而飛機從天上飛過,也有廢棄的碉堡,可是,海蝕洞呢??它在這一大片海蝕平台的另一端,谷歌地圖標示的位置有點誤差,應該從上面水泥空地,再往前走幾十公尺,會發現有座圍牆裡有小塔公,海蝕洞就在那裡的正下方,旁邊有小徑可以下去,注意這裡處處長滿了仙人掌,地形相當特殊,不過,好像是天然階梯,可以很安全的走下去。 鎖港海蝕洞不僅造型特殊,旁邊盡是廣大的海蝕平台,高高低低像是天然的石梯,不僅是在地人情有獨鍾的浮游磯釣釣場,更是旅遊玩家的私房景點,是個攝影的好地方。 (海岸邊螃蟹數量非常龐大,牡蠣也佔滿了海岸。) 站在岸邊,遠眺藍天白雲與海洋搭成一色,海風徐徐吹來,旁邊響著海浪拍打的聲音,看著平台遠端釣客沈浸在釣趣中,剎時,天空飛過數隻燕鷗,一切如此美好靜謐,真是慢活悠閒的好地方,值得大家來此一遊喔!
李奕廷 on Google

有兩隻阿黃 其中一隻很膽小,餓得瘦巴巴,餵他吃東西他也不太敢吃,不然就是被其他黑狗搶去吃,有去做釣的,若有多餘的食物可以施捨一下給阿黃嗎,他好像有結紮了,不用怕餵他他會到處亂生小狗?
There are two Ah Huang One of them was very timid and was so hungry that he didn't dare to eat anything he was fed, otherwise he would be robbed by other black dogs. Some of them went fishing. Well, he seems to be ligated, don't be afraid to feed him he will give birth to puppies everywhere?

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