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No. 29號, Lane 32, Section 2, Anhe Rd, Da’an District, Taipei City, Taiwan 106

電話 : 📞 +887
城市 : Taipei City

No. 29號, Lane 32, Section 2, Anhe Rd, Da’an District, Taipei City, Taiwan 106
리웨스 on Google

A 30-year-old shop, but the boss's attitude is daunting.
Michael Wang on Google

有人說老闆的態度讓人不敢恭維,其實我想那是政治立場不同吧?老闆很愛聊天,對於政治也確實有很明確的立場,但是我覺得扣除掉這一點,老闆的技術和價位其實真的很不錯。我給五顆星是基於眼鏡的處理和製作上給的 -- 畢竟那才是眼鏡行的重點。
Some people say that the boss's attitude makes people dare not compliment. In fact, I think that is a different political position? The boss loves to chat, and he does have a very clear position on politics, but I think the technology and price of the boss are really good. I give five stars based on the processing and production of glasses-after all, that is the focus of the glasses industry.
Ching-chieh Kuo on Google

這次第凡內沒有女星(註一)賣你早餐,這次第凡內只有大叔賣你眼鏡,而且店裡面沒有任何湖水綠(註二) 的元素,大家可以結束少女期待或者少婦的慾望了。 把時空拉回卅年前(你以為你有無限手套,嘖嘖),雖然我們沒有小叮噹或者時間寶石(註三) 的幫忙也知道,卅年前兒童還沒有全面的近視,要說眼鏡是個民生產業相當的勉強,畢竟正個社會不到78%近視,不到5%的人擁有墨鏡,老花的爺奶們100%都在郵局或者圖書館借公用眼鏡看報紙(以上的數據全然是亂謅,請數據宅幫幫忙指正,整體編輯部頓首),因為時空與社會的特殊性,眼鏡產業基本上是個殘障輔具跟中二時尚配件,想像有多少天真的兒童偷戴長輩眼鏡,然後整天想像自己以後近視戴眼鏡的樣子,有這種不切實際的情懷也是讓人肅然起敬,孩子們,眼鏡是可以配平光或者抗藍光,不需要真正近視啊,想戴角膜放大片的變身成為蠑螈娃娃魚的族群,也不用真的近視好嗎?也沒有人會把自己雙眼戳瞎然後戴墨汁眼鏡(註四) ,這些獵奇的例子不勝枚舉,讓我們就此打住。 不過卅年前雖然眼鏡產業無法取得民生產業的入場卷,業者倒也是活得光鮮亮麗,根據編輯部不負責任的觀察,能經營超過卅年的非連鎖實體眼鏡通路,店面幾乎都是老闆自有,如果用成本結構去評估,以華國這十五年萬物飆漲的瘋狂,店面若不是自己擁有,幾乎都是要給無良房東用租金年年漲打趴,能用一種情懷緩慢地做生意,不是家世背景可以讓你選市長或者中執委,就是地產大亨或者黨產大亨本人,所以第凡內能夠用一種情懷在做生意跟交朋友,大家不必仇富也不必復仇,畢竟這世界上已經有復仇者聯盟了,主持宇宙正義就交給他們還有帥帥的瓦干達國王就好,老闆能夠守住房地產,沒有把錢全部慘賠再80年代的股市泡沫裡頭,多少也是值得人景仰的,有多少人前地產大亨曾經在股市裡頭血本無歸呢?一個合理的社會應該創造合理並且的創業環境跟機會,讓各行各業繁榮茂盛萬人崢嶸才是,如果所有的資本都集中到某個產也或者寡頭手中,社會沒有機會合理成長的,一個社為只產生一個郭董沒用,最多就是跟女明星傳傳八卦,或者跟舞蹈老師繼續複製小孩,充滿了生氣勃勃的創業家才是我們應該投入的方向,以第凡內王董的例子來說,年輕投入創業,最風光的時候有自己的微型連鎖體系,請了不少的僱員與業務,創造了不少工作機會,晚年小孩長大獨立,也不用靠別人養活,也領不到政府補助,這不就是最理想的狀態?退休前創造工作機會,退休後能夠自我管理,雖然王董已經喊退休好幾年,但是,王董大概閒不下來,還要勞碌好一陣子,除非大家用新台幣把所有的庫存下架,有可能嗎? 作為一個業內資深的老屁股跟老B央,王董的任何走鐘跟萬般的失控在編輯部的眼裡都萬分可愛,有種反差萌,他就一個固執嘴砲任性老頭,實在沒有什麼好計較的,而且王董本來就是黨國教育下的產物,他熱愛字帖書法跟古玩,平常不只唱卡拉OK還聽相聲CD,跟一群老朋友在小吃談喝酒時還會不理性的謾罵民進黨政府,甚至會嫌棄蔡英文沒有帝王之相還長得不夠好看,So what?蔡英文長的像是尤達大師(註五)怎麼樣?副總統接待原力代表團又如何?星戰宅我驕傲,別人笑我太肥宅,我笑他人看不穿,而這樣的黨國深藍伯不是遍地開花嘛?一個言論自由的社會,除了應該剷除共匪以外,所有的人都該用力擁抱自己的立場,作為差異的個體跟族群也該努力捍衛言論自由不是嗎?這才是我們社會的基礎價值,這價值沒法讓中國用價錢買走的(你說的是慈濟最近把自己的電視節目下架嗎?註六),畢竟深綠的眼鏡行也是不少,如果覺得腦闆深藍就不給他賺生活費就算了,畢竟作為一個尊重專業的新台灣人,只要對方服務專業,我實在懶得理對方的黨派立場,竟算是萬惡的共匪要拿出香甜的鈔票出來誘惑我們,我們也會笑著站著把錢給收了,然後立馬換成台幣或者美金抑或日幣逃離非曲,商人有沒有族國不知道,但是Money is Money,Profesion is Profesion.,給我金錢不要給我同情,給我專業不要給我話術,所以跟王董買眼鏡毫無壓力或者道德困境,不然你以為我們花錢買的是立場嗎?我們買的是專業的服務,當然這時候覺青不免跳出來吶喊:你的每一個消費都在宣示自己的立場?我的立場就是能給台灣人賺就給台灣人賺,台灣人賺不了的就麻煩外國人幫忙,難道覺青嘴裡的每一口咖啡都是公平交易台灣咖啡?還是每一口白米飯都是支持台灣獨立的老農種出來的?或這每天逛的淘寶跟蝦皮都是台灣政府轉投資?所以不要覺性覺到腦袋ㄎ 一尢掉,人可以抽大麻跟吃蘑菇搞到人ㄎ 一尢掉,那是世界上最愉快的事情,但是沒有培養邏輯跟理解世界的基本能力然後ㄎ 一尢掉,都不知道要怎說你了。 王董的第凡內眼鏡行,裝潢風格大概是三十年前的主流,粗體電鍍的立體字,後加的紅色系帆布與遮與紅底白字的燈箱招牌,搭配店內東倒西外的書籍跟收藏,當然還有滿山滿谷的心舊庫存,他們家的洗手間 很恐怖,勸你不要傻傻去借洗手間,在店內偶而能夠發現不可思議的設計或者風格,如果你熱愛舊時代的狂放眼鏡設計,如果你都買無印良品風味眼鏡,請略過以上三千字,第凡內眼鏡總是可以挖出些寶貝,如果真要說什麼要小心的,就是王董無邊無際的聊天能力,短則卅分鐘,長澤雅美,不,是長則三個小時,他老人家可能有聊天界的無限寶石吧,那顆寶石還藍藍的。 註一:奧黛麗赫本Audrey Kathleen Hepburn-Ruston(1929-1993),跨世代的超級巨星,曾經在第凡內早餐出現,沒有賣過早餐。 註二:湖水綠是跨產業的顏色,從高價珠寶一路用到藥妝通路或者陽明山上的咖啡店。 註三:無限手套上的寶石之一,有時間控制的能力,本來為奇異博士保管,也不知道為什麼要輕易給給薩諾斯? 註四:周星馳的古裝電影裡面都稱墨鏡為墨汁眼鏡,在此紀念星爺,紀念個屁,人家只是沒有新作品,還沒有做做仙。 註五:尤達—Star Wars系列裡面年紀最高,身高最矮,臉色最綠,原力最強的絕地大師,不過前一陣子不小心領便當變成絕地英靈,還一把火把絕地聖殿放火燒毀(今年五倍!!!),只為了喚醒中年憂鬱自溺天行者路克,大師就是大師,想放火沒在客氣。 註六:慈濟主導的大愛電視台自我言論審查,因為內容涉及親日與媚日的內容,開演兩集就自己把自己下架,作為言論審查的強大打手,能夠做到這個地步也算是功德無量審查無量,感恩師父,讚嘆師父,大愛出品品質保證。 註七:同註八,一樣七八。 註八:同註七,一樣七八。 #小甜甜哥白尼 #木柵奧利佛 #野人掀鋪 #臉怕出油豬怕肥 #人生很短進度要趕 #五分熟男塾 #裁判跟球員都是我的人 #聞氫哥哥誰理你 #文青 #網美 #網紅 #網肥 #覺青 #把不到妹妹就把頭 #翻譯翻譯
This time there is no actress in Tiffany (Note 1) to sell you breakfast, this time Tiffany only has uncle selling your glasses, and there is no lake green in the store (Note 2) With the element of this, everyone can end the girl’s expectation or the young woman’s desire. Take time and space back to 30 years ago (you thought you had infinite gloves, tut), although we don’t have Tinkerbell or Time Gem (Note 3) My help also knows that children did not have full myopia 30 years ago. If you say that glasses are a relatively difficult job in the civilian industry, after all, less than 78% of people are myopic in society, and less than 5% of people have sunglasses. Old-fashioned grandma 100% read newspapers with public glasses at the post office or library (the above data is completely messy, please help me with the data house to correct me, the overall editorial department first), because of the particularity of space and society, the glasses industry is basically a handicapped assistant With fashion accessories from Secondary Two, I imagine how many innocent children wear glasses for their elders, and then imagine how they would wear glasses for myopia all day long. This unrealistic feeling is also awe-inspiring. Children, glasses are It can be equipped with flat light or anti-blue light. You don't need to be really nearsighted. If you want to wear a magnifying cornea and become a group of salamanders, you don't need to be really nearsighted. No one would poke himself blind and wear ink glasses (Note 4) , These curious examples are too numerous to list, let us stop here. However, although the optical industry was unable to obtain admission to the civilian production industry 30 years ago, the industry was still alive and well. According to the irresponsible observation of the editorial department, the non-chain physical eyewear channel that has been able to operate for more than 30 years is almost exclusively owned by the owner. Yes, if you use the cost structure to evaluate, based on China’s fifteen years of soaring madness, if the store is not owned by itself, almost all of them will be used to increase rents for unscrupulous landlords. In business, either your family background allows you to elect the mayor or the executive committee member, or the real estate tycoon or the party tycoon himself, so Tiffany can use a kind of sentiment to do business and make friends. You don’t need to hate the rich or have revenge. There are already Avengers in the world. Just leave it to them and the handsome King Waganda to preside over the justice of the universe. The boss can hold the real estate without losing all the money in the stock market bubble of the 1980s. It is worth it. People admire, how many former real estate tycoons have lost their money in the stock market? A reasonable society should create a reasonable and entrepreneurial environment and opportunities to make all walks of life prosper and thrive. If all capital is concentrated in the hands of a certain industry or oligarch, the society has no chance to grow reasonably. It’s useless to produce only one Guo Dong. The most is to share gossip with female celebrities, or continue to copy children with dance teachers. Entrepreneurs full of vitality are the direction we should invest in. Take the example of Wang Dong in Difan. In other words, when young people invest in entrepreneurship, they have their own micro-chain system when they are at their best. They hire a lot of employees and businesses, and create a lot of job opportunities. Children grow up to be independent in their later years, and they don’t have to rely on others to support them, nor can they receive the government. Subsidy, isn't this the ideal state? Create job opportunities before retirement and be able to self-manage after retirement. Although Wang Dong has been calling for retirement for several years, Wang Dong probably won’t be able to take time off and will have to work for a while, unless everyone uses NT dollars to remove all inventory. is it possible? As a veteran old butt and old boy in the industry, any of Wang Dong's clock and all kinds of out of control are extremely cute in the eyes of the editorial department. There is a kind of contrast. He is a stubborn and willful old man. There is really nothing good. Careful, and Wang Dong was originally a product of party-state education. He loves copybooks, calligraphy and antiques. He usually not only sings karaoke but also listens to cross talk CDs. He also irrationally abuses the DPP government when talking with a group of old friends over snacks and drinks. , I might even think that Tsai Ing-wen does not look good enough without the appearance of an emperor, So what? How about Tsai Ing-wen's long look like Master Yoda (Note 5)? How about the Vice President receiving the Force delegation? I am proud of the Star Wars House. Others laugh at me as a fat house. I laugh at others and I can’t see through. But isn’t such a party-state deep blue uncle blooming everywhere? In a society with free speech, in addition to eradicating the Communist bandits, all people should embrace their position vigorously. Different individuals and ethnic groups should also strive to defend freedom of speech, right? This is the basic value of our society. This value cannot be bought by China at a price (Did you say that Tzu Chi recently removed its TV show? Note 6). After all, there are also many dark green eyewear shops. If you think Deep Blue doesn’t make money for him, then forget it. After all, as a new Taiwanese who respects professionalism, as long as the other party’s services are professional, I really don’t bother to care about the other party’s party stance. It’s a wicked Communist who wants to take out sweet money. Come out to seduce us, we will also stand and collect the money with a smile, and then immediately change to Taiwan dollars or U.S. dollars or Japanese yen to escape from the non-qu, the merchant does not know whether there is a nationality, but Money is Money, Profesion is Profesion., give I don’t have money to sympathize with me, give me professionalism and don’t give me word skills, so there is no pressure or moral dilemma to buy glasses with Dong Wang. Otherwise, do you think we are paying for our standpoint? What we buy is professional service. Of course, at this time, Jue Qing can't help but jump out and shout: Are your every consumption proclaiming your position? My position is that if you can make money for Taiwanese, you can make money for Taiwanese. If Taiwanese can't make money, you will trouble foreigners to help. Do you think that every sip of coffee in Qing's mouth is a fair trade Taiwanese coffee? Or is every bite of white rice grown by old farmers who support Taiwan’s independence? Or are the Taobao and Xiaopi that I visit every day are reinvested by the Taiwanese government? So don’t feel that your head is lost. People can smoke marijuana and eat mushrooms. That’s the happiest thing in the world, but they don’t cultivate logic and the basic ability to understand the world. , I don't know what to say about you. The decoration style of Wang Dong’s Difan glasses shop was the mainstream of thirty years ago. The bold electroplated three-dimensional characters, the red canvas and the light box sign with the cover and white characters on the red background, match the store’s east and west. Books and collections, and of course the old inventory full of mountains and valleys, their bathroom Very scary, I advise you not to borrow the bathroom stupidly. You can occasionally find incredible designs or styles in the store. If you love the wild glasses design of the old age, if you buy MUJI glasses, please skip the above 3000 words , Tiffany's glasses can always dig out some treasures. If you really want to say something, you must be careful, it is Wang Dong’s endless chatting ability, which is as short as 30 minutes, Nagasawa Yamei, no, it is as long as three hours, his elderly There may be an infinite gem in the chat world, and that gem is still blue. Note 1: Audrey Kathleen Hepburn-Ruston (1929-1993), a superstar who has crossed the generations, once appeared in Tiffany for breakfast and never sold breakfast. Note 2: Lake green is a cross-industry color, from high-priced jewellery all the way to drugstores or coffee shops on Yangming Mountain. Note 3: One of the gems on the Infinite Gloves has the ability to control time. It was originally kept by Doctor Strange, but I don't know why it was given to Thanos easily? Note 4: In Zhou Xingchi's costume movies, sunglasses are referred to as ink glasses. Here, I commemorate the star, commemorate the ass. They just don't have new works and haven't made them. Note 5: Yoda-the oldest Jedi master in the Star Wars series, the shortest height, the greenest complexion, and the strongest force, but a while ago he accidentally took a lunch box into a Jedi hero, and set fire to the Jedi Temple ( Five times this year!!!), just to awaken the middle-aged melancholy and self-drowning Skywalker Luke, the master is the master, and it is not polite to want to set fire. Note 6: Tzu Chi's self-censorship of speech by Da Ai TV station, because the content involves pro-Japanese and Japanese-enjoying content, he removed himself from the shelves after the first two episodes. As a powerful fighter for speech censorship, being able to do this can be considered a great merit. Infinite review, grateful to Master, praise Master, and guarantee the quality of products produced by Da Ai. Note 7: Same as Note 8, same as Seven or Eight. Note 8: Same as Note 7, same as Seven or Eight. #小甜甜哥白尼 # Muzha Oliver #野人揭铺 #Fear of oily pigs afraid of fat #人生很短事件要 regarding #五分熟男塾 # Referee and players are my people #Wen hydrogen brother who cares about you #文青 #网美 #网红 #网肥 #觉青 #把不妹妹就把头#翻译翻译

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