鐵爐寺 - Lane 58

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屏東鐵爐寺 Tielu Temple - 鐵爐寺 - Tielu.org.tw

鐵爐寺的開山祖師上惠下光老和尚即是傳承禪宗五脈之臨濟宗的法子。老和尚祖籍湖南省湘潭縣,十二歲時於湖南長沙車鄉鐵爐寺禮妙華老和尚出家,民國四十七年,七十一歲時來台灣,民國五十一年受邀到屏東東山寺宏法,同年年底信眾在屏東市勝利路購一平房並將整修為道場,禮請惠光老和尚住場,此鐵爐精舍即鐵爐寺的前身,後因信眾越來越多,便於五十三年於水源地買了二分農地,準備於五十四年興建寺廟,但因老和尚病重等因緣,没有如期施工。 五十六年三月初六日,老和尚圓寂,由其大徒弟接任主持,五十六年六月十九日正式破土興建,由於經費問題,第

Contact 鐵爐寺

地址 :

900, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Pingtung City, Alley 8, Lane 58, Minxue Rd, 15號鐵爐寺

電話 : 📞 +888788
網站 : http://tielu.org.tw/
城市 : Minxue Rd

900, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Pingtung City, Alley 8, Lane 58, Minxue Rd, 15號鐵爐寺
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Very solemn, attentive place
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If you can hope to come once a year
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To worship the ancestors during the Ching Ming Festival and to respect the old people on the Chung Yeung Festival, come here to worship and worship God and be blessed.
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The monastery is quiet. In recent years, it has been of great merit to facilitate the storage of bones for the loved ones of the people.
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屏東鐵爐寺之建寺因緣乃是因民國四十七年受靈源法師(一九0一~一九八八)之邀 惠光法師來台住錫基隆十方大覺寺。除了領導大覺寺住眾講經修行之外,並開始重新整理《宗門講錄》等稿本流通,積極地應聘至台灣各地主持各種日益蓬勃的傳戒及講經法會,主持全台重要的傳戒法會。 民國五十年,惠師受聘為南港佛法禪寺住寺。五十一年受屏東東山寺之請開講《金剛經》,由於因緣之故常往來於屏東,受信眾堅留長住。初乃先購屋建鐵爐精舍於勝利路忠恕巷,後因香火日盛,信眾日增,乃有覓地建幸之宏願。五十三年在信徒李祥霖居士的介紹下購得水源地之稻田。惠師為建鐵爐寺南北奔波,五十五年夏尚往來於南港佛法禪寺之間,同年秋遭病魔侵襲,五十六年春作八十壽辰,說法並收皈依弟子,四月初預知時至,堅囑大弟子佛禪法師(一九二七~一九九二)須完成其建鐵爐寺之遺願,四月十五日覺滿圓寂,世壽八十,戒臘四十有七。同年農曆六月十九日鐵爐寺動土開工,至六十五年始成,惠光老和尚的遺志終成。八十年開始,鐵爐寺第三代住持常緣法師(一九二五~)積極擴建鐵爐寺。民國八十三年常緣法師因故辭去住持職務,由演讚法師暫代住持工作。半年後舉行信徒大會選舉新住持,結果由常淨法師當選。增建工程開始動工。三層樓大殿於八十六年完成,一樓為大雄寶殿供奉釋迦牟尼佛、文殊菩薩、普賢菩薩;二樓為千手觀音殿供奉千手觀音,三樓為毗盧殿,供奉毗盧遮那佛。 大樓之兩旁為四層之僧眾寮房,同時完成。 惠光法師禪密兼修,其中禪學著作頗見功力,早年曾由新文豐出版公司出版流通,後近年佛陀教育基金會亦助印結緣,但出版惠光法師的著作並不完整,其中以《惠光法師年譜》及《佛教考證史》在民國五十年即不見流通,加上惠師成道相當早,台灣佛教的情況是在七、八十年代才日益蓬勃,而且淨土宗的發展一枝獨秀,禪宗的信徒並不太多,惠光法師雖說禪機深厚,卻不普遍為人所知悉,實屬禪門之憾事。 佛禪法師擔任住持期間,曾連年舉辦佛七,敦請教內法師主七。時間從民國七十五年至八十年,每年冬天舉辦佛七一次,聚眾念佛共修。受邀之主七和尚計有如本法師、如虛長老、心觀法師、妙蓮長老。 年度固定大型活動 。從佛禪法師擔任住持時開始,鐵爐寺每年農曆春節期間皆舉辦連續五天之拜千佛活動;清明節舉辦連續拜七天之梁皇懺;七月中元節,從七月十一日起至十五日連續五天,誦《地藏經》。以上三個活動皆兼為信眾辦理超渡及消災。 此外,每年農曆二月十九日為觀音菩薩聖誕日,六月十九日觀音菩薩成道日,九月十九日觀音菩薩出家日,十一月十七日彌陀聖誕,皆於上午舉行法會誦經並上供,中午以素齋招待信眾。 每月固定之法會從民國八十七年開始,鐵爐寺於每個月的第二星期日,舉辦慈悲三昧水懺法會,聚集信眾共修。 念佛共修於民國七十三年開始,住持佛禪法師接受洪瑞福居士之建議,於每星期日下午舉辦念佛共修法會,以迄於今。 鐵爐寺平常之住眾大約維持出家眾10人左右,有常住眾若干人,也有暫住眾若干人。所有出家眾皆為男眾,故本寺可稱為純男眾之道場、與台灣其他男女出家眾共住之寺有別。 轉貼自 古今寺廟巡禮 網站
The reason for the construction of the Pingtung Tielu Temple was due to the invitation of the Lingyuan Master (1901-1988) in the Republic of China, the Master Huiguang, who came to Taiwan to live in the Shifang Dajue Temple of Sijilong. In addition to leading the teaching and practice of the residents of Dajue Temple, he also began to reorganize the circulation of manuscripts such as "Zongmen Lecture Records", and actively applied to various places in Taiwan to host various preaching and lectures and dharma meetings, and presided over important activities in Taiwan. Preaching the precepts. In the 50th year of the Republic of China, Master Hui was appointed as the residence of the Nangang Buddhist Temple. In 51 years, he was invited by Dongshan Temple in Pingtung to teach the "Diamond Sutra". For some reason, he often traveled to and from Pingtung, and the believers insisted on staying for a long time. At first, I bought a house and built an iron furnace in Zhongshu Lane, Shengli Road. Later, because of the increasing incense, the number of believers increased day by day. It was the ambition to find a place to build luck. In fifty-three years, under the introduction of the believer Li Xianglin, the rice field of the water source was purchased. Huishi traveled north and south for Jiantielu Temple. Xia Shang traveled between Nangang Buddhism Temple in 55 years. He was attacked by illness in the autumn of the same year. In the spring of 56th year, he served as his 80th birthday. He said and accepted his disciples. He predicted in early April. At that time, he strongly urged the great disciple Buddha Zen Master (1927~1992) to complete his last wish to build the Tielu Temple. On April 15th he felt full of death, his life was 80, and his life was forty and seventy. . In the same year, the construction of Tielu Temple began on June 19 of the lunar calendar, and it was completed in sixty-five years, and the legacy of the old monk Huiguang was finally completed. From the beginning of 80 years, the third generation abbot of Tielu Temple, Master Chang Yuan (1925~), actively expanded Tielu Temple. In the Republic of China, Master Changyuan resigned for some reason, and Master Yanzan temporarily worked as the abbot. Six months later, a meeting of believers was held to elect a new abbot, and Master Chang Jing was elected. Construction of the additional construction began. The three-story hall was completed in 86. The first floor is the Daxiong Hall dedicated to Shakyamuni Buddha, Manjushri, and Samantabhadra; the second floor is the Thousand-Hand Guanyin Hall dedicated to the Thousand-Handed Guanyin, and the third floor is the Pilu Hall, dedicated to Vailu. Chana Buddha. On both sides of the building are four-story monks' huts, which were completed at the same time. Master Huiguang also studied Zen tantrics, among which Zen books are quite useful. They were published and circulated by Xinwenfeng Publishing Company in the early years. In recent years, the Buddha Education Foundation has also helped to print the bond, but the publication of Master Huiguang’s works is not complete. The Chronicle of Master Huiguang and the Textual Research History of Buddhism were not in circulation in the 50s of the Republic of China. In addition, Huishi enlightened the Taoism quite early. The situation of Buddhism in Taiwan only flourished in the 1970s and 1980s, and the development of Pure Land Buddhism thrived. There are not too many Zen followers. Although Master Huiguang said that Zen is profound, he is not generally known, which is really a shame of Zen. During his tenure as the abbot, the Zen Master once held the Seventh Buddha successively, and he urged the inner master to consult the Seventh Master. From the 1975 to 1980 of the Republic of China, the Buddha was held seven times every winter to gather people to recite and practice together. The seven invited monks are like the master, the elder Xu, the master of mind, and the elder Miaolian. Annual fixed large-scale event. From the time when Buddha Zen Master was the abbot, Tielu Temple held five consecutive days of worshipping the Thousand Buddhas during the Lunar New Year each year; Qingming Festival held the seven-day continuous worship of Lianghuang Repentance; July Mid-Yuan Festival, starting from July 11 From the 15th to the 15th, recite the "Ksitigarbha" for five consecutive days. The above three activities are both for the believers to handle the overpass and eliminate disasters. In addition, every year on February 19th of the lunar calendar is Guanyin Bodhisattva Christmas Day, June 19th Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Enlightenment Day, September 19th Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva's ordination day, and November 17th Amitabha Christmas, all pujas are held in the morning. Recite sutras and make offerings. At noon, we will entertain the believers in a vegetarian meal. The monthly fixed dharma conference began in 1987. Tielu Temple held the Compassionate Samadhi Water Confession Conference on the second Sunday of every month to gather believers to practice together. The practice of reciting the Buddha began in 1983. The abbot of the Zen Master accepted the suggestion of Lay Hong Ruifu to hold the reciting of the Buddha every Sunday afternoon, so far. The usual residents of Tielu Temple consist of about 10 monks, including some permanent residents and some temporary residents. All monks are men, so this temple can be called a dojo for pure men, which is different from other monasteries in Taiwan where men and women monks live together. Reposted from Ancient and Modern Temple Tour Website

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