綠農的家 - Pingtung City

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Contact 綠農的家

地址 :

90083, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Pingtung City, Taitang St, 39號綠農的家

電話 : 📞 +8897
城市 : Taitang St

90083, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Pingtung City, Taitang St, 39號綠農的家
關心 on Google

Organic non-toxic products, safe food, often order! Push!
Leonardo GTO on Google

The local natural agricultural products are worth buying. Good coffee, tea and snacks are very good. Come here to enjoy a lot of natural things.
江與月 on Google

The boss is the early promoter of the environmental protection alliance, and also has his own farm. It is not for profit. I fully trust his products.
徐儷芯 on Google

一個熱愛土地,熱愛台灣,熱愛自然的機構,他幫助我們的農夫可以用有機耕作,讓我們可以吃的健康,讓我們可以 看到我們的自然景觀被保留著……
An organization that loves the land, Taiwan, and nature. It helps our farmers use organic farming, so that we can eat healthily, so that we can see that our natural landscape is preserved...
林毓健 on Google

是時候擺脫偽公共知識份子了 ,散佈不實資訊, 玩弄恐懼行銷 近來在網路上有一場很火的芒果論戰。論戰的起源,是「屏東環境保護聯盟、綠農的家」轉載了媒體2012年的舊文,指控部分芒果果農違法使用「禁藥」益收生長素催熟,更聲稱「人工催熟的芒果香氣和甜度都不足,而益收生長素的毒性雖低,還是會殘留於人體內,長期使用更會污染環境及地下水源」,而同時號召大家來買他們生產的芒果。這樣的做法,讓康乃爾大學植物病理學博士、高雄區農業改良場場長黃德昌難以認同,認為會傷害其他果農的生計,因而於臉書反駁。事後,引發了綠農的家創辦人東吳大學社會學碩士洪輝祥與其在網路世界激烈的言辭交鋒。 誰說得對?在我們的社會裡,這幾年來,大家會被「環保」、「有機」這類的字眼幾近無選擇性地吸引,甚至為了「聯盟」、「綠色」這樣抽象的辭彙激動。這樣的字眼營造了很多自命為公共知識份子的人,用浮動的定義、空洞的口號,不斷地在媒體、網路上,「教導」大家社會應該如何?真相又是怎樣? 但如果我們檢視這場論戰的兩方,一方是康乃爾大學植物病理學博士,而一方是東吳大學社會學碩士,那麼在討論植物的議題上,若我們理性則該相信誰?或認為誰才是專家? 當然有人會說,即便是植物病理學博士也可能騙人。而事實上,這就是台灣視專業如糞土的特異思維。有所質疑很好,那我們就透過理性檢驗去看看專家說的對不對。在這個例子中,水果催熟所靠的化學物質到底如何,上網搜尋就很清楚了。更何況,如果google一下就會發現,一般買到需要催熟的果物,都會建議跟蘋果擺在一起,因為蘋果本身就會釋放乙烯這種物質,而乙烯就是慣用的催熟劑。 檢驗之後,我們再回頭去看看,就更會發現,當初轉那篇舊聞的人,其目的不就是要消費者去買他的東西嗎?這樣損人利己的作法,是道地商業手段,但用了那些看似清高、利他的字眼包裝。這不也是台灣這幾年來,大家很接受的一味嘛! 單是農業、農產的這個領域就不斷有人以「公共知識份子」的角色,在透過告訴我們當中的是非對錯,來謀自己的商業利益。譬如說有人不斷強調所謂「真食物」,卻連基本常識都缺乏地告訴消費者動物有細胞壁,且自家賣的某項商品也被「多事」的消費者送驗後發現有農藥殘留。 而這絕對不是農業領域中才有的現象。
It's time to get rid of fake public intellectuals, spread false information, and play with fear marketing Recently there has been a hot mango debate on the Internet. The origin of the debate is that the "Pingtung Environmental Protection Alliance, the home of green farmers" reprinted the old text of the media in 2012, accusing some mango fruit farmers of illegally using "prohibited drugs" to harvest auxin to ripen, and claiming that The aroma and sweetness of mango are not enough. Although the toxicity of probiotic auxin is low, it will still remain in the human body, and long-term use will pollute the environment and groundwater sources. At the same time, we call on everyone to buy the mango they produce. This approach made it difficult for Huang Dechang, a PhD in plant pathology at Cornell University and the director of the Kaohsiung Agricultural Improvement Field, to think that it would hurt the livelihood of other fruit farmers, and he retorted on Facebook. Afterwards, it triggered the fierce words of Hong Huixiang, the founder of Soochow University, who is the founder of Lvnong's family, and his fierce words in the online world. Who is right? In our society, over the past few years, everyone has been attracted by words such as "environmental protection" and "organic" almost indiscriminately, and even excited by abstract terms such as "alliance" and "green". Such words have created many people who profess to be public intellectuals, with floating definitions and empty slogans, constantly in the media and on the Internet, "teaching" what should society do? What's the truth? But if we examine two sides of this debate, one is a PhD in plant pathology from Cornell University and the other is a master of sociology at Soochow University. Who should we trust if we are rational in discussing the issue of plants? Or who do you think is the expert? Of course, some would say that even a PhD in plant pathology can be deceiving. In fact, this is the special thinking of Taiwan as a profession. It is good to have doubts, so let's see if the experts are right through a rational test. In this example, the exact chemical used to ripen the fruit is clearly searchable online. What's more, if you google it, you will find that when you buy fruits that need to be ripened, it is recommended to put them with apples, because apple itself releases ethylene, which is a commonly used ripening agent. After the inspection, if we go back and take a look again, we will find that the original person who turned the old news was not aimed at asking consumers to buy his stuff? Such a self-harming practice is an authentic business method, but it is packaged with seemingly innocent and altruistic words. This is not what Taiwan has accepted in the past few years! In the field of agriculture and agricultural products alone, there are constantly people who use the role of "public intellectuals" to seek their own business interests by telling us what is right or wrong among them. For example, some people continue to emphasize the so-called "real food", but even lack basic knowledge to tell consumers that animals have cell walls, and a certain product sold by themselves has been tested by "problematic" consumers for pesticide residues. And this is definitely not a phenomenon unique to the agricultural field.
Yi-Hao Qiu on Google

謊稱有機、友善、無毒,卻巧妙玩文字遊戲,只向消費者透露他們想讓消費者知道的,對於愛文芒果使用農藥並有殘留檢驗報告被發現使用蜜蜂殺手、水生生物劇毒及影響男性生殖系統的農藥被流出後。才發現綠農魚目混珠,友善耕作不依照農委會規定生產全程不使用化肥、農藥、基改製劑。而是誤導消費者,自己創規矩可以使用農藥。但是不用催花劑、催熟劑、化肥等… 店裡是有少量的有機農產品販售,但大部分都是慣行農法的農產品。 而且,賣的很貴!
Lies as organic, friendly and non-toxic, but cleverly plays word games, and only reveals to consumers what they want consumers to know. The use of pesticides and residual inspection reports on Aven mango was found to bee killer, aquatic organisms are highly toxic and affect men After the pesticides of the reproductive system are discharged. It was only found that the green farmers had mixed fish and bead, and the friendly farming did not use chemical fertilizers, pesticides and base modification preparations throughout the production process in accordance with the regulations of the Agricultural Committee. Instead, it misleads consumers into creating rules to use pesticides. But don't use flower promoter, ripening agent, fertilizer, etc ... The store sells a small amount of organic agricultural products, but most of them are agricultural products that are accustomed to agricultural laws. Moreover, it is expensive to sell!
Ching-Chia Lin on Google

初訪綠農的家,品嚐了當季盛產的蜜棗、木瓜等有機水果,甜美好吃,還有清香順口的紅烏龍茶和可口的紅豆湯,平時不太敢喝茶和吃甜點的我續了好幾杯、吃了兩碗紅豆湯覺得身心都好滿足!:) 跟店長和志工們聊天才知道,台灣農業自給自足率只有30%左右,如果能提升到60%並推廣有機無農藥栽種就更好了!(使用農藥是跟蟲、鳥爭食,雖然產量加倍,卻造成生態環境失衡。) 很敬佩老闆每月房租好幾萬,收入不太可能打平,但還是堅持做對的事,為了守護台灣人民的健康和生態的平衡而努力~ 店長說綠農的家營業時間是上午九點到下午六點(週一公休),這樣像我一樣要上班的人就只能週末來啦!春節連假竟然有提供有機的餐點,可惜今天是最後一天素食的餐都賣光了沒機會吃到。 平日星期五晚上會有鳥會的人播放免費電影,也會定期舉辦一到兩日參訪有機農場的行程,有空的話會再來跟大家交流學習聊聊天、採買健康美味的水果!
Green Grows first visit home, rich taste of candied seasonal, organic papaya and other fruits, sweet delicious, easy to read as well as the fragrance of oolong tea and delicious red bean soup, usually do not dare to drink tea and eat sweets, I continued the several cups, ate two bowls of bean soup feel good both physically and mentally satisfied! :) Chat with the manager and volunteers have learned that Taiwan agricultural self-sufficiency rate of only about 30%, be raised to 60 percent if the promotion of organic and pesticide-free planting the better! (With the use of pesticides is insects, birds fought over, though production doubled, has caused ecological imbalance.) Admire boss tens of thousands per month rent, the income is unlikely to break even, but still insist on doing the right thing, to guard the health and ecological balance of the Taiwanese people and work - Green farm manager, said home Yingyeshijian is nine o'clock to 6 pm (Monday Closed), so like me who want to work can only weekend coming! There are even fake Chinese New Year actually provide organic meals, but today is the last day vegetarian meals are sold out no chance to eat. Weekdays Friday evening there will be a bird who will play free movie, will also visit organic farms are held regularly travel one to two days, the time will come again if we learn to communicate with chat, buy healthy and delicious fruit!
賴滋文(爛泥巴-賴賴) on Google

芒果乾好吃,從有機生產到有機加工認證 一條龍都是有機到底
Dried mangoes are delicious, from organic production to certified organic processing All the way is organic

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