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Contact 臺灣基督長老教會達瓦達旺教會

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901, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Sandimen Township, 達發達旺巷90號臺灣基督長老教會達瓦達旺教會

電話 : 📞 +8887997
網站 : http://paiwan.com.tw/tjavatjavang/
城市 : Sandimen Township

901, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Sandimen Township, 達發達旺巷90號臺灣基督長老教會達瓦達旺教會
Collectibles0011 on Google

Take a photo taken in the direction of Wutai, you can see many beautiful scenery on this road
洪觀視野 on Google

The appearance of the building is very stylish, in line with the local cultural characteristics, the mountain view and the building are extremely beautiful
美樂帝 on Google

Beautiful building, but unfortunately, I didn’t open the door.
景如法拉卡斯 on Google

達瓦達旺教會簡史 最初的福音種子因為幾位青年如陳武源、杜松龍、柯義順等,常常到隔壁馬來他們三人都是與馬兒村小姐結婚),正巧當時馬兒村青年林泉茂已信主並開始在傳福音; 本村陳武源後來常去馬兒村去聽講道,由慕道進而受洗歸主後,時9(38)年開始在本村為主傳福音並作見證。同時,本村有學生在三地國小,聽山地部派黃素娥牧師(曾任屏東中會牧師傳講聖經故事等,奠定福音的種子開始村。陸續由馬兒村信徒柯輝玉與三地門教會出身之鄭興輝,常來本村傳福音。 因慕道而信主的人漸多,因此,於主後1950(39)年2月5日開始定期禮拜。 初在Baljius(林建二牧師)住家開始聚會,之後因為信徒人數增多,購買因移居的Giljgiljaw住家為教會第一禮拜場所以茅草為建材,並於主后1952(41)年9月開始建堂,於同年12月25日竣工。 信徒漸漸增多,教會無法容納,本村Kavuaran柯義順(曾任教會執事)奉獻自地為建堂用地,時間為主後1957(4)年1開工以木頭與石板為建材,同年6月底竣工,並於7月15日獻堂,為本會第二次禮拜堂。 當時Guragu李騰雲(曾任本會長老),不間斷為信徒禱告,本村信徒熱心愛主、同心禱告,使本村信仰合一,整合其他教派同歸基督長老教會,本村幾乎都全家都歸信基督,福音興旺。並於1965(54)年12月7日開工,以紅磚立牆、鉛版做屋頂,並於隔年4月24日竣工,於8月2第三次獻堂。 主後1988年在政府推動遷村的政策,教會受政令之下必須跟隨部落遷移至新達來部落。第四次建堂,搭建以紅磚立牆、鐵皮做屋頂蓋起臨時禮拜堂。 原本達來教會之名稱,在本宗原宣推動恢復原住民族姓氏的響應之下,本會於2003年8月決議,並經中會會議接納,本會更名為「達瓦達旺」(Tjavatjavang)教會,發源、團結、向前之意。 原來用鐵皮屋蓋的禮拜堂已老舊不堪使用,在教會財力在非常艱鉅的同時,信徒憑信心在主後2008年建堂奠基感恩禮拜,但隔年2009年在建堂中經歷八八風災部落受虐,部落所有道路損壞,整村陷在「安全堪慮區」,政令勸說全部落要遷村。但全村經禱告與討論看見神拖住的異象,最後憑信心留在原部落。在神的恩典與帶領之下,完成以鋼筋水泥立牆、石板做屋頂之第五次建堂,並於主後2011年6月6日舉行獻堂禮拜。 達瓦達旺教會是部落建物的指標外觀壯麗、周邊牆面為石板故事牆,以部落遷移史、神話故事及福音傳入之年鑑圖等。教會期待成為部落的祝福,教會設置功能教室,推展外展工;提供長者及兒童課後輔導及主日學、各團契使用之多元空間,祈願達教會可以造就人生命並榮耀真神。 《決志成為開花的大樹》作者:樂歌安牧師 「達來五號」在北排灣一直是個響叮噹的外號,在喜宴的場合,在人聚集之處,在閒暇之餘,「達來五號」總是話題之一。即使不是發生在達來人或達來部落的事,只要掛上「達來五號」這個品牌,總是會帶來最佳的「笑果」。然而,說的、聽的、笑的卻絕無惡意,大家心理都明白,所謂的「達來五號」都指向一個共同的事實—達瓦達旺(達來)就是真、善與美。 以上是我為達瓦達旺教會設教七十週年特刊中的其中一段序言。無獨有偶的,今天負責講道的中委陳春美牧師,以「建立合神心意的教會」為題,鼓勵達瓦達旺教會要建立「真」、「善」、「美」的教會。真是讓人在教會裡找到真理並實踐真理;善是伸張正義,實踐不約的愛;美是願意犠牲自己來完成上帝的聖工。春美牧師坦言自己為了今天這場盛會的講道,承受著極大的壓力,但因為是回到自己的故鄉,可以藉講道來服事自己的部落,她也非常珍惜並心存感恩。 達瓦達旺教會為了七十週年,看得出做足了準備,今日的感恩禮拜,獻上了「族語手抄聖經、民謠詩班、推薦青年讀神學院、台中褔音站的設立、教會網站的建立與國際宣教的連結,及為排灣中會宣教大樓奉獻」,教會以建立影片的方式來紀錄成全這些事工的日常,包括平常如何抄寫母語聖經、民謠班練歌的動態、神學生的獻身分享、社區工作的點滴,以及透過家庭祭壇來為宣教大樓奉獻等,可說是滿創新的獻禮方式。 其中,讓人十分感動的是駐堂牧師Ljumeg在設教歷史回顧的一席話,她說,「因為是峭壁,所以可以眺望」,這句富有哲理的話,是達瓦達旺教會設教七十週年,Ljumeg(愛蓮)對教會所做的最美的詮釋。她引用部落及教會的地形,說明達瓦達旺就像是個有遠見、異象的長者,坐在山頂峭壁,以最宏觀的視野,眺望全景。眺望之後,期許向下紮根、向上提升、向旁連結、向外開花,而後,決志成為開花的大樹,榮耀主名。 最被眾教會喻為美談的便是郭牧師在退休之前,極有智慧的尋找接班人一Ljumeg(蔡愛蓮)牧師,接替達瓦達旺牧養的聖工。Ljumeg(愛蓮)牧師在南世教會近20年的牧養,無論在外展事工、門徒培育及復振文化上不遺餘力。她不但成功的接軌了前任牧者的事工,更藉著網路事工開拓達瓦達旺教會宣教的觸角,讓部落的美、部落動人的故事,透過網路無遠弗屆的被傳達。她也藉著她書寫的恩賜,努力紀錄屬於達瓦達旺部落及教會的故事。欣逢達瓦達旺教會設教70年,感謝上帝保守如此美好的部落及教會,感謝達瓦達旺族人努力使部落成為「上帝的部落」。達瓦達旺教會的合一、團結、美善,與愛牧者的心,是排灣族眾教會學習的典範。在值得紀念的日子,願詩篇125篇1-2節成為最美的祝福:「信靠上主的人像錫安出,永遠屹立,堅定不移!正如群山環繞耶路撒冷,上主也照樣保護他的子民,從現在一直到永遠。」
A brief history of the Dawadwan Church The initial seed of the gospel was due to several young people such as Chen Wuyuan, Du Songlong, Ke Yishun, etc., who often went to the next door in Malay. All three of them were married to Maercun.) It happened that at that time, Maercun’s young man Lin Quanmao had already believed in the Lord and began to spread the gospel. Chen Wuyuan from the village later often went to Maer Village to listen to preaching. After being baptized and converted from catechumen, he began to preach the gospel and testify to the Lord in his village in 9 (38). At the same time, there are students in this village who are in Sandi Elementary School, listening to the pastor Huang Su'e (a former pastor of the Pingtung Central Committee, who taught bible stories, etc., to lay the seeds of the gospel to start the village. The village is started by Ke Huiyu, a believer in Maer Village, and Sandimen Church Zheng Xinghui often comes to the village to preach the gospel. More and more people believe in the Lord because of the catechumen. Therefore, regular worship began on February 5, 1950 (39) AD. I started gathering at Baljius (Pastor Lin Jianer)'s home. Later, due to the increase in the number of believers, I bought the Giljgiljaw home that moved to the church as the first place of worship. The church used thatch as building material, and the church began to be built in September 1952 (41). , Was completed on December 25 of the same year. The number of believers gradually increased, and the church could not accommodate. Kavuaran Ke Yishun (a former church deacon) in the village dedicated himself to building the site for the church. The time was mainly after the start of 1957 (4). The church was dedicated on July 15 as the second chapel of the Association. At that time, Guragu Li Tengyun (a former elder of the church) prayed continuously for the believers. The believers in the village enthusiastically loved the Lord and prayed with one heart, so that the faith of the village was unified, and other denominations were integrated into the Presbyterian Church. Almost all the family in the village were converted to Christ. The gospel flourishes. The construction was started on December 7, 1965 (54), and the roof was made of red brick walls and lead plates. The construction was completed on April 24 of the following year, and the church was dedicated for the third time on August 2. In 1988, the government promoted the village relocation policy. Under the decree, the church must follow the tribe to move to the Xindala tribe. For the fourth time, a temporary chapel was built with a red brick wall and iron roof. The original name of the Dalai Church, in response to the original propaganda of this sect to promote the restoration of the surnames of the aboriginal peoples, this association decided in August 2003 and was accepted by the presbytery meeting, and the association was renamed ``Dawa Dawang'' ( Tjavatjavang) Church means origin, unity, and forward. The chapel built with tin roofs is old and unusable. While the financial resources of the church are very difficult, the believers built the church with faith in 2008 and laid the foundation for the Thanksgiving service. However, in 2009, the church was built the following year, and the tribe suffered from the typhoon disaster. All roads in the tribe were damaged, and the whole village was trapped in a "safe area". The government decree persuaded all the people to move to the village. But after prayer and discussion, the whole village saw the vision dragged by God, and finally stayed in the original tribe by faith. Under the grace and leadership of God, the fifth church building with reinforced concrete walls and slate roof was completed, and the church dedication service was held on June 6, 2011. The Dawa Tawang Church is an indicator of tribal buildings. The appearance is magnificent, the surrounding walls are stone story walls, and the almanac pictures of tribal migration history, mythological stories, and the introduction of the gospel. The church looks forward to being the blessing of the tribe. The church sets up functional classrooms and promotes outreach work; it provides after-school counseling for the elderly and children, as well as a diverse space for Sunday school and various fellowships. It is hoped that the church can bring up life and glorify the true God. "Zhicheng decided to flowering tree" Author: Songs Ann priest "Dalai No. 5" has always been a jingle nickname in Pak Paiwan. At wedding banquets, where people gather, and in leisure time, "Dalai No. 5" is always one of the topics. Even if it did not happen to the Dalai people or the Dalai tribe, as long as the brand "Dalai No. 5" is attached, it will always bring the best "laughing fruit." However, those who speak, listen to, and laugh are absolutely harmless. Everyone understands that the so-called "Dalai No. 5" all points to a common fact-Dawa Dawang (Dalai) is truth, goodness and beauty. The above is one of the prefaces from my special issue on the 70th anniversary of the teaching of Dawa Dawang Church. Coincidentally, Pastor Chen Chunmei, the Central Committee member who is in charge of preaching today, encouraged the Dawa Dawang Church to build a "truth", "good", and "beautiful" church with the theme of "Building a Church Following God's Heart." It really makes people find the truth and practice the truth in the church; goodness is to uphold justice and practice uncovenant love; beauty is willingness to sacrifice oneself to accomplish God's work. Pastor Chun Mei confessed that she was under tremendous pressure for preaching at this grand meeting, but because she was returning to her hometown, she could serve her tribe through preaching. She also cherished and was grateful. For the 70th anniversary of the Dawa Dawang Church, it can be seen that it has made sufficient preparations. Today’s Thanksgiving service presented the "ethnic language handwritten bible, folk choir, recommended youth study seminary, the establishment of Taichung Fuyin Station, The establishment of the church’s website links with international missions, and the contribution to the Paiwan Central Mission Mission Building.” The church has established videos to record the daily routines of fulfilling these ministries, including how to copy the native language of the Bible, the activities of folk song practice, The dedication and sharing of the students, the bits and pieces of community work, and the dedication to the mission building through the family altar are all innovative ways of giving gifts. Among them, what makes people very moving is the remarks made by the resident pastor Ljumeg in the history of the teaching establishment. She said, "Because it is a cliff, so you can look down." This philosophical statement marks the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the teaching of Dawa Dawang Church. , Ljumeg (Eileen)'s most beautiful interpretation of the church. She cited the terrain of the tribe and the church to explain that Dawa Dawang is like a visionary and visionary elder sitting on a cliff on the top of the mountain, looking at the panorama from the most macroscopic view. After looking out, I hope to take root downwards, ascend upwards, connect sideways, and blossom outwards. Then, I will become a blossoming tree and honor the name of the Lord. The most praiseworthy thing by the churches is that before his retirement, Pastor Guo wisely sought out his successor, Pastor Ljumeg (Cai Ailian), to take over the pastorship of Dawa Dawang. Pastor Ljumeg (爱莲) has been pastoring the Nanshi Church for nearly 20 years and spared no effort in outreaching ministry, disciple development and cultural revitalization. She not only succeeded in integrating the ministry of the former pastor, but also through the Internet ministry to open up the reach of the mission of the Dawa Dawang church, so that the beauty of the tribe and the touching story of the tribe can be conveyed through the Internet. . She also used her gift of writing to record stories belonging to the Dawa Dawang tribe and church. Xinfeng Dawa Dawang Church has been teaching for 70 years. Thank God for protecting such a beautiful tribe and church, and thank Dawa Dawang people for their efforts to make the tribe "God’s tribe." The unity, unity, goodness, and love of the pastor of the Dawa Tawang church is a model for the Paiwan churches to learn. On a memorable day, may Psalm 125:1-2 be the most beautiful blessing: ``The figure of Zion who trusts in the Lord will stand forever and stand firm! Just as the mountains surround Jerusalem, the Lord will protect him. People, from now to forever."
胡惟樑 on Google

屏東霧台部落保有原住民豐富的人文藝術尤其是“吃“小米甜甜圈 小米紅藜梅汁愛玉 烤肉 香腸 粽子還有很消暑的樹豆冰棒令人垂涎....實在美味很值得一遊很讚喔!
Pingtung Wutai Tribe preserves the rich humanities and arts of the aborigines, especially "eating" millet donuts, millet red quinoa plum sauce, Aiyu barbecue sausage dumplings, and the cool tree peas popsicles are mouthwatering... it is delicious and worthwhile. A visit is very awkward!
Yihui Chang on Google

Passing by in the morning of 2021/10/17.
ONE HEART. (OneHEART.) on Google

往霧台方向在抵達《三德管制站》前會行經的一處景點,路邊通往達來村的交會小叉路口,剛好有個可供停車的空間來觀看教會建築優美造型外觀及眺覽溪谷,可惜教會未開放給一般遊客參訪,祇能在外遠觀(攝於 106 年 3 月 10 日)。
An attraction to Wutai that will pass before reaching the "Sande Control Point". The roadside leading to the intersection of Dalai Village, there is just a space for parking to watch the beautiful appearance and view of the church building. Looking at the valley, unfortunately the church is not open for general visitors to visit, and can only be viewed from afar (photo taken on March 10, 106).
User Joe on Google


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