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「70」,對一個人來說幾乎是他人生的全部歲月了,因為聖經告訴我們說:「我們一生的年歲不過七十健壯的可能到八十⋯」(詩篇九十篇10節)而對一間 教會來説,「70」更代表上帝無限的恩典與祝福,因為「70」乃「7」的延伸倍數,三地門教會就是在上帝倍增的恩典中被建立起來的,所以,筆者很勇敢的說:「這是一條恩典之路」,而筆者有幸來細說分享這條帶給族人拯救恩典之路的奇妙足跡。 回顧70年(1945)前的今天,聖靈動工在三地門鄉前鄉長故歸順義先生的身上,在屏東中會吳可免長老的陪同下,訪問屏東教會許有才牧師,問道:「我們今後應該要敬拜什麼神?」這麼一問,開啟了三地門教會福音之籲,更開啟了排灣中會宣教大門。是年,許有才牧師招募屏東教會一群青年,帶數袋鹽進入本部落訪問,並在1946年10月10日邀素娥牧師與林慶東先生進入本部落,黃素娥牧師與林慶東失白天教書晚上傳福音,三地門教會福音的種子油然而生#持續近一年,於是在1947年9月20日租用包銀珠姊妹住聚會所並正式禮拜,這也就成了三地門教會設教的由來會人數有30名(含大人、小孩)。 在這當中,歷經不少的困難、挑戰及懷疑與誤會,但都搖不動當時信徒堅定不移的信念,使福音逐漸傳開成長。至今已平安經歷70年的恩典,這除了上帝的帶領保守之外,也因著前輩牧長、長執及弟兄姊妹們全心盡力流淚撒種,才有今日的歡呼收割。而在這個過程中,歷經五次的擴建教會,由茅草屋的教會到今日福音與文化的禮拜堂;教勢也有起初的5戶30名信徒,至今有218戶360信徒(平均上午禮拜人數含主日學),信徒總數近千名(含慕道友),這一切都是在上帝無限恩典中長成的,而這樣的恩典成長除了信仰前輩們的火熱之心外,更因著對 上帝話語的執著與堅持才有的,若沒有以上帝話語為根基的信仰,也就沒有今天的三地門教會了。其實,教會的建立本來就是立基在上帝的話語中,這也就是本會設教70週年立下「扎根、傳承及蜕變」的主題原由及努力的目標。 本教會原定在2005年出版「60週年紀念特刊」,卻因有些事工裝備未盡完善而「胎死腹中」無法順利出版,如今事隔十年,編輯小組重新再度彙整教會的各項資料,於2016年開始著手「三地門教會設教70週年紀念特刊」,經過一年來的分工合作,終於在今年的十月初完成出版。本特刊分成下列五大綱目: 首先「序」的部份特邀總會議長陳明志牧師及中會議長竹嫵.法之山牧師及本會陳明光牧師特刊的序幕,導引大家進入三地門教會「精彩」的 信仰生命醫,詳述三地門教會「扎根、傳承、蜕變」的歷史故事;細說如何把福音、信仰並傳遞世世代代,進而煥然一新,成為新造的人。 另外,分享本會「蜕變中十全十美的宣教事工」,及本會「設教70週年系列活動記實」與本會「團契事工及主日學事工」分享,最後,邀請本會所培育出來的牧者分享他們心中的三地門教會。 我們相信,任何教會的歷史都是由上帝在掌權的,在這歷史演進中,所有發生在三地門教會大大小小人、事、物的故事都會成為我們的記憶,而每一個曾參與三地門教會歷史中的牧長、長執及弟兄姊妹們都是再造三地門教會奇蹟的演員,而我們的父上帝是本教會的導演,既然是演員,就必須盡心盡力活出自己戲中的重要角色(職責),深信這部戲在上帝永恒歷史中會不斷地演下去,如同保羅所說的:「這不是說我已經成功,或已經完全了。我繼續奔跑只求贏得那獎賞⋯;我只專心一件事:就是忘記背後,全力追求前面的事。」(腓立比書三章12-13節) 台灣基督長老教會三地門教會設立教會70週年感恩禮拜內文取自於陳明光牧師 主末陳明光牧師2017.10.28
``70'', for a person is almost all the years of his life, because the Bible tells us: ``The age of our life is only seventy, and the strongest possibility is eighty...'' (Psalm 90:10). For a church, ``70'' even represents God's infinite grace and blessing, because ``70'' is an extended multiple of ``7'', and the Sandimen church was established in the multiplied grace of God. Therefore, the author is very Bravely said: "This is a path of grace," and the author is fortunate to share in detail the wonderful footprints of this path to salvation grace. Looking back on today 70 years ago (1945), the Holy Spirit started work on Mr. Gui Shunyi, the former mayor of Sandimen Township. Accompanied by Elder Wu Kepeng of the Pingtung Central Committee, he visited Pastor Xu Youcai of Pingtung Church and asked: "What god should we worship in the future?" Such a question opened up the gospel appeal of the Sandimen Church and opened the door for missions in the Paiwan Central Church. That year, Pastor Xu Youcai recruited a group of young people from the Pingtung Church and brought a few bags of salt into the tribe to visit. On October 10, 1946, Pastor Su'e and Mr. Lin Qingdong were invited to join the tribe. Pastor Huang Su'e and Lin Qingdong were absent during the day to teach at night and preach the gospel at night. ,Sandimen Church Gospel’s Seed Oil Shengsheng# lasted for nearly a year, so on September 20, 1947, Sister Bao Yinzhu’s residence hall was rented and formally worshipped. This became the origin of the Sandimen Church. There are 30 people (including adults and children). During this period, many difficulties, challenges, doubts and misunderstandings were experienced, but they could not shake the unshakable faith of the believers at that time, so that the gospel was gradually spread and grown. So far, 70 years of grace have been peacefully experienced. In addition to God's leadership and protection, it is also because the senior shepherds, elders, and brothers and sisters dedicated themselves to sowing seeds with tears, and today's cheering harvest can be achieved. In this process, there have been five expansions of the church, from thatched church to today’s gospel and cultural chapel; there are also 5 households with 30 believers in the beginning, and 218 households with 360 believers (the average number of worshippers in the morning includes the Lord Daily School), the total number of believers is nearly a thousand (including catechumens), all of which are grown in the infinite grace of God, and this kind of grace growth is not only the fiery heart of the predecessors, but also because of the words of God. Only the persistence and perseverance of God, if there is no faith based on God’s Word, there would be no three churches today. In fact, the establishment of the church was originally based on the word of God. This is also the reason and goal of the theme of "rooting, inheritance and transformation" set by the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the church. The church was originally scheduled to publish the ``60th Anniversary Special Issue'' in 2005, but due to the imperfect equipment of some ministries, the ``death in the womb'' could not be published smoothly. The information, started in 2016, "Sandimen Church 70th Anniversary Commemorative Special Issue", after a year of division of labor and cooperation, finally completed the publication in early October this year. This special issue is divided into the following five outlines: First of all, in the ``preface'' part of the ``preface'' part of the special invitation of the President of the General Assembly, Pastor Chen Mingzhi and the President of the Central Committee, Zhu Wu. The prologue of the special issue of Pastor Fa Zhishan and Pastor Chen Mingguang of this association, guides everyone into the ``wonderful'' life medicine of the Sandimen Church. It details the historical story of the "rooting, inheritance, and transformation" of the Sandimen Church; details how to pass the gospel, beliefs, and generations to generations, and then take on a new look and become a new creation. In addition, share our ``Perfect Missions Ministry in Transformation'' and our ``Records of the 70th Anniversary Series of Teaching Activities'' with our ``Fellowship Ministry and Sunday School Ministry'', and finally, invite our club The nurtured pastors share the three churches in their hearts. We believe that the history of any church is ruled by God. In this historical evolution, all the stories of people, things, and things that happened in the Sandimen Church will become our memories. The pastors, elders, brothers and sisters in the history of Dimen Church are all actors who recreated the miracle of the Three Dimen Churches, and our Father God is the director of this church. Since he is an actor, he must do his best to live out his own play. His important role (duty), I believe that this play will continue to be played in God’s eternal history, as Paul said: “This does not mean that I have succeeded or been completed. I continue to run just to win the reward... ; I only concentrate on one thing: forget the back and pursue the front with all my strength.” (Philippians 3:12-13) The 70th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service of the Sandimen Church of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan is taken from Pastor Mingguang Chen Pastor Chen Mingguang at the end of the Lord 2017.10.28
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