台灣基督長老教會佳義教會 - Pingtung County

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Contact 台灣基督長老教會佳義教會

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903, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Majia Township, 泰平巷76號台灣基督長老教會佳義教會

電話 : 📞 +888799
城市 : Majia Township

903, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Majia Township, 泰平巷76號台灣基督長老教會佳義教會
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當基督的福音還未踏入台灣偏遠的原住民部落時,部落居民的信仰是多神崇拜的,舉凡人一生的生老病死,祭典、祈福、消災、醫病及部落食衣住行各方面祭儀的大小事情,均由當時稱為巫師或巫婆的通靈人士擔任。 因為原住民傳統信仰的重視,加上人在各樣生活上的不確定不安全的心理因素,很多人與自然,人與人之間關係的緊張對立,使得猜忌、懷疑、恐懼和對生命的迷惘,無法從當時的信仰來滿足居民內心渴慕與需求及真實的平安與喜樂,安寧與穩定。 在佳義部落古老的社會裡,民智未開,遂有許多充滿懸疑色彩的傳奇故事,其中流傳至今的一則神石奇異的靈巧故事,還在部落的民間傳誦和敬奉著。 故事是這樣的:在一個夜晚,部落一位長老,名叫kauvuan lamayav,在夢中得到幽冥的神明啟示,在佳義溪中有一塊石頭要撈上來,放在部落最高最適當的位置,象徵守護部落的支柱,婦女們不得隨意觸碰,以免發生災難,佳義部落歷經三次遷村,這塊神石(siver)依然伴隨居民,安置在部落寧靜的山頭。跟其他部落的多神崇拜的信仰不同的是,佳義部落並未把這塊神石當成真神來祭祀禮拜, 目前只視為文化資產。 直到1952年4月福音初傳本部落,居民的生活和信仰才有了更新變化的機會,這其中,歷經三個不同層次的遞嬗和繁衍,誠從下面的敘述中來闡明神的大能和恩典是如此的奇妙和偉大: 一、萌芽期 1949年屏東基督教醫院的義診來到本村,伴隨著傳道的事工,讓本村居民初次聽到福音,但還未有固定的形式和方式來傳揚,直到隔壁涼山部落有一位熱心愛主的弟兄曾學龍先生與他的一位三地門鄉的朋友ti vaung弟兄連袂來到本村一戶一戶走訪傳道,期中雖歷經還信奉原住民傳統信仰的居民的對抗、抵制、謾罵、驅趕,但是他們不為所動。憑著對主的信心,對福音的熱愛,持續堅定的以各種不同方式把主的訊息醞釀在部落裡。這時期,還有一位至今讓人懷念崇敬,她的傳教事蹟至今仍讓信徒津津樂道的姊妹─吳金碧姊妹。 她本是瑪家村人,1960年舉家遷至本村,本著對福音的熱忱和主的忠誠,熱烈地在本村宣教,尤其是對婦女同胞的信仰生活特別賣力,甚至拋掉家務與工作,犧牲委身,帶領婦女認識耶穌基督是救主。教導婦女熱切的禱告與宣教事工,並經歷神奇妙的恩典。 基督福音迅速傳開,認識主並得救的信徒日日加增。 二、成長期 1953年林泉茂傳道師適時的被長老教會屏東中會山地部派駐本教會,教會那時慕道友們沒有固定的處所與時間聚會禮拜,於是經大家商定議決建造第一座禮拜堂,大家同心合意,盡心盡力利用晨間傍晚時分,紛紛上山砍材、劈竹、斬藤、織草葉、背木樑、胼手胝足,一步一步建造,終於在現今教育館的地址上有了一間簡陋克難的禮拜場所。當時的桌椅以竹子,地板用泥漿鋪設,相當刻苦。 期間還遭遇當時執政的當地政府以濫砍樹木為由,並以威嚇移送法辦之言語阻止信徒建堂事工的工程,信眾心生畏懼以致進度延宕,然而在 神的引領開出一條活路,脫離困境。在信眾熱切的禱告和合作下,不畏艱難地以三個月的時間建造完成,弟兄姊妹舉行啟用感恩禮拜。 為了讓更多的居民信主,並進入教會禮拜,信徒們攜手合作發揮互助關懷的精神,以神慈愛與良善為懷,時常在部落間協助修繕房舍,鋪設道路橋梁,收割時幫忙採收農作物,關心照顧殘弱居民,病患家屬及喪家後事處禮及禮拜,並為當時仍為禁地或禁忌的事物(palisi)熱切禱告,祈福驅魔,放下重擔,走在 神預備道路。 於是居民蒙受聖靈的膏抹,聖靈的感動和帶領,基督福音瞬間傳開,大家擺脫祖靈和傳統信仰的束縛,接受耶穌基督是救主的信仰,前進在福音的大道上。 這期間,第二期的弟兄如陳運松 pacukeluqusan、leleqeanlailai、pakedavailailai、tauqadumalacemac 舉行受洗典禮。讓當時簡陋的禮拜堂人潮爆滿,轟動一時。 1955年6月1日再次動工興建磚造教堂及牧師館,同年8月30日完竣,舉行第二次感恩禮拜,10月12日獻堂典禮禮拜。1956年林泉茂傳道師調往馬兒教會,並由許別江傳道師派駐本會,並在當年本會組織漸趨完善,有了小會和長執會的設立。 三、茁壯期 1961年中會派任高華夏牧師為本會首任牧師。1963年經大會議決以10萬元重建磚造瓦片的教堂與牧師館。 1963年6月竣工,並於同年10月舉行獻堂典禮暨設教10週年感恩禮拜。 歷經21年的時光洗練,信徒信心的淬勵奮發,佳義教會一次又一次在主的愛的澆灌,信徒日益增加,教會日益興旺,福音事工廣揚壯大,得救的靈魂日益活絡。 1982年教會決議建造鋼筋混泥土磚造禮拜堂及牧師館之浩大工程,在同年7月1日又聘任林建二牧師為會第二任牧師。經過十年的籌劃及信徒奉獻,於1995年三層樓教堂及牧師館於焉完成並舉行獻堂典禮。現代化教會硬體設施的完備,配合堅定不移的信心旅程,教會信眾再次領受主上帝豐富恩賜,同心合一興旺主的福音,林建二牧師駐牧長達25年後,2006年10月30日辦理盡程退休感恩禮拜。 2007年聘任王德成牧師為第三任牧師並展開興建教育館的重責大任,在 神的帶領及全體信徒同心協力之下,於2011年4月9日舉行續聘王德成牧師暨落成起用感恩禮拜。 四、展望 建立新的異象-----「訓練門徒 關懷社區 走上宣教 60年來,我們都處於上帝的恩典與帶領之中,領受神的恩典為要完成上帝所託付的神聖使命,用行動回應上帝的呼召,---「所以,你們要去」,到任何地方將基督的福音傳揚開來。就是走在宣教的道路上,過宣教的人生。 異象一、訓練門徒 正值推動一領一新倍加之際,培育信徒人人參與領人歸主的重要事奉 事 工內 容實施辦法事奉人員備註 晨禱會新眼光讀經本清晨五點長執會 幕道班基要真理每月一次小會上完本班才能洗 聖經研讀新舊約聖經每月二次教育小組 長執造就會一年二次外聘新任長執務必參加 培靈會不定期外聘 代禱勇士為自己一領一的對象日夜代禱 藉著不同的訓練塑造信徒各個都成為個人佈道的宣教精兵。 本村信徒概況 項目 村別 總人口數 長老教會 天主教 安息日會未信者 佳義村 1057名總人數503名 成人會員289名 未陪餐會員96名 慕道友118名總人數233名 受洗者118名 慕道友99名總人數150名 受洗者83 未受洗者67名171名 (註:含在外的村民) 足見宣教禾場的範圍廣括,是本教將努力以赴的神聖使命,積極推動一領一新倍加福音運動。 成長目標 目 標 質的增長1.門徒訓練2.禱告勇士3.研讀聖經4.宣教精兵 量的增長1.成人會員每年10名2.小兒洗禮每年6名3.慕道友5名 異象二 關懷社區 為要落實社區宣教的使命,並且充分有效使用教育館的設備,以積極的態度參與社區的各項活動並以同理心關懷居民的需求。辦法如下: 事 工內容或對象實施辦法負責單位 松年大學55歲以上的長者每週四小會 兒童陪讀國小學童每週一至週五下午長執會 基督教救助協會 老人關懷社區居民不定時長執會 基督教救助協會 老人日托社區居民每週一至週五籌備中 監獄佈道不定期傳道組 生命教育佳義國小學童每週五上午08:00-08:30教育小組 關懷社區,一直是本教會的重點事工,全心投入人力、財力,無非是要透過關懷社區,做好社區宣教,使教會成為社區盼望、得救的記號。 異象三 踏上宣教之路 馬太福音28章19-20節,耶穌已清楚告訴我們宣揚福音的大使命,基督徒活著為基督,在有生之年領人歸主是每個基督徒當務之急,也是一生中最美的事,以60歲的信仰精神,一生走在宣教的道路上,過宣教的人生,完成大使命,再創新的未來,期待全體信徒如同本教會的logo所含的義意一樣,結出聖靈的果子,仁愛、喜樂、和平、忍耐、恩慈、良善、信實、溫柔、節制落實在日常生活中榮神益人。
When the gospel of Christ has not yet entered the remote aboriginal tribes in Taiwan, the beliefs of tribal residents are polytheistic worship, including the life, old age, sickness and death of mortals, rituals, prayers, disaster relief, healing, and tribal food, clothing, housing and various rituals. All things large and small were handled by psychics called wizards or witches at the time. Because of the importance of the traditional beliefs of the aborigines, coupled with the psychological factors of uncertainty and insecurity in people’s various lives, the tension and opposition between many people and nature and between people have caused suspicion, doubt, fear, and life Lost, unable to satisfy the residents' inner desires and needs and true peace and joy, tranquility and stability from the beliefs of the time. In the ancient society of the Jiayi tribe, there are many suspenseful legends when the people's wisdom has not been developed. Among them, a strange and dexterous story of a god stone is still passed down and worshipped by the tribe. The story goes like this: On one night, an elder of the tribe, named kauvuan lamayav, received the enlightenment of the gloomy god in his dream. There was a stone to be picked up in the Jiayi Creek and placed in the highest and most appropriate position of the tribe as a symbol of guardianship. Women are not allowed to touch the pillars of the tribe at will to avoid disaster. The Jiayi tribe has moved to the village three times. This siver is still accompanied by the residents and is placed on the quiet hill of the tribe. Unlike other tribes’ polytheistic beliefs, the Jiayi tribe did not regard this sacred stone as a true god for worship, and currently only regarded it as a cultural asset. It was not until the beginning of the gospel preaching of the tribe in April 1952 that the lives and beliefs of the residents had the opportunity to renew and change. Among them, there have been three different levels of evolution and reproduction, and the following narratives will clarify the power of God. And grace is so wonderful and great: 1. The budding period In 1949, the free clinic of the Pingtung Christian Hospital came to the village. With the preaching ministry, the residents of the village heard the gospel for the first time, but there was no fixed form or method to spread it until there was a beloved person from the Liangshan tribe next door. The Lord’s brother, Mr. Zeng Xuelong, and his friend from Sandimen Township, Ti vaung, came to the village to visit and preach from house to house. Although during the period, they experienced confrontation, boycott, abuse, and expulsion from residents who still believe in the traditional beliefs of the indigenous people. But they were unmoved. Relying on the faith in the Lord and the love for the gospel, we continue to firmly brew the Lord's message in the tribe in various ways. During this period, there is another sister, Wu Jinbi, who is still remembered and revered, and her missionary deeds are still being talked about by believers. She was originally from Majia Village. She moved to the village with her family in 1960. With zeal for the gospel and loyalty to the Lord, she enthusiastically preached in her village, especially devoted to the faith and life of women compatriots, and even abandoned housework and work. Sacrifice commitment to lead women to realize that Jesus Christ is the Savior. Teach women fervent prayers and missions, and experience miraculous grace. The gospel of Christ spread quickly, and the number of believers who knew the Lord and were saved increased day by day. 2. Growth period In 1953, Preacher Lin Quanmao was dispatched to the church by the Pingtung Central Committee of the Presbyterian Church in a timely manner. At that time, the church catechumens did not have a fixed place and time to meet and worship, so everyone agreed to build the first chapel. In agreement, I tried my best to use the morning and evening hours, one after another, they went up the mountain to cut timber, cut bamboo, chopped vines, weaving grass leaves, back wooden beams, corpus hands and feet, and built step by step. Finally, there is one on the address of the current education center. A simple place of worship. The tables and chairs at that time were made of bamboo, and the floor was laid with mud, which was quite hard. During this period, the ruling local government used the words of intimidation and transfer to the law to prevent believers from building a church. The believers were afraid and delayed the progress. However, God led a way to survive. Dilemma. With the eager prayer and cooperation of the believers, the construction was completed in three months despite the difficulties, and the brothers and sisters held the opening thanksgiving service. In order to allow more residents to believe in the Lord and enter the church to worship, the believers work together to show the spirit of mutual help and caring, taking God’s love and kindness as the embrace, and often assisting in repairing houses, laying roads and bridges between tribes, and helping with harvest Harvesting crops, caring for disabled residents, family members of patients and funerals, and praying for things (palisi) that were still forbidden or taboo at the time, praying for exorcism, lay down heavy burdens, and walk in the path of God. As a result, residents were anointed by the Holy Spirit, moved and led by the Holy Spirit, and the gospel of Christ spread instantly. Everyone got rid of the shackles of ancestral spirits and traditional beliefs, accepted the belief that Jesus Christ is the Savior, and moved forward on the road of the gospel. During this period, the brothers of the second period such as Chen Yunsong pacukeluqusan, leleqeanlailai, pakedavailailai, tauqadumalacemac held baptism ceremonies. The rudimentary chapel at the time was full of people and caused a sensation. On June 1, 1955, the construction of the brick church and the pastor's hall was started again, and it was completed on August 30 of the same year. The second thanksgiving service was held, and the church dedication service was held on October 12. In 1956, the preacher Lin Quanmao was transferred to the Ma'er Church, and the preacher Xu Biejiang was stationed in the church. In that year, the organization of the church was gradually improved, and a small council and a permanent council were established. Three, thriving period In 1961, the Central Committee appointed Pastor Gao Huaxia as the first pastor of the Association. In 1963, the big meeting decided to rebuild the brick church and pastor's hall with 100,000 yuan. The construction was completed in June 1963, and in October of the same year, the dedication ceremony and the 10th anniversary of the teaching ceremony were held. After 21 years of training, the faith of the believers has been invigorated, and the Jiayi Church has been watered by the Lord’s love time and time again. The number of believers has increased, the church has become more prosperous, the gospel ministry has expanded and expanded, and the saved souls have become more lively. In 1982, the church decided to build a huge project of reinforced concrete brick chapel and pastor's hall. On July 1 of the same year, it appointed Pastor Lin Jianer as the second pastor of the church. After ten years of planning and devoting by believers, the three-story church and pastor's hall were completed in 1995 and the dedication ceremony was held. With the completeness of modern church hardware facilities and the unswerving journey of faith, church members once again receive the Lord God’s rich gifts and unite in one heart to prosper the Lord’s gospel. Pastor Lin Jianer has been pastoring for 25 years, October 30, 2006 Retirement thanksgiving service will be handled on the same day In 2007, he appointed Pastor Wang Decheng as the third pastor and started the important task of building an education hall. Under the leadership of God and the concerted efforts of all believers, the re-appointment of Pastor Wang Decheng and the completion of the Thanksgiving Service were held on April 9, 2011. Four, outlook Build a new vision-----"Train disciples, care for the community, embark on missions For 60 years, we have been under God’s grace and leadership, receiving God’s grace in order to fulfill the sacred mission entrusted by God, responding to God’s call with actions, --- "So, you have to go", anywhere Preach the gospel of Christ. It is walking on the road of mission and living a life of mission. Vision 1. Disciple training At the time when we are promoting a new one, we will cultivate all believers to participate in the important ministry of leading people to the Lord Ministries Contents Implementation Methods Ministries Remarks Morning Prayer Meeting New Vision Reading Book Five o'clock in the morning Acting class, basic truth, once a month, small meeting, can only wash after the class Bible Study New and Old Testaments Twice a month Education Group Long executive training will be held twice a year, external appointment, new chief executive must participate Peiling will be employed from time to time Pray for the warrior Through different trainings, each believer is shaped to become a personal evangelist missionary soldier. Profile of believers in this village project Village Total population Presbyterian church Catholic Sabbath meeting unbelievers Jiayi Village 1057 people 503 people 289 adult members 96 unaccompanied members 118 catechumens total 233 118 baptized people 99 catechumens 150 in total Baptized 83 67 unbaptized 171 (Note: Villagers included) It shows that the mission field is wide-ranging, and it is the sacred mission that the church will strive to do, and actively promote the one-leader-one-new multiplying gospel movement. Growth goals aims Qualitative growth 1. Disciple training 2. Prayer warriors 3. Bible study 4. Missionaries Increase in volume 1. 10 adult members every year 2. 6 children baptism every year 3. 5 catechumens Vision 2 Caring for the community In order to implement the mission of community education, and fully and effectively use the equipment of the education hall, participate in various activities of the community with a positive attitude and care for the needs of residents with empathy. The method is as follows: Ministry Content or Target Implementation Measures Responsible Unit Songnian University Senior citizens over 55 Children's accompany, elementary school children, every Monday to Friday afternoon Christian Relief Society Elderly care, community residents, irregular councils Christian Relief Society Elderly Day Care Community Residents Every Monday to Friday In preparation Prison preaching from time to time missionary group Life Education Jiayiguo Primary School Children 08:00-08:30 every Friday morning Education Group Caring for the community has always been the focus of this church's ministry. We devote ourselves to human and financial resources. It is nothing more than caring for the community and doing community missions so that the church will become a sign of hope and salvation in the community. Vision Three Embark on the road of mission Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus has clearly told us the great commission of preaching the gospel. Christians live as Christ and lead people to the Lord during their lifetimes. It is the top priority of every Christian and the most beautiful thing in life. The faith and spirit of the ages, walked on the road of mission all his life, lived a life of mission, fulfilled the great mission, and renewed the future. I hope that all believers will bear the fruits of the Holy Spirit, benevolence, love, Joy, peace, patience, kindness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, and temperance are implemented in daily life to honor God and benefit others.

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