
4.5/5 基於 8 評論

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90744, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Yanpu Township, Yongle Rd, 7-22號菩提寵物

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90744, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Yanpu Township, Yongle Rd, 7-22號菩提寵物
李育軒 on Google

Today, I brought my beloved dog ''A Fei'' to the Bodhi Pet Paradise for cremation. For the parents of a child who has just lost a hair, they don't know what we can do for the child, but fortunately, the sisters inside She taught us how to go through each process very carefully, which really made me feel at ease. While waiting for the cremation, I watched my sister patiently explain to the parents of each furry child, and I felt that although my sister was very busy But I still work very hard and compassionately. There are more than 1,000 hairy children in the park. This expense is not a joke, because I feel their love, so I hope that all hairy parents will also Give them lots of support and encouragement!
阿翔 on Google

在這邊萬分的感謝師兄師姐 每當前往菩提的路上 我們的心情都是萬分沈重 多麼的不希望導航上目的地 寫著菩提樂園 今年接連送走毛小孩 2022/1/1號可愛的多多就這樣安靜的離開我們 2022/2/25號最愛的球球選擇在媽媽懷離開 今年才剛開始短短不到兩個月接連的去當小天使 這叫我們情何以堪 讓我們心情大受打擊,泣不成聲 但是真的非常非常感謝師兄師姐的講解 讓我們知道毛小孩走的很安詳很圓滿 菩提的環境雖然很多人覺得,沒有其他地方好甚至簡陋,但我們覺得並沒有想像的那麼糟糕,師兄師姐認養上百隻狗狗,我們光是照顧2-3隻狗狗就是覺得是一件不容易的事情,何況如此的數量,相信師兄師姐一定也是盡心盡力,所以我們依然選擇這裡,就算要開來回兩個小時的車程 偶然在醫院得知,原來小朋友火化的費用,師兄師姐依然回饋到那些流浪貓狗身上,對我們來說就是幫助我們心愛的毛小孩做最後的功德為他們累積福報,這更讓我們覺得來這裡是正確的決定 菩提比起其他的地方,可能沒有那份服務尊榮感,但就是少了那份商業感,用心的送走小朋友最好一程,讓他回歸自然沒有牽掛,而不是一直推銷小朋友可以做成什麼紀念品 師兄師姐人手可能不多,能夠幫助的有限,但希望大家都可以多多體諒,用最大的善心體諒他人,幫助小朋友功德圓滿。 最後如果你是看完文章的朋友,感謝你,我打的有點長,太傷心了有感而發,抒發一些心情,祝你們一切順心,毛小孩身體健康,誠摯感謝師兄師姐,祝你們一生平安健康。謝謝
Thank you so much brothers and sisters here Whenever on the way to Bodhi Our hearts are so heavy How unwilling to navigate to the destination written Bodhi Paradise This year, the hairy children are sent away one after another On January 1, 2022, the lovely Duoduo left us quietly like this 2022/2/25 My favorite ball chose to leave in my mother's arms This year has just started to become a little angel in less than two months. This is how we feel Let's break our hearts and cry But thank you very much for your explanations Let us know that the hairy child walked peacefully and successfully Although many people think that the environment in Bodhi is not as good as other places or even simple, but we think it is not as bad as imagined. Brothers and sisters have adopted hundreds of dogs. We just take care of 2-3 dogs. It's an easy thing, not to mention such a quantity. I believe that the brothers and sisters must be doing their best, so we still choose this place, even if we have to drive back and forth for two hours. Accidentally learned in the hospital that the original cost of the cremation of the children, the brothers and sisters still give back to those stray cats and dogs. For us, it is to help our beloved furry children to do the last merit and accumulate blessings for them, which makes us feel even more. Here is the right decision Compared with other places, Bodhi may not have the sense of honor in service, but it lacks the sense of business. It is best to send the child away with heart, so that he can return to nature without worrying about it, instead of constantly promoting that children can make it. what souvenir Brothers and sisters may not have many people and can help limited, but I hope everyone can be more considerate, use the greatest kindness to understand others, and help children achieve success. Finally, if you are a friend who has read the article, thank you, I played a bit long, I am too sad, and I express some feelings, I wish you all the best, the hairy child is healthy, sincerely thank you brothers and sisters, I wish you a safe life healthy. thanks
朱柏靄 on Google

園區每個人都很親切友善 感謝?朱師姐對相關問題也都一一解說 讓我們更放心❤️ 選菩提絕對不會錯
Everyone in the park is very friendly Thank you ? Sister Zhu also explained the related questions one by one Let us feel more at ease ❤️ You can't go wrong with Bodhi
Cindy on Google

非常後悔當初把毛孩的後事選擇在這裡走完最後一程. 當初因宗教關係以及看到火化費用是幫助流浪狗,所以毅然決定這間. 結果重頭到尾真的是花錢受氣. 毛孩往生當天我們親自帶毛孩到現場 一進去一位小姐就叫我們把毛孩放在桌上聽經 然後叫我們資料寫一寫然後付錢,什麼沒解釋就要我們離開的意思 我疑惑問他(以下他們在官網寫的)這些流程什麼時候會進行? 以及我們能否可以參與? 菩提會用最虔誠的心來為每隻毛小孩 1. 持咒誦經點金剛明沙 2. 灑大悲咒水 3. 三皈依願藉佛力加持接引所有的有情眾生皆能往生西方極樂世界, 聽經聞法,早日離苦得樂。 4. 火化大體 5. 撿骨 6. 可選擇放入大堂聽經49天或是飼主帶回 他直接回我說我們沒辦法參與,因為園長很忙,很早就出門了 在出門前他會把形式做完後等我們來火化. 我們當下很錯愕,覺得自己的毛孩連走最後一程我們都沒辦法陪他參與整個過程. 當天我們直接打去給園長,園長說我們可以參與,或是他們可以用錄影的方式給我們看他們做的儀式.然後又扯到說他們這邊費用很划算,別的地方聽經要另外收費...這個過程在我們〝堅持〞下以及我們配合園長的時間我們有參與到. 火化當天在等待時,進去毛孩的靈骨塔區域,看到有毛孩的金紙,因為不懂想說詢問一下當天的服務人員,是一位男性,只是想問他這些金紙是要燒給毛孩的嗎?還是燒給地藏王?他回答是給毛孩,我們只是疑惑問他燒給毛孩他們知道要怎麼花嗎?他直接回我們說那你去問一下佛祖燒蓮花給他他用的到嗎...他說他不是從事相關人員不要問他這種問題. 到撿骨的時候,我們詢問園長撿骨是誰跟我們一起撿,他說那位男性服務員,我們直接說可以換其他人服務嗎?園長臉色不太愉悅,之後請一位打掃阿姨陪我們撿骨. 打掃阿姨雖然不到專業,但整體上算很有耐性以及有同理心陪我們完成後面的程序. 49天後要帶走我們的毛孩,我們去問那位男性服務員有需要注意什麼嗎?還是直接帶走,他就說抱走就可以了. 但在我們之前有位飼主帶走他的毛孩,那位男性服務員還很有耐性的跟對方說要注意什麼以及怎麼抱等等..結果對我們什麼都沒說,我們也是滿頭問號. 總結 1.google評論如果有0顆星,我會打0,我連一顆星都不想給 2.整個感受就是花錢找罪受,沒有同理心,沒有感受到任何服務 3.員工讓我們的感受就是沒受到專業訓練,沒同理心,非常冷漠 4.官網寫的流程如果我們沒堅持要陪同參與,我們可能會錯過毛孩的最後一程. (如果連官網寫的那些服務,家屬都無法親自參與,原因都是因為園長很忙,何必要標榜有那些過程?) 5.雖然是流浪狗機構,但你們火化確實也有收費阿,跟其他業者比價錢是一樣的,但其他業者有讓我們感受到因該有的服務,但你們完全沒有.什麼都要我們自己問,然後服務員回答非常冷淡. 6.園長提到說49天聽經他們是免費的,這點確實,但毛孩離開了,就跟我們的家人一樣,我們希望他莊嚴的走最後一程,錢是最主要的問題嗎?家人需要的是毛孩可以好好走完.這時候在那邊說誰便宜誰貴是重點嗎? 7.見過許多流浪狗機構,也捐款過其他機構,此間完全感受不到有慈悲及虔誠的心.(雖然不是每位員工,但我們接洽到的真的讓我們很傻眼) 8.49天到要帶走毛孩,什麼都沒告知我們,直接叫我們抱走,但對其他組客人有詳細解說,這是差別待遇嗎?講句實在一點,我們也是有付錢的內. (原本想說毛孩如果最後一程走完要捐款,看到這種態度直接放棄) 9.如果沒有耐性可以去幫助每組失去自己毛孩的家屬,我建議你們就專注本業就好,因為我們就是那組過程覺得很受氣的客人. 10.建議如果毛孩要莊嚴走完最後一程,很多其他間的選擇,在選擇一次我不會再選此間.
Ya peng CHEN on Google

剛好就在家前面,移車時,才看見在角落,越近看心臟沒有心跳,心想不妙了,舌頭吐出來有一口水在地板,第一直覺是被毒的,這是我第一次遇見的經歷,有時候覺得如果愛寵物就請不要丟棄,當下是馬上問養寵物的朋友,直接推薦您的家園,感謝師姐的辛苦,對流浪貓狗寵物超有愛心,感恩您4/19日下午先回鹽埔後,在往屏東路上來接流浪貓,還要去接大毛孩子,辛苦您,真的很偉大,今日看到滿滿的感動與祝福,人在苦在累,也沒有寵物被丟棄的心酸故事,請呼籲大家,愛寵物們就請不要不愛亂丟,話說太多太多都哽咽了。老闆真的很有「愛」,連我都不知覺的流下然兒淚?,感動的畫面,第一句話就說,他很漂亮的,雖然只是剛好出現家門口角落,但看到也會不捨,師姐來回的唸佛經,對貓來說是恩賜,就像基督徒神父般,感恩您的大恩大德,您會有福報,謝謝您的愛心。謝謝您友善的愛毛孩們也都很溫暖❤️❤️❤️ 南無阿彌陀佛!觀世音佛祖保佑您與寵物。
It was just in front of the house. When I moved the car, I saw it was in the corner. The closer I saw, the heart had no heartbeat. I thought something was wrong. There was a mouthful of water on the floor when I stuck out my tongue. My first instinct was that it was poisoned. This is the first time I have encountered it. I sometimes feel that if you love pets, please don’t throw them away. Now, I immediately ask friends who have pets and directly recommend your home. Thank you for your hard work and love for stray cats and dogs. Thank you on the afternoon of 4/19 After returning to Yanpu first, on the road to Pingtung, I will pick up stray cats and big hairy children. It is really great to work hard for you. Today, I see a lot of touching and blessings. People are suffering and tired, and no pets are being The sad story of discarding, please appeal to everyone, please don't love to litter, if you love pets, you will be choked up if you talk too much. The boss is really "loving", even I shed tears unknowingly?, the touching picture, the first sentence said, he is very beautiful, although he just happened to appear in the corner of the house, but he will also see it Reluctant to give up, the recitation of Buddhist scriptures back and forth by my sister is a gift to the cat, just like a Christian priest, thank you for your great kindness and greatness, you will have a blessing, thank you for your love. Thank you for your friendly fur-loving children who are also very warm ❤️❤️❤️ Namo Amitabha! Avalokitesvara Buddha bless you and your pets.
葉貞廷 on Google

Our baby is full and happy here. Brothers and sisters, all work hard to support Langlang in the park. Although they don't have the beautiful uniforms of other service staff, they have beautiful hearts and are very satisfied. I am very grateful??Gold.Silver.Green. White (party is great)
賴文卿 on Google

當我陷入毛孩離世的情緒裡,撥了電話給菩提,電話裡的小姐冷靜的跟我說:好好陪伴孩子最後一晚,放佛經給祂並好好跟祂說說話!明天早上十點左右再帶來園區進行後續動作,好好的陪伴祂最後一程!這番建議讓我冷靜了許多!隔天一早在約定時間親自帶著毛孩過去園區,看到志工忙進忙出,卻不忘輕聲細語的與我們說話,在陪伴孩子完成最後火化的階段,志工輕輕的跟我說了一句:你們不要再難過了,祂修的很好! 在撿骨階段志工也非常細心的跟我們解釋孩子的骨灰狀態,也讓我們參與撿骨的過程,頓時間覺得孩子只是換個方式陪伴我們!細心的幫孩子把所有骨灰都放入紙盒,並教導我後續帶回家花葬的方法!一路帶著孩子往回家的路上,我放下了心中的大石,慶幸我選了菩提,我肯定孩子會滿意我幫他做的最後安排!感謝菩提 或許當我思念孩子時,回到菩提晃晃,會得到許多毛孩溫暖的陪伴!
When I was in the mood of Mao's death, I called Bodhi, and the lady on the phone calmly said to me: spend the last night with the child, give him the Buddhist scriptures and talk to him! Tomorrow morning around ten o'clock, I will bring the park to the park for follow-up actions, and accompany him on the last journey! This suggestion calmed me down a lot! The next morning at the appointed time, I personally took the fur baby to the park. I saw the volunteers were busy in and out, but they did not forget to speak to us in a soft voice. When accompanying the children to complete the final cremation, the volunteers told me softly. One sentence: Don't be sad anymore, He has cultivated very well! During the bone collection stage, the volunteers also explained to us the status of the ashes of the child very carefully, and also let us participate in the process of collecting the bones. Suddenly, I felt that the child was just accompanying us in a different way! Carefully help the child put all the ashes into the cardboard box, and teach me the method of taking it home for flower burial later! On the way home with the child, I put down the big stone in my heart, and I am glad that I chose Bodhi. I am sure that the child will be satisfied with the final arrangement I made for him! Thank you Bodhi Maybe when I miss my children, when I go back to Bodhi, I will get the warm company of many furry children!
謝小志 on Google

菩提動物樂園 是一個很不錯的環境,在這的主辦人收留了上千隻浪浪全心投入在這照顧無家可歸的毛孩,所有的花費均由樂園的收入支出,雖然能有固定的金流但照顧上千隻浪浪的辛苦真的不是一般人所能體會,如果家中有要丟棄的保暖物品或其他物資可以考慮捐助,讓園方有更多的資源幫助浪浪,而毛孩的後事如需要打理也是一個值得推薦的場所,是一個能感受到滿滿付出能量與無私大愛的地方。 ps.現場因為浪浪太多味道會讓人有些不適應需要調適一會。
Bodhi Animal Park It is a very good environment. The organizer here has taken in thousands of Lang Lang and devoted himself to taking care of the homeless furry children. All expenses are paid by the income of the park. Although there is a fixed cash flow, The hard work of taking care of thousands of Langlang is really beyond ordinary people's understanding. If there are warm items or other materials to be discarded at home, you can consider donating, so that the garden will have more resources to help Langlang, and the hairy child's funeral should be needed. Care is also a recommended place, a place where you can feel full of energy and selfless love. ps. Because there are too many waves and waves, it will make people uncomfortable and need to adjust for a while.

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