台灣基督長老教會排灣中會事務所 - Changzhi Township

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Contact 台灣基督長老教會排灣中會事務所

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908, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Changzhi Township, Baihe Rd, 35號台灣基督長老教會排灣中會事務所

電話 : 📞 +8887
城市 : Baihe Rd

908, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Changzhi Township, Baihe Rd, 35號台灣基督長老教會排灣中會事務所
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排灣中會簡史 壹、宣教歷程 彎族宣教的歷史起始於194年,日本戰敗、台灣終戰之後的時期。“在這之十七世紀荷蘭殖民台灣期間,以及十九世紀西方宣教師前來台灣宣教主民有機會接觸基督教信仰,但由於1895年至1945年日本估據台灣的五 上任何人(包括宣教師)在原住民開拓宣教事工,因此排灣族的宣教事工才由屏東教會的許有才牧師引荐發展。 1屏東教會宣教二階段(1945-1948): -.1945年,排灣族所信奉的「神道教」因日本戰敗返國而隨之消失,崇信泛靈信族人頓時失去精神的依賴。於是12月初,當時屏東縣三地鄉歸順義鄉可免長老陪同訪問屏東教會許有才牧師,問「以後要敬拜什么神?」這個許有才牧師彷佛看見自己責無旁貸的宣教異象。隨即於1946 年1月1日與教會信徒約四十 人,帶著一袋鹽到三地門部落訪問,這正是福音傳入屏東排灣族原住民部落的開始。隔年元月,黃素娥女士經許有才牧師推薦為三地國小的教員,白天在三地國小教書,晚間則向通曉日文的三地門青年傳福音,但實質效果有限。1947年9月黄素娥女士受聘回 屏東教會任幼稚園褓姆,但仍利用週六及週日的時間回三地門傳福音。 二.1948年6月,三地門郷馬兒村青年林泉茂(前玉泉教會牧師)因病必須在屏 區就醫,為了就醫方便而投宿在屏東教會。從那時一面工作一面就醫, 师慕道認識基督信仰,遂於1948年8月15 日成為第一位排灣族受没 月林泉茂與三地村青年許別江進入花蓮山地宣道所(玉山神學院前 年,屏東教會再度差派黃素娥女士開始全時間在三地村傳道,並租屋 婦女.老人傳福音,雖語言不通,但主預備了己受洗的一Pukiringan ( 此後逐漸有多人信主。1948年4#月三地門教會開始進行建堂事工,1950分 完成屏東排灣族群第一座禮拜堂。 兒村青年林泉茂與三地村青年許別江進入花蓮宣道所受訓練後,在暑假 的在本村配合屏東教會的人員及當地的信徒推動傳道事工,終於使三地門 教會相繼誕生,由此向排灣族群各地區展開全面性的傳道。 從山地區曾到排灣中會(1954-1999) 48 年之後,排灣族各教會如雨後春筍般的在各處成立,同時也開啟了 宣教事工。“在此時期,排灣族及魯凱族的教會仍由高雄中會傳道部所成 (後改為山地部)專職負責推動各項宣教事工,直到1954年起,統治 地政策改變,禁止平地人進入山區,因此高雄中會山地部調整宣教策略,訓練排灣.魯 凱族群朝自立.自養.自傳的教會。並在155年12月15日假屏東教會舉行成立「山 地區會」感恩禮拜。1955年成立屏東排灣區會時,已有32間教會及22名傳道師。 山地區會的事工與組織一直延續到第九屆,期間經過幾次的會議與討論,最後在 1964年6月23日,屏東山地區會與總會山地宣道處,以及東部排灣區會,決議於 10月5日假三地門教會舉行屏東山地區會與東部排灣區會合併成排灣中會,選出第一 屆中會組織,中委會(議長林泉茂).傳道事工(部長高華夏)教育事工(部長毛東南).財 務部(部長池金發).女宣道部(部長包霞)青年部(部長林建二)等六個部會。1966年由 於排灣中會幅員遼闊,東部排灣族退出本會成立東部排灣區會。 在這期間的成長與茁壯,主要原因之一是總會在1959 年總會推 音加運動促成了台灣原住民廿世紀的宣教奇蹟1967年至1971年總 運動」來推動宣教事工,企望將福音帶進各個階層,擬定了工業、農 與學生傳道的五年宣教方案。1972年至1976年是所謂的忠僕運動,總 忠僕手冊」以做參考依據。1977年進入到自立與互助運動,此運動重視 會友認識聖經、教義、長老教會歷史、教會行政及信徒生活等;一方面則是 #原住民教會的合一,並讓教會達成自立、自養及自傳的宣教 8年至1991年總會因應社會背景,推出與過去宣教理念較不一樣 一增長運動」。時值美麗島事件發生之際,關心此事件的相關牧長,尤其是 高俊明牧師等人被捕入獄,在社會及政治緊張的氛圍下,暫時將宣 的教育與增長。1989年魯凱族教會漸趨成熟穩定,遂離開排灣中會成立魯 99年,總會跨教派合作推出「2000年福音運動」,並為了宣教13 心靈改革」運動,對台灣社會、文化、心靈提出建言,希望落實本土宣教,補 年福音運動」只注重教會數、信徒數成長的數字遊戲。 「認同、委身、成長」八大宣教策略、十年宣教白皮書(2000-2017) 固千禧年之前,總會於1998年成立了研發中心,規劃適用於本土的「 台灣宣教運動方案」,並於1999年訂定方案主題為「營造共同體,落实 指出2000年至010年將以「上帝國」為目標的整全宣教觀2008年總會更是提出了整六面向:「宣揚福音」、「培育上帝的兒女」「愛心服事」「社會改造」「 以來,排灣中會總隨著總會推出的各樣宣教主題及策略,全力以赴地 域内·2000年7月24-27日,總會於台南長榮女中舉辦宣教大會,時任議 改師,認為應將總會提出之宣教策略,因地制宜地運用在排灣族群中,# 7次中委會第18案提出辦理「排灣中會21世紀宣教大會」,並在專屬排 會中提出了ー「新眼光讀經」、「社區宣教」「福音與文化」「禮拜更新 教育」「人才培育」「e世紀宣教」及「都市宣教」等八大宣教策略。 略,應該穩札穩打至少10年,總會在2006年重新推出「認同、委身 享向的宣教異象,適逢排灣中會宣教六十週年,時任議長的李耀光牧師 年提出的八大宣教策略及總會「認同、委身、成長」之宣教目標,遂於 29日,假屏東中會屏東教會舉辦宣教大會,並於該次宣教大會中推派七 進行排灣中會10年宣教白皮書,作為排灣中會未來10年(2006-2015年) 。10年宣教白皮書除延續「八大宣教策略」之内涵與精神外,更透過 組織運作上的優勢,將宣教的異象交由各部會及教會執行與操作。 8月8日莫拉克風災重創南台灣,其中以高雄布農族、屏東排 則。其中,排灣族瑪家部落、大社部落全面遷村至當今的禮納里、德文 导部份居民遷至長治百合部落,也有多數部落面臨原地重建的困境。總會 了,八八風災重建中心,在災區中會(族群區會)設置社工員,除協助重 也在心靈關懷與災后輔導上提供各式各樣資源。 總會除了忙著災後重建工作,為了迎接台灣宣教150週年,於2010年宣布啟動「― ·新倍加」宣教運動,更出版門徒培訓領人系列、造就系列及代禱系列 。中會隨著總會的節奏,除了持續關注災後重建的各樣事工,在宣教的議 會的10年宣教白皮書,結合總會「一領一·新倍加」的宣教異象。為積極 一·新倍加」的異象,遂於2011年增設「一領一專員」來強化總、 ·新倍加」的執行力。2013年總會終止莫拉克風災重建方案,經由總會的陪作 」感受耶穌的大使命與大誡命必須同時成為教會宣教的雙翼,遂於2013年秋季 增聘社福幹事。 五年宣教計劃-「使教會成為盼望的記號」(2018-2022) 16年初,議長田天財牧師及當時21世紀宣教委員會的主委竹嫵·法 各部會部長及書記,邀請大家著手彙整2006年至2015年各部會的會議紀錄及成果報告等,對照十年白皮書的策略及目標,再透過整體中會及各教會的來了解排灣中會十年來的宣教策略有無帶來中會及整體教會的前界」「福音與文化」做為事工的主軸。 17年8月底9月初,本會於高雄電訓所辦理為期三天的宣教大會,一會整理的資料檢視10年白皮書宣教成果,二來透過開放空間提出以「信的記號」為主題的五年宣教計劃。由於近年來,小組已漸漸取代長老教會眾多教會面臨宣教瓶頸時,皆以小組方式調整教會的體質或組織。然而除了都市原住民教會可以適用小組模式外,對原鄉教會而言,團契仍是活約管道。五年宣教計劃便是讓各部會以開放空間的模式,討論出適合各部會團契)的宣教策略。 組織再發展・迎向普世年了五十五個寒暑,至今中會屬下有74間教會、24個部會,部會之下迫需求不同而設有四個協會-社團法人台灣原住民全人發展關懷協會、婦女人關懷協會及急難救助關懷協會,中會事務所人力配置除了總幹事,也配置事及一名事務員,在總會架構下素有小總會之稱。足見福音先備立下的事工基範,讓本中會可持續往著宣教之路奔跑。 歷史學家宣稱「歷史」與「過去」是連繋在一起的,透過歷史,人們得以窺過去發生的事實,進而發現存在於世上的真理。為彙整並銜接中會五事工完整紀錄及中會屬下各教會發展的歷程,本會希冀透過慶祝中會設立55週年,邀約中會屬下各部會及各教會,集結整理並出版本會部會及教會年鑑。透過歷史文獻帶領眾弟兄姊妹緬懷、感恩及反省,更透過歷史檢視找出組織再發展的生機。 近四年來,本會幹部曾有三次機會探望曾於1951擔任排灣族宣教師的懷約翰牧師,除了感念懷牧師的付出,也希望透過這份飄洋過海的足跡,為中會帶來普世宣教的新視野。就像當初宣教師將福音帶進台灣一樣,排灣中會在新一波的宣教運動中,順勢接軌總會的普世宣教計劃,實踐並完成耶穌基督的大使命。
A brief history of the Paiwan Central Assembly 1. Missionary History The history of the Wan clan’s missionary education began in 194, after the defeat of Japan and the end of the war in Taiwan. "During the period of the Dutch colonization of Taiwan in the 17th century, and in the 19th century, when Western missionaries came to Taiwan, the main people had the opportunity to come into contact with the Christian faith. However, due to Japan’s assessment of Taiwan’s five Anyone (including missionary teachers) started a missionary ministry in the aboriginal people. Therefore, the missionary ministry of the Paiwan tribe was recommended and developed by Pastor Xu Youcai of Pingtung Church. 1Pingtung Church Mission II (1945-1948): -. In 1945, the "Shintoism" believed by the Paiwan tribe disappeared due to Japan's defeat in the war and returned to the country. The believers of the animate tribe suddenly lost their spiritual dependence. So in early December, when the elders returned to Shunyi Township in Sandi Township, Pingtung County, they were exempted to visit Pastor Xu Youcai of Pingtung Church and asked, "What god do you want to worship in the future?" This Pastor Xu Youcai seemed to see his own missionary vision that he was responsible for. Immediately on January 1, 1946 with the church members about forty People took a bag of salt to visit the Sandimen tribe. This is the beginning of the spread of the gospel to the aboriginal tribe of the Paiwan tribe in Pingtung. In the first month of the following year, Ms. Huang Su'e was recommended by Pastor Xu Youcai as a teacher in three elementary schools. During the day, she taught in three elementary schools and in the evening she preached the gospel to young people who were fluent in Japanese, but the actual effect was limited. Ms. Huang Su'e was hired back in September 1947 The Pingtung Church serves as the nurseryman for the kindergarten, but still uses Saturday and Sunday to go back to Sandimen to preach the gospel. 2. In June 1948, Lin Quanmao (former pastor of Yuquan Church), a young man from Yimaer Village, Sandimen, had to be on the screen due to illness. The district went to see a doctor and stayed at Pingtung Church for the convenience of medical treatment. Since then, while working and seeing a doctor, The teacher learned about Christianity and became the first Paiwan tribe to be inhabited on August 15, 1948 Yuelin Quanmao and Xu Biejiang, a young man from Sandi Village, entered the Hualien Mountain Missionary Institute (in front of Yushan Theological Seminary) In 2017, the Pingtung Church once again sent Ms. Huang Su'e to preach in Sandi Village full time and rented a house Women. The old man preached the gospel. Although the language was not clear, the Lord had prepared a Pukiringan who had been baptized ( Since then, many people have gradually believed in the Lord. 1948年4# Yuesandimen Church began construction work, 1950 Completed the first chapel of the Paiwan ethnic group in Pingtung. Lin Quanmao, a young man from Ercun Village, and Xu Biejiang, a young man from Sandi Village, entered the Hualien Preaching Center for training. In this village, we cooperated with the staff of the Pingtung Church and local believers to promote the missionary work, and finally made Sandimen The churches were born one after another, from which they spread out comprehensive preaching to the various regions of the Paiwan ethnic group. From the mountain area to the Paiwan Central Assembly (1954-1999) 48 years later, Paiwan churches have sprung up everywhere, and they have also opened Missionary ministry. "During this period, the Paiwan and Rukai churches were still formed by the Kaohsiung Central Committee Mission Department (Later changed to the Mountain Ministry) Full-time responsible for promoting various missions, until 1954, ruled The land policy changed and flat people were prohibited from entering the mountainous area. Therefore, the Kaohsiung Central Society Mountain Department adjusted its mission and education strategy and trained Paiwan. The Kai ethnic group is a self-reliant, self-supporting, autobiographical church. And on December 15, 155, the Pingtung Church held the establishment of "Mountain Regional Council" Thanksgiving Service. When the Pingtung Paiwan Conference was established in 1955, there were 32 churches and 22 preachers. The ministry and organization of the Mountain District Association lasted until the 9th session. During the period, after several meetings and discussions, On June 23, 1964, the Pingtung Mountain Area Association and the General Association Mountain Propaganda Office, and the Eastern Paiwan District Association decided to On October 5th, the Sandimen Church held the Pingtung Mountain Regional Conference and the Eastern Paiwan District Conference merged into the Paiwan Central Conference and elected the first Organization of the session, the Central Committee (President Lin Quanmao). Missionary Ministry (Minister Gao Huaxia) Education Ministry (Minister Mao Dongnan). Ministry of Affairs (Minister Chi Jinfa), Women's Propaganda Department (Minister Bao Xia) and Youth Department (Minister Lin Jianer) and other six ministries. 1966 by The Paiwan Central Association has a vast area, and the Eastern Paiwan people withdrew from the Association to form the Eastern Paiwan Association. One of the main reasons for the growth and prosperity during this period is that the Association will always promote in 1959. The Yinjia Movement contributed to the missionary miracle of Taiwan’s aborigines in the 20th century. From 1967 to 1971, Movement'' to promote missionary work, hoping to bring the gospel to all walks of life, A five-year mission plan for preaching with students. From 1972 to 1976 was the so-called loyal servant movement. The Faithful Servants’ Handbook" for reference. In 1977, he entered the self-reliance and mutual aid movement, which attached great importance to Members know the Bible, doctrine, the history of the Presbyterian Church, church administration, and life of believers; on the one hand, #The unity of the aboriginal church, and let the church achieve self-reliance, self-support and autobiographical mission From 8 to 1991, according to the social background, the general meeting launched a mission that is different from the past mission A growth movement". At the time when the Formosa Incident occurred, the chief shepherd who was concerned about this incident, especially Pastor Gao Junming and others were arrested and imprisoned. Under the social and political tension, the announcement will be made temporarily. Education and growth. In 1989, the Rukai church gradually matured and stabilized, and then left the Paiwan Central Committee to establish Lu In 1999, the Association launched the ``2000 Gospel Movement'' in cooperation across denominations, and for mission 13 The ``Mind Reform'' movement puts forward suggestions on Taiwanese society, culture, and soul, hoping to implement local missions and supplements The "New Year Gospel Movement" only focuses on the number of churches and the growth of believers. "Recognition, Commitment, Growth" Eight Missionary Strategies, Ten Years Missionary White Paper (2000-2017) Before the millennium, the Association established a research and development center in 1998 to plan for local Taiwan’s Missionary Campaign Plan” and the theme of the plan was “Creating a Community, Implementing Pointing out that from 2000 to 010, the holistic view of mission that will aim at ``The Empire of God'' The 2008 General Conference put forward six aspects: ``proclaim the gospel,'' ``cultivating the children of God,'' ``serving with love,'' and ``social transformation''. "" Since then, the Paiwan Central Committee has always followed the various missionary themes and strategies launched In the domain, July 24-27, 2000, the General Assembly held a mission meeting at Tainan Evergreen Girls' High School. The reform of the division believes that the mission strategy proposed by the general association should be applied to the Paiwan ethnic group according to local conditions.# The 18th case of the 7th Central Committee proposed to handle the "Paiwan Central Committee 21st Century Mission Conference", and During the meeting, ー“New Vision Reading”, “Community Missions”, “Gospel and Culture” and “Weekly Update” Eight missionary strategies, such as "education", "talent cultivation", "e-century mission" and "urban mission" Strategy, it should be stable for at least 10 years. Xiang Xiang’s missionary vision coincides with the 60th anniversary of Paiwan Central Committee’s mission. Pastor Li Yaoguang, then the chairperson The eight missionary strategies and the mission goals of ``recognition, commitment, and growth'' proposed by the General Assembly in On the 29th, the false Pingtung Central Committee Pingtung Church held a mission conference and promoted seven missions during the mission conference. Carry out the 10-year missionary white paper of the Paiwan Presbytery, as the Paiwan Presbytery for the next 10 years (2006-2015) . In addition to continuing the connotation and spirit of the ``Eight Mission Strategies,'' the 10-year mission white paper The advantages of organizational operations, the missionary vision is handed over to the various ministries and churches to execute and operate. On August 8th, the Morakot Typhoon hit southern Taiwan, among which the Kaohsiung Bunun and Pingtung Pai then. Among them, the Paiwan Majia tribe and the Dashe tribe have moved their villages to the present-day Renali and German Some of the residents moved to the Baihe tribe in Changzhi, and most tribes faced the predicament of rebuilding in situ. General meeting Yes, the August 8 Typhoon Reconstruction Center has set up social workers in the Central Committee of the Disaster Area (Ethnic Association). It also provides various resources on spiritual care and post-disaster counseling. In addition to being busy with post-disaster reconstruction work, in order to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Taiwan’s mission, the General Assembly announced the launch of ·New Times" missionary movement, published disciple training leader series, training series and intercession series . Following the rhythm of the general meeting, in addition to continuing to pay attention to the various ministries of post-disaster reconstruction, the The 10-year missionary white paper of the Association combines the missionary vision of the Association of "One Leader, One New Year". For positive The vision of "One New Double Plus" was added in 2011 to strengthen the headquarter, ·New times plus" execution power. In 2013, the General Assembly terminated the Morakot Reconstruction Project, and was accompanied by the General Assembly ``Feel that the Great Commission and the Great Commandment of Jesus must be both wings of the mission of the church, so in the fall of 2013 Hire additional social welfare officers. Five-Year Mission Plan-"Make the Church a Sign of Hope" (2018-2022) At the beginning of 2016, the Speaker of the Speaker, Pastor Tian Tiancai, and the then chairman of the 21st Century Mission Committee Zhu Wu Fa The ministers and secretaries of the various ministries and conferences invite everyone to start to compile the meeting records and results reports of the various ministries and conferences from 2006 to 2015, compare the strategies and goals of the ten-year white paper, and then learn about the Paiwan Central Committee through the overall Presbytery and the churches. Has the mission strategy of the past years brought the "Gospel and Culture" of the presbytery and the whole church as the main axis of the ministry. At the end of August and early September of 2017, the Association held a three-day mission conference at the Kaohsiung Electronic Training Institute. One session was to review the results of the 10-year white paper mission. Year mission plan. In recent years, small groups have gradually replaced the presbyterian churches. When many churches face the bottleneck of missions, they use small groups to adjust the physique or organization of the church. However, apart from urban aboriginal churches that can use the small group model, for the native churches, fellowship is still a way to live. The five-year mission plan is to let each ministry use an open space model to discuss a mission strategy suitable for each ministry's fellowship. The organization has re-developed and ushered in 55 cold and heat in the universal year. So far, there are 74 churches and 24 ministries under the presbytery. Under the ministries, there are four associations under different needs.-Corporate legal person Taiwan aborigines The Whole Person Development Care Association, the Women’s Care Association and the Emergency Relief Care Association, in addition to the director general, also staff and a clerical staff, are known as the small general council under the general council structure. It shows that the ministry has set a good example for the gospel, so that the Central Committee will continue to run on the road of mission. Historians claim that "history" and "past" are linked together. Through history, people can glimpse the facts that happened in the past and discover the truth that exists in the world. In order to compile and link the complete record of the five ministries of the Presbytery and the development of the various churches under the Presbytery, the Association hopes to invite the various ministries and churches under the Presidency to organize and publish a version meeting by celebrating the 55th anniversary of the establishment of the Presbytery Ministry and Church Yearbook. Through historical documents, the brothers and sisters are led to remember, thank and reflect, and through historical inspection to find out the vitality of the organization's redevelopment. In the past four years, our cadres have had three opportunities to visit Pastor John White, who was a Paiwan missionary teacher in 1951. In addition to remembering the pastor’s dedication, we also hope that through this footprint across the ocean, we will bring generality to the Central Committee. A new vision for world missions. Just like when the missionaries brought the gospel to Taiwan, the Paiwan Central Association is in line with the universal mission plan of the General Association in a new wave of missions movement, and fulfills and completes the great commission of Jesus Christ.

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