台灣基督長老教會龍山教會 - Neipu Township

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Contact 台灣基督長老教會龍山教會

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912, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Neipu Township, Daxin Rd, 18號台灣基督長老教會龍山教會

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城市 : Daxin Rd

912, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Neipu Township, Daxin Rd, 18號台灣基督長老教會龍山教會
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期待新教會。 部落宣教史 因著神的恩典與眷顧,我們定根在龍泉地區,建立家園已屆四十四年的歲月,這一路走來充 滿著上帝的引導、保守與恩典。 主後1970 年代原鄉吹起一股風潮,就是原鄉少女大量婚嫁給從大陸移民來台的軍人,剛好 在龍泉村有二間營區,其中一間海軍陸戰隊營區就在龍泉村與大新村的界線中間,當時有一批從 三地門鄉與瑪家鄉等原鄉婦女嫁給在這二間營區服兵役的外省先生,因信仰早已在原鄉建立,希 望在移居地繼續有教會生活,就開始探訪龍泉地區所有嫁給從大陸移民來台的軍人之太太,這開 始了龍山教會的歷史,後來主後1990 年開始,原鄉族人大量移居至都會區,因工作及孩子讀書便 利,便紛紛遷移至龍潭村、龍泉村及大新村買屋定居至今。 教會在20 年之間禮拜人數增加 ,使原來的舊教堂因建地坪數面積小,已不敷使用,因此,在 主後2010 年2 月召開會員大會議決通過「增購建地(教堂隔壁之住家)」案,使教會建地面積增 加滿足教會空間之需。 感謝主,感動了內埔長老教會李寬仁長老,奉獻150 萬元幫助我們增購建地,使原來窄小的 教堂加上增購之建地大大的解決教會現有的教堂及團契教室、停車場不足的問題。 主後2015 年5 月31 日召開臨時會員大會議決通過重建新教堂,從此開啟了弟兄姊妹對重建 的期待與夢想,紛紛發動認捐建堂基金期盼能早日建堂完成。 感謝主,透過鄰近內埔教會的協助與弟兄姐妹發動認捐,目前建堂基金已有350 萬元,但距 離總工程費1250 萬元需待擺上更多的禱告。 建堂是我們對上帝恩典的回應,也因看見都市宣教禾場的急迫性,於龍泉謀職就學的族人需 要在信仰、文化、教育、就業各方面的牧養關懷,而這一切都需要有適當的場所。因此,接下來 建立新堂則是我們下一步的宣教工作。  未來展望 一、 活出大誡命:愛神愛人是最大的誡命。 二、 實踐大使命:向普天下的人傳音,這是大使命。 三、 成為龍泉地區(大新村、龍潭村、龍泉村三大區)原住民宣教中心。 四、 關懷移居龍泉區族人家庭生活、就業之媒合與文化教育。 五、 提供教室作為兒童信仰品格教育、課業輔導、母語教學、文建站。(內文取自排灣中會55年年鑑)
Looking forward to the new church. Tribal Mission History Because of God’s grace and favor, we have settled in Longquan area and established our homeland for forty-four years. Full of the guidance, protection and grace of God. In the 1970s after the Lord, there was a trend in the hometown where a large number of girls from the hometown were married to soldiers who had immigrated to Taiwan from the mainland. There are two camps in Longquan Village. One of the Marine Corps camps is in the middle of the boundary between Longquan Village and Daxin Village. Women from the original villages such as Sandimen Township and Majia Township were married to gentlemen from other provinces who served in the military service in these two barracks. They had already been established in their original villages because of their beliefs. Hope to continue to have church life in the place of emigration, I began to visit all the wives of military men who were married to immigrants from the mainland in the Longquan area. The history of the Longshan Church began, and later in 1990, a large number of native villagers migrated to the metropolitan area. They have moved to Longtan Village, Longquan Village and Daxin Village to buy houses and settle down until now. The number of worshippers in the church has increased in 20 years, so that the original old church has a small floor area, which is no longer sufficient. Therefore, in In February 2010, after the Lord, a general meeting of members was held and it was decided to pass the “Additional Purchase of Construction Site (House next door to the church)", which increased the church’s construction area. Add to meet the needs of the church space. Thank the Lord for moving Elder Li Kuanren of the Neipu Presbyterian Church and donating 1.5 million yuan to help us purchase more land for construction, making the original narrow The church and the additional land purchased have greatly solved the problem of insufficient churches, fellowship classrooms, and parking lots. A temporary membership meeting was held on May 31, 2015, and it was decided to rebuild the new church. Since then, the brothers and sisters have started to rebuild the church. The hopes and dreams of the people have launched a pledge to build a church fund, hoping to complete the construction of the church as soon as possible. Thank the Lord, through the assistance of the neighbouring Neipu church, the brothers and sisters have pledged donations. Currently, the church building fund has reached 3.5 million yuan. More than 12.5 million yuan from the total project cost needs to be put on more prayers. Building a church is our response to God’s grace, and because we see the urgency of the urban mission field, the people who seek employment in Longquan need There must be pastoral care in all aspects of faith, culture, education, and employment, and all of these require proper places. So next Building a new church is our next missionary work.  Future prospects 1. Live the great commandment: Love God and love your neighbor is the greatest commandment. 2. Practicing the Great Commission: It is the Great Commission to spread the voice to all people in the world. 3. Become an aboriginal education center in the Longquan area (the three major districts of Daxin Village, Longtan Village, and Longquan Village). 4. Care for the matchmaking and cultural education of the family life and employment of the people who migrated to Longquan District. 5. Provide classrooms as children's belief character education, schoolwork guidance, mother tongue teaching, and cultural construction stations. (The text is taken from the Paiwan Central Committee 55 Yearbook)

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