拉亞漢堡-內埔光明 - Neipu Township

3.4/5 基於 8 評論

拉亞漢堡Laya Burger - Laya.com.tw


拉亞漢堡Laya Burger - Laya.com.tw



Mr. Burger wth Thick Sliced Beef & Bacon

Laya Burger當家招牌! 厚實的牛肉排,配上清爽的生菜與番茄,再來一點培根的點綴,美好的一天從此刻開始

Contact 拉亞漢堡-內埔光明

地址 :

912, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Neipu Township, Guangming Rd, 619號拉亞漢堡-內埔光明

電話 : 📞 +88879
網站 : http://www.laya.com.tw/
城市 : Guangming Rd

912, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Neipu Township, Guangming Rd, 619號拉亞漢堡-內埔光明
Mi特 on Google

The fried potato cakes are just right:), other flavors of cuisine are also good.
方曉薇 on Google

進入店家點餐完畢後,店家的熊貓平板一直進單,應該也有個5~6單,等一陣子熊貓紛紛來取餐,因為等了一陣子,詢問阿姨我的餐點製作了嗎,在櫃檯算錢阿姨的說好了,結果又跟旁邊的阿姨竊竊私語,然後旁邊的阿姨就跑去冰箱拿東西要去炸,我看那個東西好像是我要的餐點,我就說不要炸了,然後算錢的阿姨就說你不要了嗎,我說對,阿姨也不否認, 假如餐點沒做好就沒做好,不要欺騙消費者的時間,而且應該照點餐順序出餐吧!做不出單也不要硬接,最後我拿了部分做好的餐點離開,只有一聲不好意思,感覺真的很差
After entering the store and ordering, the store’s panda tablet keeps ordering. There should be 5-6 orders. After a while, the pandas come to pick up the food. Because after waiting for a while, I asked Auntie if my meal has been made. It’s at the counter. Aunt Qian said it was fine, and then she whispered to the aunt next to him, and then the aunt next to him ran to the refrigerator to get something to fry. I saw that the thing seemed to be the meal I wanted, so I said not to fry it. Then the aunt who counted the money said you don’t want it anymore. I was right, and the aunt didn’t deny it. If the meal is not done, it is not done. Don't deceive the consumer's time, and the meal should be served in the order in which it is ordered! If you can’t make an order, don’t take it hard. Finally, I took a part of the prepared meal and left with only a cry of embarrassment. I felt really bad.
ExActMK on Google

真的要來幫他們平反一下 曾拒吃這間拉亞有四年之久 現在整體給人的感覺很不錯 已做到盡人事 蛋餅之前被其他人嫌說不切 但我台灣西半部的拉亞吃過10幾間 外帶都是不切的 我也認為這樣比較方便食用 至於價格方面 是口袋問題 不是店家問題 勁辣花生雞芝加哥堡 有夠好吃 每天都要來一個 辣味德腸厚牛 捷克厚牛也都很棒 但蛋餅系列略遜於其他家拉亞
I really want to help them out. I refused to eat this raya for four years It feels really good now have done everything Omelette was disliked by others before But I have eaten more than 10 restaurants in Laya in the western half of Taiwan. Takeout is not cut, I also think it is more convenient to eat As for the price, it's a pocket problem, not a store problem Spicy Peanut Chicken Chicago Burger is delicious enough to have one every day Spicy Dew Sausage Thick Beef Czech thick beef is also great But the egg cake series is slightly inferior to other home Laya
黃品芸 on Google

The 155 set meal is pitiful with little food... the meat in the set meal is still the meat in the sandwich
陳志堂 on Google

The burgers are delicious, give me a suggestion, it would be better to replace the shredded cabbage in the burger with lettuce.
koryn Hsu on Google

I ordered a thick beef burger set meal with egg. Between the two slices of bread, there are really only slices of meat, cheese and eggs...the real thing and the picture are really far from the picture. The attached black tea has no taste (regrets the price increase for a large cup), and the crispy potatoes are acceptable. This level of 110 yuan is quite disappointing, and it has been in line for 25 minutes after the delivery...
劉雅芬 on Google

Very, very bad and unpalatable ? The seafood noodle soup delivered to the home costs 130, and the seafood that is not attached to the black tea is only 2-3 shrimps, 3-4 sprig circles, and the broccoli is small minced? Not even an egg! The udon noodles are rotten to the point of swelling...I will definitely not order your meals...too expensive to taste! Breakfast will be so hot
謝罐頭 on Google

吃過台北台中的拉亞漢堡,屏東這間是我吃過最爛的,沒有之一。 拿食材用丟的那位貌似高中生男店員點餐愛理不理, 菜單已經排了7,8張,煎檯的老阿婆還在慢慢弄,慢慢的煎。 很明顯沒開抽油風扇,鐵板也不熱,完全看不到食材在煎的樣子, 只有小火溫火把食材弄熱那樣而已。 我的培根蛋餅,培根居然只煎了10秒就放到蛋餅上,根本連熱都沒熱。 然後蛋餅也是慢慢的溫熱,完全看不到火力在煎蛋餅。 噢~對了,蛋餅居然沒切,就只是用漢堡紙捲起來,連調味料都沒有。 你不講我還以為這是另一家的北方大陸餅。 飲料要自己去冰箱拿,冰箱冷度也不夠,而且冰箱上層還在滴水。 紅茶味道居然是一般的古早味紅茶,連美而美都比你好喝,還只裝8分滿。 然後告訴你,過年我們紅茶不賣小杯的。 最後結帳回來,裡面放的餐點單........是別人的。 給一顆星我都嫌多。
I have eaten the Raya Burger in Taichung, Taipei. This is the worst I have ever eaten in Pingtung. The male clerk who looked like a high school student who took the ingredients and lost his orders ignored him. The menu has been lined up for 7,8, and the old lady at the frying station is still making it slowly and frying slowly. Obviously, the oil extraction fan was not turned on, the iron plate was not hot, and the food was not fried at all. Only a small fire and a warm fire heat up the ingredients. My bacon quiche, the bacon was fried on the quiche after only 10 seconds, it was not even hot. Then the omelet is warmed slowly, and the firepower is not visible at all. Oh, by the way, the omelet was not cut, it was just rolled up with hamburger paper, and there was no seasoning. If you don't tell me, I thought it was another northern continental cake. You have to go to the refrigerator to get the beverages. The refrigerator is not cold enough, and the upper layer of the refrigerator is dripping. The taste of black tea is actually the average old-fashioned black tea. It tastes even better than you, and it is only 8 points full. Then I'll tell you, we don't sell small cups of black tea during the New Year. At the end of the checkout, the meal list placed inside... is someone else's. I can't give one star too much.

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