芥菜種 - Neipu Township

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912, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Neipu Township, Yuying Rd, 18號芥菜種

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城市 : Yuying Rd

912, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Neipu Township, Yuying Rd, 18號芥菜種
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二戰後的台灣物資缺乏,民眾生活艱苦、百廢待舉,基礎建設復原緩慢,遑論國內醫療設備與專業人員之匱乏,戰後初期相當程度是依靠國外的傳教醫療團隊協助,才能填補島內資源之不足。來自國外的宣教士在第一線扛起了照顧社會弱勢的重擔,其中一對宣教士夫婦孫雅各和孫理蓮,更是引進美國民眾的善心資源,幫助台灣在1950年代走過風雨飄搖的艱困時期,而且,之後更成立台灣第一個社福組織—芥菜種會。 芥菜種命名的由來源自於聖經故事,形容芥菜種比大多數的種子都還要小,可是長大後卻可以成為參天大樹,可以讓百鳥棲息,同時孕育其他生命,使環境生生不息。孫理蓮女士就是用這樣的信念在台灣創造了許多感人的故事,從北門烏腳病到樂生療養院、從盲人重建院到少年之家、從都市到鄉間、從山區到離島,在在都是對不幸者感同身受的哀憐與毫無保留的幫助,以及將愛心付諸行動的勇氣與信心。 1947年加拿大的長老教會,派出一對美國籍的宣教士夫妻—孫雅各、孫理蓮來到台灣傳教,但這不是他們第一次來台灣,早在20年前,1927年他們就曾來台宣教,只用了一年時間就學會台語。孫雅各曾擔任淡水中學校長、台灣神學校校長,後來才因二戰戰況吃緊而離開台灣,但隨著韓戰爆發、美援支持,台灣情勢才逐漸穩定, 孫氏夫妻是第一波重回寶島的傳教士,除了宣教,也要幫助初來乍到的外籍傳教士融入社會,孫理蓮一開始只是孫雅各的幫手,操持大小事務,但隨著需要幫忙的問題不斷湧現,孫理蓮遂從一位外國小婦人蛻變成為臺灣奉獻一生的巨人。 孫理蓮曾受過基本的醫護訓練,所以宣教的模式多半是以施藥、包紮開始,與現代傳教方式相較,可謂是順應情勢需求的折衷辦法。第一個亟待她去的地方,就是收容痲瘋病患的樂生療養院。在她到達之前,連續三個禮拜,共十位對生命絕望的病患厭世自盡,而活著的,正在吃不飽、穿不暖、無人問津的邊緣喘息。孫理蓮的到來,不但補足了食物資源,也豐富了他們的精神生活。在當時,痲瘋病人所生的孩子必須接受隔離,無法與父母同住,孫理蓮為這些孩子設立「安樂之家」,為病患安排親屬相聚的時間,彌補天倫之樂。為了進一步幫助痊癒者自立,她親自奔回美國募款,1954年成立「職業治療室」與「希望之家」。同年,為了讓慈善事業運作更完善,向美國加州政府申請立案,正式成立「芥菜種基金會」,讓美國的募款制度化。1962年 財團法人基督教芥菜種會在臺灣正式登記立案。 孫理蓮在台灣宣教的過程見證1960~1970年代的台灣公衛史,不只在痲瘋病和烏腳病提供設備資源,就連偏遠山區的原住民醫療,都處處可以見到孫理蓮的蹤跡。基於悲天憫人的情懷,讓孫理蓮透過芥菜種會,從原住民肺結核到生產、養育、職訓等,有超過60年的時間,芥菜種會陸續設立了育幼院、少年之家、殘障之家、肺病療養院、原住民產院和職訓學校,近百萬人受過他們的幫助,儘管孫理蓮在1983年過世,這位被稱為「原住民之母」、「盲胞之母」的美國宣教士,依然受到大家的懷念。 在政府力量最脆弱的年代,貧窮、偏鄉,多少人在困境中掙扎,缺少改變的機會,直至孫理蓮及芥菜種會聞聲救苦,才點亮原本的灰暗前途,許多生命開始有了轉變,一個社福團體、一個宗教組織、一個外國女士補救了艱困年代政府部門的工作。雖然是以宣教為目的,但執行過程中無不先以救苦做起,再給予生活技能的訓練,從保姆、美髮、木工、汽修班不一而足,都是為了讓弱勢族群可以自立自強,孫理蓮替芥菜種會播下美好的種籽,在各種領域開枝散葉。除了在臺事務的開展之外,更將目光放到南洋,將在臺灣的援助及宣教經驗延伸出去,造福更多需要的人。 從二戰後至今,台灣從當初需要外援救助,到如今有能力非洲、中南美洲等落後國家。孫理蓮的精神並不隨著她逝世而消滅,她是台灣的德雷莎,溫暖而堅定的笑容,永遠留在大家的心中。
After World War II, Taiwan’s supplies were lacking, the people’s lives were hard, and everything was waiting to be done. The restoration of infrastructure was slow, not to mention the lack of domestic medical equipment and professionals. In the early post-war period, it was largely dependent on the assistance of foreign missionary medical teams to fill the island Insufficient resources. Missionaries from abroad took the burden of taking care of the disadvantaged in society on the front line. Among them, a pair of missionary couples, Sun Jacob and Sun Lilian, brought in the kind resources of the American people to help Taiwan weather the precarious difficulties of the 1950s. During the difficult period, and later, Taiwan’s first social welfare organization, the Mustard Seed Association, was established. The name for the mustard seed is derived from a biblical story. It is described that the mustard seed is smaller than most seeds, but when it grows up, it can become a towering tree that allows birds to inhabit, and at the same time breed other life, and make the environment endless. Ms. Sun Lilian used this belief to create many touching stories in Taiwan, from Beimen Blackfoot to Lesheng Nursing Home, from Reconstruction Homes for the Blind to Children’s Homes, from the City to the Country, from the Mountains to the Outlying Islands. The unfortunate feel for the pity and unreserved help, and the courage and confidence to put love into action. In 1947, the Canadian Presbyterian Church sent a pair of American missionary couples—Jacob Sun and Lilian Sun—to Taiwan to preach, but this was not the first time they came to Taiwan. As early as 20 years ago, they came to Taiwan in 1927. For missions, I learned Taiwanese in only one year. Sun Jacob served as the principal of Tamsui Middle School and the principal of Taiwan Theological School. He later left Taiwan due to the tight conditions of the Second World War. However, with the outbreak of the Korean War and the support of US aid, the situation in Taiwan gradually stabilized. The Sun family returned in the first wave. In addition to missions, the missionaries on Baodao should also help new foreign missionaries integrate into society. Sun Lilian was only Sun Jacob’s helper at the beginning, handling all kinds of affairs. The little lady transformed into a giant who dedicated her life to Taiwan. Sun Lilian has received basic medical and nursing training, so the mode of missionary education mostly starts with medication and bandaging. Compared with modern missionary methods, it can be said to be a compromise method to meet the needs of the situation. The first place she needs to go to is the Lesheng Sanatorium for leprosy patients. Before she arrived, for three consecutive weeks, a total of ten patients who were desperate for life committed suicide, while the alive were panting on the verge of lack of food, clothing, and no one cares about. The arrival of Sun Lilian not only supplemented their food resources, but also enriched their spiritual life. At that time, children born to leprosy patients had to be quarantined and could not live with their parents. Sun Lilian set up an "easy home" for these children, arranging time for the patients to gather with relatives to make up for the family happiness. In order to further help the recovered, she personally rushed back to the United States to raise funds. In 1954, she established the "Occupational Therapy Room" and "Hope House". In the same year, in order to make the charity operation more perfect, it applied to the California government to establish the "Mustard Seed Foundation" to institutionalize fundraising in the United States. In 1962, the Christian Mustard Seed Association was officially registered in Taiwan. Sun Lilian’s mission in Taiwan witnessed the history of Taiwan’s public health in the 1960s and 1970s. Not only did she provide equipment and resources for leprosy and black feet, but even the aborigines in remote mountainous areas could see Sun Lilian everywhere. Based on the compassionate feelings, let Sun Lilian through the Mustard Seed Association, from aboriginal tuberculosis to production, nurturing, vocational training, etc., for more than 60 years, the Mustard Seed Association has successively established nurseries, youth homes, homes for the disabled, Nearly one million people have been helped by lung disease nursing homes, aboriginal maternity homes, and vocational training schools. Although Sun Lilian passed away in 1983, the American missionary known as the "mother of the natives" and the "mother of the blind" , Is still missed by everyone. In the age when the government was the weakest, poor and remote, many people were struggling in a difficult situation and lacked opportunities for change. It was not until Sun Lilian and Mustard Seed that they heard the sound of saving their hardships, and the original gloomy future was illuminated, and many lives began to change. , A social welfare group, a religious organization, and a foreign lady remedied the work of government departments in the difficult years. Although it is for the purpose of missionary education, in the process of implementation, all people start with relief and then provide life skills training, ranging from babysitting, hairdressing, carpentry, and auto repair classes, all in order to allow the disadvantaged groups to be independent Self-improvement, Sun Lilian will sow beautiful seeds for mustard seeds, and will spread branches and leaves in various fields. In addition to the development of affairs in Taiwan, it also sets its sights on Nanyang and extends its assistance and missionary experience in Taiwan to benefit more people in need. From after World War II to the present, Taiwan has been in need of foreign aid from the beginning, and now it is capable of backward countries such as Africa and Central and South America. Sun Lilian's spirit does not disappear with her death. She is Teresa from Taiwan, with a warm and firm smile that will always remain in everyone's hearts.

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