921地震教育園區 - Wufeng District

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Contact 921地震教育園區

地址 :

413, Taiwan, Taichung City, Wufeng District, Xinsheng Rd, 192號921地震教育園區

電話 : 📞 +8899
網站 : https://www.nmns.edu.tw/park_921/news/
城市 : Xinsheng Rd

413, Taiwan, Taichung City, Wufeng District, Xinsheng Rd, 192號921地震教育園區
陳正文 on Google

921 was a good way to record him and keep it
林國華 on Google

It's really a good place to teach children's textbooks, they know the power of nature,
Irene milk on Google

5/7(六) 參加下午導覽,解說老師是一位陽光男孩, 並未因人數多寡影響品質,依舊熱情的分享知識, 讓我們在愉快的氣氛學習~ 很謝謝老師給我們這麼棒的體驗 ^-^ 影像館有地震體驗劇場,假日發放號碼牌時間為 9:50 (場次:10:15、10:45、11:15、11:45) 12:50 (場次:13:15、13:45、14:15、14:45) 14:50 (場次:15:15、15:45、16:15) 取完牌需在場次開場前5分入場 體驗時間5分鐘,短短過程就強烈感受大自然的力量 很推薦這個活動~ 地震工程教育館有小朋友可以邊玩邊學的遊戲區 防災教育館也有互動裝置供小朋友動手學習 靠近售票區的廁所大間、乾淨,謝謝清潔人員的用心 託老師的福,額外得知光復新村有救難犬協會進駐, 在逛完園區後,立刻去光復新村看可愛的救難犬。 因為是假日,狗狗只有出來放風XD, 改日再安排時間來看狗狗的英姿 詢問照顧狗狗的大哥+平日致電詢問, 資訊如下: 平日不一定每天都會訓練,要看訓練師是否有排課程!!! 訓練時間約上午9點~10點、下午3點~4點 (只能大略參考,實際時段要依訓犬師視狀況調整) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 另擇平日下午3:30,邊吃齊心地瓜球邊等待狗狗出來。 在協會後方河堤,等了一個小時,約4點半, 終於等到兩隻黑亮亮的帥狗輪流出來訓練, 很幸運有看到~ 狗狗在訓練師耐心陪伴+玩具球、食物引導下 勇敢克服恐懼爬梯子,莫名感動~ 謝謝您們的付出
5/7 (Sat) Participate in the afternoon guided tour, explaining that the teacher is a sunny boy, The quality is not affected by the number of people, and the knowledge is still enthusiastically shared. Let's study in a pleasant atmosphere~ Thank you teacher for giving us such a great experience ^-^ There is an earthquake experience theater in the image hall, and the number plate is issued during the holidays. 9:50 (time: 10:15, 10:45, 11:15, 11:45) 12:50 (time: 13:15, 13:45, 14:15, 14:45) 14:50 (time: 15:15, 15:45, 16:15) After taking the cards, you must enter the venue 5 minutes before the opening of the game The experience time is 5 minutes, and you can feel the power of nature in a short process I highly recommend this event~ Earthquake Engineering Education Center has a game area where children can play and learn The Disaster Prevention Education Center also has interactive devices for children to learn The toilets near the ticketing area are large and clean, thank the cleaning staff for their diligence Thanks to the teacher, I additionally learned that there is a rescue dog association stationed in Guangfu New Village. After visiting the park, immediately go to Guangfu New Village to see the cute rescue dogs. Because it is a holiday, the dog only comes out to let the wind XD, Let's schedule another day to see the dog's heroic appearance Ask the big brother who takes care of the dog + call to ask on weekdays, The information is as follows: It may not be necessary to train every day on weekdays, it depends on whether the trainer has scheduled courses! ! ! Training time is about 9:00 am to 10:00 am, 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm (Only a rough reference, the actual time period should be adjusted according to the situation of the dog trainer) -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- Choose another weekday at 3:30 pm and wait for the dog to come out while eating Qixin sweet potato balls. At the river bank behind the association, I waited for an hour, about 4:30, I finally waited until the two handsome black dogs took turns to train, lucky to see it~ The dog is patiently accompanied by the trainer + guided by toy balls and food Bravely overcome fear and climb the ladder, inexplicably moved~ Thank you for your efforts
黃新中 on Google

富滿教育意義的地方, 忠實呈現1999.09.21 那時嚴重的毀損
Brad Chang on Google

因1999年9月21日凌晨1點47分,發生撼動世界的大地震,因而於舊址光復國中規畫改建的教育園區,在裡面可以學到相當多有關地震應對的方式以及房屋結構的相關知識,無論大人或小朋友都可以藉由淺顯易懂的影片或互動遊戲獲得知識,擺脫死板板教科書的印象,讓全民有更多的防災知識,面對地震可以不害怕,尤其地震體驗更可以感受921地震當時的震撼,讓我們更加敬畏大自然,當中也有介紹新的建築技術,從制震或隔震著手,使得我們對建築更有信心,達到大震不會倒、中震可以修的程度 開放時間 一.售票時間: 08:50~16:30 二.展館開放時間: 每周二至周日:09:00~17:00 開放參觀。 三.休館日: 每星期一 (寒暑假除外)。 農曆除夕。 政府公告之天然災害停止上班日。 館方另行公告之必要休館日。 依行政院人事行政總處辦公日曆表星期一為國定假日或補假日則照常開放。 票價資訊 921地震教育園區票價表 票別票價適用對象 全票50元一般觀眾 優待票/團體票30元 20人以上團體 學生個人憑證 學生兩人同行優惠:憑學生證購票兩人只要50元(即日起至111年8月31日止) 優待票25元滿65歲以上憑證(假日) 免費票 請出示證件 通過免費教學活動申請之學校團體(教學團體申請表),最慢請於參觀前三天完成送出,依申請結果限額免費。 以下觀眾請憑證入場:(1人1證) 滿65歲以上憑證(平日免費) 未滿6歲兒童 領有身心障礙證明文件及其必要之陪伴者1人 持志願服務榮譽卡之志工 交通部觀光局核發之導遊執業證人員 全國公、私立各級學校教師憑教師證、教師聘書(名片除外) 臺中市霧峰區坑口里、峰谷里、六股里里民 持科博館恐龍卡(有效期間內.)
Due to the earthquake that shook the world at 1:47 am on September 21, 1999, the education park planned to be rebuilt in the former site of Guangfuguo, where you can learn a lot about earthquake response methods and house structure related knowledge , both adults and children can gain knowledge through easy-to-understand videos or interactive games, get rid of the impression of rigid textbooks, and let the whole people have more disaster prevention knowledge, so they can not be afraid of earthquakes, especially the experience of earthquakes can feel 921 The shock of the earthquake at the time made us more in awe of nature, and new construction techniques were also introduced, starting from earthquake control or isolation, which made us more confident in the building, to the extent that it would not collapse in a major earthquake and could be repaired in a moderate earthquake. Opening hours 1. Ticket sales time: 08:50~16:30 2. Opening hours of the exhibition hall: Every Tuesday to Sunday: 09:00~17:00 Open for visiting. 3. Closed days: Every Monday (except winter and summer vacations). Lunar New Year's Eve. Natural disasters announced by the government to stop working days. Necessary closing days announced by the museum. According to the office calendar of the General Office of Personnel Administration of the Executive Yuan, Monday is a national holiday or a compensatory holiday and it will be open as usual. Fare Information Tickets for 921 Earthquake Education Park Ticket Type Fare Applicable Objects Full ticket 50 yuan general audience Preferential ticket/group ticket 30 yuan Groups of 20 or more Student Personal Credentials Discount for two students traveling together: only 50 yuan for two tickets with student ID (from now until August 31, 2011) Preferential ticket 25 yuan over 65 years old voucher (holiday) free ticket Please show your ID School groups applying for free teaching activities (application form for teaching groups) should be sent three days before the visit at the latest. Free according to the application result limit. The following audiences are required to enter the venue with a voucher: (1 person, 1 pass) Voucher over 65 years old (free on weekdays) Children under 6 years old Person with disability certificate and 1 necessary companion Volunteer with Volunteer Service Honor Card Personnel with a tour guide license issued by the Tourism Bureau of the Ministry of Communications National public and private school teachers at all levels with teacher certificate and teacher appointment letter (except business cards) People in Kengkouli, Fengguli and Liuguli, Wufeng District, Taichung City Hold the Science Museum Dinosaur Card (within the validity period.)
wack wu on Google

The 921 earthquake of Guangfu Elementary School was severely damaged, and the playground was uplifted and the classrooms collapsed. Although 23 years later, as long as the earthquake caused panic to the people in the central region, the 921 Earthquake Education Park will let everyone know the horror and danger of the earthquake, and then understand the knowledge of how to deal with the earthquake when it comes. .
Tony Jiang on Google

2022.06.04到訪 停車場很大不用錢 入場需要門票個人覺得CP值很高 帶小孩來晃個2小時都不無聊 可以先去地震體驗館取預約入場票 空檔時間可以去影音館每看卡通殺一下時間每整點和半點會播放,近期人不多不需排隊
郭貴桐 on Google

It is even more shocking to know how much damage the 921 earthquake brought to Taiwan, and also to know how the earthquake occurred

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