琉球郵局 - Liuqiu Township

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中華郵政全球資訊網 - Post.gov.tw


Contact 琉球郵局

地址 :

929, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Liuqiu Township, Zhongshan Rd, 105號琉球郵局

電話 : 📞 +88887
網站 : http://www.post.gov.tw/
城市 : Zhongshan Rd

929, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Liuqiu Township, Zhongshan Rd, 105號琉球郵局
YT on Google

有一位年紀稍大的男公務員 目測60歲左右 連要開個戶 態度都很不耐煩 完全表現在臉上 前一位客人想換零錢 也是碰了一鼻子灰 請問是在哈囉? 完全沒有服務熱忱! 大家都是花了時間到郵局 還領號碼排隊等服務 不要隨便打發人 浪費彼此寶貴時間 態度真的需要檢討 搞的心情差到不行
There is an older male civil servant who is visually about 60 years old Even when opening an account, I’m very impatient The previous guest wanted to change his change Excuse me, hello? No enthusiasm for service at all! Everyone took time to get to the post office Don’t just send people away, wasting each other’s precious time Attitude really needs to be reviewed The mood is too bad
鄭淑惠 on Google

Happy, double ten consecutive holiday trip to Liuqiu
Hikofun Chin on Google

小琉球特有的造型郵筒 附近美食多
The unique postbox of Xiaoliuqiu has many food nearby
Mi Chen on Google

Convenient location with cute turtle mailboxes?
WENDY LAI on Google

There is a special shaped post box at the door
祐魚 on Google

If I didn’t come to the post office to send a letter, I also took a picture of the turtle mailbox that is only available on the island~
曹小杰 on Google

The Ryukyu Post Office features a landscaped sea turtle post box. ?
馬嚕東己在屏東 on Google

很有特色的郵局? 郵筒上還有兩隻海龜 路過可以拍張照? 5320102 chun
Very distinctive post office? There are two turtles on the post box, you can take a picture when you pass by? 5320102 chun

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