小琉球陽光浮潛 - Liuqiu Township

4.6/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 小琉球陽光浮潛

地址 :

929, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Liuqiu Township, Zhongshan Rd, 43-20號小琉球陽光浮潛

電話 : 📞 +88889
城市 : Zhongshan Rd

929, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Liuqiu Township, Zhongshan Rd, 43-20號小琉球陽光浮潛
楊子沅 on Google

真心推薦這間 教練真的很貼心也很用心 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Really recommend this The coach is really caring and caring ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
劉芊憶 on Google

真的太感謝教練了(拍謝忘記問教練名字) 我們三大三小 孩子最小才三歲半 教練超有耐心在帶我們 也ㄧ直努力安撫孩子教導孩子 (媽媽快感動屎了) 真的太貼心服務太好了啦 我要給100顆星?
Thank you so much for the coach. Our three small The youngest child is only three and a half years old The coach was super patient and led us I also worked hard to appease the children and teach them (Mom is so moved shit) The service is so caring and so good I want to give 100 stars?
Arix Yang on Google

Behind the Sanlong Palace, there is a very good snorkeling company, friendly and serious local coaches, and the exchange of Ryukyu life and ecological conditions has benefited a lot.
杜小婷 on Google

The coach is very attentive to lead the group, and helps everyone take a lot of photos as souvenirs. The water pressure in the shower is large enough and very comfortable. It is worth the price of the ticket.
karen huang on Google

苗圃民宿推薦的浮潛,7&8既期待又怕受傷害,相信今夜的美夢裡,只有海底世界和溫柔耐心的教練。 參加浮潛活動,店家提供水母裝,連身長袖長褲的泳衣,包腳踝的鞋,所以裡頭可以預先穿上自己的貼身內衣褲,活動結束會再回到店家梳洗,有熱水、沐浴品、吹風機,毛巾自備喔。
The snorkeling recommended by Nursery Homestay, 7&8 is both looking forward to and afraid of being hurt. I believe that in the beautiful dream tonight, only the underwater world and the gentle and patient instructor. Participating in snorkeling activities, the store provides jellyfish clothes, swimsuits with long sleeves and trousers, and ankle-covered shoes, so you can put your own underwear in advance. After the event, you will return to the store to freshen up. Hot water and bath products are available. , hair dryer, towel.
kiki hsin on Google

這是第二次造訪小琉球了,為了彌補第一次的遺憾、這次決定島上過一夜、慢悠悠的享受一下島上生活;)網上查到了一家好評多多叫「朵小路」的民宿,沒想到在小巷弄裡的「朵小路」果然讓人眼睛一亮! 設計簡約清新時尚的小lobby,有著一種溫馨舒服的度假感,讓人立馬進入度假模式中,接著更精彩的房間設計更是大愛❤️!聽說這間405房是景色最美的一間,每扇窗外都是好風景,小陽台吹吹風更是舒服到不行噢!接著談談小琉球的主角~大海龜,這次跟著陽光浮潛的教練,一共欣賞到了8隻大小不等的海龜家族成員,其中難得一見的大公龜爺爺、滿身青苔,更顯歲月痕跡,好興奮哦能跟大海龜一起游來游去!再說說島上這家太驚艷的「穀泰」泰式餐廳,真是好吃到爆表!想不到這個島上除了活產店、還能多一個這樣優質的選擇!
This is the second time to visit Xiaoliuqiu. In order to make up for the regret of the first time, this time I decided to spend a night on the island and enjoy the island life leisurely;) I found a well-reviewed homestay called "Duoxiaolu" on the Internet. The "Duo Xiaolu" in the alley is really eye-catching! The small lobby with a simple, fresh and fashionable design has a warm and comfortable vacation feeling, which makes people immediately enter the vacation mode, and then the more exciting room design is even more love ❤️! I heard that this room 405 is the one with the most beautiful scenery. Every window has a good view. The small balcony is even more comfortable to blow the air! Let’s talk about the protagonist of Xiaoliuqiu ~ the big turtle. This time I followed the coach of the snorkeling in the sun, and I saw a total of 8 members of the turtle family of different sizes. Among them, the rare grandpa of the big male turtle, covered with moss, shows the traces of the years, okay Excited to swim around with the big turtles! Besides, this amazing "Gu Tai" Thai restaurant on the island is really delicious! I can't believe that there is such a high-quality choice on this island in addition to the live birth shop!
Jonas Weichert on Google

Friendly staff. 300 TWD per Person including a guide. Tour is around one hour. You are Not allowed to stay at the spot allone after the tour...
Naomi D on Google

Friendly and convenient snorkel groups that are available a few times a day. They have experienced coaches. The gear is all very clean and in good shape, no need to bring a mask or snorkel. Our hotel booked our tour for us, and we loved it so much we came back a second time. The coach picked us up at our hotel and we rode our scooters together to the shop, changed, and then continued to the snorkeling site. They pick sites based on weather and time of day. We went to lobster cave and vase rock. Both areas were full of turtles and fish. The coach will drag you in a flotation ring so you can relax and enjoy. The coach also takes great underwater pictures that get sent to you later in the evening in a Line group. After we finished snorkeling we scooter back to the shop, take showers, change and then they will lead you back to your hotel, if you want. This is a Mandarin Chinese service, but my Chinese isn't great and everything was ok. Would absolutely go back to this shop again and highly recommend.

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