枋寮圓圓麵 - Pingtung County

5/5 基於 2 評論

Contact 枋寮圓圓麵

地址 :

940, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Fangliao Township, 屏140鄉道217號枋寮圓圓麵

城市 : Fangliao Township

940, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Fangliao Township, 屏140鄉道217號枋寮圓圓麵
帥帥的阿清 on Google

龔連生 on Google

枋寮圓圓麵…是一間老字號、口碑好、三代傳承於此深耕之麵食館。古早口味濃郁撲鼻,常常見著生意興隆座無虛席,手藝出眾口味道地,饕客無不聞香下馬、飽餐一頓雀躍不已。 館內營業項目眾多,有著:圓圓麵、扁扁麵…名稱殊異互相輝映、麻醬麵、米粉、油麵、粿仔、丸子湯和招牌滷肉飯,以及純手工水餃,皆是現煮的新鮮食材,香噴噴.熱騰騰令人食指大動垂涎欲滴、餐後齒頰留香,更是回味無窮! 老闆夫婦為人…親切祥和,服務真是熱忱閒話家常中,以茶待客聊表心意,拉近彼此之間的距離,以客為尊、溶入一股濃濃的人情味,予以賓至如歸之感受、溫情滿人間!
Fangliao Yuanyuan Noodles... is a long-established noodle restaurant with a good reputation and passed down for three generations. In ancient times, the taste is rich and tangy, and it is often seen that the business is booming, the seats are full, the craftsmanship is outstanding, and the gluttons all smell the fragrance and get off the horse and have a full meal. There are many business items in the museum, including: round noodles, flat noodles... with different names, sesame sauce noodles, rice noodles, oil noodles, kuizi, ball soup and signature braised pork rice, as well as handmade dumplings, all freshly cooked The fresh ingredients are fragrant. The hotness makes the index finger salivate and the fragrance leaves after the meal. It is even more memorable! The owner and his wife are people... kind and peaceful, the service is really warm and gossiping, and they treat customers with tea to show their hearts, shorten the distance between each other, respect the customer, melt into a strong human touch, and feel at home. Warmth in the world!

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