北勢寮保安宮 - Fangliao Township

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Contact 北勢寮保安宮

地址 :

940, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Fangliao Township, Bao'an Rd, 215號北勢寮保安宮

電話 : 📞 +8888789
網站 : https://www.facebook.com/PingTungFangLiaoBaoAnTemple/
城市 : Bao'an Rd

940, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Fangliao Township, Bao'an Rd, 215號北勢寮保安宮
風尚旅行 L-instyle游智維 on Google

台灣設計展@屏東「超級南」 屏東YA 文化觀光館 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 發票號碼 120E35’00”22N22’00” 客戶:輕度冒險者 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 摺一千隻紙鶴才能許願 這隻擋千隻 品名:保生文化祭送白鶴祈福巡禮(枋寮鄉北勢寮保安宮) 流域:率芒溪 活動:參與祈福巡禮 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 北勢寮保安宮為當地的信仰中心,由隆山、保生、中寮、安樂村所共同奉祀。保安宮主祀保生大帝,已有300年的歷史,舊廟建於日昭和二年,為縣定古蹟。廟內的木結構及裝飾聘請了當時的知名匠師前後對場,如大木匠師漳州彬司派陳己堂、泉州溪底派大木匠師鄭振成、鑿花本土匠師黃龜理、泉州溪底派鑿花匠師楊秀興等。舊廟牆體製作使用許多地方性材料,呈現地方特色,及其木構造、雕刻、彩繪亦極具高水準的藝術價值。由於對場作建築需耗費相當的經濟財力,因此可藉由保安宮舊廟,窺見當年北勢寮地區聚落的經濟盛況。 保安宮每年固定於農曆三月十五日,舉辦保生大帝平安遶境。另外,保安宮還有著全臺唯一的「送白鶴」儀式。相傳保生大帝道後駕著白鶴昇天,在每年農曆五月二日信徒會製作一只用紙糊成白鶴,由保安宮步行至率芒溪附近的海邊,面向福建白礁祖廟的方向祭拜,再引火送白鶴升天遨遊天際。這個華人社會獨特的「送白鶴」儀式,在2015年被登錄為無形文化遺產。 參考資料:文化資源地理資訊系統 報導人:財團法人北勢寮保安宮董事長 撰稿人:徐孝晴(繫。本屋)------------------------------------------------------------------------- 冒險指數:★☆☆☆☆ 建議裝備:相機、防曬用具、飲用水
Taiwan Design Exhibition @屏东"Super South" Pingtung YA Cultural sightseeing center -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- Invoice number 120E35’00”22N22’00” Customer: Light adventurer -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- You can make a wish by folding a thousand paper cranes. Name: Baosheng Culture Festival to send Baihe Clifford Tour (枋寮乡北势寮Security Palace) Watershed: Rate Manxi Activity: Participate in the blessing tour -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- The Beijing Temple is the local faith center, which is jointly sponsored by Longshan, Baosheng, Zhongli and Anle Village. The Baoan Palace, the main guard of the Baoan Palace, has a history of 300 years. The old temple was built in the second year of the Japanese and the second year. The wooden structure and decoration in the temple hired the famous masters of the time before and after the match, such as the master carpenter Zhangzhou Binsi Chen Chentang, the Quanzhou Xidi pie carpenter Zheng Zhencheng, the chiseling local craftsman Huang Guili, Quanzhou Creek The bottom of the chisel gardener Yang Xiuxing and so on. The old temple wall is made of many local materials, showing local characteristics, and its wood structure, carving and painting are also of high standard of artistic value. Since the construction of the site requires considerable economic and financial resources, the old temple of the Baoan Palace can be used to glimpse the economic prosperity of the settlement in the northern part of the country. The Security Palace is fixed on the 15th day of the lunar calendar every year to hold the life of the Baosheng Emperor. In addition, the Palace of Security also has the only "Send White Crane" ceremony in Taiwan. According to legend, after the birth of the Great Emperor, the white crane rose to the sky. On the second day of the lunar calendar on May 2nd, the believer will make a white crane with paper paste. From the security palace, walk to the seaside near Mangxi, and worship in the direction of Fujian Baijiao Ancestral Temple. Send the white crane to the sky and swim. The unique "Send White Crane" ceremony in this Chinese society was registered as an intangible cultural heritage in 2015. Reference: Cultural Resources Geographic Information System Reporter: Chairman of the North Gate of the Security Palace Contributed by Xu Xiaoqing (Department of this House)--------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Adventure Index: ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ Recommended equipment: camera, sun protection, drinking water
馬嚕東己在屏東 on Google

當地的信仰 中型大小的廟宇 可以來參拜 1918091
Local beliefs, medium-sized temples, can come to visit 1918091
劉景華 on Google

There are four furnaces in the worship of Baosheng the Great.
Lisa Wang on Google

早上7點就在放炮 晚上11點還是在放炮 吵死人,神明知道你們水準很低嗎?
Shooting at 7 in the morning Still firing at 11 p.m. Noisy people, does God know that your standards are very low?
Mingchi Chen on Google

I only know that the garbage temples that set off firecrackers at bedtime are not helpful for local construction and are quite disturbing to the people.
余胤均 on Google

枋寮北勢寮「保安宮」開基至今歷經300餘年歲月,其救世度人之神蹟,不計其數,故其廟宇遇有毀損,莫不得到當地民眾傾囊出資,完成修建,是當地重要之信仰中心。保安宮有黃龜理、楊秀興、陳己堂之作品,藝術價值極高,牆體疊砌採地方性材料,呈現地方特色;木構架及雕刻、彩繪亦深具高度技術水平及藝術文化,並具備時代意義。 發展源流北勢寮保安宮位於枋寮鄉中寮村,主祀保生大帝,是枋寮鄉三大聚落北勢寮之信仰中心。此地居民早在清乾隆50年(公元1785年)即建廟奉祀保生大帝,而現今所見的保安宮舊廟樣貌則重建於日治時期昭和年間,並於民國95年(公元2006年)遷移到現址。 枋寮位於屏東平原南端,背山臨海,早期是一片茂密的森林,據傳原是現今春日鄉原住民的居住地。清康熙年間,有漳州移民到此伐木為業,而官方興建軍船所用的木材也到此開採,以船運至大陸,匠人在此築寮居住而逐漸形成聚落。據保安宮廟史記載,此地保生大帝的信仰來自北勢寮的1位楊姓漁民夜間捕魚時望見岸上燈火,循跡所發現懸掛在樹上的白礁保生大帝香火;這有可能就是早期在此砍伐運送木材的匠人所攜帶的香火,在上岸時在偶然留下。漁民將香火帶回自宅供奉,而後陸續發生顯靈事蹟,使信徒逐日增加,後於雍正5年(公元1727年)眾人集資雕塑保生大帝金身,設立神壇奉祀。 當初居於此地的原住民遷往東部山地後,仍常常回到此地與平地人進行商業交易,故枋寮逐漸成為一商業集散地,到了乾隆年間已發展出街市。傳說於乾隆24年(公元1759年)時,清官府加徵田租而地方人民抗繳,鳳山縣官員前來壓迫百姓、並辱罵神祇,卻受保生大帝顯靈之神威懾服,此後信徒更加虔誠,並奉獻田地,由庄中仕紳12人組成大道公會,輪流耕作田地奉祀保生大帝。乾隆50年(公元1785年),北勢寮庄民發起募捐,在現今中寮村第4鄰的碾米廠舊址興建2間房屋,作為保生大帝的宮壇,並由楊家把自家供奉的保生大帝神像獻出,作為北勢寮庄共同奉祀的神祇。 同治6年(公元1867年),奉祀保生大帝的宮廟遷建到後來的保安宮舊廟址(中寮村保安路215號),並自此命名為「保安宮」。至日治時期,因廟體較為簡陋狹窄,庄中仕紳及信徒計議改建,於是在昭和2年(公元1927年)拆除重建,至昭和4年(公元1929年)竣工。此次重建聘請當時著名匠師以前後對場作方式施作,木雕裝飾精美華麗,至今仍保存完整,極富藝術價值與時代意義。 民國62年(公元1973年),廟宇曾因屋頂漏水而進行整修。但到了民國84年(公元1995年)時仍有漏水潮濕的問題,使廟宇脊梁毀損、安全有虞,且當時廟地所在即將實施道路拓寬計畫,經廟方董監事討論並向保生大帝擲筊准許後,議決在廟宇後方購地重建。另一方面,舊廟由當時名匠師施作,其中包括雕刻家黃龜理(1903-1995)的作品,是現今少數保存較好物件,值得整體保留,因此新廟於民國94年(公元2005年)在新購土地上竣工後,廟方於民國95年(公元2006年)舉辦「千人移廟」活動,將舊廟體移至新廟後方安置,即現今保安宮所在位址。現在保生大帝的奉祀與宮廟活動移至新廟中進行,持續作為地方人群的信仰中心,舊廟一方面將作為文物館或為信徒辦事的場所,一方面也作為文化資產整體保存,繼續見證此地保生大帝信仰與地方發展的悠久歷史。現存的保安宮舊廟建築為磚石木混合構造,是日治時期昭和2-4年(公元1927-1929年)重修完成的形制。當時廟宇的木結構與木雕裝飾特別採用前後對場作(「對場」又稱「拚場」,意指將待興建的同1座建築區分成左右或前後兩部分,分別由2組匠師負責施作),廟宇前側由漳州彬司派陳己堂(1880-1965)為大木匠師、本土匠師黃龜理為鑿花匠師,後側則由泉州溪底派鄭振成(生卒年不詳)與楊秀興(生卒年不詳)為大木匠師與鑿花匠師。4人都是當時建廟名匠,對場施作使兩位鑿花匠師在木雕裝飾上較量彼此的技藝與美感表現,展現各自風格特色,使廟宇更加精美華麗。對場作的建造需要充分財力聘請匠師,也需要有足夠的優秀匠師與建造團隊。臺灣在清代中晚期以後,移民聚落已有較長久發展與財力累積,本土匠師也逐漸茁壯,功力可與原鄉名師相抗衡,在匠師與經濟條件皆充沛的情況下,對場作建築在清末與日治時期達到高峰,北勢寮保安宮即是至今仍保存完善的1個代表例子。 北勢寮保安宮在近年又增建更加金碧輝煌的新廟,廟宇歷次修建以及裝飾上的講究,既是人群信仰虔誠的反映,也反映地方人群經濟能力的發展與提升。而保安宮舊廟因完整保存鑿花名匠黃龜理及楊秀興的木雕作品,因此更具藝術意義,也呈現出宗教建築作為展現人群信仰的場域。人們因信仰而投注財富興築、致力修繕華美,使寺廟也成為藝術展現的空間。 北勢寮保安宮除了每年固定於農曆3月15日,舉行保生大帝平安繞境儀式,也會在農曆5月2日的保生大帝得道日舉行全臺唯一的「送白鶴」儀式。當天信眾跟隨保生大帝神轎與用紙紮成的白鶴,由保安宮步行至北勢寮率芒溪附近海邊,面向福建白礁慈濟宮祖廟方向虔誠祭拜後,再引火焚燒白鶴。在道教文化中,白鶴具有長壽且遨遊天空、悠然來去的意象,相傳保生大帝得道後即是駕白鶴昇天,「送白鶴」儀式表現出當地鄉親感念保生大帝的慈心護佑,祭拜時面向福建白礁祖廟,也有榮歸故里、不忘本源的意義。
枋寮 Northern 寮 The foundation of the "Security Palace" has been in existence for more than 300 years. Its miracles of salvation are countless. Therefore, its temples have been damaged. The local people have poured funds to complete the construction. It is an important local faith center . The Baoan Palace has works by Huang Guili, Yang Xiuxing, and Chen Jitang. The art value is very high. The walls are stacked with local materials to show local characteristics. The wooden frame, sculpture, and painting are also highly technical and artistic. And has the significance of the times. The source of development Beibei Baoan Palace is located in Zhongli Village, Lixiang Township, and is dedicated to the Conservation Emperor. Residents here built the temple to worship the Baosheng Emperor as early as 50 years of the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty (1785 AD), and the old temple that is seen today is rebuilt in the Showa period of the Japanese rule, and moved in the Republic of China in 1995 (AD 2006) To the current address. 枋寮 Located at the southern end of the Pingtung Plain, it faces the mountains and the sea. In the early days, it was a dense forest. It is said that it was originally the residence of the indigenous people of Kasuga Township today. During the Kangxi reign of the Qing Dynasty, immigrants from Zhangzhou came here for logging, and the timber used for the official construction of military ships was also mined here, and shipped to the mainland by ships. The craftsmen lived there and gradually formed settlements. According to the history of the Bao'an Temple, the belief of the Baosheng Emperor here came from a fisherman named Yang Beibei, who saw the lights on the shore while fishing at night. The incense of the Baijiao Baosheng Emperor hanging from the tree was found in the track; this may be the early stage. The incense carried by the artisan who felled the wood here was accidentally left when he went ashore. The fishermen brought the incense back to their home for worship, and then there were successive demonstrative deeds, which increased the number of believers. After 5 years of Yongzheng (AD 1727), the crowd raised sculptures to keep the golden body of the emperor and set up a shrine to worship. When the aboriginal people who lived here lived in the eastern mountains, they often returned to the area to conduct business transactions with the flatlanders. Therefore, the city gradually became a commercial distribution center, and a market was developed during the Qianlong period. It is said that in the 24th year of Qianlong (1759 AD), the Qing government government increased land rent and the local people resisted. Fengshan County officials came to oppress the people and insult the gods, but they were deterred by the god of the patron saint, and since then the believers have become more religious. And dedicate the field, composed of 12 people from Zhuang Zhong Shi Gen, the Dadao Guild, and take turns to cultivate the field to worship the King. In the 50th year of Qianlong (1785 AD), the villagers of Beishiqi initiated a fundraising to build 2 houses at the former rice mill site of the 4th neighbour in Zhongli Village, which was used as the altar of the Baosheng Emperor. The Yang family consecrated the Baosheng Emperor. The idol was presented as a common deity enshrined by Beishi Xinzhuang. In the 6th year of Tongzhi (1867 AD), the palace temple dedicated to the Baosheng Emperor was relocated to the site of the former temple of the Baoan Temple (No. 215 Baoan Road, Zhongli Village), and it was named "Baoan Palace" since then. Until the Japanese rule, due to the relatively simple and narrow temple body, Zhuangzhong gentry and believers planned to rebuild, so it was demolished and reconstructed in the Showa 2 (1927 AD), and completed in the Showa 4 (1929 AD). The reconstruction hired a famous craftsman at that time to make the scene. The woodcarvings were exquisitely decorated, and they are still intact, which is of great artistic value and significance of the times. In the Republic of China (AD 1973), the temple was renovated due to a leaking roof. However, in the year of the Republic of China (AD 1995), the problem of leakage and humidity still caused the temple's spine to be damaged and safe. At the time, the temple site was about to implement a road widening plan, which was discussed by the director and supervisor of the temple party and thrown to the Emperor Baosheng. After Xu's permission, it was decided to purchase land for reconstruction at the back of the temple. On the other hand, the old temple was made by famous craftsmen at the time, including the work of the sculptor Huang Guili (1903-1995). It is one of the few well-preserved objects today, and it is worthy of being retained as a whole. Therefore, the new temple was established in the Republic of China in 1994 (2005 (Years) After completion of the newly purchased land, the temple party held a "Thousands of People Moving Temple" event in the Republic of China (AD 2006), moving the old temple body to the rear of the new temple, which is the current location of the Baoan Palace. At present, the worship and the temple activities of the Emperor Baosheng are moved to the new temple and continue to serve as the faith center of the local people. On the one hand, the old temple will be used as a cultural relic hall or a place for believers, and on the other hand, it will be preserved as a cultural asset and continue to witness. This place has a long history of the belief of the Emperor and local development. The existing temple structure of the old Baoan Temple is a mixed structure of brick, stone and wood. It was rebuilt in the period of 1974 (1927-1929 AD) during the Japanese rule. At that time, the wooden structure and woodcarving decoration of the temple used special front-to-back confrontation ("opposition", also known as "punch field"), which means that the same building to be built is divided into left and right or front and back parts, which are divided into 2 groups of craftsmen Responsible for the construction), Zhang Ji Bin Chen Jitang (1880-1965) as the big carpenter division, the local craftsman Huang Guili as the chisel gardener division on the front side, and Zheng Zhencheng (the year of birth and death) sent by Quanzhou Xidi (Unknown) and Yang Xiuxing (years of birth and death unknown) are the master carpenter and chisel gardener. The four were famous temple-builders at the time, and they applied the field to make the two chisel gardeners compare each other's skills and aesthetic expressions in woodcarving decoration, show their own style characteristics, and make the temple more exquisite and gorgeous. The construction of the field work requires sufficient financial resources to hire artisans, and also needs sufficient outstanding artisans and construction teams. After the middle and late Qing dynasty in Taiwan, immigrant settlements have developed for a long time and financial resources have accumulated, and local artisans have gradually grown, and their skills can compete with the famous teachers in their hometowns. Under the conditions of abundant artisans and economic conditions, The building reached its peak in the late Qing Dynasty and the Japanese rule. The Beishang Baoan Palace is a representative example that is still well preserved to this day. In recent years, the Beishi Palace Bao'an Palace has added new and more splendid new temples. The temple's previous construction and decoration are not only a reflection of the faith of the crowd, but also the development and improvement of the economic capacity of the local population. And the old temple of Baoan Palace has more artistic significance because of the complete preservation of the wood carving works of the famous flower-cutting master Huang Guili and Yang Xiuxing, and it also presents religious buildings as a field to show the faith of the crowd. Because of their beliefs, people are betting on building wealth and devoting themselves to beautiful restoration, making temples a space for artistic display. In addition to holding the Baosheng Emperor's safe detour ceremony on March 15th of the Lunar New Year, the Besei Baoan Palace will also hold the only "Send White Crane" ceremony on Taiwan's May 2nd. On the same day, followers followed the Baosheng Emperor's shrine and white cranes made of paper. They walked from Baoan Palace to the sea near Beixi Luzimangxi. They worshiped in the direction of the ancestral temple of Tzu Chi Palace in Baijiao, Fujian, and then set fire to the white cranes. In Taoist culture, Baihe has the image of longevity, traveling in the sky, and leisurely coming and going. According to legend, the Baosheng emperor drove the Baihe to heaven after he obtained the Tao. The "Send White Crane" ceremony showed the love of the local folks to the Baosheng emperor. The Bai Jiao ancestral temple also has the meaning of returning to its hometown and not forgetting its origin.
陳怡樺 on Google

北勢寮保安宮,是位於臺灣屏東縣枋寮鄉中寮村的保生大帝廟,以「送白鶴」祭典聞名。 全臺有超過三百多間主祀保生大帝的廟宇,皆會在農曆三月十五慶祝保生大帝誕辰,惟有此廟會在農曆五月初二,也就是保生大帝飛昇得道紀念日,有稱為「送白鶴」的儀式。傳說保生大帝是被白鶴載往天上成仙,因此枋寮民眾遂紙紮白鶴作紀念,此儀式不僅為全台唯一,在整個華人信仰圈也相當罕見。 農曆五月初二日當上午,廟方將神像登轎安座,再將白鶴移至廟埕的車上,與信眾步行至北勢寮率芒溪附近海邊,面向福建白礁慈濟宮祖廟方向祭拜後,再引火焚燒,完成儀式。 「取自維基百科」
Baoshi Liao Bao'an Palace is the Baosheng Great Emperor Temple located in Zhongliao Village, Fangliao Township, Pingtung County, Taiwan. It is famous for the "Send White Crane" festival. There are more than 300 temples dedicated to the Emperor Baosheng in Taiwan. They all celebrate the birthday of the Emperor Baosheng on March 15th of the lunar calendar. However, this temple fair is on the second day of the fifth lunar month, which is the anniversary of the ascension of the Emperor Baosheng. "Send the White Crane" ceremony. According to legend, the Emperor Baosheng was carried into the sky by a white crane to become an immortal. Therefore, the people of Fangliao tied up a white crane to commemorate it. This ceremony is not only unique in Taiwan, but also quite rare in the entire Chinese belief circle. On the morning of the second day of May in the lunar calendar, the temple put the idol on the seat, and then moved the white crane to the car at the temple, and walked with the believers to the seaside near the Manshi River in Beishiliao, facing the ancestral temple of the Tzu Chi Palace in Baijiao, Fujian Afterwards, it was set on fire again to complete the ceremony. "Taken from Wikipedia"
謝益宏 on Google

歷史文化資產,保安宮是黃龜理大師少數碩果僅存的作品之一。 可惜目前未開放參觀!
As a historical and cultural asset, Baoan Temple is one of the few remaining works of Master Huang Guili. Unfortunately, it is currently not open to visit!

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