樹下餐桌 - Pingtung County

4.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 樹下餐桌

地址 :

943, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Shihzih Township, 獅子三巷15號樹下餐桌

電話 : 📞 +88887
城市 : Shihzih Township

943, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Shihzih Township, 獅子三巷15號樹下餐桌
陳玥 on Google

意外發現的優質餐廳! 真的不好找,在住宅區裡面 強烈推薦麵類,當天點傳統醃肉麵,麵軟硬度剛好,菜種類有特色,醃肉也很好吃! 烤魚飯當天是巴沙魚,可惜有點烤的太乾 建議前往要提前訂位 讓人想在二訪的店
Excellent restaurant by accident! Really hard to find, in a residential area I highly recommend noodles. I order traditional cured meat noodles that day. The noodles are just right, the dishes are unique, and the cured meat is delicious! The grilled fish rice was basa fish that day, but unfortunately it was a little too dry It is recommended to book in advance A shop that makes you want to visit the second time
林鈺翔 on Google

隱身部落中的小餐廳,位子不多建議訂位。 臨時起意跑過來問,幸好還有張兩人的小桌子可以坐。 出餐速度稍慢,這次點的餐點都很好吃,醬汁配飯就可以吃整碗。
A small restaurant in the hidden tribe, there are not many seats and it is recommended to make a reservation. Immediately, I ran over to ask. Fortunately, there was a small table for two people to sit on. The meal delivery speed is a little slow. The meals ordered this time are all delicious. The sauce and rice can be eaten in a whole bowl.
李育諪 on Google

料理吃得出用心,點了很多道連飲料目前都無雷 刺蔥海鮮義大利麵原本不習慣裡面的香茅味 但吃久了蠻順口的 樹豆麵包的麵包體非常軟嫩,邊邊又是酥脆的,我覺得非常值得嘗試 兩個人吃了整桌不到一千元 還寵物友善,很值得一訪再訪
The food is delicious, and I ordered a lot of dao and drinks so far. Scallion Seafood Spaghetti Was Not Used To The Lemongrass Smell Inside But it tastes good after a long time The tree bean bread is very soft on the body and crispy on the sides, I think it's worth trying Two people eat the whole table for less than one thousand yuan Also pet friendly, well worth a visit
Joice on Google

藏在屏東獅子鄉裡的樹下餐桌 融入在地食材的料理 真的是非常美味 小小不大的餐廳 就座落在自家院子裡的樹下 裡頭座位約莫18個 要訂位才不會白跑一趟 餐點處處吃得到店家的用心 連芒果冰淇淋都是採用獅子鄉的芒果 飯後還有招待一盤現切的芒果 吃完會再立刻規劃下次回訪 最喜歡刺蔥青醬海鮮義大利麵~ 必點!
Bina chan on Google

原住民的特色料理,餐廳小建議事先預約。需自行開車上山,不過要自行停路邊。 每道菜各有特色,原住民的香料以西式料理呈現出來。
Aboriginal specialties, the restaurant recommends making a reservation in advance. You need to drive up the mountain by yourself, but you have to stop by the roadside. Each dish has its own characteristics, and the aboriginal spices are presented in Western dishes.
李志軒 on Google

初次用餐,今天點了豬頸肉蛋奶麵 煎烤雞腿飯 快火牛肉 今日湯(蘿蔔排骨湯) 豬頸肉蛋奶麵:麵條硬度適中醬汁非常入味,佐松露醬非常好吃,味道濃郁 快火牛肉:算是一道重口味菜色,適合搭配白飯食用,黑胡椒添加適中 煎烤雞腿飯:雞腿肉表皮煎的酥脆,裡肉鮮嫩‘’多汁‘’可口 蘿蔔排骨湯:非常好喝,超推薦!!!難得可以喝到湯頭清澈口味又濃郁的湯品,排骨肉質新鮮 總評:個人覺得是一家非常用心做菜的餐廳,價格CP值爆高,適合約會及家人朋友聚餐場所 餐點要等約20分鐘
My first meal, today I ordered pork neck custard noodles, fried chicken leg rice, fast-fire beef, and today's soup (radish pork ribs soup) Pork Neck Custard Noodles: The noodles are firm and the sauce is very tasty. The truffle sauce is very delicious and the taste is rich Quick-fire beef: It is a heavy-tasting dish, suitable for eating with rice, with moderate addition of black pepper Pan-fried Chicken Drumstick Rice: The skin of the chicken thigh is crispy and the meat is tender and juicy. Radish pork ribs soup: very delicious, super recommended! ! ! It is rare to drink a clear and rich soup, and the pork ribs are fresh Overall comment: I personally think it is a restaurant that cooks with great care. The price is very high. It is suitable for dating and family and friends gathering places. Wait about 20 minutes for the meal
Masa Choya on Google

規劃環島行程時在google map上偶然發現了這家在排灣族部落裡的義式餐廳「樹下餐桌」。餐廳的位置頗不起眼,都開到門口還是不知道在哪裡,直到問人才知道原來就在眼前……。進到餐廳內雖然不大卻極具原住民風格,相當特別。 這次點了看google map時非常吸引我的樹豆芋頭乾香烤麵包 、傳統風味醃肉麵以及漁港煎魚飯。 樹豆芋頭乾香烤麵包 NT100 一份有六塊麵包,上面放滿了餡料,一入口麵包香酥,義式香氣滿滿,很適合大家一起分享。 漁港煎魚飯 NT220 煎魚飯的魚是海鱸,而且相當的大塊,除了飯之外還有滿滿的蔬菜,吃起來蠻滿足的。 傳統風味醃肉面 NT220 醃肉有點類似阿美族的Silaw,但沒有那麼鹹,味道有一點點像客家鹹豬肉,搭配著蔬菜清炒義大利麵,香氣非常的足,會越吃越上癮。
When planning a trip around the island, I stumbled upon this Italian restaurant "Table Under the Tree" in the Paiwan tribe on google map. The location of the restaurant is quite inconspicuous, even if it opens to the door, I still don't know where it is, until I ask people to know that it is right in front of me... Entering the restaurant, although it is not large, it is very aboriginal style, which is quite special. This time, when I clicked on the google map, I was very attracted to the tree bean and taro dried fragrant toast, the traditional flavored cured meat noodles, and the fishing port fried fish rice. Tree Bean and Taro Dried Toast NT100 There are six pieces of bread, which are filled with fillings. The bread is crispy and full of Italian aroma. It is very suitable for everyone to share. Fishing Port Fried Fish Rice NT220 The fish in the fried fish rice is sea bass, and it is quite large. In addition to the rice, it is full of vegetables, which is quite satisfying. Traditional style cured meat noodles NT220 The cured meat is somewhat similar to the Silaw of the Amis tribe, but it is not so salty. The taste is a little like Hakka salted pork. It is paired with the stir-fried spaghetti with vegetables.
風間涼 on Google

Superb restaurant in a small aboriginal village on the hill. Looks like a log cabin, has around 5 tables that fit 15 people inside and two tables outside that fit 4 to 5 people each, feels cozy with fireplace cooking up ribs. Near nowhere tourisy, you shouldn't find it on any magazine or blogs, but for the fair price you get very delicious spaghetti, risotto, ribs, bread and icecream made with local mango. Some dishes are flavored with mountain herbs seen on villagers' tables across Taiwan. Highly recommended if you are looking for some place with western food but tastes different.

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