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Contact 台灣基督長老教會中心崙教會

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943, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Shihzih Township, 獅子三巷22號台灣基督長老教會中心崙教會

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943, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Shihzih Township, 獅子三巷22號台灣基督長老教會中心崙教會
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部落宣教史 中心崙教會於1962 年創立,由南世村楊南雄弟兄 與楊美英姊妹常在本村與和平村佈道,數日後受到村民 們的歡迎。次年1963 年林新喜囑託傳道師於一間簡陋 的草房做為固定聚會禮拜的地方,並於同年12 月5 日舉行首次洗禮(吳丁財/吳平謙/吳金娘 等三位)與聖禮典,且於隔日產生了本會首位執事─吳平謙執事。 1964 年由林金助囑託傳道接任傳道事工,堅定了當時信徒的信仰,使聚會人數不斷的增 加。並在1967 年在柯輝玉先生的帶領下,信徒用自己的雙手見證上帝的臨在,蓋起一間屬 於自己專心聚會與敬拜的教堂,並於1968 年9 月獻堂。 從1962 年~1972 年中教會在無牧者的情形下,透過獅子頭教會、南世教會、古華教會 等,牧者及長執的關心與幫助,使聚會不間斷,堅固會友的信仰。在1978 年與楓林長老教 會締結為姊妹教會時,有陳進德長老牧養本會達五年之久,教會信徒靈命日日加增。 1985 年因社會型態之改變,年輕的信徒紛紛往謀生,為了確實關心牧養在都會區信徒信 仰與靈命,小會議決每四個月至台中關心在外的會友。於是在1993 年選出都會區的執事, 1995 年選出都會區的長老來分擔事工。終於,在2009 年9 月6 日設立中心崙長老教會都會 區聚會所,使在都會區的會友有一個固定的地方聚會。 本會為使都會區信徒有牧者專牧(當時週日的信息講道都由台南神學院之實習生,牧者 每月至都會區一次),於是2017 年向中會尋求協助推派玉山神學院畢業生至都會區牧會。感 謝主!2018 年終於有畢業生願意委身順服。  未來展望 希望透過牧者會友信仰的合一,建立部落族人有同樣對基督的心志,共築教會牧者信徒 的基督家庭,不論在部落或都會區的教會都能見證上帝在其中做王。實踐彼此造就,彼此相 愛,榮神益人使,都會區聚會所早日成為自主自立的教會。 (內文取自排灣中會55年年鑑)
Tribal Mission History Zhonglun Church was founded in 1962 by Brother Yang Nanxiong from Nanshi Village Sister Yang Meiying often preached in the village and Heping village. A few days later, the villagers Our welcome. The following year, in 1963, Lin Xinxi entrusted the preacher in a simple The thatched cottage was used as a regular place for gathering and worship, and the first baptism was held on December 5 of the same year (Wu Dingcai/Wu Pingqian/Wu Jinniang Waiting for three) and the sacrament, and on the next day the first deacon of the Association-Deacon Wu Pingqian was born. In 1964, Lin Jin assisted the preacher to take over as the preaching ministry, which strengthened the faith of believers at that time and increased the number of gatherings. plus. And in 1967, under the leadership of Mr. Ke Huiyu, the believers used their own hands to witness God’s In the church where he devoted himself to gathering and worshiping, and dedicated to the church in September 1968. From 1962 to mid-1972, the church was without a pastor, and through Lion’s Head Church, Nanshi Church, and Kuhua Church And so on, the care and help of the pastor and the stalwart keeps the meeting uninterrupted and strengthens the faith of the members. In 1978 taught with the Fenglin elders When the association was formed as a sister church, Elder Chen Jinde pastored the association for five years, and the spiritual life of church members increased day by day. In 1985, due to changes in the social pattern, young believers went to earn a living, in order to really care about shepherding believers in the metropolitan area. Respect and spirituality, the small meeting must come to Taichung every four months to care about the friends outside. So in 1993, the deacon of the metropolitan area was elected, In 1995, the elders of the metropolitan area were elected to share the ministry. Finally, the Central Presbyterian Church was established on September 6, 2009 District meeting place, so that the members in the metropolitan area have a fixed place to meet. In order to enable the believers in the metropolitan area to have pastors exclusively (the information preaching on Sunday at that time was conducted by interns and pastors from Tainan Theological Seminary Once a month to the metropolitan area), so in 2017, he asked the Central Committee for assistance in sending the graduates of Yushan Theological Seminary to the metropolitan pastoral meeting. sense Thank you Lord! Finally, in 2018, some graduates are willing to commit themselves to submission.  Future prospects It is hoped that through the unity of faith among the pastors and members, the tribes will have the same aspirations for Christ and build church pastors and believers together. The Christian family, whether in the tribe or the church in the metropolitan area, can testify that God is king in it. Practice builds up each other, and each other Love, honor God and benefit others, and the metropolitan area will soon become a self-reliant church. (The text is taken from the Paiwan Central Committee 55 Yearbook)

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