星空故事民宿 - Hengchun Township

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Contact 星空故事民宿

地址 :

946, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Hengchun Township, 風沙路500巷, 85號星空故事民宿

電話 : 📞 +888889
Postal code : 500
網站 : https://www.facebook.com/starrystorybnb/%3Fref%3Dpages_you_manage
城市 :

946, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Hengchun Township, 風沙路500巷, 85號星空故事民宿
萌顏童語兒童親子寫真攝影 on Google

雖然墾丁的民宿超多,但我們偶爾都會來住一下故事~~ 這已經是我們第三次來住了,每來住一次就看到他們的進步,這次的改裝真的變漂亮了好多好多,因為之後預計要再去一次幫朋友拍婚紗,請管家讓我們拍一下房間,真的每間都超級美的,棒棒! 而且早餐也是管家一早起床幫我們親自準備,不是隨便買好的那種,而且超好吃?的,真的很喜歡? 我們這次住的是星空房,晚上躺在床上還真的像在看星空一樣(雖然是用投影的),但還是很有fu喔! 還沒住過的人真的可以去體驗看看,很棒的故事民宿?
Although there are a lot of B&Bs in Kenting, we occasionally come to stay for a story~~ This is our third time to stay here. Every time we stay here, we see their progress. This time the renovation has really become much more beautiful. Because I plan to go to shoot a wedding dress for a friend again in the future, please ask the housekeeper to let us take a photo of the room. Really every room is super beautiful, great! And the breakfast is also prepared by the housekeeper to help us get up early in the morning. It is not the kind that we bought casually, and it is super delicious?, I really like it? We stayed in the star room this time. Lying in bed at night was really like looking at the starry sky (although it was projected), but it was still very fu! People who haven't lived there can really go and experience it, it's a great story homestay?
K. Lo on Google

感謝老闆跟管家的招待。 雖然離墾丁市區有一段距離,但超級值得。 尤其是每天早上豐富的早餐?已被圈粉。 半夜有尋找梅花鹿的活動,喜歡大自然必來。
Thanks to the boss and housekeeper for the hospitality. Although it's a bit far from downtown Kenting, it's super worth it. Especially the rich breakfast ? every morning has been circled by fans. In the middle of the night, there is an activity to find sika deer, and if you like nature, you must come.
Travel in my map Hannah. on Google

墾丁新裝修完的鄉村歐風民宿超級無敵Q~ 大家一定有去過水蛙窟大草原走走過,一大片綠油油的草原,從房間看出去非常遼闊,晚上如果幸運的話,聽說還能看到奔跑的野生梅花鹿,這邊沒什麼光害,夜晚在民宿外也能看到滿滿星空唷! 去年12月翻修完成的星空故事民宿,五個房型除了鄉村風之外,房間設計的風格也有北歐風的房型與不同色系的房型。 民宿的早餐每天都會不一樣,超級浮誇的是超幸運的我們竟然早餐吃到龍蝦欸!也太開心~
The newly renovated rural European style homestay in Kenting is super invincible Q~ Everyone must have been to the water frog cave prairie. There is a large green grassland. It looks very vast from the room. If you are lucky at night, I heard that you can also see wild sika deer running. There is no light pollution here. At night You can also see the starry sky outside the homestay! The Star Story B&B, which was renovated in December last year, has five room types in addition to the country style, and the room design styles also include Nordic-style room types and room types in different colors. The breakfast at the B&B is different every day. The super exaggerated thing is that we were very lucky to have lobster for breakfast! too happy~
黃莉惠 on Google

在228連假時因緣際會在水蛙窟附近迷了路 被星空故事名宿的大門與外觀吸引過去 當下有和管家稍微瞭解一下民宿 回到家後立馬揪人訂房利用兒童節連假好好來放鬆 民宿的房型與風格都不一樣 都非常的有質感 房間裡的香氛味道和盥洗用品的味道都不一樣 裡面還有神秘的高級備品是可以帶走的哦? 因入住當晚風大又下雨 我們不抱著希望能夠烤肉&看到梅花鹿 結果!!兩項我們都做到也看到了 而且是很多群梅花鹿?? 真的是有夠幸運 管家姊姊和老闆人很好請了我們吃東西喝飲料 早上也為我們準備了豐盛的早餐?? 我一定會再來的!
During 228 consecutive holidays, I got lost near the Water Frog Cave by fate. Be attracted by the gate and appearance of the star story At the moment, I have a little understanding of the homestay with the housekeeper When I got home, I immediately asked people to book a room and took advantage of the Children's Day holiday to relax. B&Bs vary in style and style are very textured Fragrance smells in the room and toiletry smells are different There are also mysterious high-end accessories that can be taken away? Because it was windy and rainy that night, we didn't hold out hope that we would be able to barbecue & see sika deer result! ! We did both and saw And there are many groups of sika deer ?? really lucky The housekeeper sister and the boss were very nice and invited us to eat and drink We also prepared a hearty breakfast for us in the morning ?? I will definitely be back!
Chen Hana on Google

這裡是一個非常chill的民宿 民宿位置偏僻離最近的7-11大概五分鐘車程,但是空氣非常新鮮,走三分鐘就有百萬海景!還有民宿外就是知名的網美大草原,一望無際的草原、星空,夜晚躺在發呆亭真的讓人十分忘憂,因為是保護區,夜晚還可以看到野生的鹿群!超讚!另外民宿還可以BBQ唷~~~ 再來民宿已經換人經營,新老闆人很客氣和善,管家也是非常優秀!沒有像之前爬文的那些負評,還在猶豫的可以很放心來入住! 每間房間都有不一樣的特色,裡面的擺設都充滿著品味,然後過年期間備品跟早餐還升級????
Here is a very Chill B & B The people in the world are remote from 7-11, 5 minutes, but the air is very fresh, and there will be millions of sea views for three minutes! There is also a popular name of the United Net American Prairie, and there is an intimate grassland, the starry sky, and the night is lying in the landscape. Because it is a protected area, you can also see the wild deer! Awesome! In addition, B & B can also bbq 唷 ~~~ Come back to the home, it has been discovered, and the new boss is very polite and good, but the family is also very good! There is no responsibility to climb before climbing, you can still feel very relieved! Each room has a different feature, and the furnishings inside are full of taste, and then prepare for the breakfast during the New Year.
yaru Chang on Google

在還沒裝修完成前就已經先預約的住宿 沒想到改裝後的民宿如此令人驚艷!! 我們這次入住的房型為芙芸四人房/波希米亞風 可以充分感受到老闆對於房間每個小角落的用心及設計的小巧思。 冰箱內不僅提供免費的飲料,即使浴室有提供公用的沐浴用品 但還是另外特地提供Hermès的沐浴小備品給房客使用。 (老闆還特地強調沒有用到可以帶回家喔!超貼心!!) 老闆超級無敵親切及熱情, 聽到我們帶著小朋友入住當晚僅準備泡麵果腹, 二話不說立刻另外準備了點心及水果, 甚至為了我們排隊半小時買了有名的披薩 實在是太感動也太感謝了!! 晚上還有另外觀賞梅花鹿夜遊活動, 不僅看到大群的梅花鹿,同時還看到超可愛的野兔探出頭來 非常有趣的體驗!! 另外聽老闆說早上清晨還可以直接看到梅花鹿或野牛在馬路上散步!! 只可惜入住時天候不佳,不然晚上還可以看見整片滿滿的星空 (2022/3/19入住) 早餐更是令人驚艷!!好吃好看又美味!! 滿滿的一大盤內容豐富,還特地為小朋友準備了牛奶果汁!!非常用心!! 眼睛、相機跟肚子同時整個吃飽飽!!太滿足了~~超讚!! 隔日早上老闆還提供私人秘境,可以欣賞到與龍磐草原一樣的絕美海景 怕我們走錯路,還親自帶我們前往,實在是太感動了!!! 日後若有再到墾丁遊玩,肯定會再次來訪~~ 這次的入住體驗真是太棒了!!!
Accommodation booked before the renovation is complete I didn't expect the remodeled homestay to be so amazing!! The room type we stayed in this time was Fuyun quadruple room/bohemian style You can fully feel the boss's care and design for every small corner of the room. The refrigerator not only provides free drinks, even if the bathroom provides public bath products However, there are also special bath accessories from Hermès for the guests to use. (The boss also specially emphasized that you can take it home if you don't use it! Super caring!!) The boss is super friendly and warm, Hearing that we only prepared instant noodles for dinner that night with our children, Without further ado, I immediately prepared snacks and fruits, Even got the famous pizza in line for half an hour for us I am so impressed and thank you so much!! In the evening, there is another night tour to watch the sika deer, Not only saw the large group of sika deer, but also saw the super cute hare sticking out its head Very interesting experience!! In addition, I heard from the boss that in the morning, you can directly see sika deer or bison walking on the road!! It's a pity that the weather was bad when we checked in, otherwise you can see the whole piece of starry sky at night (2022/3/19 Check in) The breakfast is even more amazing!! Delicious and delicious!! A large plate full of rich content, and specially prepared milk juice for the children!! Very attentive!! Eyes, camera and stomach are full at the same time!! So satisfying~~ Awesome!! The next morning, the boss also provides a private secret environment, where you can enjoy the same beautiful sea view as the Longpan grassland. Afraid that we would go the wrong way, he took us there in person, which is really touching!!! If I come to Kenting again in the future, I will definitely visit again~~ This stay experience was amazing!!!
林百洲 on Google

LittleYard Cheng on Google

Really great B&B, highly recommended!

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