小水蛙窟大草原 - Pingtung County

4.7/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 小水蛙窟大草原

地址 :

946, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Hengchun Township, 500巷10號小水蛙窟大草原

城市 : Hengchun Township

946, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Hengchun Township, 500巷10號小水蛙窟大草原
劉家華(墾丁包車達人) on Google

This side is to take pictures of the wide prairie scenery, with white railings ~ very dreamy ? is also one of the scenic spots that many tourists will come here to take photos
戴金澄 on Google

This is Taiwan Route 26, Hengchun Township, Pingtung County. It is diagonally across from Longpan Park. It is a beautiful and endless prairie comparable to New Zealand. Interested friends are welcome to visit.
陳昱融(Joshua) on Google

這不需要多加評論或分享體驗 天氣對了,季節對了,一切都是對的。 趁草還沒轉枯黃,趕緊去走走看看吧~
No need to comment or share the experience The weather is right, the season is right, everything is right. Before the grass turns yellow, go and take a look~
Sammy Wang on Google

There are not many people, the grassland is very big and comfortable, it is very suitable for running or picnic! The photo effect is also good
鄭雅馨 on Google

The environment is clean and good to shoot, but there is no shade to shade, pay attention to sun protection and wind protection! The car must be parked on the side of the road. When entering and taking pictures, remember not to affect the nearby residents!
游雅霖 on Google

Although there is no parking space, the white line on the roadside can be parked, and you can reach the white cage in the photo after a few steps.
Leo Lee on Google

On-street parking is a bit dangerous. There are other grassland parking plans nearby but you have to walk a certain distance. This grassland mainly has a white fence with a pasture style, and the grassland is open and undulating beautifully.
Gary Hung on Google

在一次不經意的情況,從往滿洲路上的灌木叢中瞥到,看到白色圍籬還有一大片的短草,覺得挺浪漫的,迷人。 就是外國很多電視劇或牧場都會出現的綠草、白圍籬。 如果天再藍一點、雲再白一點⋯ 是不是有點印象了? 不就很像微軟XP的桌布了??? 來台灣酷熱環境待久了,來這裡看看美景、吹吹風,無非是一大享受。 順道一提!都來到這裡了,可順便往滿洲走,到距離6公里多的港口吊橋下方水域玩獨木舟,挺好玩的。 可惜港口吊橋不知道什麼原因暫時封閉了,不然也可以走吊橋看美景。
In an inadvertent situation, I glimpsed from the bushes on the road to Manchuria, and saw the white fence and a large piece of short grass, which was very romantic and charming. It is the green grass and white fence that appear in many foreign TV dramas or pastures. If the sky were bluer and the clouds whiter... Are you impressed? Doesn't it look like a Microsoft XP wallpaper ??? It has been a long time since I came to Taiwan to stay in the hot environment. It is nothing but a great pleasure to come here to see the beautiful scenery and blow the wind. By the way! Now that you have come here, you can go to Manchuria and play canoeing in the water below the port suspension bridge, which is more than 6 kilometers away. It is very fun. It's a pity that the port suspension bridge is temporarily closed for some reason, otherwise you can walk on the suspension bridge to see the beautiful scenery.

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