恆春豆漿 - Hengchun Township

3.9/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 恆春豆漿

地址 :

946, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Hengchun Township, Fude Rd, 30號恆春豆漿

電話 : 📞 +8888899
網站 : https://m.facebook.com/%25E6%2581%2586%25E6%2598%25A5%25E6%25B0%25B8%25E5%2592%258C%25E8%25B1%2586%25E6%25BC%25BF-858276817601395/
城市 : Fude Rd

946, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Hengchun Township, Fude Rd, 30號恆春豆漿
pho ebe on Google

恆春鎮CP值高的早餐店,雖然沒有賣油條,燒餅是很道地的傳統燒餅, 燒餅可加蔬菜、蛋、肉等等....確實很健康,因為我不喜歡有太多化學原料的食品。 現在還有賣10元的豆漿、紅茶真的很難找到,香醇的豆漿才10元,真的是巷子內的又沒網路介紹才是王道,老闆娘說吃的都是常客和朋友,而且很多東西都是客製化。 看了他的價目表,價格實在又便宜,老闆娘說他不懂網路行銷,只做一些在地客與團體訂餐就好了,很低調又不想紅的老闆娘。 喔!對了 他們的咖啡真的很棒,下次有到恆春旅遊必推的早餐店,傳統的碗粿很有古早味,蘿蔔糕說是他們自己做的。 老闆娘 下次見
The breakfast shop with high CP value in Hengchun Township does not sell deep-fried dough sticks, but the sesame seed cakes are authentic traditional sesame seed cakes. Biscuits can be added with vegetables, eggs, meat, etc.... It is really healthy, because I don't like foods with too many chemical ingredients. Now there are soy milk and black tea that sell for 10 yuan. It is really hard to find. The fragrant soy milk is only 10 yuan. It is really king in the alley and there is no internet introduction. The lady boss said that the food are regular customers and friends, and many Everything is customized. Reading his price list, the price is really cheap. The proprietress said that he didn't understand online marketing, so he could only order meals for local customers and groups. The proprietress was very low-key and didn't want to be popular. Oh! By the way, their coffee is really great. Next time you visit Hengchun, there is a breakfast shop that will be recommended. The traditional bowl of kuih is very old-fashioned, and the carrot cake is said to be made by themselves. Madam, see you next time
Woo振諭 on Google

超級古早味,吃的到回憶。 尤其蛋餅外蘇內軟,飽!!
It's super old, and it's a memory. Especially the omelet is soft and full on the outside! !
石川阿公 on Google

I could not order something that I wanted to eat because my pronunciation was bad, but I was able to finish my breakfast.
潘淑銘 on Google

Like to drink their soy milk, secondly, the price is very common, hospitality is like an old neighbor. A very traditional breakfast shop, like a little quiet on a bustling vegetable street, it is not easy to park in front of the door, there is a dining area, the meal speed is 3 to 5 minutes, and it can be used inside or taken out.
Peter Chen on Google

4❤️ 豆漿還不錯,只是熱豆漿裝在寶特瓶內,有致癌的風險。
4❤️ The soy milk is not bad, but the hot soy milk is packed in a Baote bottle, which has the risk of cancer.
張鳳麟 on Google

The meals are rich in variety, Chinese and Western styles are available for you to choose from, and the affordable prices are also well accepted by the public. The eldest sister in charge of the fried table is smooth and fast, so you won't be waiting for a long time.
謝潔瀅 on Google

Borsin Wu on Google

the soybean milk and traditional Chinese breakfast are the most popular servings in Henchun

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