老娘牛肉麵|恆春美食|恆春必吃|老街必吃|美食|必吃|老街美食|餐廳 - Hengchun Township

5/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 老娘牛肉麵|恆春美食|恆春必吃|老街必吃|美食|必吃|老街美食|餐廳

地址 :

946, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Hengchun Township, Fude Rd, 85號老娘牛肉麵|恆春美食|恆春必吃|老街必吃|美食|必吃|老街美食|餐廳

電話 : 📞 +8888887
網站 : https://restaurant-1112916.business.site/
城市 : Fude Rd

946, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Hengchun Township, Fude Rd, 85號老娘牛肉麵|恆春美食|恆春必吃|老街必吃|美食|必吃|老街美食|餐廳
she hui on Google

湯頭濃鬱,肉質軟嫩,肉很多,超好吃! 口袋名單!下次還要再來!
The soup is rich, the meat is soft and tender, there is a lot of meat, and it is super delicious! Pocket List! Come again next time!
林郁靜 on Google

我是看到五星評價才來買的 防疫期間外帶回民宿吃 肉真的超嫩而且不柴 湯頭超愛的~很濃郁!麵也都不爛~很棒! 我會想念這邊的牛肉麵
I bought it after seeing 5 star reviews During the epidemic prevention period, take it back to the homestay to eat The meat is really super tender and not chai Love the soup so much~ very rich! The noodles are not bad either - great! I will miss the beef noodles here
陳鴨鴨 on Google

剛看到評論時 還想說全部都5星,好誇張 結果…… 真的非常好吃啊!!!!! 肉很嫩,完全不柴 很大塊又很多 而且服務人員也很親切 總之,非常推啊!!! 之後一定會再來的。
Just saw the comment I also want to say that all of them are 5 stars, which is an exaggeration. result…… It's really delicious!!!! The meat is tender and not at all chai big chunks and lots And the staff are also very kind All in all, very pushy!!! Will definitely come back later.
YU Chen on Google

來恆春玩不知道要吃什麼,散步經過這間低調的小店,沒想到牛肉麵湯底超讚?牛肉嫩嫩的入口即化超級棒~ 搭配爽口、去油解膩的泡菜❤️實在太滿足開心了!牆面還有手繪細膩的老街風采~推薦大家來品嚐喔~~
I didn’t know what to eat when I came to Hengchun. I walked through this low-key shop. I didn’t expect the beef noodle soup to be superb. It's so satisfying and happy to pair with refreshing and greasy kimchi ❤️! There is also a delicate hand-painted old street style on the wall~ I recommend everyone to taste it~~
文宏 on Google

The soup has a slight medicated taste, the meat is not good for the entrance, and it is not easy to park around. It is recommended to walk after parking.
Juihsien Wang on Google

前一天來撲了空,但遇到親切的老闆參觀了一下煮牛肉的大鍋,今天一開門就來吃,真的超值得。 牛肉軟嫩,牛筋Q彈,配上黃金泡菜微辣很清爽。在涼涼的冬天吃一碗真的太享受了。 下次一定會再回訪。
The day before, I rushed to the air, but I met the friendly boss and visited the cauldron for cooking beef. I came to eat as soon as the door opened today. It was really worth it. The beef is tender and tender, the beef tendon is Q-bomb, and the golden kimchi is slightly spicy and refreshing. Eating a bowl in the cold winter is really enjoyable. Will definitely visit again next time.
on Google

這天,天氣微涼,騎了一整天的自行車 特別的飢腸轆轆,點了招牌四福牛肉麵 濃醇的紅燒湯頭,帶點淡淡的藥膳香 一個不小心就狠狠的喝了半碗? 牛肚牛筋Q彈,不會太軟爛 保有一點嚼勁,但不至於咬不動 牛肋牛腱令人眼睛為之一亮? 肉質不僅不乾柴,不卡牙縫 竟然可以軟嫩到化開??? 麵條的粗細? 剛好能夠吸附湯汁 不會粗到滿口的麵粉味 但也不會細到覺得吃不飽 謝謝老闆心細又親切 注意到了每個小細節 讓這吃進去的每一口 都是讚賞跟驚豔?
On this day, the weather was slightly cool, and I rode a bicycle all day Specially hungry, ordered the signature Sifu Beef Noodle The mellow braised soup, with a touch of medicinal aroma One accidentally drank half a bowl ? Tripe beef tendon Q bomb, not too soft Keep a little bit chewy, but not too hard to bite The beef ribs and tendons are eye-catching ? The meat is not only not dry, but not stuck between the teeth It can be soft and tender to melt away ??? Thickness of noodles? Just able to absorb the soup Not coarse enough to taste of flour But it’s not so detailed that I don’t feel full Thank you boss for being careful and kind Noticed every little detail Let this eat every bite It's all admiration and amazing?

經典三寶配上黃金泡菜 肉軟爛咬食方便 湯頭清爽不死鹹油膩 黃金泡茶味道適中 搭配牛肉麵起來很速配
Classic Sambo with Golden Pickles Soft and rotten meat, easy to bite The soup is refreshing and not dead salty and greasy The golden bubble tea has a moderate taste Goes great with beef noodles

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