鼻頭草原 - Pingtung County

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Contact 鼻頭草原

地址 :

947, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Manzhou Township, 鼻頭草原

電話 : 📞 +8899988
城市 : Manzhou Township

947, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Manzhou Township, 鼻頭草原
小高高 on Google

塵封35年,剛踏入大草原,眼睛為之ㄧ亮,哇!好美! 沒有人為破壞,ㄧ切都是那麼自然美麗,還有那夾長海灣海浪拍打的慢動作,真的好美,下次還要在來呢!
After 35 years of dust, I just stepped into the prairie, my eyes are bright, wow! What a nice view! There is no vandalism, everything is so natural and beautiful, and the slow motion of the waves lapping in the long bay is really beautiful, and I will come again next time!
許振勝 on Google

The scenery is very beautiful, and there are also very professional guides. The fly in the ointment is that the basic toilet equipment cannot keep up with the beautiful scenery and the professionalism of the guides. This is the place that everyone will pass through when entering the scenic area. Taiwan actually There are also public toilets.
Carlos Lai on Google

美麗的保護區,有最專業的當地導遊,詳細解說生態,墾管處說明如下,綿延遼闊的九棚鼻頭大草原位於東臨太平洋的滿州鄉九棚村,居民以農漁為主,雖然地處偏遠,實際卻擁有許多極具特色的人文及生態地景,例如八瑤灣船難事件、潮間帶生態、壯觀的九棚草原、罕見的沙灘景觀、濱海古道、南仁山石板屋遺址等豐富資源。 漫步登上九棚鼻頭草原,穿越樹林,越往上走,四周美景越發開闊,更能清楚眺望八瑤灣,1874年牡丹灣事件就在此處發生。抵達至高點,青翠的草地與遼闊山谷景觀更是美不勝收。 目前進入鼻頭草原生態保護區必須先向墾丁國家公園管理處申請,每天以200人為原則。自108年4月起,九棚社區導覽解說員將帶領民眾進行優質導覽及精彩解說,親自體驗九棚的美好景觀與淳樸風情。
The beautiful reserve has the most professional local tour guides who explain the ecology in detail. The reclamation management office explains as follows. The vast Jiupengbitou Prairie is located in Jiupeng Village, Manzhou Township, which faces the Pacific Ocean to the east. The residents mainly focus on agriculture and fishery. It is remote, but it actually has many unique cultural and ecological landscapes, such as the shipwreck in the Bayao Bay, the ecology of the intertidal zone, the magnificent nine-peng grassland, the rare beach landscape, the coastal road, the Nanren Mountain slate house ruins and other rich resources . Strolling on the Jiupengbitou grassland, through the woods, the more you go up, the surrounding scenery opens up, and you can see the Bayao Bay more clearly, where the Mudan Bay incident occurred in 1874. Arriving at the highest point, the verdant meadows and vast valley landscapes are even more beautiful. At present, to enter Bitou Grassland Ecological Reserve, you must first apply to the Kenting National Park Management Office, and the principle is 200 people per day. Since April 108, the guide and commentator of Jiupeng Community will lead the public to conduct high-quality guided tours and wonderful explanations to personally experience the beautiful scenery and simple style of Jiupeng.
Christen Huang on Google

The reserve needs to apply beforehand and be equipped with an narrator. A great place, there is a group of people who love this land quietly working hard and guarding it.
Chueh Dick on Google

墾丁秘境封閉35年,3年前開始開放供遊客進入, 需要事先報名,還要實名制,有專業導遊帶領10人一組,先經過細砂期開始爬山,上到山頂後眼睛為之一亮,無敵的山景加上海景,真正不虛此行。
Kenting Secret Realm was closed for 35 years and opened for tourists to enter 3 years ago. Pre-registration is required and real-name registration is required. A professional guide will lead a group of 10 people to start climbing after the fine sand period. After reaching the top of the mountain, the eyes will be bright. The invincible mountain view and the sea view are truly worthwhile.
Welly Lee on Google

進入鼻頭草原生態保護區自108年4月起,須申請九棚社區導覽解說員,帶領民眾導覽及精彩解說,親自體驗九棚的美好景觀與淳樸風情及趣味的生活故事。 漫步登上九棚鼻頭草原,穿越樹林,越往上走,四周美景越發開闊,更能清楚眺望八瑤灣,抵達至高點,青翠的草地與遼闊山谷景觀更是美不勝收。
To enter Bitou Grassland Ecological Reserve since April 108, you must apply for a guide and commentator for Jiupeng Community, who will lead the public to guide and explain the wonderful scenery of Jiupeng. Strolling up to the Jiupengbitou grassland, through the woods, the more you go up, the surrounding scenery becomes more open, and you can see the Bayao Bay more clearly, reaching the highest point, the verdant grassland and the vast valley landscape are even more beautiful.
李國慶 on Google

In the past, because it was close to the Jiupeng Missile Base of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, it was a restricted area under control. It was not officially opened to the public until 2019. It made people close to this mysterious and beautiful paradise. Make an appointment to visit the ecological reserve. Follow the guide's footsteps and go deep into the secret realm step by step along the cattle road known by the local population. Under the detailed explanation of the guide, the plants and animals that are well known along the road, such as the bison mountain qiang, etc., may encounter people unexpectedly, and then the vision gradually broadens after passing through the woods and paths. What appears in front of you is blue and endless. The Pacific Ocean, looking to the back, this is a rare green prairie in Taiwan, and looking to the left is the white and charming Bayao Bay, which is connected to the rolling mountains in the distance. Looking at such a scenery, it is really hard to imagine that the bay is a hundred years old. The "Peony Club Incident" that changed Taiwan's history many years ago also imagined that this highly developed Taiwanese island still has such a natural and beautiful place.
小奇松 on Google

Amazing views, history story and nature. ocean, stretch as far as eye can see!

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