九州拉麵 - Section 1

3.9/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 九州拉麵

地址 :

950, Taiwan, Taitung County, Taitung City, Section 1, Zhonghua Rd, 382號九州拉麵

電話 : 📞 +8889
城市 : Zhonghua Rd

950, Taiwan, Taitung County, Taitung City, Section 1, Zhonghua Rd, 382號九州拉麵
陳大大 on Google

飯有點糊,炸蝦裡面還有蝦殼。 炸物的油若更換的頻率比較高應該會更好。
The rice is a bit mushy, and there are shrimp shells in the fried shrimp. Explosive oil should be better if it is replaced more frequently.
T11DTX on Google

From high school to going out of society, the decoration of the store has not changed. It is relatively old, but it is also a classic. The tonkotsu ramen eaten is quite large, the noodle taste is average, and the soup is relatively light. It is an affordable ramen shop.
月亮晚安 on Google

豬排咖哩飯:100元 醬料味道不錯,不會偏甜 炸蝦丼飯:120元 超級 超級不推!蝦子處理的不好 除非你喜歡很濕的湯泡飯不然不建議點
Pork Ribs Curry Rice: 100 yuan The sauce tastes good and is not too sweet Fried shrimp with rice: 120 yuan Super, do n’t push! Shrimp doesn't handle well unless you like wet soup and rice
郭靖 on Google

種類選擇還蠻多的, 店內不算大但挺乾淨的, 拉麵的麵條很Q,湯也不會越喝越渴。 炸豬排的口感有點特別,外層裹的麵粉不一樣。
There are quite a lot of choices, The store is not big but clean. The noodles of ramen are very Q, and the soup will not get more thirsty. The texture of the pork cutlet is a bit special, and the outer layer of flour is different.
Joanne Lu on Google

美味的在地日本料理店,店內裝潢有年代感,頗具風味 餐點划算好吃,份量十足
Delicious local Japanese restaurant with a sense of age and flavor Delicious and affordable meals
吳憶萍 on Google

The taste is really salty, but the price is affordable.
蔡怡文 on Google

價格便宜的台式日本料理店,80-120元區間就能吃飽的正餐,也應以這個價格去做評論。 1.豬排丼,$100,醬料部分挺日式的,偏鹹配飯很夠味,豬排切的非常薄,但是裹粉夠味且炸的很好吃,這個價位來說是不用奢望吃到很厚的豬排啦,但是炸的好吃很下飯就有盡到他豬排的本分;另外他不是配上生高麗菜絲,而是爆炒過的高麗菜,台味十足。 2.茶碗蒸,$40,中規中矩,突破不了爭鮮30元茶碗蒸的天花板。 3.日式天婦羅炸蝦,$80,很有趣的一道料理,蝦子們連同殼和頭全部裹粉去炸,炸到完全可以吃下去的程度,第一口下去還想說:「開什麼玩笑這種價格連蝦殼都沒去乾淨」,但是咬著咬著就嚐出了蝦子的香味,炸的好吃且醬料很搭不搶味但是價格偏高,想吃連殼能吞炸蝦的可以去快炒店買台式的鹽酥蝦,道理是一樣的。 整體來說正餐類可以當成商業午餐或是簡單解決的外食晚餐,但若是今天想吃高端點的日式料理,附近還有很多價格差不多三倍以上的日式料理店可以選擇。
A cheap Taiwanese Japanese restaurant, a full meal in the range of 80-120 yuan, should also be reviewed at this price. 1. Pork Chop Don, $100, the sauce part is quite Japanese, it is salty and tastes good with rice, the pork chop is very thinly sliced, but the flour is delicious and the fried is delicious. At this price, you don’t have to expect to eat very thick The pork chop is good, but it is delicious when fried, so it can fulfill the duty of his pork chop; in addition, he is not served with raw shredded cabbage, but stir-fried cabbage, which is full of Taiwanese flavor. 2. Chawanmushi, $40, is quite satisfactory, and can't break through the ceiling of 30 yuan for Chawanmushi. 3. Japanese Tempura Fried Shrimp, $80, a very interesting dish. The prawns, shells and heads are all coated with flour and fried until they are completely edible. After the first bite, I wanted to say, "What are you doing? Just kidding, this price doesn't even clean the shrimp shells", but when you bite, you can taste the aroma of the shrimps, the fried is delicious and the sauce is very good, but the price is high, if you want to eat even the shells can be swallowed and fried For shrimp, you can go to the fast-frying store to buy Taiwan-style salted shrimp. The reason is the same. Generally speaking, formal meals can be used as a business lunch or a simple take-out dinner, but if you want to eat high-end Japanese cuisine today, there are many Japanese restaurants nearby that are almost three times the price.
David Doern on Google

Cheap and delicious.

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