射馬干桶仔雞 - Section 3

3.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 射馬干桶仔雞

地址 :

950, Taiwan, Taitung County, Taitung City, Section 3, Qinghai Rd, 466號射馬干桶仔雞

電話 : 📞 +8899
城市 : Qinghai Rd

950, Taiwan, Taitung County, Taitung City, Section 3, Qinghai Rd, 466號射馬干桶仔雞
C S on Google

我們有先打電話預訂甕仔雞,到現場另點炒野菜跟炸大腸。蒜炒野菜非常清爽可口,搭配肉類必點。炸大腸有炸青椒、炸茄子當配菜,整盤份量很多。甕仔雞脆皮多汁且附一大碗雞汁,雞肉本身不乾柴很美味,雞汁可淋白飯。 我小孩每吃ㄧ塊炸大腸就都說:哇!好好吃喔! 他吃了雞也是這樣驚呼連連,狂稱讚夠浮誇的!還ㄧ直偷喝雞汁當湯。二大ㄧ小這樣份量吃很撐,希望下次點雞湯來喝。 其實我們大人也覺得這家的甕仔雞不輸高雄跟台南的ㄧ些店家,有機會會再來!
We called first to make a reservation for the Wengzai Chicken, and we ordered fried wild vegetables and fried large intestines on the spot. Stir-fried wild vegetables with garlic are very refreshing and delicious, and must be ordered with meat. The fried large intestine has fried green peppers and fried eggplants as side dishes, and the whole plate has a lot of servings. The urn chicken is crispy and juicy and comes with a large bowl of chicken juice. The chicken itself is delicious, and the chicken juice can be poured over rice. Every time my child eats a piece of fried large intestine, he says, "Wow! delicious! He also exclaimed again and again after eating chicken, and the praise was exaggerated enough! He also secretly drank chicken juice as soup. The second big and the small are very supportive. I hope to order chicken soup next time. In fact, we adults also think that this Wengzaiji is not inferior to some stores in Kaohsiung and Tainan, and we will come again if we have the opportunity!
蔡貫盛 on Google

一開始電話預約說沒位子要現場等,到達完全沒有一個人要理我們,剛坐下來一位男子就直接拿菜單來快速說完哪些沒有直接就點餐了(哈囉!我連看整個菜單的時間都沒有?) 我們點了:桶仔雞、烤魚、兩樣素食青菜、煎蛋、烤肥腸 以上,足足等了一個多小時,才來桶仔雞、烤魚兩樣,等到兩樣都吃快完那位男子才來說兩樣青菜還要等很久還是這樣就好!(那我們到的時候你怎麼就不先告知呢?)都準備要去結帳才送來青菜(裡面有小魚乾是怎麼回事??對素食的定義你哪個地方不懂?) 想前往用餐的客人ㄚ~真的沒訂位現場等請三思 店家那位男性服務生真的是丟了同樣餐飲業的臉 難道訂位比我們晚來,人家全部菜都到齊啊我們還在看服務生的臉色,這樣先來後到在該店完全沒有落實! 人家比我們晚半小時到達卻在30分鐘內全部上齊快10到菜,我們提早人家半小時等了快兩小時才吃小樣菜還必須看著店家服務生的態度、臉色 餐點在好吃,服務生的態度真的真的真的就不會讓我想再前往用餐! #連一顆星都不配擁有的服務生
At the beginning of the phone reservation, they said that there was no seat and we had to wait on the spot. When we arrived, there was no one to talk to us. As soon as we sat down, a man took the menu and quickly said what was not available and ordered directly (Hello! I even read the entire menu. no time?) We ordered: bucket chicken, grilled fish, two kinds of vegetarian vegetables, fried egg, grilled fat sausage Above, waited for more than an hour for the two kinds of chicken and grilled fish, and when the two kinds of vegetables were almost finished, the man said that the two kinds of green vegetables would take a long time to wait. (Then why didn't you tell us when we arrived?) We were all going to check out before sending the vegetables (what's the matter with dried small fish in it? ?Where do you understand the definition of vegetarian food?) For guests who want to dine ㄚ ~ I really don't have a reservation, please think twice The male waiter in the store really lost the face of the same catering industry Could it be that the reservation came later than us, and all the dishes have arrived. We are still looking at the waiter's face, so the first come first served is completely unimplemented in this store! They arrived half an hour later than us, but all the dishes were served within 30 minutes and 10 minutes earlier. We waited half an hour earlier and waited almost two hours for the small dishes. We also had to look at the attitude and face of the waiter in the store. The food is delicious, and the attitude of the waiter really really won't make me want to eat again! #The waiter who doesn't even deserve a star
墨菲定律 on Google

The proprietress is super strong, one person can handle 2 tables of dishes, and the taste is great. The barrel roast chicken is juicy and not dry, and the salt-baked fish is tender and juicy.
久分樂分悠 on Google

[正評] 1.野菜很棒 2.湯類好喝 3.烤類不錯(烤雞、烤魚) 4.麵線、水餃好吃 5.景觀佈置不錯 [待改進] 1.炒類需加強(炒野菜除外) 2.擺盤不是很好(如:炒飯用湯碗裝) 3.現場內用餐具不足,一次性餐具居多(衛生碗筷) 4.希望可以有多元支付
[Positive Comment] 1. Wild vegetables are great 2. The soup is delicious 3. Good grilled (roasted chicken, grilled fish) 4. The noodles and dumplings are delicious 5. The landscape is well laid out [To be improved] 1. Fried food needs to be strengthened (except for fried wild vegetables) 2. The presentation is not very good (such as: fried rice with soup bowl) 3. Insufficient tableware on site, mostly disposable tableware (hygienic tableware) 4. Hope that there can be multiple payments
Arthur Chen on Google

Fresh , Juicy, Delicious ?????
江培志 on Google

FC be god
Fabian Slikkerveer on Google

Great food! Very friendly owners!
Pei Y Spirito on Google

The place is run by 2 friendly women. We had a nice late lunch. And we strongly recommend the roasted chicken. It felt like Thanksgiving all over again as we sliced the bird with our swiss army knife! Side dishes were great too- stir fried tofu, leafy green vegetables. We'll definitely go back for their hospitality and to try their other dishes. The outdoor tables are great options for dining on nice days.

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