都蘭好的擺手創藝術小店 - Taitung County

4.4/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 都蘭好的擺手創藝術小店

地址 :

959, Taiwan, Taitung County, Donghe Township, 都蘭好的擺手創藝術小店

電話 : 📞 +88897
網站 : http://goodbuy959.pixnet.net/blog
城市 : Donghe Township

959, Taiwan, Taitung County, Donghe Township, 都蘭好的擺手創藝術小店
Sunny Wang on Google

很可愛的文青風小店,店內規劃的很好,動線流暢,很多個性小物,值得一逛? 冰的花草茶很好喝,戶在樹蔭下的小桌吹風休息,很是愜意!
Very cute Wenqingfeng shop, the shop is well planned, the flow is smooth, many small personalities, it is worth a visit !
棻章 on Google

小小店面裡面有滿滿文創小物 也有很多明信片可選擇 值得逛一下
The small storefront is full of small cultural and creative objects There are also many postcards to choose from Worth visiting
林楷侖 on Google

小小店面裡面有滿滿文創小物 也有很多明信片可選擇 值得逛一下,下次一定會想再來的?
The small shop is full of cultural and creative objects There are also many postcards to choose from It is worth visiting, I will definitely want to come again next time?
何小影 on Google

Every time I come to the wall painting, it is eye-catching
Adela Hsu on Google

Attracted by the appearance of her building, there are hand-made items, such as hats, earrings, jewelry, ceramic cups, wooden tableware and decorations.
Hsi Lin on Google

I bought dyed ramie thread and hand-woven necklace. I heard from the lady boss that I can help you book a ramie thread experience course? No time to try, try it next time.
陳亦晴 on Google

文創小物很好逛 當年2018自己去都蘭背包旅行 享受好的擺悠閒的下午 IG:hnsunny888520
Cultural and creative things are very good to visit Backpacking in Dulan in 2018 Enjoy a nice leisurely afternoon IG: hnsunny888520
吳依瑩 on Google

很悠閒的氛圍 很棒的創作藝品 與老房子結合的剛剛好~^_^
Very laid-back atmosphere Great creations It fits well with the old house~^_^

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