金崙聖若瑟天主堂 - Taitung County

4.6/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 金崙聖若瑟天主堂

地址 :

96344, Taiwan, Taitung County, Taimali Township, 8鄰354號金崙聖若瑟天主堂

電話 : 📞 +8889777
網站 : https://www.facebook.com/%25E5%25A4%25A9%25E4%25B8%25BB%25E6%2595%2599%25E9%2587%2591%25E5%25B4%2599%25E8%2581%2596%25E8%258B%25A5%25E7%2591%259F%25E5%25A0%2582-289954994350449/
城市 : Taimali Township

96344, Taiwan, Taitung County, Taimali Township, 8鄰354號金崙聖若瑟天主堂
Brandon Nien on Google

台灣特色天主教堂,沒有之一。 從木雕門上的排灣族圖騰、熊鷹羽毛與山豬獠牙裝飾,內部天主教神靈穿著的排灣族服飾等來看,這座教堂建築融合了金崙當地排灣族文化與天主教藝術,讓這座天主堂跳脫一般天主教堂的建築形式,更像個排灣族集會所,凝聚著部落居民的心靈。 有機會在耶誕前後來訪,可看到光彩奪目的夜間點燈裝飾。聽著聖歌,感受一下不一樣的文化洗禮。
There is no Catholic church with Taiwanese characteristics. Judging from the Paiwan totems, bear eagle feathers and boar tusks decorations on the wooden carved doors, and the Paiwan costumes worn by the Catholic deities inside, this church building integrates the local Paiwan culture and Catholic art in Jinlun. This Catholic Church breaks away from the architectural form of ordinary Catholic churches, and is more like a meeting place for the Paiwan people, which embodies the hearts of tribal residents. If you have the opportunity to visit around Christmas time, you can see the dazzling night lighting decorations. Listen to the chants and experience a different cultural baptism.
Birdie Chang on Google

The building body, door panels, window decorations, icons... Every corner is full of Catholic churches with tribal characteristics, fully demonstrating the culture of Catholicism, tolerance and respect when entering Catholics. The environment is extremely clean, quiet and quiet. It is worth visiting but please follow the instructions of the park.
愛瘋的奔騎之旅 on Google

原住民的特色教堂⛪️ 當天因爲參加解憂藍皮號活動 只有一個小時參觀金崙 一路走來真的時間不夠 有機會再自己過來好好玩 可愛風趣的頭目 介紹當地文化風情生動有趣 道別離時 他說他會等我們天涯海角海哭石爛 有說到這麼肉麻的話嗎?忘了⋯? 這一趟旅行真的很值得來?
Aboriginal characteristic church⛪️ That day, because I participated in the activity of Jieyou Blue Skin Number Only one hour to visit Jinlong There's really not enough time to go all the way Have a chance to come over and have fun cute and funny boss Lively and interesting introduction to local culture when saying goodbye He said he would wait for us to cry at the ends of the earth Did you say something so nasty? forgot...? This trip is really worth it ?
Garden Huang on Google

Very expecially of building.
arlyn oba on Google

Beautiful place.
Augustina Chen on Google

A very nice place to visit
Toni Setiawan Jaya on Google

Aborigin church in Taiwan, happy to visit this church
LifetimeAdventurer吳貞貞 on Google

(中文在下面) It is one of the most unique church I’ve ever seen in Taiwan. The interior of the church is decorated with beautiful wooden art works which show the features and cultures of the Paiwan (one of the Taiwanese aboriginal tribes). The most interesting part for me is to see Jesus, Maria and Joseph wearing Paiwan style clothing. And these wooden art works just reminded me of the Notre Dame Cathedral I saw in Taioha'e, French Polynesia. If you know nothing about Paiwan tribe, I would suggest you go to “Da-wu shan eco education center” before you visit this church. The exhibition at the first floor will help you to learn about their cultures and lifestyles. Don’t miss the 25-minute film. This place is also good for foreigners who doesn’t speak Chinese. If you have the chance to come by in Jinlun, I would highly recommend you to visit this church. 這是我在台灣看到最特別的教堂之一。教堂內部裝飾著許多美麗的木雕作品,展示著排灣族的文化與特色。 對我來說最有趣的部份是,教堂內的耶蘇、聖母瑪麗亞、約瑟夫穿上排灣族服飾。而這些木雕作品讓我想起在法屬波里尼西亞Taioha’e的聖母教堂。 如果你不熟悉排灣族的文化,那建議來這個教堂前可以先去大武山生態教育中心,一樓的展覽可以讓你對他們的文化有些微的認識。另外別錯過25分鐘的影片。 如果你有機會來到金崙,強烈建議你來參觀這座教堂!

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