
3.4/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 花蓮寶豐小客車租賃有限公司

地址 :

970, Taiwan, Hualien County, Hualien City, Guolian 1st Rd, 121號花蓮寶豐小客車租賃有限公司

電話 : 📞 +8889
Opening hours :
Wednesday 6AM–9PM
Thursday 6AM–9PM
Friday 6AM–9PM
Saturday 6AM–9PM
Sunday 6AM–9PM
Monday 6AM–9PM
Tuesday 6AM–9PM
城市 : st Rd

970, Taiwan, Hualien County, Hualien City, Guolian 1st Rd, 121號花蓮寶豐小客車租賃有限公司
黃俊銘(Jimmy) on Google

觀光客來看這裡? 跟這家租車心臟要很大顆哦~不但收到錢跟訂單後當天去到現場還不承認,事後還不認錯含血噴人說都是我們自己的錯! What??我們好幾天前就下訂了還付錢了,Okok我們的錯就是跟你們租車,所以其他人千萬不要跟我們犯一樣的錯了 Watch out! This car rental always miss the order and you will have a awful trip in Taiwan.
Tourists come here to see ? It’s a big deal with the car’s heart. Not only does it recognize the money and the order, but I don’t recognize it on the same day. Afterwards, I don’t admit that it’s a bloody spray. It’s our own fault! What? ? We booked a few days ago and paid for it. Okok, our fault is to rent a car with you, so other people should never make the same mistake as us. Watch out! This car rental always miss the order and you will have a awful trip in Taiwan.
蔡孟芮 on Google

文長,麻煩貴店務必詳讀再予以回覆。 《前情提要》 我和下面那位10/11留言的王先生是當下一起到現場的。 1、10/1當日,原本打電話給格上租車租10/11下午的汽車,但格上回覆當日已無汽車,要到10/12才有汽車可租,後來經由格上租車的推薦,打電話給貴店想預定10/11下午3點的機車一台,預計租一日10/12一早歸還。打過去的時候貴店較為年長的老闆娘拍胸脯保證10/11下午3點當天絕對有機車可以租,她說因為10/11中午過後會還一批機車回來,我們再三確認真的不用先預訂嗎?老闆娘似乎急著想掛電話頻頻說對對對,我們就想說好吧~既然老闆娘都說了那就相信她吧。 2、10/5,想想還是不放心,決定再打電話給貴店預訂“10/11下午3點王先生 機車一台”,預訂成功後,貴店傳匯款帳號的訊息給我們。該訊息中僅提及匯款帳號與應匯金額400元,並未說明幾日內應完成匯款否則訂單資料將被取消等事宜。 3、因那幾日剛好忙碌,無法立刻處理匯款訂金事宜,後來在10/7匯完400元訂金給貴店帳戶後,10/8回電請貴店查核我們匯的款項,電話是同一位年長老闆娘接的,一口咬定我們根本沒有跟貴店預定10/11的機車說找不到我們的訂單資料沒有收到400元訂金,而且語氣也不佳一直說“就沒有啊找不到啊,為什麼你們沒有訂完馬上匯款”。但如果我們沒有和貴店預訂機車,何來能收到貴店的匯款帳號的訊息並完成匯款動作?況且貴店無論於電話中或傳給我們的匯款帳戶訊息中,也未說明幾日內必須完成匯款否則訂單將被取消,那何來由指稱訂單不見是因為我們沒有馬上預訂完就匯款所導致的呢?再者,訂單被貴店弄不見,與我們是否在預訂完之後立即匯款是毫無關聯的吧? 4、為了查核我們的訂單資料與已匯過去的400元訂金的部分,我們與貴店來回通電話多次,同一位年長的老闆娘一直呈現語氣不佳的狀況,並且把責任歸屬完全推給我們,“就沒有啊找不到你們的訂單啊”這句話重複超多次,最後也是在我們撥電話過去第3次後,老闆娘終於表示有找到我們“王先生的訂單”,也有確認收到400元訂金,但在該通電話中老闆娘並未再與我們確認我們預訂機車的日期等其他訂單中應具有的內容。 5、10/11當日下午2:30左右,我們抵達貴店,一開始由較為年輕的老闆娘接待,聽到我們有預訂機車且已匯款嚇到,立刻找那位年長老闆娘出來。年長老闆娘在我們話都未說完就立刻打斷,說我們是訂10/12的機車不是10/11的,“你在電話中就是說10/12要機車”這句話一直鬼打牆,無論我們如何與兩位老闆娘講述以上的前因後果,以及我們絕對是說訂10/11的機車,還是無果,尤其那位年長老闆娘的態度一副千錯萬錯都是別人的錯。且在我們講述以上訂單被貴店弄丟的事實第4-5次的時候,年長老闆娘口裡唸唸有辭的是“叫弟弟接單要寫啊不能怎樣怎樣...”(這句話是否可以推論出您們貴店在接單時有什麼環節出現問題?)。 6、總之最後,因為現場也沒機車了,貴店說最快也要下午4:30才有車(我們當時是下午2:30左右到),我們還是沒與貴店租機車,拿回了訂金400元,找別家租了。 -------分隔線------- 前情提要結束,以下我們有幾點想請教貴店。 試問貴店: (1)先不論究竟我們訂的是10/11還是10/12的機車,訂單被您們弄丟是不是事實?我們的確有收到貴店傳來的匯款帳號訊息,代表我們一定有先和貴店預訂機車的事實。 (2)貴店年長的老闆娘在我們打電話過去想確認貴店是否有收到我們匯的400元訂金的該通電話中,找不到我們訂單資料的時候,是否有更恰當的做法,而非只是一直反覆說“這裡沒有你們的訂單”這句話?甚至還直接究責是因我們沒有立刻預訂完就匯款所導致? 把沒有收到訂單資料的責任直接回丟給消費者其實不太妥當,況且如上(1)所述,我們絕對是有先和貴店預訂機車後且經由貴店所發的訊息獲知匯款帳戶資料之後,才可能有後續匯款400元訂金的動作。 更為恰當的作法是否為:確認當日是否尚有未出租出去的機車,另開一份新的訂單之類的?如果確認後真的沒有多餘的機車,我們即可進行後續討論如何退回400元訂金的部分。 (3)由於中途發生訂單資料消失的事件,已無從確認究竟預訂機車的日期是我們說的10/11還是貴店說的10/12,繼續追究日期這一部分永遠無解,但我們只想說,貴店的預訂機車SOP是否能進一步檢討與改善,像是本次訂單消失事件,是否是貴店在接到我們預訂機車的電話時哪個內部環節出錯?以及是否得以避免一遇到問題就立刻一股腦把責任推到消費者身上?我們可以體諒貴店年長老闆娘找不到訂單的慌張,但難道我們消費者就不慌嗎?我們可是已經有匯款訂金給貴店了耶!就算真的訂單消失,也應該是雙方合作看後續要如何解決這個問題吧?倘若在一發現訂單資料不見的當下,即能順利解決問題,甚至順利到進一步完整確認我們的訂單資料內容,相信也不會有後續訂單資料內容有誤的狀況發生。 另外也想說一句,10/11我們到了現場,雙方發現訂單資料有所誤會之後,年長老闆娘的態度真的讓人不可恭維,較為年輕的老闆娘在還未全盤了解上述所有來龍去脈之前,也是和那位年長老闆娘同一個鼻孔出氣,實在讓人溝通的很無奈,尤其在我們在講貴店如何把我們訂單弄不見的事實重述到第4、5次還一直被兩位打斷的時候..... 還有,也希望貴店不要再亂開這種“不用預訂機車當日直接來現場一定有空車可以租”的空頭支票好嗎?假設我們真的如最初一樣(請看前情提要1、),相信貴店年長老闆娘的話,傻傻的10/11直接到您們店面,而因此租不到機車的話,我們又該找誰負責?(當然也只能自認倒楣啦,誰叫我們毫無保留的相信貴店信譽呢。) 王先生有在下方給予貴店一星評論,亦有簡述我們所遭遇的狀況,但很遺憾的是,貴店還是把訂單日期的究責部分再度提出,且也僅對貴店在對消費者不佳的溝通態度上致歉,對於搞丟我們訂單之事實仍然隻字未提,更說王先生所言是誣衊。 或許貴店第一次面臨訂單消失事件的態度與行為,可以解釋為是經驗不足,但面對後續問題的處理並指摘我們在google上給予的評論,我們也不知該如何去說了。 10/11當日現場,不知貴店兩位老闆娘是否還記得,我們已經重述以上訂單消失事件到累了,最後我們也說“貴店說是我們預訂錯日期,好,我們也認了”這句話?我們當下也只是希望貴店能給予訂單為何消失的合理說法,以及貴店對此問題的適當處理方式而已。但沒想到貴店至今,還是只關注於訂單資料內容到底是誰弄錯這種如此膚淺的問題,甚至在尚未檢討貴店內部運作接單機制是否有問題與如何改善之前,就直接反擊究責於消費者,面對如此營運不成熟的店家,只能說是憾上加憾吧,不知往後哪位消費者還敢與貴店訂機車,畢竟電話中預訂機車很容易就會被貴店弄丟訂單資料,甚至可能還進一步查不到匯款過去的訂金了呢。 不過還是感謝您們的辛苦,家庭式經營也是不容易,祝福您們。
Wen Chang, trouble your store must read and then reply. "Recap" I and Mr. Wang, who was following the 10/11 message, will be the next one. 1. On the day of 10/1, I originally called the car rented on the car for 10/11 pm, but there was no car on the day of the reply. It was only 10/12 that there was a car to rent, and later recommended by the car rental. Call your store to order a 10/11 pm locomotive. It is expected to be rented 10/12 early in the morning. In the past, the older boss of your store took the chest to ensure that the organic car can be rented at 10:11 pm on the same day. She said that because 10/11 will return a batch of locomotives after noon, we will confirm that we really don't have to book first? The proprietress seems to be anxious to hang up the phone and say it right, we just want to say ok~ since the boss said, trust her. 2, 10/5, think about it or not, decided to call your store to order "10/11 pm 3 pm Mr. Wang locomotive one", after the reservation is successful, your store's remittance account information to us. Only the remittance account number and the remittance amount of 400 yuan are mentioned in the message. It does not indicate that the remittance should be completed within a few days, otherwise the order information will be cancelled. 3. Because it was just a few days, I was unable to handle the remittance deposit immediately. After 10/7 remittance of 400 yuan deposit to your account, 10/8 call back, please check the amount of our remittance, the phone is the same elderly The boss took it, and we insisted that we didn’t order the 10/11 locomotive with your store. We couldn’t find our order information and didn’t receive the 400 yuan deposit. The tone was not good. I said, “I can’t find it, why are you? Remittance is not made immediately." But if we don't book a locomotive with your store, how can I receive the message from your store's remittance account and complete the remittance action? Moreover, your store does not indicate that the remittance must be completed within a few days, or the order will be cancelled. Otherwise, the order is not seen because we did not immediately transfer the remittance. ? Furthermore, the order was not seen by your store, and it is irrelevant whether we send money immediately after booking. 4. In order to check our order data and the part of the 400 yuan deposit that has been remitted, we have called back and forth with your store several times. The same old boss has always presented a bad tone and pushed the responsibility to us completely. "There is no ah, you can't find your order." This sentence is repeated many times. Finally, after we dialed the phone for the third time, the boss finally said that we had found our "Mr. Wang's order" and confirmed receipt. The deposit of 400 yuan, but in the phone call, the boss did not confirm with us the contents of other orders such as the date we booked the locomotive. 5, 10/11 at about 2:30 pm, we arrived at your store. At the beginning, we were received by a younger boss. When we heard that we had a reservation for the locomotive and the remittance was scared, we immediately went to the older boss. The old boss was interrupted immediately after we had finished speaking, saying that we were ordering a 10/12 locomotive that was not 10/11. "You said that 10/12 is a locomotive on the phone." No matter how we talk about the above-mentioned causes and consequences with the two bosses, and we definitely say that the 10/11 locomotive is still fruitless, especially the attitude of the older boss is a mistake. And when we talked about the fact that the above orders were lost in your store, the 4-5th time, the older boss’s mouth was resigned. "Call the younger brother to order, how can I write..." Can you deduce what is wrong with your store when you take the order?). 6. In the end, because there is no locomotive at the scene, your store said that there is a car at 4:30 pm (we were around 2:30 pm), we still didn’t rent a locomotive with your store and got the deposit 400. Yuan, find another house to rent. ------- divider ------- The ex-sex summary is over. Here are some points we would like to ask about. Ask your store: (1) Regardless of whether we are ordering a 10/11 or 10/12 locomotive, is it true that the order was lost by you? We did receive a remittance account message from your store, which means that we must first book a locomotive with your store. (2) The older boss of your store, when we called and wanted to confirm whether your store received the 400 yuan deposit from our remittance, if we could not find the order information, is there a more appropriate approach, instead of Just repeating the phrase "There is no order for you here"? Even the direct responsibility is caused by the remittance that we did not immediately book. It is not appropriate to directly return the responsibility for not receiving the order information to the consumer. As mentioned in (1) above, we definitely have to know the remittance account information after booking the locomotive with your store and receiving the information sent by your store. It is possible to have a follow-up remittance of 400 yuan deposit. Is it more appropriate to: Is there a locomotive that has not been rented out on the day, and a new order? If there is really no extra locomotive after confirmation, we can proceed to the discussion on how to return the 400 yuan deposit. (3) Due to the disappearance of the order data in the middle of the journey, it has not been confirmed whether the date of booking the locomotive is 10/11 that we said or 10/12 that the store said. There is no solution to continue the investigation of the date, but we just want to say, Can your store's reservation locomotive SOP be further reviewed and improved, such as the disappearance of this order, is it an internal link error when your store receives a call from our reservation locomotive? And whether you have to avoid the problem and immediately push the responsibility to the consumer? We can understand that the old boss of your store can't find the panic of the order, but can we not panic consumers? We already have a remittance deposit to your store! Even if the order disappears, it should be the cooperation between the two parties to see how to solve this problem in the future. If the problem can be solved smoothly if the order information is not found, and even if the content of our order information is further confirmed, it is believed that there will be no error in the content of the follow-up order information. I also want to say that 10/11 we arrived at the scene. After the two parties found that the order information was misunderstood, the attitude of the older boss was really unflattering. The younger bosses did not fully understand all the above ins and outs. The older boss was out of the same nostrils, and it was really helpless to communicate. Especially when we talked about how the store lost our orders, the 4th and 5th times have been interrupted by two. .... Also, I hope that your store will not open this kind of empty check that "you don't have to book a locomotive to come directly to the scene on the same day." Suppose we are really the same as the original (please see the ex-gratia 1,), I believe that the old boss of your store, the stupid 10/11 directly to your store, and therefore can not rent a locomotive, we should be responsible for who ? (Of course, I can only admit that I am down, who told us to trust your store's reputation without reservation.) Mr. Wang has given a one-star comment to your store below, and also briefly describes the situation we have encountered, but unfortunately, your store has re-introduced the accountability of the order date, and it is only bad for consumers. The communication attitude apologizes, but the fact that we have lost our orders is still not mentioned, let alone Mr. Wang said. Perhaps the attitude and behavior of your store facing the disappearance of orders for the first time can be explained as lack of experience, but in the face of the follow-up issues and accused us of the comments given on google, we do not know how to say. On the day of 10/11, I wonder if the two bosses in your store still remember, we have already re-stated the above-mentioned order disappearing incident, and finally we said "Your store said that we booked the wrong date, well, we also recognized" ? We are only hoping that your store can give a reasonable explanation of why the order has disappeared, and that your store has properly handled this issue. But I didn’t expect your store to focus on the question of who is mistaken in the order information. Even before you have reviewed the internal order handling mechanism of your store, if you have any problems and how to improve it, you will directly counter the responsibility. In the face of such an immature store, it can only be said that it is regrettable. I don’t know which consumer will dare to order a locomotive with your store. After all, booking a locomotive on the phone is easy to lose the order information. Even the deposit of the remittance may not be further investigated. But thank you for your hard work, family business is not easy, bless you.
王翔 on Google

電話預訂機車,收到匯款簡訊之後,匯款完成並打電話跟店家確認匯款資料時,老闆娘直接回根本沒收到訂單,把我的訂單資料弄丟,導致後續搞錯正確預訂時間,到現場根本沒有車租,還一口咬定都是我們講錯時間。 如果沒有訂單資料,我何來收到店家的匯款帳號?現場店家的態度也非常差勁,完全不會去反省自己內部的問題。 做事非常沒紀律的一家店。
After booking the locomotive by phone, after receiving the remittance newsletter, when the remittance is completed and the phone is confirmed with the store to confirm the remittance information, the proprietress directly returns to the order and loses my order data, resulting in the subsequent correct booking time. Car rental, but also one bite is that we are wrong time. If there is no order information, how can I receive the remittance account of the store? The attitude of the on-site store is also very poor, and it will not reflect on its own internal problems. A shop that is very disciplined.
keiko wang on Google

來花蓮要嘛太陽太大,要嘛午後雷陣雨,租車是最好的選項。 老闆夫妻親切不囉嗦,含車站接送,忘了東西還特地再送來,服務真的太好了。 個人覺得把車子當成自己的愛惜,不要刮到就不會有別人評論的爭議了。 看前一台還車,老闆也是隨意環顧一下,就交回完畢了。 摩托車也比附近車行便宜哦!大家不妨試試看!
If you come to Hualien, the sun is too big or thunderstorms in the afternoon. Renting a car is the best option. The owner and his wife are cordial and not wordy, including the station pick-up and drop-off, and they bring things back if they forgot. The service is really good. Personally, I feel that I treat the car as my own treasure, and don't scratch it so that there will be no disputes about other people's comments. Looking at the previous car returning, the boss also looked around at will, and it was over. Motorcycles are also cheaper than nearby car dealers! Everyone might as well give it a try!
空軍防砲303營第三連 on Google

Not bad, the price is reasonable and friendly, but if it is not for Wuhan pneumonia, I really want to go to Hualien to rent a car and travel alone!
jason lin on Google

價格便宜 老闆人不錯 車子狀況還ok
The price is cheap, the boss is nice, the car is in ok condition
Vivian Lin on Google

價格非常優惠?? 老闆和老闆娘很親切!外出旅行選擇這家租車非常值得,下次還會再來租? 覺得比別家便宜很多很多?
The price is very favorable?? The boss and the proprietress are very kind! It is very worthwhile to choose this car rental when traveling, and I will rent it again next time? I think it is much cheaper than other homes?
周經智 on Google

The proprietress is very kind, and she left her jacket in the car and rode it to the train station by herself, thank you! Hard work...

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