八通關古道登山口 - Hualien County

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Contact 八通關古道登山口

地址 :

982, Taiwan, Hualien County, Zhuoxi Township, 八通關古道八通關古道登山口

電話 : 📞 +88988
網站 : http://np.cpami.gov.tw/chinese/index.php%3Foption%3Dcom_content%26view%3Darticle%26id%3D95%26Itemid%3D30
Opening hours :
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
城市 : Zhuoxi Township

982, Taiwan, Hualien County, Zhuoxi Township, 八通關古道八通關古道登山口
Y I on Google

入內後收訊較差喔~ 步道前段平坦好走,中段會有點微上坡,途中會經過(山風駐在所-舊址) 再往前就會走到山風一號吊橋,有延伸出來的觀景台,超好拍 後面還有山風二號吊橋等等,但沒有走到那邊,據說比較困難一些 整體來說從入口到一號吊橋算是很輕鬆簡單的一條步道
After entering, the reception is poor~ The front part of the trail is flat and easy to walk, the middle part will be a little uphill, and you will pass by on the way (the place where the mountain wind is stationed - the old site) If you go further, you will walk to the Shanfeng No. 1 suspension bridge. There is an extended viewing platform, which is very good to shoot. There is Shanfeng No. 2 Suspension Bridge in the back, etc., but I didn't go there. It is said that it is more difficult. Overall, it is a very easy and simple walk from the entrance to the No. 1 suspension bridge.
丁秀津 on Google

八通關越嶺線東段登山口(瓦拉米步道) 台30線起點(0K)即八通關越嶺線東段登山口(山風登山口),因一般大眾多行走至瓦拉米進行2日遊程,而習慣將該步道稱之瓦拉米步道,因而其登山口(山風登山口)亦稱為瓦拉米步道登山口。目前登山口前有設置大小客車停車場、自行車停車處。玉山國家公園管理處也設立解說牌示及入山入園公告牌示,讓往來遊客進入步道前可以先行了解步道路線及行走步道須注意事項,另外需特別先行提醒,瓦拉米步道自「佳心」後,即須辦理入園申請方可進入。
The mountain entrance of the east section of the Batongguan Crossing Line (Walami Trail) The starting point (0K) of Taiwan Line 30 is the mountain pass of the east section of the Batongguan Yueling Line (Shanfeng Mountain Pass), because many people usually walk to Valami for a 2-day trip, and they are used to calling this trail the Valami Trail. Its mountaineering entrance (Shanfeng mountaineering entrance) is also known as the Valami Trail mountaineering entrance. At present, there are large and small passenger car parking lots and bicycle parking spaces in front of the mountain entrance. The Yushan National Park Management Office has also set up interpretive signs and notice boards for entering the mountain and the park, so that visitors can learn about the trail route and the precautions for walking on the trail before entering the trail. In addition, special reminders are required. You must apply for admission to enter the park.
梁瑞庭 on Google

八通關越嶺古道,走到另一邊可以從東埔出來喔,不過要申請,以前鹿野忠雄就是從八通關上玉山的呢~不過當然是從東埔那邊進囉! 這個步道非常宜人~老少咸宜,每個駐在所都取了有詩意的名稱,如山風一號、山風二號…一路走到佳心大概4.2K, 但來到花東就是要漫遊,如果帶著長輩,我認為準備一些午餐,沿途有一個最接近瀑布的地方,下面有桌椅,可以邊欣賞瀑布、吸收負離子,一邊吃午餐,好舒服的行程~~~ 停車的部份不要停紅線,其他都ok 超級推薦這個步道~~~
Batongguan Crossing the Mountains Ancient Road, you can come out from Dongpu when you walk to the other side, but you need to apply. In the past, Luye Tadao used to go to Yushan from Batongguan~ But of course, he entered from Dongpu! This trail is very pleasant, suitable for all ages, each station has a poetic name, such as Shanfeng No. 1, Shanfeng No. 2... It is about 4.2K all the way to Jiaxin, but when you come to Huadong, you have to roam. Elder, I think to prepare some lunch, there is a place closest to the waterfall along the way, there are tables and chairs below, you can enjoy the waterfall and absorb negative ions, while eating lunch, a very comfortable itinerary~~~ Do not stop at the red line in the parking part, everything else is ok I highly recommend this trail
Wenling on Google

瓦拉米步道是八通關越嶺道東段的一部分,全長約14公里,坡度緩、視野佳,步道沿著拉庫拉庫溪谷而上,具有亞熱帶至寒帶特色的完整生態體系,蘊育著豐富多樣的動植物資源,可分成前段「步道口─山風瀑布」、中段「山風瀑布─佳心」及後段「佳心─瓦拉米山屋」 ?這次我們要走的是步道口~佳心,單程4.7K,來回9.4K。 真的是算好走的步道,平緩又楓葉?滿地,全程走完,還有加碼支線行程。一直很想來的地點,感謝美女團長開團,讓我們跟到,開心❤️
The Warami Trail is a part of the eastern section of the Batongguan Yueling Road. It is about 14 kilometers in length, with a gentle slope and good views. Abundant and diverse animal and plant resources, which can be divided into the front section "Trail Pass-Mountain Breeze Waterfall", the middle section "Mountain Breeze Waterfall-Jiaxin", and the back section "Jiaxin-Walami Mountain House" ?This time we are going to walk through the footpath ~ Jiaxin, 4.7K one way, 9.4K round trip. It's really a good trail to walk. It is gentle and full of maple leaves. After the whole journey, there is an extra line itinerary. I’ve always wanted to come to the place, thank you to the beautiful head of the group, let us follow, happy ❤️
單明鈞 on Google

花蓮漫步瓦拉米:南安瀑布踏青 瓦拉米步道是日據時代八通關越嶺道東段的一部分,步道寬敞,步道登山口就是台30線0K起點之處,平緩的步道左右都被植物包圍著,瓦拉米步道總長大約14公里,海拔從600~1060公尺,要做好防蚊準備。瓦拉米步道路況平緩好走,可分為三段,前段【步道口─山風瀑布】1.7公里、中段【山風瀑布─佳心】2.8公里及後段【佳心─瓦拉米山屋】9.1公里。過了佳心之後,就必須申請入山入園許可才能進入。步道周遭植物叢生,以蕨類種類特別豐富,可找到150多種蕨類,是蕨類的故鄉絕不為過。遇到台灣黑熊怎麼辦? 盡量避開熊的視線,安靜地離開現場是上上策。
Hualien Walk Valami: Nan'an Waterfall Outing The Valami Trail is part of the eastern section of Yueling Road, Batongguan, during the Japanese occupation era. The trail is spacious. The trailhead is the starting point of Taiwan Line 30 0K. The gentle trail is surrounded by plants on both sides. The total length of the Valami Trail is about 14 kilometers. , the altitude ranges from 600 to 1060 meters, so be prepared to prevent mosquitoes. The Varami trail is gentle and easy to walk, and can be divided into three sections, the first section [Trailkou-Shanfeng Waterfall] is 1.7 kilometers, the middle section [Shanfeng Waterfall-Jiaxin] 2.8 kilometers, and the rear section [Jiaxin-Walami Mountain House] 9.1 kilometers. After passing Jiaxin, you must apply for an admission permit to enter the mountain. The trail is surrounded by plants, especially rich in ferns. More than 150 kinds of ferns can be found. It is not an exaggeration to be the hometown of ferns. What should I do if I encounter a Taiwan black bear? Avoid the bear's sight as much as possible, and leave the scene quietly is the best policy.
Vernon Vasu on Google

Lovely walk. Need a permit to do the full route.
Helder Reis on Google

Perfect for hiking, it has all the adventure and adrenaline in those trails, if you go in a hot summer day bring a towel and good rubber shoes, you will want to go for that waterfall... yes, you read it well, waterfall!!!!
P. P on Google

This is a historical cross mountain track, permission is required if you want to complete all the route. For tourists, the first few kilometres are easy to walk to taste a bit of the grand mountains and the fresh air.

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