A平方健身工坊 - Section 2

4.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact A平方健身工坊

地址 :

500, Taiwan, Changhua County, Changhua City, Section 2, Jinma Rd, 303號A平方健身工坊

電話 : 📞 +88989
網站 : https://lin.ee/rKJepF4
城市 : Jinma Rd

500, Taiwan, Changhua County, Changhua City, Section 2, Jinma Rd, 303號A平方健身工坊
琦玉老師 on Google

彰化玩自由重量、Crossfit的好地方 收費便宜!
Changhua is a great place to play free weights and Crossfit Cheap fees!
Meta Yang on Google

在彰化,能有一個這麼專業的訓練場地真棒! A平方的教練每一次都會幫學員紀錄上課的狀況,適時的提供訓練上的建議、依照學員的需求調整訓練的方式以及客製化訓練的內容,長期下來讓學員在體態上,有明顯的變化。 A平方也附設停車場?️,遇到下雨想訓練的時候,讓學員可以不用擔心車子停放的問題。 每一次使用完器具,每一位教練也都會使用酒精消毒,讓學員能無後顧之憂的安心訓練。 真的超棒的!
In Changhua, it is great to have such a professional training venue! A-square coaches will help students record the status of the class every time, provide timely training suggestions, adjust training methods according to the needs of the students, and customize the content of the training. Over the long term, the students will have obvious changes in their posture. . A square also has a parking lot ?️. When it rains and wants to train, students can not worry about parking the car. Every time the equipment is used, every instructor will also use alcohol to disinfect, so that the students can train with peace of mind without any worries. It's really awesome!
劉芝芝 on Google

教練群很專業又用心。 不用擔心是新手,來上團體課,教練同學都超可愛 保證上完課會欲罷不能~
The coaches are very professional and attentive. Don’t worry about being a novice, come to the group class, the coaches and classmates are super cute I guarantee that I can't stop after class~
叢主新 on Google

教練: 教練人都很好,練習氣氛極佳,不會感到任何壓力,教練們也時常與學員交流完全不私藏,可以說是cp值很高的健身房 環境: 停車位很多,不怕沒位子停,健身房內地版都有鋪地墊,不像其他健身房不能丟槓,在這邊都可以丟,而且深蹲架又很多,專門是為了健體的人設計,不喜歡練器材式的來這邊練真的很自在,讓而且位在家樂福隔壁,健身完還可以順便去逛,真的很方便 價格: 會員價非常划算,不管辦張卡片還是繳年費,都很物超所值
coach: The coaches are very good, the atmosphere of the practice is excellent, and they don’t feel any pressure. The coaches often communicate with the trainees and are completely private. It can be said that it is a gym with a high cp value. surroundings: There are a lot of parking spaces. Don’t be afraid that there is no place to park. The mainland version of the gym has floor mats. Unlike other gyms, you can’t lose bars. You can throw them here. There are also many squat racks. They are specially designed for people who exercise. It’s really comfortable for those who like to practice equipment. It’s next to Carrefour, so you can just drop by after your workout. It’s really convenient. price: The membership price is very cost-effective, no matter if you apply for a card or pay the annual fee, it is very good value for money
MJ C on Google

#謝謝Leo教練讓我短短一個多月瘦了5公斤??? 我是從什麼時候才意識到自己需要健身教練的呢 是在我的行事曆跳出提醒 健身房會籍?️3年到期的通知 開始意識到我花了整整3年時間 1公斤都沒瘦的坎坷悲慘命運 踏出第一步是最艱難的 我也會害怕遇到不好的不專業的健身教練 我開始做功課如何找適合自己的健身教練 去健身房運動的時候會觀察健身教練上課的時候 我很幸運自己能遇到優質專業的教練 我跟自己說要投資自己 這筆錢去歐美國家旅遊10天就沒了 就這樣我踏出了這艱難的第一步 ㄧ開始真的非常的辛苦 尤其是調整飲食這一個部份 我要割捨好多我所喜歡的食物 我每ㄧ次的休假不是在健身房 就是在去健身房的路上 還有從健身房回家的路上 每次上完課全身痠痛到難以入睡 我才深刻體會到那些身材很好到讓我羨慕的人 背後的努力是我不曾看過的 我看到的只是他們光鮮亮麗的一面 漸漸的跟隨著健身教練的腳步訓練 我的身體也慢慢的適應進步 教練看我的動作從一開始說"怎麼會這樣" 到現在滿意的對我點頭說"很好" 我不曾預想過能在短短一個多月就交出了這麼漂亮的成績單 我原先對健身教練的定義 是個在旁邊看著你做運動正不正確的人 在我跟健身教練接觸過後 我才體會他們的工作內容不僅於此 現在健身教練這份職業 在我心中已是與醫生、老師、律師相同等級的存在 敬仰而崇拜 #謝謝Leo教練讓我能有機會成為更好的自己???
#Thank you Leo coach for making me lose 5kg in just over a month??? When did I realize that I needed a fitness trainer? Is a reminder that pops up on my calendar Notice of gym membership ?️3 years expiration I started to realize that it took me 3 years The tragic fate of not losing 1 kilogram Taking the first step is the hardest I will also be afraid of encountering bad unprofessional fitness coaches I started to do my homework how to find a fitness coach that suits me When I go to the gym to exercise, I will observe when the fitness coach is in class I am very lucky to meet a high-quality professional coach I told myself to invest in myself The money is gone for 10 days to travel to European and American countries Just like this I took this difficult first step ㄧIt was really hard at the beginning Especially the part of adjusting diet I want to give up a lot of my favorite food Every time I take a vacation is not in the gym On the way to the gym And on the way home from the gym Every time after class, the whole body is so sore that it is difficult to fall asleep I have a deep understanding of those who are so good that I envy them I have never seen the effort behind it All I see is their glamorous side Gradually follow the footsteps of the fitness coach My body is gradually adapting and improving The coach looked at my movements and said from the beginning, "How could this happen?" So far, nodding to me with satisfaction and saying "very good" I never expected to be able to hand in such a beautiful report card in just over a month My original definition of fitness coach Is someone watching you doing exercises is not right After I contacted the fitness coach I realized that their work is not only here Now the profession of fitness coach In my mind, it is already at the same level as doctors, teachers, and lawyers Admire and worship #Thank you Leo coach for giving me a chance to be a better myself???
Maro Li (StoneFree) on Google

Comfortable environment, complete equipment, friendly coaches, and reasonable fees.
李立偉 on Google

你如果彰化地區需要頂級健身房 你又剛好想要出人頭地 甚至想找朋友一起飛 A平方首選我不騙你
If you need top gym in Changhua area You just want to get ahead I even want to fly with my friends A square is the first choice, I won't lie to you
Wei Chin Liu on Google

A平方教練們自主訓練的熱血會感染整體氣氛,這是我喜歡的原因,如果你也不想看到一堆人划手機佔器材的話,這邊很推薦! 另外有開拳擊、團課,這也有女教練JOY哦!
The enthusiasm of A-square coaches' self-training will infect the overall atmosphere. This is why I like it. If you don't want to see a bunch of people using mobile phones to occupy equipment, this is very recommended! In addition, there are boxing and group classes, and there is also a female coach JOY!

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