當代牙醫數位植牙中心-數位導航植牙 | 一日全口重建 | All on 4 | All on 6

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Contact 當代牙醫數位植牙中心-數位導航植牙 | 一日全口重建 | All on 4 | All on 6

地址 :

No. 43號, Section 2, Zhongyang W Rd, Zhongli District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan 320

電話 : 📞 +88889
網站 : http://www.modernimplantcenter.com/
Opening hours :
Wednesday 9AM–12PM
Thursday 9AM–12PM
Friday 9AM–12PM
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
城市 : Taoyuan City

No. 43號, Section 2, Zhongyang W Rd, Zhongli District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan 320
小墨 on Google

I am Dr. Lin Yongshun who recommended me to do dental implants to Dr. Liang Jiayuan from the dental implant center. During the treatment, there is no pain, except that my face was swollen for a few days after the implant (wearing a mask, I can't see anything!), everything is very good It went smoothly, and there was no horror at all as expected.
Lydia Chen on Google

感謝葉立維醫師,讓看牙不在那麼的恐懼, 植牙過程因為有舒眠治療減緩了不少緊張感, 整個療程在醫師和助理細心的幫助下順利完 成了牙周治療與植牙,謝謝
Thanks to Dr. Ye Liwei, the fear of seeing a dentist is not so much. The dental implant process relieved a lot of tension because of the sleep-relieving treatment. The entire course of treatment was successfully completed with the attentive help of physicians and assistants Became periodontal treatment and dental implants, thank you
04吳維珊 on Google

選擇植牙的診所,一定要再三地精挑細選。當代牙醫 植牙中心葉立維院長的口碑,讓我放心的決定。 每每一進門,護士小姐總是笑臉迎人,為我確實的做好防疫措施。上了2樓植牙中心,助理人員也詳細介紹治療流程,再加上葉醫師的細心與專業手法。 一開始先使用3D電腦斷層掃描,評估之後,葉醫師就替我做牙周治療(採用水雷射治療)溫和、安靜,感受不到疼痛的方式,很新鮮的體驗。 因為拔牙所以必需重建,如果不想破壞旁邊的牙齒,只需要在缺牙區放入人工牙根即可,加上牙齒骨質流失嚴重,還可以填補,增加骨頭高度等優點,讓我決定以植牙的方式。在植牙的手術中,還會搭配TCI生理監測器,了解血壓與心跳,隨時掌握著我的狀況,讓我很放心! 這一連串的過程、現代化的醫療設備、專業的醫療團隊,讓我對牙醫不再卻步,且一定到值得我信賴的當代牙醫植牙中心治療。 —許億虹
When choosing a dental implant clinic, you must choose carefully. The word-of-mouth of Ye Liwei, Dean of the Dental Implant Center, a contemporary dentist, gave me a reassuring decision. Every time I entered the door, the lady nurse always greeted people with a smile, and took precautionary measures for me. On the second floor of the dental implant center, the assistant also introduced the treatment process in detail, plus Dr. Ye's careful and professional techniques. At the beginning, I used 3D computed tomography. After the evaluation, Dr. Ye gave me periodontal treatment (using water laser treatment) in a gentle, quiet, pain-free way, a very fresh experience. Because of the tooth extraction, reconstruction is necessary. If you don’t want to damage the adjacent teeth, you only need to put artificial tooth roots in the missing tooth area. In addition, the tooth bone loss is serious, and it can be filled and the height of the bone can be increased, so I decided to use dental implants. Way. During the implant surgery, I will also be equipped with a TCI physiological monitor to understand my blood pressure and heartbeat, and keep track of my condition at any time, which makes me very relieved! This series of procedures, modern medical equipment, and a professional medical team have made me no longer shy away from dentists, and I will definitely go to a contemporary dental implant center that I can trust. — Xu Yihong
林素芬 on Google

When I was about to have a dental implant, I was thinking about who should I look for? I happened to have a friend who had just done dental implants in Dangdai and he kept recommending Dr. Jiayuan Liang to me, so I came in and it was really good, the whole process was very comfortable, Jiayuan Liang The doctor is very kind and will take care of him at any time. Is there any discomfort in the wound? Now the tooth value is better, I am very happy, thank you Dr. Liang Jiayuan
heang kou on Google

It was the first time I had a dental implant, so I was a little nervous beforehand. However, after the professional nursing staff explained the whole course of treatment in detail, I was relieved a lot, and the treatment process was quite professional. There is no choice of Sleeping for the tooth extraction part, but it does not cause too much pain and inconvenience after the operation. If you are worried, you can choose the treatment with Sleeping. During the more than half a year of treatment, I would like to thank Dr. Liang Jiayuan for his careful and professional medical skills, which allowed me to complete the first dental implant in my life without pressure!
陳靜宜 on Google

從小因為先天性的缺牙,小時候僅能以牙橋方式製作假牙來彌補真牙的缺失,雖可以解決缺牙問題,但因為牙橋裝設1顆假牙需要磨小左右2顆真牙,如此處理方式當時間久了,細小的真牙牙根會產生斷裂問題,至於整個牙橋毀損,因此在牙醫的建議下開始選擇植牙的方式來解決缺牙問題。 當我第一次進入當代牙醫,很幸運地接受梁嘉元醫師治療,梁醫師專業又細心地診療過程,總讓人感到相當安心。很特別的是植牙療程最後一個步驟是在口腔內取牙齒與牙床模型,以便於製作假牙,而傳統的取模方式是以膠類物質置入口腔中,需要等待整整6分鐘讓翻模的材料硬化後方能取出,這樣的過程對於患有鼻涕倒流的我是很折磨的,有種幾乎要窒息的感覺。所幸科技的進步解決了我的困擾,當代牙醫引進「數位化口腔掃描設備」來取代傳統的取模方式,以輕巧的數位3D掃瞄機進入口腔,進行快速又準確的擷取立體模型,因此無須再受到窒息感的折騰,又能縮短翻模製作假牙的時間,讓人真切地感受到科技的進步有效提升醫療品質。 尤其是接受治療期間適巧遇上新冠肺炎的流行,對於就醫總是讓人擔心,而當代牙醫總是在約診前溫馨提醒告知醫院對於環境的清潔消毒事宜,診所醫護助理人員親切細心地協助診療也讓我能夠放心就診,完成此次療程。
Due to congenital missing teeth since childhood, only dentures can be made in the way of bridges to make up for the lack of real teeth. Although it can solve the problem of missing teeth, it is necessary to grind down about 2 real teeth to install 1 denture because of the bridge. When the treatment method takes a long time, the root of the small real tooth will be broken, and the entire bridge will be damaged. Therefore, under the advice of the dentist, the method of dental implantation is started to solve the problem of missing teeth. When I first entered contemporary dentistry, I was fortunate to receive treatment from Dr. Liang Jiayuan. Dr. Liang's professional and careful diagnosis and treatment process always made people feel very reassured. It is very special that the last step of the dental implant treatment is to take the tooth and gum model in the mouth to make dentures. The traditional way of taking the model is to put a glue-like substance into the mouth, and it takes a full 6 minutes for the model to be turned over. The material can only be taken out after it has hardened. This process is very tormenting for me, who suffers from rhinorrhea, and it feels like I almost suffocate. Fortunately, the advancement of technology has solved my troubles. Contemporary dentists have introduced "digital oral scanning equipment" to replace the traditional way of taking impressions. A lightweight digital 3D scanner is used to enter the oral cavity to quickly and accurately capture three-dimensional models. Therefore, There is no need to be tossed by suffocation, and the time for making dentures can be shortened, so that people can truly feel that the progress of technology has effectively improved the quality of medical care. Especially during the treatment period, I happened to encounter the epidemic of new coronary pneumonia. It is always worrying about seeking medical treatment. Contemporary dentists always remind the hospital about the cleaning and disinfection of the environment before the appointment. It also allowed me to go to the doctor with confidence and complete the treatment.
何蕙如 on Google

The previous periodontal problem was treated by Dr. Ye Liwei. Dr. Ye's skill was very reassuring, so he also sought Dr. Ye for the implantation. The implantation process was not scary at all because of the anesthesia. The doctor and assistant were in the whole process. The treatment is very gentle and explains every link, I recommend it to everyone!
Chenping Liu on Google

我在這裡植牙,在10幾次的看診經驗當中, 這裡給我的感受最好,不來給個扎實的5顆心評價實在說不過去。 主治是梁嘉元醫師,看診時細心又溫柔, 有任何動作都會先預告,不會有突然的疼痛或刺激感, 我是個看牙醫容易緊張的人,但在這邊看診之後,每次的體驗都是舒適安心的。 (附帶一提, 這裡的每個牙助都好溫柔, 我身旁有人有看診的需求我都推薦他們來這邊看, 服務態度超好加上先進的診療儀器還有細緻分工的牙醫們, 想好好處理牙齒問題,來這一家就對了!) -- 植牙費用對我而言則是相當划算。 一開始決定好植體跟假牙的搭配費用之後, 除了骨粉費用依照個人需求不同之外, 其餘治療費用都包含在內, 不會產生額外的費用。 包含日後植牙相關診療皆不需掛號費, 鎮靜舒眠費用也不用額外支付, 各種診斷儀器包括X光、全口掃描等診療儀器不須付費, 最後假牙建模使用的口腔數位化掃描儀器也一樣。 我有聽過其他家的費用更低廉, 但是細節藏在植體的粗細、品質, 假牙的材質跟外觀的細緻程度, 過程中的診療儀器跟服務品質, 綜合以上,我認為這一家牙醫的植牙費用很OK。 -- 最後提一下這裡植牙我很喜歡的三大特色, 1. 鎮靜舒眠植牙 我覺得在齒槽骨動手術還滿讓人緊張的, 舒眠植牙可以讓我在這個煎熬的過程中保持一個鎮定又不到昏睡的狀態, 整個過程我的感覺就是如下: 「來,現在要打鎮靜劑進去囉~」 ...(沒有印象的過程) 「現在已經做好手術囉,我們去照一下X光」 感覺睡一覺手術就做好了,怎麼可以這麼讚~~~ 比起其他人清醒面對手術的經驗,我覺得我的體驗根本天堂! PS.這裡會請專業的麻醉醫生過來施行,可以安心體驗。 2. 植牙導航系統 我植了兩顆,各在上顎跟下顎, 上顎植牙要小心植體穿透鼻竇腔,下顎植牙要小心傷到神經, 有了這個系統,牙醫在植入植體的過程中可以看到植體的位置跟傾斜程度, 就能夠避免出現這些意外, 意外的發生總是無法預料,但如果有高科技輔助系統可以降低這類風險, 我會毫不猶豫地選擇的更低風險的方式,畢竟身體的健康無價。 3. 口腔數位化掃描 我在其他家牙醫做過假牙,以往都是讓我咬一種軟軟的模,然後過幾分鐘之後再取出, 根據原料的材質跟施行人員的技術,成形的模型可能會出現一些偏差, 對於一些容易反射嘔吐的人來說,這個過程也滿折磨的。 但這家牙醫採用的是數位化掃描的方式, 拿儀器在口中掃描之後,數位化影像會馬上成形, 其精準程度與快速建模的特性不是傳統口咬建模可以比較的, 對於東西放進嘴巴就想吐的人來說,這種數位化建模的方式也會舒服許多。
I have dental implants here. In 10 times of consultation experience, It gives me the best feeling here, and I can't justify it without giving a solid 5-heart evaluation. The attending physician is Dr. Liang Jiayuan, who was careful and gentle when seeing the doctor. Any movement will be announced first, there will be no sudden pain or irritation, I am a person who tends to get nervous when visiting a dentist, but after seeing a dentist here, every experience is comfortable and reassuring. (Incidentally, Every dental assistant here is so gentle, There are people beside me who need to see a doctor and I recommend them to come here. The service attitude is super good, the advanced diagnosis and treatment equipment and the dentists with meticulous division of labor, If you want to take care of your dental problems, this is the place to go! ) -- The cost of dental implants is quite cost-effective for me. After deciding on the cost of matching implants and dentures at the beginning, In addition to the cost of bone meal varies according to individual needs, The rest of the treatment costs are included. No additional charges will be incurred. No registration fee is required for future dental implant-related treatments. There is no extra charge for sedation and sleep. Various diagnostic instruments, including X-rays, full-mouth scans and other diagnostic and therapeutic instruments are free of charge. The same goes for the digital oral scanners used in the final denture modeling. I've heard other homes are cheaper, But the details are hidden in the thickness and quality of the implants, The material and appearance of the dentures are detailed, During the process of diagnosis and treatment equipment and service quality, Based on the above, I think the dental implant cost of this dentist is OK. -- Finally, I will mention the three characteristics of dental implants that I like very much here. 1. Calm and sleep implant I think the operation on the alveolar bone is very nerve-racking. Shumian dental implants can keep me in a calm and not lethargic state during this tormenting process, Here's how I feel about the whole process: "Come on, let's go in with a sedative now~" . . . (No impression process) "Now that the surgery has been done, let's go get an X-ray." I feel like the surgery is done after I sleep, how can I be so praised~~~ Compared to other people's experience of facing the surgery soberly, I feel that my experience is absolutely heaven! PS. A professional anesthesiologist will be invited here to perform the procedure, so you can experience it with peace of mind. 2. Implant Navigation System I have two implants, one on the upper jaw and the other on the lower jaw, For upper jaw implants, be careful that the implant penetrates the sinus cavity, and for lower jaw implants, be careful to damage the nerves. With this system, the dentist can see the position and inclination of the implant during implant placement, to avoid these accidents. Accidents are always unpredictable, but if there are high-tech assistance systems that can reduce such risks, I will not hesitate to choose the lower risk way, after all, the health of the body is priceless. 3. Oral digital scan I've done dentures at other dentists, and they used to have me bite into a soft mold and then take it out after a few minutes, Depending on the material of the raw material and the technique of the operator, there may be some deviations in the formed model. For some people who are prone to reflex vomiting, this process is also full of torture. But this dentist uses digital scans. After taking the instrument to scan in the mouth, the digital image will be formed immediately, Its accuracy and rapid modeling characteristics are not comparable to traditional bite modeling. For people who want to vomit when they put something in their mouth, this way of digital modeling will also be much more comfortable.

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