Anderson happiness Manor - Ruisui Township

4.8/5 基於 8 評論

安德森幸福莊園 - 瑞穗優質民宿|民宿包棟|合法民宿|國民旅遊卡 -

花蓮美麗多樣的風景,是台灣僅存少數未破壞的自然環境,地方傳統文化,更是獨樹一織。尤其擁有「好山」、「好水」、「好湯」的花蓮瑞穗,是您絕對不能錯過在此品嚐香純濃郁的牛奶、體驗驚險刺激的秀姑巒溪泛舟及溯溪、欣賞壯闊美麗的金針花海,夜遊觀賞螢火蟲,搭乘熱氣球遨遊花東縱谷,出海到太平洋賞鯨及海釣,也可到從日治時期就盛起的瑞穗溫泉泡湯勝地,享受舒適的「美人湯」、「包生男湯」、「黃金泉」溫泉SPA。享受瑞穗的 寧靜悠閒,放慢您的腳步,沈澱您的心靈,選擇瑞穗優質民宿,擁有不同的住宿體驗、親子渡假的好去處,慢活的假期,安德森幸福莊園期待您的到來。

Contact Anderson happiness Manor

地址 :

No. 431號, Section 1, Zhongzheng N Rd, Ruisui Township, Hualien County, Taiwan 978

電話 : 📞 +888879
網站 :
城市 : Hualien County
Description : Quirky family hotel offering warm, colorful rooms with free breakfast, plus a restaurant & parking.

No. 431號, Section 1, Zhongzheng N Rd, Ruisui Township, Hualien County, Taiwan 978
Betty Lien on Google

民宿很漂亮,喜歡歐式風格的人千萬不要錯過! 可以感受到民宿老闆跟老闆娘的用心,房間的每樣東西都佈置的很歐式,有身在歐洲的感覺。 闆娘的手作旅遊美食書也很實用跟漂亮,不知道要吃什麼美食或安排什麼活動的人,可以參考。
The homestay is very beautiful, and people who like European style should not miss it! You can feel the attentiveness of the homestay owner and the proprietress. Everything in the room is very European-style, giving you the feeling of being in Europe. Banniang's hand-made travel food book is also very practical and beautiful. People who don't know what food to eat or what activities to arrange can refer to it.
Enoch palivulj on Google

這次住親子房,好像住進遊戲室的感覺。孩子們玩的超開心,父母可以好好放空休息。 民宿主人親切好聊~加分!
Living in the parent-child room this time feels like living in a game room. The children had a great time playing, and the parents could have a good rest. The host of the homestay is friendly and chatty~ Bonus points!
陳宛妤 on Google

很漂亮的民宿 每個地方都很用心 老闆還有自己做的景觀冊子和好吃好玩景點冊子 房間裡面也超美的 超推薦!
Very beautiful homestay is very useful to have the boss and the landscape books you have made and delicious.
陳秀芝 on Google

On the second day of the trip around the island, because the itinerary arranged the Valami trail and Yuli stinky tofu, so I found a nearby homestay in Ruisui, estimated that the dog stayed in Ruisui, jumped out of this super cute homestay, and immediately contacted the homestay to book a room. Before moving in, I was very worried that the introduction of the Internet would disappoint me. The room is exactly like the photo, big and beautiful, and it is no problem to put two cards in a 28-inch suitcase! And the hostess of the homestay is very enthusiastic and will introduce you to many foods and attractions. We listened to her recommendation and went to eat the fried steamed buns and fresh cheese from Jizheng Ranch. It was delicious! ! If there is a chance to come to Ruisui again, I will definitely stay again!
YI-CHING LIN on Google

第一次來安德森幸福莊園住宿,老闆及老闆娘真的很用心,(∩▽∩)從你剛入住的那一刻起,就在入口處等你,跟你介紹附近的好吃地方及好玩的場所。真的可以感受的老闆夫婦的用心,而住宿的場所空間也不錯,整理的也很乾淨。也沒有評論上所說的噪音的問題,基本上還可以泡澡,真的不錯。離市區也很近,無論去玩……瑞穗牧場等,or去吃東西……涂媽媽肉粽等。基本上都很方便。 (/^▽^)/ ,下次還是會考慮再來這邊渡假……嘿~嘿~嘿(笑) (^▽^)
This is the first time to stay at Anderson Happiness Manor. The boss and the proprietress are really attentive. (∩▽∩) From the moment you just checked in, they will be waiting for you at the entrance and introduce you to nearby delicious places and interesting places . I can really feel the care of the owner and the couple, and the accommodation space is also good, and the arrangement is also very clean. There is no noise problem mentioned in the comments, and basically you can take a bath, which is really good. It is also very close to the city, whether to play... Ruisui Ranch, etc., or go to eat... Tu Mama's meat dumplings, etc. Basically it's very convenient. (/^▽^)/ , I will consider coming here for vacation next time... Hey~ Hey~ Hey (laughs) (^▽^)
Nap Wang on Google

Friendly and Neat
王永慶 on Google

只有good good good good good 5個good
Huang YuShan on Google

Nice hotel with English country atmosphere.

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