阿樂樂代 Aredetay (原住民文化風味餐)

4.8/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 阿樂樂代 Aredetay (原住民文化風味餐)

地址 :

976, Taiwan, Hualien County, Guangfu Township, Futian 1st St, 56號阿樂樂代 Aredetay (原住民文化風味餐)

電話 : 📞 +8887
網站 : https://m.facebook.com/aredetay2020/%3F__tn__%3DC-R
Opening hours :
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday 11:30AM–1:30PM
Saturday 11AM–1:30PM
Sunday 11AM–1:30PM
Monday 11AM–1:30PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–1:30PM
城市 : st St

976, Taiwan, Hualien County, Guangfu Township, Futian 1st St, 56號阿樂樂代 Aredetay (原住民文化風味餐)
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更多美食就在Instagram:Ludybaal 【阿樂樂代Aredetay】 「Aredetay 是阿美族針對食物滋味最深奧的形容詞。 不僅是好吃,而是集合了酸甜苦辣澀諸般味道形成的美味。」 位於花蓮光復的阿美族無菜單料理 採預約制 僅提供兩種供餐形式及餐期 分別是套餐形式的中午餐期 以及單點形式的下午餐期 預定需酌收訂金 且需提早到場等待出餐 遲於出餐時間後到達者會取消用餐! 如此盛重的用餐方式也不禁令人萬分期待 原本這兩週疫情升溫 一直擔心此次花蓮之旅會否無法成行 所幸還是幸運的順利出航了 這週的旅行根本完全是為了【阿樂樂代】以及明晚的餐廳而來的! (可能還有玉里臭豆腐的部分?) 提前到達入座後 發現今天完全是我們兩人包場 每道餐點出餐時 主廚都會特別前來介紹餐點 從食用方法 或是蔬菜介紹,以及文化的概念以及意象 以下都是我盡量記起來 或是邊聽邊節錄的部分 加上食用後的感想 如果有任何資訊錯誤還請多多指教 開胃菜-迎賓花束:金針菇|木鱉果籽膜|龍鬚|鹽粉 食用時可沾著旁邊的鹽粉食用 金針菇有著魷魚的香氣 木鱉果則是豬肉油脂香,味道上帶著水果甘甜甜味 吃起來是點綴性、滋味繽紛的小點 迎賓酒:部落Ina釀酒:糯米|桑椹|氣泡水|萬壽菊 酒精濃度調到很低,開車亦能飲用。雖然以桑椹、萬壽菊等酸甜味道為主,但還是聞得到糯米釀的原始風味 麵包—部落風歐包:依木子歐包|荖葉奶油 依木子是傳統原住民老人家愛吃的檳榔品種 荖葉則是包裹檳榔的葉子。檳榔是原住民迎賓用的餐點,這邊則是取用意象,利用麵包夾奶油的方式取代,然而在食用時,依然可以品嚐到檳榔以及荖葉獨特的香氣,融合的麵包的麵香以及奶油的香氣,很純粹很棒 前菜 山:洗澇(醃鹹豬肉)|時令鮮果|手工麵包|巴薩米克 自製麵包烘烤成餅乾片 烹調過後降低鹹度的洗撈,搭配來自瑞穗的文旦以及芝麻葉 海:滸苔|蕗蕎|醃製小魚 生長在花蓮岸邊的青苔 滸苔,蕗蕎製成的醬汁,搭配醃製小魚,另外最上層是細葉碎米薺,表現類似山葵風味 原:月桂葉|圓糯米|紅藜|小米|洗澇(醃鹹豬肉) 用月桂葉包裹的傳統原住民式便當 吃起來也類似糯米粽的感覺 沙拉—原野沙拉:時令手摘野菜|苦茄 食材有佛手瓜、苦茄、翼豆,野菜過貓以及木草芯 搭配(紅色)繁星花(紫色)酢漿草、(白色)海棠 以及利用刺蔥與苦茄做成的沙拉醬料 因植物有比較多單寧酸 會比較多有苦澀的感覺,搭配文旦的酸味 吃起來滋味豐富 湯—部落Ina魚湯:時令節魚|木鱉葉 傳統魚湯會加入膽汁,因為害怕客人無法接受,用木鱉葉油的替代。底下是木鱉葉,上層是烤國的紅雞魚(駝背笛鯛) 品嚐起來 烤魚的香氣,沒有明顯的魚湯氣息 而是溫和的味道 主食—美牛燉飯:部落青農糙米|螺肉 阿美族媽媽們圈養的蝸牛,跟外面炒螺肉使用放牧的蝸牛(雜食),吃起來較脆硬的口感不同,這邊因為只單一餵食地瓜葉,肉質則是軟嫩的。 用了15種野菜熬煮的高湯去熬煮糙米 周圍灑上檸檬皮 另外上面點綴的葉子是馬齒線 光是用聞的就能味道檸檬以及高湯醇厚的味道 糙米帶點硬殼的口感,以及馬齒線脆口的口感 兩者顯得相得益彰;然而蝸牛軟嫩的口感卻又形成強烈的對比,其實不說會覺得就是一般菇類的口感,真的非常相似,與常吃到炒螺肉的口感相差很多。 主菜—刺蔥雞胸:刺蔥|雞胸|樹葡萄肉汁|時令野菜 雞胸肉味噌用刺蔥去醃製 馬告以及樹葡萄肉汁製成的醬汁 上面灑上的碎料是雞皮去處理過後的碎片 旁邊的配菜是山蘇、三角蕨、翼豆、佛手瓜 蕗蕎以及芝麻葉 軟嫩的雞胸肉包裹著帶點甜味的醬汁,帶有刺蔥的香氣,另外有幾口會感受到馬告帶有檸檬的清香以及強烈的胡椒味。另外雞皮脆帶點油脂的香氣及脆口感,旁邊帶有鹽巴鹹味的三角蕨以及甘甜的蕗蕎等食材搭配,真的非常適宜。好像交響樂章一樣,層次豐富但壁壘分明,感受到食材原味的同時又享受彼此的搭配組合,酸甜鹹苦澀等風味,完美。 (加點)糯米釀:用傳統方法釀製而成,與外面殺菌過後的小米釀不同在於,會越放越烈。喝起來比較沒有常喝的那種糯米甜味,取而代之是濃厚的酒精味,酒鬼適宜! 甜點—米釀提拉米蘇:糯米釀|太巴塱紅糯米 裡面是自製的手指餅乾 用糯米酒代替傳統的酒底 並且加入太巴塱的紅糯米代替馬斯卡彭 茶點:土肉桂餅|蜜香紅茶(瑞穗舞鶴台地 吉林茶園) 土肉桂餅我沒聽到還有甚麼原料, 但吃起來就是帶有肉桂味的餅乾, 我是覺得可以大片一點?好好吃 甜點搭配有蜜香的無糖熱紅茶 畫龍點睛的完美收尾! 整體來說 個人絕對是給出很頂級的評價 一方面這樣的食材是在別的地方難以享用到的 一方面把這些富含阿美族文化的食材 透過解析重組成 #hualien #hualienfood #hualienfoodie #instafood #aboriginal #taiwanaboriginal #taiwanaboriginalfood #omakase #amis #amisfood #aredetay #美味し #台湾美食 #台湾花蓮 #台湾花蓮の旅 #おいしい #おまかせコース #おまかせ料理 #花蓮美食 #光復美食 #無菜單料理 #美食推薦 #阿美族美食 #阿美族料理 #阿樂樂代
More food on Instagram: Ludybaal 【Alele on behalf of Aredeay】 "Aredetay is the Amis's most esoteric adjective for the taste of food. Not only delicious, but a delicious combination of sour, sweet, bitter, and astringent tastes. " Amis No Menu Cuisine in Guangfu, Hualien Reservation system is adopted, only two types of meals and meal periods are provided It is the lunch period in the form of a set meal and the next lunch period in à la carte format Reservations are subject to a deposit and you need to arrive early to wait for the meal Those who arrive after the meal time will cancel the meal! Such a grand way of dining can't help but look forward to it The epidemic has heated up in the past two weeks I have been worried that this trip to Hualien will not be possible. Fortunately, it was lucky to sail smoothly. This week's trip is entirely for [Ale Le Dai] and the restaurant tomorrow night! (Maybe there is also the part of stinky tofu in Yuli?) After arriving early and taking a seat, I found that today was completely reserved for the two of us When each meal is served, the chef will specially come to introduce the meal From the method of eating or the introduction of vegetables, as well as the concept and image of culture Here are the parts that I try to remember or listen to while excerpting Add your thoughts after eating Please advise if there are any information errors Appetizer-Welcome Bouquet: Flammulina Flammulina | Mutton Seed Membrane | Dragon Beard | Salt Powder When eating, you can eat it with salt powder on the side Enoki mushrooms have the aroma of squid Momordica chardonnay is fragrant with pork fat, and the taste is sweet and fruity It tastes like an embellished, colorful little spot Welcome Wine: Tribal Ina Brewing: Glutinous Rice | Mulberry | Sparkling Water | Marigold The alcohol concentration is adjusted to a very low level, and you can drink it while driving. Although the sweet and sour flavors such as mulberry and marigold are the main flavors, the original flavor of glutinous rice can still be smelled. Bread - Tribal Style European Bread: Yimuzi European Bread | Coriander Leaf Cream Yimuzi is a variety of betel nut that traditional aboriginal elders love to eat, and the leaves are the leaves that wrap the betel nut. Betel nut is a meal for aboriginal people to welcome guests. Here, it is an image that is replaced by bread with cream. However, when eating, you can still taste the unique aroma of betel nut and cilantro leaf, and the aroma of the fused bread. Creamy aroma, very pure and wonderful Appetizer Shan: Xilao (Salted Pork) | Seasonal Fresh Fruits | Artisanal Bread | Balsamic Homemade bread is baked into biscuit slices. After cooking, the saltiness is reduced, and it is served with Wendan and sesame leaves from Ruisui. Sea: Marmora | Buckwheat | Pickled Small Fish The moss that grows on the shore of Hualien, the sauce made of fenugreek and buckwheat, served with pickled small fish, and the top layer is shredded rice water chestnut, which is similar to the flavor of wasabi Original: bay leaf|round glutinous rice|red quinoa|millet|washao (salted salted pork) Traditional Aboriginal bento wrapped in bay leaf It tastes like glutinous rice dumplings Salad - Wild Salad: Seasonal Hand Picked Wild Vegetables | Bitter Eggplant The ingredients are chayote, bitter eggplant, wing peas, wild vegetables like cat and wood grass core With (red) star flower (purple) sorrel, (white) begonia and salad dressings made with shallots and bitter tomato Because plants have more tannins There will be more bitterness, with the sour taste of Wendan It tastes rich Soup - Tribal Ina Fish Soup: Seasonal Fish | Turtle Leaf The traditional fish soup will add bile, because it is afraid that the guests will not accept it, and replace it with wood turtle leaf oil. The bottom is the soft-shelled turtle leaves, and the top is the roasted red chicken fish (humpback snapper) Taste the aroma of grilled fish, no obvious fish soup smell but a mild taste Staple Food - Beef Stewed Rice: Tribal Qingnong Brown Rice | Snail Meat The snails raised in captivity by the Amis mothers are different from the pastured snails (omnivores) that are used for fried snail meat. They taste more brittle and hard. Here, because only sweet potato leaves are fed alone, the meat is soft and tender. Using 15 kinds of wild vegetable broth to cook brown rice Sprinkle lemon zest around In addition, the leaves embellished above are horse tooth lines. Just by smelling it, you can taste the lemon and the mellow taste of the broth Brown rice with a bit of a crusty texture and a crispy dentin line The two seem to complement each other; however, the soft and tender taste of snails forms a strong contrast. In fact, not to mention the taste of ordinary mushrooms, it is really very similar, and it is very different from the taste of fried snail meat often eaten. Main Course - Chicken Breast with Scallion: Scallion | Chicken Breast | Grape Gravy | Seasonal Vegetables Chicken breast miso marinated with scallions Sauce made from macao and tree grape gravy The crumbs sprinkled on top are the crumbs after the chicken skin has been removed The side dishes on the side are mountain su, triangular fern, wing peas, chayote Buckwheat and sesame leaves The soft and tender chicken breast is wrapped in a slightly sweet sauce, with the aroma of thorns onion, and a few bites will feel the fragrance of lemon and strong pepper. In addition, the crispy chicken skin has a bit of oily aroma and crunchy texture, and the salty fern and sweet buckwheat next to it are really suitable. Like a symphony, it has rich layers but clear barriers. You can feel the original flavor of the ingredients and enjoy the combination of each other. The flavors such as sour, sweet, salty, bitter, and so on are perfect. (Add some points) glutinous rice brewing: brewed by traditional methods, different from millet brewing after sterilization outside, it will become stronger and stronger. It is not as sweet as the glutinous rice that I often drink, but instead has a strong alcohol taste, suitable for drunkards! Dessert - Rice Stuffed Tiramisu: Glutinous Rice Stuffed | Taiba Long Red Glutinous Rice Inside are homemade finger biscuits Replacing traditional wine base with glutinous rice wine And add red glutinous rice from Taipa Long instead of mascarpone Refreshment: Earth Cinnamon Cake | Honey Fragrant Black Tea (Ruisui Wuhe Terrace, Jilin Tea Garden) I didn't hear any other ingredients for the earthy cinnamon cake, But it tastes like cinnamon-flavored cookies. I think it can be a bit bigger ? It's delicious Dessert with honey-flavored sugar-free hot black tea The perfect finishing touch! Overall, I definitely give it a top rating On the one hand, such ingredients are difficult to enjoy elsewhere On the one hand, these ingredients rich in Amis culture Recombined by analytic #hualien #hualienfood #hualienfoodie #instafood #aboriginal #taiwanaboriginal #taiwanaboriginalfood #omakase #amis #amisfood #aredeay #味し#Taiwan Food#Taiwan Hualien#Taiwan Hualien の Travel#おいしい#おまかせコース#おまかせ Cuisine#Hualien Cuisine#Guangfu Cuisine#Nomenu Cuisine#Food Recommendation#Ami Cuisine#Ami Cuisine#Alele generation
盧美妏 on Google

【食在花蓮:阿樂樂代 Aredetay】 上次拜訪花蓮光復太巴塱部落,途經一間很有趣的私廚餐廳 #阿樂樂代,可惜沒有預約又剛好有人包場。 這回特地提前預訂,週日下午從花蓮市區開車一小時,拜訪這家位於田中央的精緻原住民風味 Fine Dining 餐廳。 開這麼久的車,要是不好吃真的會不開心。幸好,阿樂樂代給我們非常棒的體驗! 阿樂樂代的主廚是位帥氣的小哥,早年在台北習藝。每道菜上來,主廚都會耐心地講解,從他的部落經驗講到阿嬤怎麼處理這道食材,以及每道菜背後設計的細節概念。 有別於東部其他私廚餐廳,一進阿樂樂代就有一種經過精心設計的 Fine Dining 餐廳之感。我是指裝潢陳設完整度,以及整體給人的舒適感,連服務細節都照顧得十分到位。 餐點以法式風格呈現,調味則是融入阿美族傳統部落風味,食材也多採在地契作方式。一些器皿用品,也融入部落傳統竹編技藝,在用餐同時順便認識阿美族傳統文化。 阿樂樂代中午提供套餐,下午提供單點。 套餐每季會做更換,單點菜單則是取套餐中的幾道菜,可以根據喜好選擇不同時段用餐。我個人因為食量比較小又怕睡過頭,選擇下午單點。 #部落風歐包 將依木子(山肉桂籽)混入麵團,搭配荖葉奶油,其實就是拿掉石灰的檳榔,雖然我沒吃過檳榔,但這香氣和搭配是很有意思的組合。 #刺蔥雞胸 用舒肥的方式料理雞胸,軟嫩自然是不用說,調味用了刺蔥和樹葡萄肉汁,微微辛香又帶了一點酸甜,好吃好吃,而且吃著感覺很健康。旁邊的野菜是大亮點啊,我實在好想問主廚:「炒山蘇來一盤可以嗎?」 #阿里鳳鳳 是阿美族的傳統便當,用林投葉包的粽子。方便隨身攜帶,又有林投葉的清香。我只吃了幾口,整顆吃下去實在太飽了。 #香蘭戰斧豬 用香蘭醃製的戰斧豬排好大一盤,搭配醬料十分美味呀!但份量好大,最後只好打包。同樣的,旁邊的野菜超級好吃!!! 最後的亮點是戰斧豬打包。阿樂樂代用紙和月桃葉包裝成一個超可愛的小包裹,像藝術品一樣,環保又好看! 整頓飯吃下來,除了餐點美味,隨著主廚的講解,感覺像來到太巴塱進行一場食物與文化之旅。雖然我去哪都是在拜訪餐廳,但這回感覺真的有來到花蓮的感覺哦! 有空去花蓮旅遊的朋友,推薦大家到阿樂樂代體驗一下原住民傳統部落餐的重新詮釋~
【Eat in Hualien: Ale Le Dai Aredetay】 The last time I visited the Guangfu Taibalong tribe in Hualien, I passed by a very interesting private kitchen restaurant #aleledai, but unfortunately there was no reservation and someone just booked the room. This time, I made a special reservation and drove an hour from downtown Hualien on Sunday afternoon to visit this exquisite aboriginal-style Fine Dining restaurant in Tianzhong. After driving for such a long time, I would be really unhappy if it didn't taste good. Fortunately, Ale Ledai gave us a very good experience! The head chef of Ale Le Dai is a handsome young man who studied in Taipei in his early years. The chef will patiently explain each dish, from his tribal experience to how grandma handles the ingredients, as well as the details behind the design of each dish. Different from other private kitchen restaurants in the east, as soon as you enter Ale Le Dye, you will feel a fine dining restaurant that has been carefully designed. I mean the completeness of the decoration and furnishings, as well as the overall comfort, and even the service details are well taken care of. The meals are presented in French style, and the seasoning is integrated with the traditional Amis tribal flavor, and the ingredients are mostly used in land deeds. Some utensils are also integrated into the traditional tribal bamboo weaving skills, and you can learn about the traditional culture of the Amis people while eating. Ale Le Dai offers set meals at noon and a la carte in the afternoon. The set menu will be changed every season, and the à la carte menu is to take several dishes from the set menu, and you can choose to eat at different times according to your preferences. Personally, because of my small appetite and fear of oversleeping, I choose a single point in the afternoon. #tribefengoubao Mix Yimuzi (mountain cinnamon seeds) into the dough, and match it with cilantro leaf cream, which is actually betel nut with lime removed. Although I have never eaten betel nut, this aroma and combination are very interesting. # Spinion Chicken Breast Cook chicken breasts in a fat-smoothing way. It is natural to be soft and tender. The seasoning is seasoned with spiny shallots and vine grape gravy. It is slightly spicy and a little sweet and sour. It's delicious, and it feels very healthy to eat. The wild vegetables next to it are the highlight. I really want to ask the chef, "Can I have a plate of fried shansu?" #alifengfeng is a traditional bento of the Ami people, rice dumplings wrapped in lintou leaves. It is convenient to carry around and has the fragrance of Lin Tou leaves. I only ate a few mouthfuls, the whole one was so full. # pandan battle ax pig The tomahawk pork chops marinated in pandan is a big plate, and it is very delicious with the sauce! But the portion was so big that I had to pack it in the end. Similarly, the wild vegetables on the side are super delicious! ! ! The final highlight is the tomahawk pig pack. Alele substitute paper and moon peach leaves are packaged into a super cute little package, like a work of art, environmentally friendly and beautiful! After eating the whole meal, in addition to the delicious food, with the chef's explanation, it feels like a food and cultural journey in Taipalong. Although I visit restaurants wherever I go, this time I really feel like I'm in Hualien! Friends who are free to travel to Hualien, I recommend everyone to experience the reinterpretation of traditional aboriginal tribal meals in Aleledai~
Eli Wu on Google

Worth it ! Lots of Aboriginal knowledge and ingredients w fusion twist
Ana Raquel Moreira on Google

Fine dining in a very idyllic scenery. Make sure to reserve in advance. Totally recommended l.
Justin Liu on Google

Really nice fine dining restaurant in the beautiful Amis village. Worth a try! Every dish is made from local farm products.
Karri Cherish on Google

Impressive aboriginal fine dining , you must try in hualien
A. M. Just on Google

Beautiful set up and great dishes. It was nice to try Taiwanese aboriginal cuisine at such a high level. I recommend trying it if you are in the area.
Grace Ban on Google

Really enjoyed our experience here—spacious and comfortable, good service, lovely food. We stopped in for a prix fixe lunch on our way up to Taroko from 池上 and I loved that many local aboriginal ingredients and flavors were incorporated into the meal. Would recommend to those who enjoy Taiwanese aboriginal cuisine.

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