aROUND (酒吧Bar- 餐酒Bistro)-酒吧餐酒館 人氣推薦(台北信義六張犁)雞尾酒 經典調酒 燉飯餐酒餐廳 極簡風質感放鬆約會酒吧 訂位 PTT Dcard - Xinyi District

5/5 基於 8 評論

Contact aROUND (酒吧Bar/ 餐酒Bistro)-酒吧餐酒館 人氣推薦(台北信義六張犁)雞尾酒 經典調酒 燉飯餐酒餐廳 極簡風質感放鬆約會酒吧 訂位 PTT Dcard

地址 :

110005, Taiwan, Taipei City, Xinyi District, Section 2, Keelung Rd

電話 : 📞 +88788989
Postal code : 2
網站 :
Opening hours :
Wednesday 6PM–1AM
Thursday 6PM–1AM
Friday 6PM–2AM
Saturday 6PM–2AM
Sunday 6PM–1AM
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed

110005, Taiwan, Taipei City, Xinyi District, Section 2, Keelung Rd
listento tikchi on Google

這家我真的要大推,cocktails好喝之餘,menu還很有心思❤️ 由大地、初芽系列到草本、果實、甘味系列,就連搭配的小菜貓王炸香蕉和辣蜂蜜炸雞都到超好吃! 還有全信義區最強的Gin Tonic,選用了不常見的琴酒(植物學家琴酒)作為基底,有很濃郁的香氣和口感,我朋友喝了一杯就掛了? 這裡每一杯調酒都有一個人名,可以tag身邊叫這個名字的朋友來玩,會有小禮物喔。
I really want to recommend this one, the cocktails are delicious, and the menu is very thoughtful ❤️ From the earth and bud series to the herb, fruit and sweet series, even the side dishes Elvis Fried Banana and Spicy Honey Fried Chicken are super delicious! There is also the strongest Gin Tonic in Quanxinyi District, which uses an uncommon gin (botanist gin) as the base, which has a very strong aroma and taste. My friend drank a cup and hung up? Each cup of bartending here has a name, you can tag friends with this name to play, and there will be small gifts.
B Chien on Google

裝潢很有特色的一間酒吧 從門口的裝潢就讓人不禁駐足觀賞一番 進入店內更像是進入高級酒吧的世界 雖然像高級酒吧 但是餐點跟酒價錢都算是同樣一般酒吧的價 裡面的調酒很多樣 有一般的經典調酒 還有以大地、初芽、果實、甘味為主題的調酒 讓客人可以依自己喜好來選擇 這次選擇初芽主題的 Jasmine 調酒非常好喝 除了濃濃的酒香外 更有茉莉茶香味 餐點的選擇很多 這一次點的貓王炸香蕉也很特別 aRound 把原本的貓王三明治分解成炸香蕉、麵包塊、培根絲。 吃起來別有一番風味,香蕉炸的非常好吃外酥內軟,與麵包塊一起吃可以同時吃到很多口感 辣蜂蜜炸雞也非常好吃 剛入口時可以吃到炸雞的軟嫩跟蜂蜜的微甜、最後會有一點回辣,但不會很辣 是個可以一吃再吃的配酒料理
A nicely decorated bar From the decoration of the door, people can't help but stop and watch Entering the store is more like entering the world of high-end bars Although it looks like a high-end bar, the price of meals and drinks are the same as the price of a normal bar. There are many kinds of drinks in there There are general classic bartenders There are also bartenders with the themes of earth, buds, fruits, and sweetness Allow guests to choose according to their preferences This time, the Jasmine bartending with the first sprout theme is very delicious In addition to the strong aroma of wine, there is also the aroma of jasmine tea Lots of choices for meals The Elvis Fried Banana ordered this time is also very special aRound breaks down the original Elvis sandwich into fried bananas, croutons, and shredded bacon. It tastes unique. The fried banana is very delicious. It is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. You can eat a lot of textures when you eat it with bread cubes. The spicy honey fried chicken is also very tasty You can taste the tenderness of fried chicken and the sweetness of honey when you first enter it, and it will be a little spicy at the end, but not very spicy. It's a side dish that you can eat again and again
張哲 on Google

Around Taipei 結束白天的庸庸碌碌,難得在晚上可以抽空好好享受生活,於是來到一家低調又放鬆的餐酒館 @a.roundtaipei 調劑一下身心 aROUND位在臨江夜市附近,外觀略顯神秘,灰色系的裝潢由外而內延伸,進門後映入眼簾的是吧台後方一堵低調奢華的酒牆,粗略地觀賞與讚嘆後,服務人員便帶我們領位。不同於其他嘈雜又帶有點庸俗氛圍的餐酒館,aROUND給人感覺簡約卻很舒服、有質感。 --小點-- 由於先前已經吃了七分飽,所以這次只吃些點心和調酒,比較吸引我的是貓王炸香蕉還有辣蜂蜜炸雞 #貓王炸香蕉 是由經典美式料理 #貓王三明治 發想而成,內容物包含炸香蕉、培根、花生醬還有酥脆的麵包體,才吃第一口,我就愛上這種衝突又奇妙的口感,沒想到香蕉入菜這麼吸引我!! #辣蜂蜜炸雞 肉質鮮嫩,卡滋卡滋的口感超脆,搭配一旁的青木瓜絲與百香果醬,清爽又解膩,但這都不是重點!! 使我驚豔的是獨特的辣醬,居然會讓口腔有種酥麻感由舌尖慢慢延伸進喉嚨,尾韻才有辣味出現,這感受太特別,讓我忍不住一口接一口吃光這盤炸雞,熱量什麼的都沒關係! —調酒— aROUND的調酒以大地、初芽、草本、果實四大元素區分,在品嚐了名為Maxwell和Viola兩杯調酒後,又忍不住點了Jasmine #Maxwell 以白蘭地為基酒,搭配咖啡與巧克力等食材,喝起來酒感頗重,可以品嘗到咖啡的苦,尾韻又會席捲上巧克力的香氣,整體非常有層次感。 #Viola 以琴酒為基底,加上情人果、羅勒以及其他香草,最後點綴一片情人果渣,喝起來清甜微酸,單飲或搭餐都非常推薦! #Jasmine 是我這次最喜歡的品項,顧名思義是一杯帶有茉莉花香的調酒,它以伏特加及威士忌為底,富有濃厚的酒感,卻因花的清香顯得更有層次,啜飲一口,就能滿足嗅覺與味覺,那舒服的感受會讓你捨不得一飲而盡。 很慶幸挑選了對的餐廳來為辛苦的一天做結尾,感謝 aROUND帶給我美好的夜晚!也很開心未來的口袋名單又多了一個選項。
Around Taipei Ending the mediocrity during the day, it is rare to find time to enjoy life at night, so I came to a low-key and relaxed restaurant @a.roundtaipei to adjust my body and mind aROUND is located near Linjiang Night Market. The appearance is slightly mysterious. The gray decoration extends from the outside to the inside. After entering the door, you can see a low-key and luxurious wine wall behind the bar. We take the lead. Unlike other restaurants and bars that are noisy and have a vulgar atmosphere, aROUND feels simple but comfortable and textured. --smaller-- Since I was already 70% full, this time I only had some snacks and bartending. The ones that attracted me more were the Elvis Fried Bananas and Spicy Honey Fried Chicken #Elvis FriedBanana is a classic American cuisine# Elvis Sandwich was conceived, the contents include fried bananas, bacon, peanut butter and a crispy bread body, and I fell in love with this conflict and wonder after taking the first bite. The taste of bananas, I didn't expect bananas to be so attractive to me!! # Spicy Honey Fried Chicken is fresh and tender, the kazikazi is super crunchy, with the green papaya shreds and passion fruit sauce on the side, refreshing and relieving greasy, but that's not the point!! What amazes me is the unique hot sauce, it will The numbness in the mouth slowly extends from the tip of the tongue into the throat, and the spicy taste appears at the end. This feeling is so special that I can't help but eat this plate of fried chicken one by one. The heat doesn't matter! — bartending — aROUND's bartenders are distinguished by the four elements of earth, buds, herbs and fruits. After tasting two drinks named Maxwell and Viola, I couldn't help but order Jasmine. #Maxwell is based on brandy and paired with ingredients such as coffee and chocolate. It tastes quite heavy. You can taste the bitterness of coffee and the aroma of chocolate at the end. The whole is very layered. #Viola is based on gin, with lover fruit, basil and other herbs, and finished with a piece of lover's pomace. #Jasmine is my favorite item this time. As the name suggests, it is a drink with a jasmine fragrance. It is based on vodka and whisky. It can satisfy the sense of smell and taste, and the comfortable feeling will make you reluctant to drink it all. I'm glad I picked the right restaurant to end a hard day, thank you aROUND for bringing me a wonderful night! Also happy to have another option on the pocket list in the future.
Sydney Chen on Google

餐點和調酒都很不錯的餐酒館 整體評價4.6,調酒、服務、氛圍和食物都很不錯 調酒Areil 是一款偏甜的調酒,送來時有很高的泡沫,一開始喝會因為酒的草莓甜味有點不習慣,但慢慢喝就會發現是一款蠻順口的酒 調酒Louis 相較於Areil是一款更烈一點的酒,洋甘菊的氣味很明顯,可以喝的到淡淡的柑橘味 鹹豬肉溫泉蛋沙拉(2人份) 鹹豬肉很香,不會過鹹,油脂的地方咬起來非常彈口,另人經驗,蔬菜算是新鮮且有一定份量,溫泉蛋相較之下就比較平淡一些,很推薦喜歡豬肉的人點來吃 貓王炸香蕉 第一次吃到炸香蕉,香蕉外皮酥脆,內餡像馬鈴薯的綿密,但保有香蕉的甜味,搭配上不過甜的花生醬,很不錯!除了香蕉之外還有炸的酥脆的麵包邊,整個調味鹹香適中,讓人一口接一口 松露干貝頓飯 這是最另人驚艷的一道料理,一送上來就聞到濃濃的松露,吃的到頓飯的米心,以及淡淡的奶香和松露,即使吃到最後也不會膩口,非常推薦!! 馬鈴薯麵疙瘩佐舒肥雞胸 馬鈴薯麵疙瘩和印象中麵粉製成的麵疙瘩很不同,偏向是紮實綿密的口感,吃起來偏乾,個人比較習慣有彈性的麵疙瘩,雞胸雖然是舒肥料理但口感上還是偏柴,有點可惜 整體餐館的氛圍是屬於愜意然後歡樂的,音樂偏大聲,但還在可以接受的範圍,如果之後有想要找一間食物好吃,酒也不錯的餐酒館,會是不錯的選擇
Restaurant with good food and bartending Overall rating 4.6, good bartending, service, ambience and food Bartending Areil It is a sweet bartender with high foam when it is delivered. At first, it will be a bit unaccustomed to drink because of the strawberry sweetness of the wine, but if you drink it slowly, you will find that it is a very smooth wine. Bartending Louis Compared with Areil, which is a stronger wine, the smell of chamomile is obvious, and it can be drunk with a faint citrus taste. Salted Pork Onsen Egg Salad (Serves 2) The salted pork is very fragrant, not too salty, and the oily place is very chewy. Another experience, the vegetables are fresh and have a certain amount, the hot spring egg is relatively bland, it is recommended for people who like pork. eat Elvis Fried Bananas The first time I tried fried bananas, the bananas were crispy on the outside, and the filling was as dense as a potato, but it retained the sweetness of bananas. It was very good with peanut butter that was not too sweet! In addition to bananas, there are fried crispy bread sides, the whole seasoning is moderately salty, making people take one bite after another Truffle Dried Beef Meal This is the most amazing dish. As soon as it is served, you can smell the thick truffle, the rice heart that you can eat, as well as the light milk and truffle. Even if you eat it at the end, you will not get tired of it. It is highly recommended. ! ! Potato Gnocchi Zuo Shu Fat Chicken Breast The potato gnocchi is very different from the gnocchi made of flour in my impression. It tends to have a solid and dense taste, and it tastes dry. I am more used to the elastic gnocchi. Although the chicken breast is smooth, the taste is still woody, a little bit. pity The overall atmosphere of the restaurant is comfortable and happy. The music is loud, but it is still acceptable. If you want to find a restaurant with delicious food and good wine, it will be a good choice.
B P on Google

White Negroni
Ann Lin on Google

Great food and drink, friendly staff, relaxing vibe!
Amy L on Google

People here are super nice! Good drink and good food. Definitely recommend❤️
孫裴 on Google

Food and drink are excellent. Highly recommended!!!!

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