私立極光貳文理短期補習班 Aurora II

4.6/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 私立極光貳文理短期補習班 Aurora II

地址 :

400, Taiwan, Taichung City, Central District, Minquan Rd, 60號私立極光貳文理短期補習班 Aurora II4樓

電話 : 📞 +889
網站 : http://jiguang.itraining.tw/index.php
Opening hours :
Wednesday 3:30–10:30PM
Thursday 3:30–10:30PM
Friday 3:30–10:30PM
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Sunday 9AM–5PM
Monday 3:30–10:30PM
Tuesday 3:30–10:30PM
城市 : Minquan Rd

400, Taiwan, Taichung City, Central District, Minquan Rd, 60號私立極光貳文理短期補習班 Aurora II4樓
沄芸Hannah on Google

Teachers are very tolerant of every student, and they don’t look at the good or bad of a person by their grades. The teacher is very good and responsible to the students, and likes the atmosphere of Aurora very much. If we don’t, the teacher will definitely help us find a way. There is also the study room, very quiet, I like to study in Aurora
陳誼家 on Google

The reading environment here is very good. The teachers and classmates are also very kind. Every student will have a one-to-one interview after the exam, arrange a plan, and the teacher will reply enthusiastically if there is a problem. The environment is also very good, and each student is studying in it. It must be enough. The cram school is great.
于媗蘇 on Google

很感謝好友推薦!孩子的高中數學有點卡關, 上了幾堂課之後 和我們分享, 老師上課 幽默認真又有趣, 還說補習班的老師們待學生很真誠 , 整個環境的營造就是讓孩子覺得 到了這裡如果自己不努力就真的很對不起自己跟老師還有爸爸媽媽了! 神奇的是他竟然變得非常自動自發而且回家還是按表操課的讀書喔! 你說極光讚不讚!
Thank you friends for recommending! The child’s high school math is a bit stuck. After taking a few classes, I shared it with us. The teacher was humorous and serious. He also said that the teachers in the cram school treat the students very sincerely. The whole environment is created to make the children feel that they are here if they don’t. If you work hard, I'm really sorry for myself, my teacher, and my parents! The amazing thing is that he has become very spontaneous and he still reads according to the watch when he goes home! You said Aurora like it or not!
何淑惠 on Google

The reading environment is good and the teacher is very attentive. My daughter has found the joy of reading from being uninterested in reading to being able to learn spontaneously. She likes to dig out problems and actively ask the teacher. A very attentive learning environment, the interaction between students is also very positive, encourage each other to support each other, like a big family place, really great, thank you teachers
吳銘 on Google

抱歉,這是我開的補習班。 個人開間小小的補習班, 除了有自己堅持的理想之外, 當然就是為了賺錢養家糊口, 但從沒想過會造成那麼多的怨念。 至於內容我認不認同、是否屬實, 我個人當然覺得是在放屁! 因為我不是開業沒幾年的菜鳥, 若經不起考驗老早就被淘汰該去死了。 但單就一星評論者所言, 若極光補習班的老師真有那麼爛, 就是本人領導不力所造成,也就是本人爛。 我就在此公開宣告, 做的爛的補習班就該被淘汰, 不應該厚顏無恥地繼續開業賺錢! 從現在開始, 由我們內部的家長與學生來評論, 就蒐集100個一星負評並且明確描述在極光所經驗之爛事當成證據, 就等100個有證據的一星負評到位,老子就立馬卸甲歸田不再教書,也會毫不考慮的將極光貳給關了。 至於是否來亂的,看理由就知道。 目前進度:4/100。 對了,我想問那些一星負評的人4個問題: 1.請告訴我,你妹妹被排擠的名字? 告訴我並提示證據,若屬實,我退10倍所繳學費給你們家。 2.極光強迫學生在教室上課的狀況? 我很好奇是什麼狀況請明確告知人事時地物,若屬實後續處置方式同1。 3.老師咄咄逼人?! 極光內部家長都有我個人的line,請您私訊讓我知道是誰並且提供明確證據,若屬實我會fire他,並且後續處置方式同1。 4.老師很不好、成績沒進步? 這事見仁見智,也是補習班的原罪沒什麼好解釋。你認為如此我們承擔並且接受。 可以跟我聯繫,若因為我們都沒管理或幫助你而造成這樣的結果,而我無法提出證據讓你知道我們為你做了什麼,你所繳學費一樣10倍退給你,若你為學生或學生家長,肯定有我的line。而我們所有同仁的line被要求要保留3年不能刪,一切用證據說話。 但提到環境不好?! 如果你指的是軟體回覆如上開。 但若指的是硬體裝潢你說不好,你是有病嗎?! 以上,我說話我負責, 歡迎截圖提供證據來索討10倍退費。 補充說明: 大家出外打拼,做什麼事都不容易, 人家若是做事盡心盡力、願意溝通, 碰到事情一個不順你心就講話那麼難聽, 到底是誰的問題。 與其要在這互相傷害, 為何不尋求解決或是直接退費換別的補習班。我看最近也沒人退費離班啊。 網路上匿名三言兩語就想恣意的攻擊辛勤工作的人,到底是誰沒道德? 如果目的不是要解決問題而是要吵架,就衝著我來,隨時奉陪(既然極光上過課或補習,肯定找的到我)。 但請不要傷害那些辛勤努力沒日沒夜認真工作的極光老師們,那才是沒道德! 最後附上我們110極光一單一個單位全體畢業生的學測榜單: 【極光一110年大學錄取校系榜單】 001陳X穎 台大 電機 002林X樺 國防醫 醫學自費 003陳 X 中山醫 醫學 004陳X琳 中國醫 中醫甲 005余X翰 清華 化工 006陳X勛 國防醫 醫學軍費 007羅X翎 成大 電機 008劉X婷 政大 財管 009蔡X樺 中國醫 物治 010蔡X柏 成大 電機 011黃X誠 中山醫 牙醫 012林X宇 成大 資工 013莊X絜 中國醫 藥學 014林X瑩 交大 生物科技 015陳X睿 中興 電機 016洪X芸 政大 社會 017張X硯 清華 化工 018劉X芃 政大 金融 019林X家 成大 電機 020鄒X倬 中央 物理 021許X週 中央 電機 022洪X婕 政大 資訊科學 023張X安 成大 光電 024李X恩 台師大 教育 025陳X宇 成大 電機 026莊X傑 成大 資工 027鄧X諭 中央 機械 028黃X庭 政大 歐語 029陳X莘 北醫 食安 030朱X閎 成大 資管 031莊X呈 交大 機械 032鄭X儀 台大 植微 033曾X達 北醫 營養 034林X瑜 中興 化工 035林X靖 彰師大 企管 036洪X志 逢甲 資工 037楊X淵 清華 經濟 038賴X堡 北大 金融 039楊X恩 高師大 軟體工程 040張X善 彰師大 英文 041藍X泰 彰師大 機電 042梅X誠 輔大 財金法律 043謝X翔 成大 生科 044陳X浩 中正 數學 045張X慈 中國醫 藥學 046陳X安 暨大 電機 047吳X儀 長庚 醫管 048林X翔 義大 物治 049林X玟 北市大 社會與公共政策 050董X蓁 中興 植病 051賴X瑾 弘光科大 物治 052湯X烜 中國醫 護理 053倪X珊 中央 財金 054趙X諺 海洋 電機 055蔡X庭 淡江 建築 056吳X玄 中興 環工 057余X程 銘傳 財金法律 058曾X堯 長庚 化工與材料 059陳X葳 高雄醫 護理 060許X婕 東海 法律 061張X辰 暨大 資工 062袁X妤 暨大 中文 063黃X宸 東吳 經濟 064董X盛 輔大 企管 065陳X祐 逢甲 材料 066石X妤 世新 新聞 067楊X婷 東吳 企管 068廖X恩 金門 運動休閒 069劉X然 逢甲材料 070洪X閎 嘉大 資工 071尤X瑄 東吳 國貿 072陳X翎 嘉大 生物科技 073王X惟 逢甲 光電 074黃X芯 東海 國貿 075王X睿 輔大 護理 076王X軒 東海 法律 077蘇X芸 中國醫 營養 078林X瑜 義守 護理 079洪X光 逢甲 土木 080林X柔 台南大 教育 081王X晴 東大 資管 082周X寬 中興 昆蟲 083李X軒 中教大 特教 084高X誠 逢甲 土地管理 085葉X逸 逢甲 運輸與物流 086高X淳 宜蘭 土木 087黃X筑 逢甲 環工 088程X捷 逢甲 風險與保險 089林X荃 金門 環工 090林X懿 逢甲 環工 091王X傑 逢甲 精密系統設計 092何X霓 東吳 微生物 093吳X臻 長庚科大 護理 094陳X妤 靜宜 大眾傳播 095簡X昕 文化 資管 096游X玄 銘傳 通訊 097林X柔 靜宜 資訊傳播 098張X淯 朝陽科大 應用化學 099李X翔 義守 大眾傳播 100高 X 義守 資工 101丁X芯 靜宜 國際寰宇學程 102陳X木義 銘傳 資管 103莊X蓁 義守 資管 104李X諺 輔大 化學 105林X晨 長庚 生物醫學 106廖X淇 淡江 資訊傳播 107蔡X文 高雄醫 醫學 108羅 X 台大 政治國際關係組 109吳X喬 台師大 表演 110陳X臻 逢甲 舊金山 資工雙學士學程 111張X言 中正 企管 112黃X昌 聯合 機械 113詹X宜 宜蘭 生物科學 114蔡X洋 台師大 化學 115潘X庭 嘉大 水生生物科學 116陳X廷 東海 企管 117黃X涵 高雄 法律 118黃X熏 輔大 統計 119楊X舜 中山醫 護理 120王X倫 逢甲 企管 121鄭X宜 中央 英美語文 122楊X晏 高醫 應用化學 123陳X瑄 亞洲 護理 124許X柔 台師大 公民教育 125靳 X 北大 應用外語
Sorry, this is my cram school. Individual small tuition classes, In addition to having his own ideals, Of course it is to make money to support the family, But I never thought it would cause so much resentment. As for the content, I don’t agree with it and whether it’s true. Of course I feel that I am farting! Because I am not a rookie who has been in business for a few years, If he couldn't stand the test, he would have been eliminated long ago. But according to the one-star commentator, If the teachers in the Aurora cram school are really that bad, It is caused by my poor leadership, that is, I am bad. I'm here to declare publicly, The poorly done cram school should be eliminated, Should not be brazenly to continue to open business to make money! from now on, It’s up to our internal parents and students to comment, Just collected 100 one-star negative reviews and clearly described the bad things experienced in Aurora as evidence, As soon as 100 negative one-star ratings with evidence are in place, Lao Tzu immediately retires and returns to the field and no longer teaches, and will shut Aurora II without any consideration. As for whether there is chaos, you will know the reason. Current progress: 4/100. By the way, I would like to ask those who have one-star negative reviews 4 questions: 1. Please tell me, the name of your sister being excluded? Tell me and provide evidence. If it is true, I will refund 10 times the tuition fee paid to your family. 2. How does Aurora force students to attend classes in the classroom? I am very curious about the situation, please clearly inform the personnel of the time and features, if it is true, the follow-up treatment method is the same as 1. 3. The teacher is aggressive?! Aurora’s internal parents have my personal line. Please send me a private message to let me know who it is and provide clear evidence. If it is true, I will fire him, and the follow-up method will be the same as 1. 4. The teacher is very bad and the grades have not improved? Different people have different opinions on this matter, and there is no explanation for the original sin of the cram school. You think so we take it and accept it. You can contact me. If this result is caused because we have not managed or helped you, and I cannot provide evidence to let you know what we have done for you, the tuition fee you paid will be refunded to you 10 times, if you are a student Or the parents of students, there must be my line. And all of our colleagues' lines are required to be kept for 3 years and cannot be deleted, and everything speaks with evidence. But when it comes to bad environment?! If you are referring to the software, reply as above. But if it refers to the hardware decoration, you are not good, are you sick?! Above, I am responsible for speaking, Welcome screenshots to provide evidence to claim a 10 times refund. Supplementary note: It’s not easy for everyone to go out and work hard. If people do their best and are willing to communicate, Whenever something doesn’t go well, you just talk so badly, Whose problem is it? Instead of hurting each other here, Why not seek a solution or directly refund the fee for another cram school. I don’t think there has been a refund or leaving work lately. On the Internet, you want to attack hard-working people in a few words anonymously, who is unethical? If the purpose is not to solve the problem but to quarrel, come at me and be with me at any time (since Aurora has attended class or tuition, I will definitely be found). But please don't hurt those Aurora teachers who work hard day and night, that is unethical! Finally, attach a list of all the graduates of our 110 Aurora single unit: 【Aurora One 110 University Admission List】 001 Chen Xying National Taiwan University Motor 002 Lin X Hua National Defense Medicine Medical Expenses 003 Chen X Zhongshan Medicine Medicine 004 Chen X Lin Chinese Medicine Chinese Medicine A 005 Yu X Han Tsinghua Chemical 006 Chen Xxun National Defense Medical Medical Military Expenses 007 Luo X Ling Chengda Electric 008 Liu Xting, Political University Financial Management 009 Cai X Hua Chinese Medicine Therapy 010 Cai X Bai Chengda Electric 011 Huang X Cheng Zhongshan Medical Dentist 012 Lin X Yu Chengda Employer 013 Zhuang X 絜 Chinese Medicine Pharmacy 014 Lin X Ying Jiaotong University Biotechnology 015 Chen X Rui ZTE Electric 016 Hong Xyun Zhengda Society 017 Zhang X Inkstone Tsinghua Chemical 018 Liu Xpeng Political University Finance 019 Lin X Home Chengda Electric 020 Zou Xzhuo Central Physics 021 Xu X Zhou Central Motor 022 Hong Xjie National Chengchi University Information Science 023 Zhang X An Chengda Optoelectronics 024 Li Xen Taiwan Normal University Education 025 Chen Xyu Chengda Electric 026 Zhuang X Jie Cheng Da Employer 027 Deng Xyu Central Machinery 028 Huang X Ting Zhengda European 029 Chen X Xin Bei Medical Food Safety 030 Zhu Xhong Chengda Asset Management 031 Zhuang X submitted to Jiaotong University Machinery 032 Zheng Xyi, National Taiwan University, Plant Micro 033 Zeng X Da Bei Medical Nutrition 034 Lin X Yu ZTE Chemical 035 Lin X Jing Zhang Normal University Business Administration 036 Hong X Zhi Feng Jia Employer 037 Yang Xyuan Tsinghua Economics 038 Fort Lai X Peking University Finance 039 Yang Xen High Normal University Software Engineering 040 Zhang X Shan Zhang Normal University English 041 Blue X Thai Chang Normal University Electromechanical 042 Mei X Cheng Fu Da Finance and Law 043 Xie Xxiang National Chengchi University Department of Biology 044 Chen Xhao Zhongzheng Mathematics 045 Zhang X Ci Chinese Medicine Pharmacy 046 Chen X Ann Cum Big Motor 047 Wu Xyi Chang Gung Medical Management 048 Lin Xxiang Eda Real Estate 049 Lin X Wen Beishi University Social and Public Policy 050 Dong X Zhen Zhongxing Plant Disease 051 Lai X Jin Hongguang University of Science and Technology 052 Soup X Xuan Chinese Medicine Nursing 053 Ni X Shan Central Finance 054 Zhao X Yan Ocean Motor 055 Cai X Ting Tamkang Architecture 056 Wu X Xuan ZTE Environmental Engineering 057 Yu X Cheng Ming Chuan Finance and Law 058 Zeng X Yao Chang Geng Chemical Industry and Materials 059 Chen X Wei Kaohsiung Medical Nursing 060 Xu Xjie Donghai Law 061 Zhang X Chen, Jiu University Employer 062 Yuan X Yu Ji University Chinese 063 Huang X Chen Soochow Economy 064 Dong X Sheng Fu Da Business Management 065 Chen Xyou Fengjia Material 066 Shi X Yu Shixin News 067 Yang X Ting Soochow Enterprise Management 068 Liao X En Kinmen Sports and Leisure 069 Liu X Ran Fengjia Materials 070 Hong X Hong Jiada Employer 071 You X Xuan Soochow International Trade 072 Chen X Ling Jiada Biotechnology 073 Wang X Wei Fengjia Optoelectronics 074 Yellow X core East China Sea International Trade 075 Wang X Rui Auxiliary University Nursing 076 Wang X Xuan East China Sea Law 077 Su Xyun Chinese Medicine Nutrition 078 Lin Xyu Yoshimori Nursing 079 Hong X-ray Fengjia Civil Engineering 080 Lin X Rou Tainan University Education 081 Wang X Qing Dongda Asset Management 082 weeks X wide ZTE insects 083 Li Xxuan China Education University Special Education 084 Gao X Cheng Fengjia Land Management 085 Ye X Yi Fengjia Transportation and Logistics 086 Gao X Chun Yilan Civil Engineering 087 Huang X Zhu Fengjia Environmental Engineering 088 Cheng X Jie Fengjia Risk and Insurance 089 Lin X Tsuen Kinmen Ring Worker 090 Lin X Yi Fengjia Environmental Engineering 091 Wang Xjie Fengjia Precision System Design 092 He X Ni Soochow Microorganism 093 Wu X Zhen Chang Gung University of Science and Technology Nursing 094 Chen X Yu Jingyi Mass Communication 095 Jane Xxin Culture Asset Management 096 Tour X Xuan Ming Chuan Communication 097 Lin X Rou Jing Yi Information Dissemination 098 Zhang Xuo Chaoyang University of Science and Technology Applied Chemistry 099 Li Xxiang Yoshimori Mass Communication 100 high X Yoshisori capital worker 101 Ding X Core Jingyi International Program 102 Chen X Mu Yi Ming Chuan Asset Management 103 Zhuang X Zhen Yoshimori Asset Management 104 Li X Yan Fu University Chemistry 105 Lin X Chen Chang Gung Biomedicine 106 Liao Xqi Tamkang Information Communication 107 Cai Xwen Kaohsiung Medical Medicine 108 Luo X National Taiwan University Political International Relations Group 109 Wu X Qiao Taiwan Normal University Performance 110 Chen Xzhen Fengjia San Francisco Double Bachelor Degree 111 Words X Zhongzheng Enterprise Management 112 Huang X Chang United Machinery 113 Zhan X Yi Yilan Biological Sciences 114 Cai Xyang National Taiwan Normal University Chemistry 115 Pan X Ting Jiada Hydrobiological Sciences 116 Chen X Ting Donghai Corporate Management 117 Huang Xhan Kaohsiung Law 118 Yellow X Smoked Auxiliary University Statistics 119 Yang X Shun Zhongshan Medical Nursing 120 Wang X Lun Fengjia Enterprise Management 121 Zheng Xyi Central English and American Languages 122 Yang X Yan Gao Yi Applied Chemistry 123 Chen X Xuan Asian Care 124 Xu X Rou, National Taiwan Normal University, Civic Education 125 Jin X Peking University Applied Foreign Language
青爭 on Google

我是學生家長 孩子上過幾個不同的補習班 有了可以比較的基礎 就學習環境上 極光貳有整潔嶄新的教室、明亮的光線, 在這裡也遇到不只是傳道授業解惑的老師 更是把學生當自己小孩一樣關心照顧 就學業上 老師們特地量身打造專屬每個人的讀書計畫 循序漸進培養起良好的讀書習慣是我們最大收穫 給學生個別指導,讓他們有自主學習能力 這種種都改變了我對一般補習班的認知 如果經過溝通您或您的孩子還是不喜歡這樣 有溫度有高度的補習班 或是覺得我花了錢補習成績便要如何如何 看到了嗎?大門在那裡慢走不送 畢竟選擇權在自己手裡!!! 但請不要無的放矢 傷害了我們珍重的朋友❤️
I am a student's parent The child went to several different cram schools Have a basis for comparison In terms of learning environment Aurora II has clean and new classrooms, bright light, I also meet teachers who are not just preaching and teaching karma to solve puzzles I even take care of my students as if they were my own children In school The teachers specially tailored a reading plan for everyone Cultivating good reading habits step by step is our biggest gain Give individual guidance to students so that they have the ability to learn independently All this has changed my perception of general cram school If you or your child still don’t like this after communicating There are temperature and height cram schools Or think I have to spend money on tutoring grades see it? The door is there After all, the right to choose is in his own hands! ! ! But please don't aimlessly Hurt our cherished friend ❤️
Alex Lee on Google

以一個家長的經驗來談談這個極光補習班,只能說,完全打破了太多既有補習班的印象與觀念。 首先,無論有沒有來班報名上課,放學後只要來登記,一樣享有免費的課業輔導跟潔淨、明亮、安靜的自習空間,老師也會管理前來自習學生的動向,並且與家長告知,講義跟評量卷像是理所當然似的一律提供。 在教學上,每一位老師都是盡心盡力,有問題一定會教導到完全理解,上完課都會實施測驗,掌握每個孩子的學習狀況,然後透過群組讓家長了解,即使現在因為疫情,改在線上教學也一樣,從沒看過有哪個補習班老師會為了錄製問題解答影片,一題題講解,從凌晨1 點錄到快4點的…. 另外,我也看到極光對於品行管理上的要求,每位老師都是以包容卻不溺愛的方式來對待每位孩子,就像對自己的小孩一樣處處關心,也沒有因為成績優劣而對孩子有管理上差別的待遇,完全不會有孩子遭排擠或霸凌的情形發生,可以說比學校的班導師還要落實,這是其他補習班很難做到的一點,這也賦予了極光一個可以讓孩子們感覺到安心跟放心的學習環境,每個人都可以專注在學習上,不用去煩惱其他人與人相處的問題,讓孩子自主學習的風氣更加提升起來。 再者,班主任會親自對每一位學生與家長做面對面的訪談,了解孩子學習程度,分析狀況,然後量身打造建立專屬的學習計畫表,並且會依每個階段學習的狀況詳實紀錄,定期實施調整,從班主任到老師,都與學生家長建立密切的雙向聯繫管道,共同關心孩子的學習狀況,只要有問題反映,立即有人專責連絡家長處理。 綜上所述,一個對學生幾乎是全方面用心關照的補習班,其中的價值,我想已經不能從金錢的方向來衡量了,就家長立場而言,我不敢說極光是最好的補習班,只不過,我還真的沒看過比極光更好的,以上。
To talk about this Aurora cram school based on the experience of a parent, I can only say that it completely broke the impression and concept of too many existing cram schools. First of all, no matter whether you come to the class or not, just register after school. You will also enjoy free schoolwork guidance and a clean, bright and quiet study space. The teacher will also manage the movements of the former students and inform the parents that the handouts will follow. The assessment papers are provided as a matter of course. In teaching, every teacher is doing his best. If there is a problem, he will teach to a complete understanding. After the class, he will implement a test to grasp the learning situation of each child, and then let the parents know through the group, even now because of the epidemic, It’s the same with online teaching. I’ve never seen any cram school teacher who will record a question-answering video and explain a question from 1 am to 4 am... In addition, I have also seen Jiguang’s requirements for character management. Every teacher treats every child in a tolerant but not spoiling way, just as caring about their own children, and they do not treat their children because of their grades. There is a differential treatment in management, and there will be no cases of squeezing or bullying of children. It can be said that it is more effective than the school’s class tutor. This is a point that is difficult to achieve in other cram schools. This also gives Aurora a place. The learning environment can make children feel at ease and at ease. Everyone can focus on learning without worrying about other people's problems with others, so that children's self-learning atmosphere will be enhanced. In addition, the head teacher will personally conduct face-to-face interviews with each student and their parents to understand the child’s learning level, analyze the situation, and then create a tailor-made learning plan table, and will make a detailed record of the learning situation at each stage. Regular adjustments are implemented. From the head teacher to the teacher, a close two-way communication channel is established with the parents of the students, and they are jointly concerned about the children's learning situation. As long as there are problems reported, someone will immediately contact the parents to deal with them. To sum up, a tuition class that takes care of students in almost all aspects, the value of which can no longer be measured in terms of money, from the standpoint of parents, I dare not say that Aurora is the best tuition. Ban, it's just that I haven't really seen anything better than Aurora, above.
黃琪惠 on Google

I think the director and the teachers here are very attentive. They treat the students as their own children, and they will teach the children how to draw up a reading plan. Even if this subject may not be tutored here, as long as there is a need to ask for a tuition class It will also help you to print the review papers for this subject for free, and the class tutor will spend time discussing with the students. A very dedicated cram school is worth recommending!

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