Bade District Health Center

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Contact Bade District Health Center

地址 :

No. 28, Lane 361, Section 2, Jieshou Rd, Bade District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan 334

電話 : 📞 +8878
網站 :
城市 : Taoyuan City

No. 28, Lane 361, Section 2, Jieshou Rd, Bade District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan 334
妝氏美美 on Google

Calling to ask about vaccinations, the attitude is not kind, it should be in the retirement stage, and if you ask more, you will be impatient, and even say that we only have injections at night, or you can go elsewhere. Don't come to Bade for injections, you continue to support the elderly~
Joice Lee on Google

These four bottles are dessert drinks in the epidemic prevention bag. My mobile phone drawing is not so good, so I can't see it clearly. There are iron embroidery on the bottom of the sticker can, which has been washed by me and thrown into the recycling bin. Remind the staff of the health center, how to give such inferior and defective products to the quarantined people, the quarantined people are not refugees, and there are plastic bags to put chlorine ammonium at will, without clear labels, they should be sealed and packaged! What if a toddler accidentally eats it! Although you are working hard during the epidemic, you are too hasty!
cdh on Google

乖乖 on Google

The attitude of the volunteer mother at the door really needs to be improved. The worst thing is the lady who was consulting with the clinic. She was rude and called people by their names. The blood test staff also had a bad tone. Is it appropriate for the people? Why do I feel that I look down on the people, especially when they treat the elderly
Chen Jamie on Google

在網路上查了很久還是看不懂現在如何持續施打疫苗,也問了很多人也都不太清楚,於是撥打電話詢問,但是接電話人員回答會有那種用嗤之以鼻的態度與口氣回答問題,好像我們是傻子一樣問他們專業人士問題,沒有要你們非常的好有禮貌,但基本的態度請還是要有,做人要懂得互相,畢竟因為真是不懂才致電詢問,也沒對你們口氣不好,若是你們嫌麻煩,請把電話停掉,何必要有撥打專線電話,ps你們已經不是一次狀況這樣。 還有一些一樓志工媽媽,對待老人家的態度也沒有和善,大小聲的,你不要跟我說老人家重聽才大聲說,你的外在動作跟表情很顯明,「你自己也有一天會很老」沒必要這樣,既然有顆願意的心來服務大家,就要秉持著你當初的初心多一點關懷有需要的人,不要來這邊因為在家無聊,所以才來這邊當長舌婦聊是非說個不停,說是非還那麼大聲。
After searching on the Internet for a long time, I still can't understand how to continue to administer the vaccine. I also asked many people and they are not clear, so I called the phone to ask, but the person who answered the phone would answer the question with a sneering attitude and tone. , as if we were idiots and asked them professional questions. I didn’t want you to be very polite, but please have a basic attitude. You must know each other as a person. Well, if you find it troublesome, please stop the phone, why do you need to make a special line call, ps you are not in this situation once. There are also some volunteer mothers on the first floor, who are not friendly towards the elderly, and speak loudly. Don't tell me that the elderly are hard of hearing. Your outward actions and expressions are very obvious, "You will one day also It's not necessary to do this. Since you have a willing heart to serve everyone, you must uphold your original intention and care more about those in need. Don't come here because you are bored at home, so you come here to chat with a long-talking woman He kept talking about right and wrong, and said right and wrong so loudly.
王菜 on Google

上禮拜去做體檢,X光抽血一氣呵成,中途和小姐「完全沒有」對話,只說下禮拜來拿報告。因為這天有事,托我媽來拿,結果竟然謊稱我體檢當天就看過X光了,語氣很不耐煩的跟我媽說我確定有看過、就是有看了。請問體檢當天讓我直接離開的不是你們嗎? 我媽問一下報告上的數據怎麼看,態度很差的說不會自己對後面?我就好奇多收100診察費是用在哪裡?連幫忙看個數據都不願意? 果然是鐵飯碗,有囂張的本錢呢? 後來我得知並說明了當天所有流程,我媽再打電話問清楚X光的下落,小姐態度又改了,低聲下氣的說可能是櫃檯人員有程序漏掉了(踢皮球大師,讚??)。解釋一大堆,反正就是沒有做一般體檢你們就不知道怎麼跑流程了嘛~
I went for a physical examination last week, and X-rays were done in one go. I didn't have any conversations with the lady halfway through. I only said that I would come to get the report next week. Because something happened that day, I asked my mother to pick it up, but I lied that I had seen X-rays on the day of the physical examination, and told my mother impatiently that I had seen it, just that I had seen it. Excuse me, aren't you the ones who told me to leave on the day of the medical examination? My mother asked what the data on the report looked like. She had a very bad attitude and said that she would not face the back by herself. I'm just curious where the extra 100 consultation fee is used? Don't even want to help you see the data? It really is an iron rice bowl, with arrogant capital ? Later, I learned and explained all the procedures of the day. My mother called again to find out the whereabouts of the X-ray. The lady's attitude changed again, and she said in a low voice that the counter staff might have missed the procedure (playing master, like ??). There are a lot of explanations. Anyway, you don’t know how to run the process without doing a general physical examination~
Suzumi on Google

The attitude of the batch registration lady is very poor. A bunch of volunteers or staff were chatting. For the first time, those who do not know the flow of the process have to wait by luck. Advice that no matter what you do, draw a number card.
劉淑惠 on Google

在疫情慌亂的時候,面對緊張總問同樣問題的市民,吳小姐及朱小姐還能和顏悅色,熱情回應,讓人揪暖心❤️辛苦了❤️ 謝謝你們!八德衛生所,有你們真好!?
When the epidemic was in a panic, in the face of nervous citizens who always asked the same question, Miss Wu and Miss Zhu were still able to be kind and responded enthusiastically, which made people feel warm ❤️ Hard work ❤️ thank you all! Bade Health Center, it is great to have you! ?

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