Bank of Taiwan

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Contact Bank of Taiwan

地址 :

No. 653號, Zhongzheng Rd, Xinzhuang District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 242

電話 : 📞 +889999
城市 : New Taipei City

No. 653號, Zhongzheng Rd, Xinzhuang District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 242
張蕾蕾 on Google

這幾天大家趕在過年前換新鈔、換幣, 排隊人潮更是多到不行;銀行的行員們每個人都忙翻了,這家臺銀服務算不錯了,請大家耐心等候,多一份體諒與耐心,大家都得以如願完成作業流程的。 各位台銀行員(南新莊分行)全體同仁們,您們辛苦嘍!
In the past few days, everyone rushed to change new banknotes and coins before the New Year. The crowds in the queue are even too high; everyone in the bank is busy checking, this Taiwan Banking service is pretty good, please wait patiently, with more understanding and patience, everyone can complete the operation process as desired. Dear Taiwanese bankers (Nanxinzhuang branch), all my colleagues, you have worked hard!
Vivian Wang on Google

Rainy days ~ few people less ~ but stayed for more than an hour!
david wu on Google

日期:110.6.15 辦理業務:房屋稅繳費 及 退費 因疫情 房屋稅逾期 溢缴 櫃檯主管積極連络相關單位與税捐處 並於當日 晚間6:00以前處理完成 該主管的積極態度令人印象深刻 請南新莊分行代為轉達謝意 並加以表揚
Date: 110.6.15 Handling business: housing tax payment and refund Due to the overdue payment of the housing tax due to the epidemic, the counter supervisor actively contacted the relevant unit and the tax office and processed it before 6:00 p.m. The positive attitude of the supervisor is impressive. Please Nanxinzhuang Branch to convey thanks and praise
Alice lee on Google

扯~扯~扯~ 平日正常上班時間,打了N次電話, 始終無人接聽,每當轉總機響5秒, 電話還N次自動掛斷,是公家單位銀行的常態嗎?
Tugging ~ tugging ~ tugging ~ I made N phone calls during normal working hours on weekdays, No one answers at all times, every time the switchboard rings for 5 seconds, The phone is automatically hung up N times, is it the norm for public sector banks?
Naya Na on Google

一顆是給辦事人員一顆是體諒大家的辛苦 但是門口警衛不知道在兇幾點?問問題答非所問態度還很不耐煩,不過是問他辦學貸我的家人也要進去嗎?因為是我的的法定監護人,警衛就回說好好好我知道等就對了就是要排隊,我重複把話說清楚一樣是這個回答,我知道您的辛苦,但我們是問問題,可不可以聽完聽清楚在回答?外面人太陽很大多等了很久,聽到這樣實在是無言
One is for the clerks and the other is for everyone’s hard work But the guard at the door doesn't know when it is fierce? Asking questions and answering the question is not the attitude asked, but I am very impatient, but is asking him to run a school loan, my family also want to go in? Because it’s my legal guardian, the guard replied that it’s good. I know it’s the right time to wait in line. This is the answer I repeat to make it clear. I know your hard work, but we are asking questions. Can you finish listening? Listen clearly in answer? People outside the sun are so big and have waited for a long time, I’m speechless to hear
Demi Tang on Google

Mr. Baoquan is very kind and welcoming, will ask you, what banking business is needed, and then he will help you get the list, have a look at the barrier-free toilets!
bo chi on Google

Aimee Miller on Google

The staffs are very helpful to foreigners. Despite of a language barrier, they were able to deliver a satisfying customer service.

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