王美人藝術工作室 Beauty Wang Art Studio-妝感紋繡霧眉 專業推薦(台中北屯)仿真毛流 男士霧眉 紋眼線 隱形眼線 美瞳線 紋繡唇 嘟嘟唇 除色改唇 平價光療凝膠美甲 彩繪美甲設計 手足保養沙龍 皮膚管理 痘痘肌 一對一紋繡教學課程 - Beitun District

5/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 王美人藝術工作室 Beauty Wang Art Studio-妝感紋繡霧眉 專業推薦(台中北屯)仿真毛流 男士霧眉 紋眼線 隱形眼線 美瞳線 紋繡唇 嘟嘟唇 除色改唇 平價光療凝膠美甲 彩繪美甲設計 手足保養沙龍 皮膚管理 痘痘肌 一對一紋繡教學課程

地址 :

40661, Taiwan, Taichung City, Beitun District, Section 2, Xiangshun E Rd

電話 : 📞 +8899
Postal code : 2
網站 : https://beauty-wang.com/

40661, Taiwan, Taichung City, Beitun District, Section 2, Xiangshun E Rd
meow chen on Google

第一次做完改烏唇效果已經很滿意,今天是來補色的~好開心好期待,我跳著進工作室的!! 有心動的不要猶豫,躺著就變美了,放心交給王老師超級快速又專業,不要在外面走冤枉路,那是討皮痛又多花錢呢。
I am very satisfied with the effect of changing the black lips for the first time. Today is to complement the color~ I am so happy and looking forward to it. I jumped into the studio! ! Don’t hesitate if you are tempted, you will become beautiful when you lie down. Don’t leave it to Teacher Wang to be super fast and professional.
陳茜誼 on Google

體會過老師改黑唇的高超技術, 這次皮膚出了很嚴重的問題, 一樣從新竹每周下來給老師做皮膚管理, 皮膚用肉眼可以看見的速度快速的修復, 非常推薦老師的技術, 真的讓人很放心把皮膚交給她!!!
Experienced the teacher's superb technique of changing black lips, This time the skin has a serious problem, The same goes down from Hsinchu every week to do skin care for the teacher, The skin is repaired quickly at a speed that can be seen with the naked eye, Highly recommend the teacher's technique, It's really reassuring to give her the skin!!!
Fish on Google

Come here to class, visit the teacher's working environment after class, not only beautiful, relaxed, you can see a beautiful work of the teacher everywhere, the intimate beauty teacher also pays for the local famous salty cake, even the stomach Conquered by the teacher! (beauty teacher is super cute❤️
孟姍 on Google

第二次回來補色,第一次褪色非常滿意,服務的是一個帥哥,非常細心,刺青霧唇都非常厲害? 王美人老師可愛又活潑,工作室很舒適,非常推薦來這裡。
The second time I came back to make up the color, I was very satisfied with the first fading. The service is a handsome guy, very careful, and the tattoos and misty lips are very good? Teacher Wang Meiren is cute and lively, and the studio is very comfortable. I highly recommend coming here.
蔻妮吉娃 on Google

Brother Kai and Sister Meiren's skills are the best in Taiwan, so I can completely rest assured that they will be changed to black lips! Today, come to complement the color completely easily, more color and more beautiful!
林芷微 on Google

I'm doing embroidered lips and upper eyeliner. Maybe I use top-quality materials. The process is completely painless and fast. After finishing it, I'm so amazed that my complexion is rosy and looks like my younger self~
Emma Lee on Google

一直以來保守上唇太深下唇太淡所苦,經過老師第一次矯色讓上下唇的顏色一致,第二次補色給我好氣色,真的真的很喜歡❤️❤️ 我有蟹足腫體質,事先有先給老師評估,老師說沒問題,事後恢復也很正常??? 能讓自己又美又開心???
The upper lip is too dark and the lower lip is too light for a long time. After the teacher's first color correction, the color of the upper and lower lips is consistent, and the second color complement gives me a good complexion, I really really like it ❤️❤️ I have swollen crab legs. I gave the teacher an evaluation in advance. The teacher said that it was no problem, and the recovery was normal after the event.??? Make yourself beautiful and happy ???
符茉莉 on Google

經過了2年,再度來上美人老師的課! 每次上課都有很多收穫,如果想學紋繡或想進修的朋友們,推薦美人老師!
After 2 years, I came to the class of Teacher Meiren again! Every class has a lot of gains. If you want to learn tattoos or to further your friends, I recommend Teacher Meiren!

Write some of your reviews for the company 王美人藝術工作室 Beauty Wang Art Studio-妝感紋繡霧眉 專業推薦(台中北屯)仿真毛流 男士霧眉 紋眼線 隱形眼線 美瞳線 紋繡唇 嘟嘟唇 除色改唇 平價光療凝膠美甲 彩繪美甲設計 手足保養沙龍 皮膚管理 痘痘肌 一對一紋繡教學課程


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