Beimen Visitor Center

4/5 基於 8 評論

北門遊客中心(北門婚紗美地) | 雲嘉南濱海國家風景區 -

民眾入境後進行3天居家檢疫,並接續4天自主防疫,非必要不可外出;入境者可由親友接送或搭乘防疫車隊 居家照護、居隔/居檢者就醫交通方式,緊急可以119救護車,或照衛生局規劃或指示,以防疫車隊、同住親友接送或自行前往 抗病毒藥物用藥條件的確診者,可由非居隔親友至有配賦抗病毒藥物的醫院代為看診領藥 居家隔離、自主防疫及居家檢疫者快篩陽性,可委由親友持健保卡及快篩檢測卡匣/檢測片至診所或負責居家照護之責任院所請醫師判定是否為確診 COVID-19確診個案同住家人:完成3劑疫苗接種可免居家隔離,改進行7天自主防疫;未完成者仍維持3天居家隔離+4天自主防疫 請民眾接受PCR篩檢時、或確診者填寫自主回報疫調系統,請務必確認資料及手機號碼正確性 民眾使用家用抗原或核酸檢驗試劑檢測結果陽性,經醫事人員確認即為確診;如評估符合使用口服抗病毒藥物適應症等條件,病人同意後,即可開立藥物處方箋,進行治療 兒童確診且在居家照護期間出現抽搐、意識不佳、呼吸困難、唇色發白或發紫、血氧低於94%、肢體冰冷合併皮膚斑駁/冒冷汗等症狀,請撥119或緊急自行就醫 利用「COVID-19疫苗防治一網通」查詢、或洽各地方衛生局合約醫療院所、隨到隨打站完成疫苗接種 7/1起維持現行戴口罩等防疫措施,完整接種疫苗、外出應全程佩戴口罩、勤洗手、保持社交距離;請下載及使用「臺灣社交距離APP」 完整接種 COVID-19 疫苗,有助於降低重症率與死亡率 7/31前,各地方政府提供65歲以上(含55歲至64歲原住民)完成COVID-19疫苗接種民眾,500元(含)以下衛教品及每人2劑快篩試劑 第三輪家用快篩抗原試劑實名制開放購買、及第二輪免費提供0-6歲幼兒(含2015/9/2後出生)5劑家用快篩試劑領取,無須分流 BNT兒童疫苗第2劑開打,接種第一劑滿4周之兒童可至地方合約醫療院所接種第二劑,或依安排至校園接種 接送入境親友者應完成至少兩劑疫苗接種,佩戴口罩及手套;入境親友上車前應消毒手部、鞋底與行李;車上不飲食、不接觸,並適度開車窗保持通風 Novavax疫苗開始接種,提供18歲以上民眾第1、2劑基礎劑、基礎加強劑,及第1次第2次追加劑接種,詳情依各縣市衛生局安排為主 國人、持有效居留證者,及所有來臺轉機者,搭機前得免持2日內PCR報告;境外篩檢陽性者,自採檢日起7日內應暫緩搭機 數位新冠病毒健康證明系統新增SHC格式,符合美、日、加、澳等國旅行使用,並提供「疫苗接種證明、檢驗結果證明、接觸者隔離證明、及確診者指定處所隔離通知書補發」功能,請務必確實填寫正確資訊

Contact Beimen Visitor Center

地址 :

No. 200北門里 Beimen District, Tainan City, Taiwan 727

電話 : 📞 +88787
網站 :
城市 : Tainan City

No. 200北門里 Beimen District, Tainan City, Taiwan 727
azam saifullah on Google

Wall paintings, crystal church, and other things... there are so many good food right here... if you like photography then you ll like being here. There is also one store that sell soooooooo many old style candies...
LAM WK on Google

This is the central part of a few important tour visit area such as Jingzaijiao salt field and the Crystal Church. The colorful wall paintings and the sculptures represents a feeling of love and great for wedding photography. The Crystal Church is having renovation and still available for photos from a slight distance in the small path with fish ponds nearby. The traffic is inconvenient though but worth the effort. There are many mosquitos after sunset and beware.
Canice Tee on Google

A new attraction place that is not to be miss if u are traveling to Southern Taiwan. Lots of paintings on e whole stretch of walls for 1 to take photos. The crystal church is walking distance from e visitor center. Though it's not open to public, but u can take photo from far~ away. In between e church & visitor center, there are lotsa other decorations that u can take photo with. Remember to drop by e 钱来也shop for some childhood goodies too ~
Tom Chen on Google

Aside from the Crystal Cathedral (which is a total letdown), this place has quite a lot to offer for visitors.
Andy Tsai on Google

Beautiful place for photography and a stroll. There are many wall paintings along with sculptures which are great to take pictures with. Near the crystal chapel there is a shop renting out electric scooters, highly recommend renting one to ride through the area which is very enjoyable.
N on Google

This information centre allows you to watch a 12 minutes video clip which explains the history of the surrounding areas.
Steve Ball on Google

Beautiful little village with a small market place well worth a visit.
Chao Willie on Google

A cozy little park in a cozy little town. Must visit the black foot museum. Very interesting place.

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