貝利廚房早午餐 Belly Brunch

4.4/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 貝利廚房早午餐 Belly Brunch

地址 :

202, Taiwan, Keelung City, Zhongzheng District, Xinsan Rd, 19號貝利廚房早午餐 Belly Brunch

電話 : 📞 +8878
網站 : https://instagram.com/belly_keelung%3Figshid%3D9jmbjx3il3nm
城市 : Xinsan Rd

202, Taiwan, Keelung City, Zhongzheng District, Xinsan Rd, 19號貝利廚房早午餐 Belly Brunch
Jadon Gumi on Google

在基隆商辦區巷子裡的早午餐店,店裡空間不大,但不至於到讓人覺得擁擠,光線明亮,讓人覺得很舒適。 每次經過門口都是滿座的狀態,所以找了一個比較離峰的時段來用餐,這次試了店裡夏季限定的餐點,芒果優格、及芒果煉乳吐司,還有店裡價位最高的盤餐肉販拼盤早午餐。 芒果系列的CP值非常高,一杯芒果優格109元,鋪滿了滿滿的愛文芒果,比起一些冰品店一碗芒果挫冰就動輒近200元的確划算,何況貝利廚房使用的是優格,也比碎冰,煉乳等組成的食材來的高級,建議愛芒果的朋友千萬別錯過。 再來就是芒果煉乳吐司,原本以為只是加芒果果醬,結果也是包滿了新鮮的芒果,加了煉乳偏甜膩,不過搭配紅茶吃起來就清爽許多,但怕甜的人可能要稍微衡量一下,但如果是隻螞蟻應該會愛不釋手。 「肉販拼盤早午餐」與其名完全符合,真的是滿滿的一盤肉,培根、德國香腸、煙燻牛肉片、辣味雞腿排等,附上生菜水果沙拉及優格及兩片吐司(其中一片是店裡主打的竹炭吐司,口感很棒),一份310覺得非常划算。 整體而言覺得吃的非常滿足,屬於中價位的早午餐,但相較於附近幾間類似風格的早午餐店,這裡首選就先給貝利了。另外看到有幾則留言對於紅茶顏色混濁及口感微澀的評論,建議可以把菜單看清楚一些,菜單都有說明混濁成因,網路也有一些混濁色澤紅茶的資料,這是好茶葉才會有的冷卻成色。店家使用紅茶葉煮茶,這是連一些手搖飲店都沒做的事情,使用茶包成本比較低,此間店使用的林華泰茶行茶葉也是本人家裡會去買回家自己泡的茶,所以所謂的混濁、或是微澀的口感都是這間茶葉的特性,喝慣添加過多糖、香精的紅茶,或許對於這麼傳統的煮茶方式,還蠻特別的,畢竟感覺店家散發著青春的氣息,卻帶有著一個老靈魂。 找機會會再訪,感覺還有非常多餐點可以嘗試看看!
In the brunch shop in the alley of Keelung's business district, the space is not large, but it is not crowded, and the light is bright, making people feel very comfortable. Every time I passed by the door, it was full, so I found a time off the peak to dine. This time, I tried the summer-limited meals in the store, mango yogurt, and mango condensed milk toast, as well as the highest price in the store. Plate Meal Butcher Platter Brunch. The CP value of the mango series is very high. A cup of mango yogurt is 109 yuan, which is full of Aiwen mangoes. Compared with some ice shops, a bowl of mango ice cream is almost 200 yuan. It is yogurt, and it is also higher than the ingredients composed of crushed ice and condensed milk. It is recommended that friends who love mango should not miss it. Then there is the mango condensed milk toast. I thought it was just mango jam, but it turned out to be full of fresh mangoes. Adding condensed milk is sweet and greasy, but it tastes much more refreshing with black tea, but those who are afraid of sweetness may have to weigh it a little. , but if it is an ant, it should be very fond of it. The "Butcher's Platter Brunch" lives up to its name, it's really a full plate of meat, bacon, German sausage, smoked beef slices, spicy chicken thigh steak, etc. It comes with lettuce fruit salad, yogurt and two pieces of spit Si (one of which is the main bamboo charcoal toast in the store, tastes great), a portion of 310 feels very cost-effective. On the whole, I feel very satisfied, and it belongs to a medium-priced brunch, but compared with several similar style brunch restaurants nearby, Bailey is the first choice here. In addition, I saw a few comments about the cloudy color and slightly astringent taste of black tea. It is recommended to read the menu more clearly. The menu has an explanation of the cause of the cloudiness. There are also some information about the cloudy black tea on the Internet. This is only good tea. of cooling color. The store uses black tea leaves to make tea, which is something that even some hand-cranked drink stores do not do. The cost of using tea bags is relatively low. Therefore, the so-called turbidity or slightly astringent taste are the characteristics of this tea. If you are used to drinking black tea with too much sugar and essence, maybe it is quite special for such a traditional way of brewing tea. After all, I feel that the store exudes youthfulness. Breath, but with an old soul. I will visit again when I get a chance, I feel that there are many more meals to try!
Chen Yi-Mao on Google

Delicious ?
傅承宇 on Google

Cozy with nice food
Kevin Huang on Google

very delicious and healthy
Peggy Lee on Google

very nice sandwich and coffee.
Edward Lin on Google

Quality food at this price range
cy Lin on Google

Delicious food, clean and comfortable.
CP Su on Google

Food is okay but not many seats available and the indoor dining area is quite small! Need improvement in the decor!

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