靜謐森林屋 Best Forest House - Nantou County

4.9/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 靜謐森林屋 Best Forest House

地址 :

55770, Taiwan, Nantou County, Zhushan Township, 中坑路橫巷3號靜謐森林屋 Best Forest House

網站 : https://www.lx-foresthouse.com/
城市 : Zhushan Township

55770, Taiwan, Nantou County, Zhushan Township, 中坑路橫巷3號靜謐森林屋 Best Forest House
shie jin on Google

兩個月前訂的小木屋 (好難訂(´・ω・`) 真的超出預期到棒 娛樂設備、餐具、工具應有儘有 只需帶食材就行 而且住一晚真的不夠玩? 下次一定要來二訪
The cabin I booked two months ago (it’s hard to book (´・ω・`) Really beyond expectations Entertainment equipment, cutlery, tools are all available Just bring food And staying for one night is really not enough to play ? Must visit next time
Pijulin on Google

很早之前就預訂的包棟,氛圍實在太棒了 設備非常齊全,只待了兩天一夜覺得很可惜 之後有機會一定會再來!推
The package of booking is great before, and the atmosphere is too great. The equipment is very complete, I feel very unfortunately for two days. After that, there will be a chance to come again! push
hana liu on Google

優:環境乾淨.娛樂設備齊全 缺:房間之間隔音較差.大部分電信無訊但wifi慢 小插曲,第二天一早還沒退房就被斷水斷電,很熱之虞還不能上廁所 另外注意開車新手不建議,路很小很小
Excellent: clean environment. Entertainment equipment Disadvantage: poor sound insulation between rooms. Most telecommunications have no communication but wifi is slow A small episode, the water and electricity were cut off before I checked out the next morning. It was very hot and I couldn't go to the toilet. Also note that it is not recommended for novice drivers, the road is very small
Mathilda Yeh on Google

Excellent forest environment, both indoors and outdoors can be seen carefully arranged with intentions, but unfortunately only for one night, next time I have a chance to enjoy barbecue and campfire!
安德魯王子的美食旅程 on Google

綿延狹窄的鄉道 看似沒有路 從可以會車走到無法會車 沒有人能想到在這樣的深山當中 有著如此遺世獨立的美式木屋 占地廣闊 森幽清靜 剛下車就被四周圍的蟲鳴鳥叫洗滌心靈 不遠處的生態循環池演奏著流水聲 才進園區就給你滿滿的五感體驗 房子本身有樓上兩間房間 都是閣樓形式 樓下是和室大通鋪 聽老闆說至少可以睡到快20個人 但我們覺得10~15個人左右應該會相對舒適 熱水水量足夠 冷氣空調冷房迅速 一應俱全的廚房 Switch+Karaoke或是桌遊應有盡有 不出門也不會嫌無聊 我選擇躺在露臺的躺椅上望向森林深處 享受這個至福的時光 傍晚 樓下的烤肉區長桌端出了一道道美味的烤肉 美式烤肉架+木炭都不用自己準備 只需張羅食材 取用民宿美麗的高腳杯斟上美酒 就是一頓森林盛宴 宛如童話書中的情節現世 飯後我們升起了篝火 圍坐在森林的角落裡 聊天說笑 由於沒有鄰居 整片山林的喧囂 除了蟲鳴鳥叫以外 就是我們的歡笑聲 隨著點點螢火 捨不得睡 但又不自覺地過度放鬆而靜靜睡去 美好的事物都在這裡了 來了 你就知道多值得~
The long and narrow country road seems to have no road, from being able to meet cars to not being able to meet cars No one could have imagined that there is such an isolated American-style wooden house in such a deep mountain. Covering a vast area, the forest is quiet and quiet As soon as I got off the car, I was washed by the chirping of insects and birds around me. The ecological circulation pool not far away played the sound of running water. Just entering the park will give you a full five senses experience The house itself has two rooms upstairs, both in the form of a loft, and downstairs is a Japanese-style room. I heard from the boss that at least 20 people can sleep, but we think about 10~15 people should be relatively comfortable The amount of hot water and water is sufficient, the air-conditioning, air-conditioning and cold room are fast, and the kitchen is fully equipped Switch+Karaoke or board games are all available, you won't be bored without going out I chose to lie on the deck chair on the terrace and look into the depths of the forest to enjoy this blissful time In the evening, the long table in the barbecue area downstairs brought out a delicious barbecue. The American barbecue grill and charcoal don't need to be prepared by yourself, you only need to gather the ingredients and pour the wine from the beautiful goblet of the homestay. It is a forest feast, just like the plot in a fairy tale. After the meal, we raised a bonfire and sat in the corner of the forest chatting and laughing Since there are no neighbors, the hustle and bustle of the entire forest is our laughter, except for the chirping of insects and birds. With a little firefly, I was reluctant to sleep, but I unconsciously relaxed too much and fell asleep quietly Good things are here, come here, you will know how worth it~
王薇淇 on Google

靜謐的環境如同置身於國外渡假小屋,房間乾淨整潔,看得出老闆十分用心地經營民宿,值得三五好友一同歡樂,特別是現在四月螢火蟲季,滿山遍野的螢火蟲在身邊飛舞是個浪漫又特別的體驗 。
The quiet environment is like being in a foreign holiday hut. The rooms are clean and tidy. It can be seen that the owner runs the homestay with great care. It is worth having three or five friends to have fun together. Especially now in the firefly season in April, the fireflies flying all over the mountains and fields are romantic and romantic. special experience.
傳奇胸奴王 on Google

這次來住一天,是來踩點的。 雖然設備不是頂級,但營造出來的氣氛值得給予5?的肯定。 會再來住個至少2天 也推薦給想要放鬆的各位! ———(以下為建議)——— 除了卡拉OK太陽春、WI-FI很慢以外也沒什麼好挑剔的了 希望可以提升一點點(雖然說來住這裡是為了享受世外桃園的氛圍) 啊對了! 還有一點 冬天碗盤很難洗啊⋯ 有沒有什麼可以改善的方式??
This time, I came to live for a day, and I came to step on the spot. Although the equipment is not top-notch, the atmosphere created deserves a 5? affirmation. Will stay again for at least 2 days It is also recommended for those who want to relax! ——— (The following are suggestions) ——— There is nothing to be picky about except the karaoke sun spring and the slow Wi-Fi. Hope it can be improved a little (although it is said to live here to enjoy the atmosphere of Xanadu) Ah yes! Another point It's hard to wash dishes in winter... Is there any way to improve it? ?
Uncle Ben on Google

Very secluded, has a lot of amenities. Too bad it’s booked throughout the year, so it’s hard to book for a longer weekend getaway. Would come again if stay could be longer.

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