Bianfushan Lookout

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Contact Bianfushan Lookout

地址 :

Lane 41, Zhongshan Rd, Shuangxi District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 227

電話 : 📞 +889
網站 :
Opening hours :
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
城市 : New Taipei City

Lane 41, Zhongshan Rd, Shuangxi District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 227
Bill Liao on Google

It overlooks Sungai Railway Station and is a great place. There are not many people going on holiday, so you can get close to the mountains without being restrained. The trail is slightly steeper, but the height is not very high, so most people can climb the observatory to enjoy the beautiful scenery.
junglelay on Google

蝙蝠山視野開闊,為雙溪八景之一「蝠山遠眺」,最遠可看到福隆海濱,俯瞰整個雙溪街衢。日據時代,雙溪人據此抵抗日軍。 不過登山步道階梯陡峭異常。不過年深日久,長滿青苔,雖危險倒也古意盎然。/
Bat Mountain has a wide view, one of the eight scenic spots in Sungai, "Bat Mountain View". You can see Fulong Waterfront at the farthest and overlook the entire Sungai Street. In the era of Japanese occupation, the Sungai people resisted the Japanese army accordingly. However, the hiking trails are unusually steep. However, the age is deep, covered with moss, and although dangerous, it is full of ancient meaning. /
Debbie Cho on Google

好天氣 假日 非常原始整理好的步道 但是 但是 走了400 500公尺 一直有蜘蛛絲在身上 也沒看到其他人 不走了 哈哈
Good weather, holidays, very primitive and well-organized trails, but after walking 400,500 meters, there was always spider silk on my body, and I didn’t see anyone else, so I didn’t go haha
WU ANSON on Google

雙溪天明宮旁的 逸仙山步道 總長約1500公尺 ,全程都是階梯,單趟路程約40分鐘,展望超好可以看到雙溪區中心,遠眺太平洋貢寮出海口。
The Yixianshan Trail next to Sungai Tianming Palace is about 1500 meters long. The whole journey is made up of stairs. The single journey takes about 40 minutes. Looking forward, you can see the center of Shuangxi District and the Pacific Ocean Estuary.
沈德良 on Google

The trail is under-maintained, and the toilet next to the observation deck is not cleaned and it is very dirty
yiping043 on Google

樓梯無敵多,會爬樓梯爬到腳軟歪腰起笑 。但山頂的瞭望台風景還不錯
barry liu on Google

蝙蝠山現在改成是逸仙山,山頂的中山瞭望臺上去,可以看雙溪全貌,還可以看到福隆的海邊,風景絕佳,展望無限。 可是要非常的不管是走那邊都是很陡的石階。從明天宮上來是一環形一週。 瞭望臺旁有一個基點。
Bat Mountain is now changed to Yixian Mountain. On the top of the Zhongshan Observatory, you can see the whole view of Shuangxi, and you can also see the seaside of Fulong. The scenery is excellent and the outlook is unlimited. But it must be very steep no matter where you go. Coming up from Tomorrow Palace is a circle. There is a cardinal point next to the observation deck.
林柔羽 on Google

Climb up to the observation deck for about 30 minutes. The view here is very vast and condescending. You can also see the seaside in the distance and the train passing by below.

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