Black-Faced Spoonbill Bird-Watching Pavilion

4.5/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Black-Faced Spoonbill Bird-Watching Pavilion

地址 :

Qigu District, Tainan City, Taiwan 724

城市 : Tainan City

Qigu District, Tainan City, Taiwan 724
Chi-Pu Kate Huang on Google

志工知識豐富 學到很多 黑琵雖然不是隨時在那等我們看 但體驗還是很棒 有看到其他的鳥 推薦來走走
Volunteers are knowledgeable and learn a lot Although Hei Pi is not always there to wait for us to see, the experience is still great. I saw other birds and recommended to walk around
Hui Hui on Google

クロツラヘラサギの 鑑賞ができる場所。 クロツラヘラサギは渡り鳥で、ここで越冬(10~3月)する。 台湾は最大の越冬地。 世界の半数以上、2000羽余りがやってくる。 国を挙げての保護のお陰でその数は年々増えている。 日本では 沖縄や九州にもわたってくる。 肉眼では見られないので 望遠鏡が必要。 8時半から4時半まで 望遠鏡を貸りられ観察することが出来る。 自分は 夕暮れをねらい出掛けたため、 望遠鏡はかたづけられていた。 日本から来たと知り、 スタッフの方の ご好意で特別に望遠鏡を出していただけラッキーだった。 午前中は休み、午後2時ぐらいから活発に動き回るらしい。 クロツラヘラサギは以外にも カモメ、セイタカシギ、ソリハシセイタカシギ 、ヘラサギなど 他の鳥も多くみられる。 見せていただいた望遠鏡は 高倍率だったため 干潟を走る 蟹まで見ることができた。
A place where you can see the black-faced Spoonbill. The black-faced Spoonbill is a migratory bird that overwinters here (October to March). Taiwan is the biggest wintering area. More than half of the world, more than 2000 come. Thanks to national protection, the number is increasing year by year. In Japan, it also extends to Okinawa and Kyushu. A telescope is necessary because it cannot be seen with the naked eye. A telescope can be lent from 8:30 to 4:30. Because I went out for dusk, the telescope was set up. I was lucky to know that I came from Japan and to have a special telescope out of courtesy of the staff. It seems to be active around 2pm, resting in the morning. In addition to the black-faced Spoonbill, there are many other birds such as seagulls, black-tailed swordfish, scorpion sandpiper, and spoonbill. The telescope that was shown was high in magnification, so I was able to see even a kite running on a tidal flat.
Wei Fox on Google

黑面琵鷺是全球瀕危鳥種,總數量不超過3000隻,台江地區是目前全世界黑面琵鷺數量最多的度冬棲息地,近年度冬最大數量幾乎都在1000隻以上。春天北返前覓食頻繁,有時會出現在路邊水位適當的休耕魚塭中。偏好在夜間活動,白天大群聚集在空曠不易遭受干擾的海岸灘地或魚塭休息。飛行時頸部伸直,姿態優雅,被稱為『黑面舞者』。覓食時多成小群集體覓食,以略張開的嘴伸入水中左右擺動搜尋,捕食小型魚類及蝦。 每年冬季一到,黑面琵鷺賞鳥亭休息區便會開放讓遊客入內賞鳥,休息區內提供了高倍數望遠鏡及攝影機,除供現場民眾賞鳥外,也把拍到的畫面即時上傳至網路上。若想更詳盡的了解黑面琵鷺,在特定時間裡也有志工會於此處進行解說服務!
The black-faced spoonbill is a globally endangered bird species, with a total number of no more than 3,000. The Taijiang region is currently the winter habitat with the most black-faced spoonbills in the world. In recent years, the maximum number of winter has almost exceeded 1,000. Foraging is frequent before returning to the north in spring, and it sometimes appears in fallow fish salamanders with proper water level on the roadside. Preference is given to activities at night. Large groups of people gather in open beaches or fish breams to rest during the day. When flying, the neck is straight and graceful. It is called "black-faced dancer". When foraging, they usually forage into small clusters, with a slightly open mouth reaching into the water and swinging around to search for small fish and shrimp. As soon as winter arrives, the black-faced spoonbill bird-watching pavilion rest area will be opened for visitors to watch the birds. The rest area provides high-power telescopes and cameras. In addition to the live bird watching, the pictures are also instantly captured. Upload to the web. If you want to know more about Black-faced Spoonbill, there are also volunteers here to provide commentary services at certain times!
阿雄杯杯0826 on Google

Great place to see black-faced spoonbills and other water birds.
Hank Chen on Google

In addition to the black-faced spoonbill, there are many migratory birds and intertidal creatures, and the whole ecology is quite rich.
Y.H. C. on Google

To recommend here, just to have the opportunity to come to Taiwan to see the habitat of black-faced spoonbills last year, on-site as well as the narrator, and specially prepared for the arrival of tourists to view the telescope to assist black-faced spoonbill. A clean environment, vast, you can also see the beautiful scenery, I feel good.
eddie hsiao on Google

The seven-strand wetland is mainly a habitat for the endangered black-faced spoonbill that migrates every winter to spend the winter, so it is listed as an ecological protection area. In addition to the black-faced spoonbill, there are many other winter-like migratory birds like sandpiper, great egret, The heron came here with the migratory birds. In addition to professionally planned bird watching kiosks, there are also professional volunteers who introduce and explain the scene. Although a long-lens telescope was set up here, it is still necessary to bring a high-power telescope to facilitate bird watching,
Jennifer Yu on Google

Over 400 Black-faced Spoonbird in that day that two instructors to point out and they show us used special telescope to watch birds.

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